Description | Sabine informs Pertz that since 1856 the Royal Society has been preparing an index of scientific periodical literature of the 19th century, and once completed, will be published at 'Her Majesty's Stationary Office by authority of the government'. He notes that a number will be given to 'Public Institutions at home and abroad, and the remainder offered for sale at such a price as will defray the cost of paper and printing'. Sabine notes that in order to have as complete a collection as possible, he seeks the help of Pertz to source material from the Royal Society at Berlin. Sabine incloses a list of titles used so far, and asks Pertz to add any that have not yet been included. Sabine notes that although particular journals are related specifically to professions, 'the Medical and Technological Journals for example', they still contain 'strictly scientific papers scattered through', and requests that Pertz includes publications of a similar nature in his list. He requests that once these chosen titles are confirmed, Pertz then send them to the Royal Society. Sabine notes that the Society will cover the costs of this, and emphasises their gratitude for Pertz's assistance.