RefNo | MS/859/2/33 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from R [Richard] Chevenix, Montjeron par Villeneuve St Georges, Seine et Oise, France, to Charles Hatchett, Bellevue House, Chelsea, near London |
Creator | Chenevix; Richard (1774-1830); Irish chemist and mineralogist |
Recipient | Hatchett; Charles (1765-1847); British chemist |
Date | 3 April 1820 |
Description | Hatchett's three cases of wine will probably be sent tomorrow. That intended for Hatchett contains a bottle of Rivesalte for him to try; if he approves another 100 botttles will be sent. Describes the death of Charles Blagden: 'He never was better' and had been walking and discussing science with Berthollet and Laplace before dining. When the servant presented him with coffee, he could not move his left arm and quickly became immobile. He died within four hours. Only one Englishman, Hutton, attended his funeral. Chenevix did not hear of it until too late. Asks if Brande received his reply. Chenevix's Edinburgh Review article quotes his circulation figures as evidence of the diffusion of scientific knowledge in England. The chemical system attributed to Lavoisier did not contain a single thing attributable to him. On Louis XVIII and Elie, Duc de Decazes. |
Extent | 3p |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper |
AccessStatus | Open |