RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1857/07 | Kirkman, Thomas Penyngton: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
NLB/4/405 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Reverend Thomas Penyngton Kirkman, Fellow of the Royal Society | 19 May 1890 |
NLB/3/52 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to the Rev Thomas Penyngton Kirkman, Fellow of the Royal Society | 22 February 1889 |
NLB/10/1003 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to R Owen, Croft Rectory, Warrington | 21 March 1895 |
NLB/10/834 | Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons | 16 February 1895 |
RR/3/165 | Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'On the representation of polyedra' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman | 9 February 1856 |
RR/4/145 | Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'On the theory of the polyedra' by Thomas Penynton Kirkman | 21 February 1862 |
PT/57/3/5 | Plate, polyhedra relating to articles XXXII-XXXVI by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman | [1856] |
RR/3/166 | Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On autopolar polyedra' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman | 30 October 1856 |
RR/3/169 | Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'On autopolar polyedra' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman | 8 April 1857 |
RR/3/162 | Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the enumeration of x-edra having triedral summits, and an (x—1)-gonal base' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman | 13 July 1855 |
RR/5/132 | Letter from Thomas Penyngton Kirkman, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the theory of the polyedra' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman | 24 September 1863 |
NLB/10/1011 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster | 25 March 1895 |
RR/3/170 | Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the partitions of the R-pyramid, being the first class of R-gonous X-edra' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman | 19 January 1858 |
PT/54/9 | Paper, 'On the representation of polyedra [polyhedra]' by Rev Tho [Thomas] P [Penyngton] Kirkman | [1855] |
PT/57/4 | Paper, 'On the K-partition of the R-gon and R-ace' by Rev Tho P [Thomas Penyngton] Kirkman | [1856] |
PT/54/8 | Paper, 'On the enumeration of x-edra having triedral summits, and an (x-1)-gonal base' by Rev Tho [Thomas] P [Penyngton] Kirkman | May 1855 |
RR/3/164 | Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the representation of polyedra' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman | 2 February 1856 |
RR/3/167 | Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the K-partitions of the R-gon and R-ace' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman | 5 January 1857 |
PT/57/3/4 | Plate, polyhedra relating to articles XIX-XXI by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman | [1856] |
PT/57/3/3 | Plate, polyhedra relating to articles VI-XVII by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman | [1856] |
PT/57/3/2 | Plate, hexahedron systems by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman | [1856] |
PT/57/3/1 | Manuscript, 'On autopolar polyedra' by Rev Thos P [Thomas Penyngton] Kirkman | [1856] |
RR/3/171 | Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'On the partitions of the R-pyramid, being the first class of R-gonous X-edra' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman | 28 January 1858 |
RR/4/146 | Letter from Thomas Penynton Kirkman, about his paper 'On the theory of the polyedra' to The Royal Society | 2 January 1862 |
PT/64/5 | Paper, 'On the theory of the polyedra [polyhedra]' by Rev Tho P [Thomas Penyngton] Kirkman | [1862] |
PT/57/3 | Paper, 'On autopolar polyedra' by Rev Thos P [Thomas Penyngton] Kirkman | [1856] |
MC/11/173 | Letter from Tho P [Thomas Penyngton] Kirkman, Croft Rectory, near Warrington, to the Royal Society | 28 February 1878 |
RR/3/168 | Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'On the K-partitions of the R-gon and R-ace' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman | 7 January 1857 |
MC/11 | Volume 11 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1877-1879 |
RR/4/150 | Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the theory of the polyedra' by Thomas Penynton Kirkman | 1862 |
RR/4/147 | Referee's report by Thomas Archer Hirst, on a paper 'On the theory of the polyedra' by Thomas Penynton Kirkman | 23 June 1861 |
RR/4/148 | Second referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'On the theory of the polyedra' by Thomas Penynton Kirkman | 4 July 1861 |
RR/4/149 | Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the theory of the polyedra' by Thomas Penynton Kirkman | 2 June 1862 |
AP/44/6 | Unpublished paper, 'On the theory of the polyedra' by Thomas P [Penyngton] Kirkman | 1862 |
AP/43/5 | Unpublished paper, 'On the theory of the polyedra' by Thomas P [Penyngton] Kirkman | 1861 |
RR/3/163 | Referee's report by William Fishburn Donkin, on a paper 'On the enumeration of x-edra having triedral summits, and an (x—1)-gonal base' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman | 31 August 1855 |
HS/11/45 | Letter, from Thomas P. Kirkman to Sir John Herschel, dated at Croft Rectory near Warrington | 29 March 1862 |
HS/11/53 | Incomplete letter, from Thomas P. Kirkman to Sir John Herschel | 13 November 1863 |
HS/11/47 | Letter, from Thomas P. Kirkman to Sir John Herschel, dated at Croft Rectory near Warrington | 4 April 1863 |
HS/11/50 | Letter, from Thomas P. Kirkman to Sir John Herschel, dated at Croft Rectory near Warrington | 16 November 1863 |
HS/11/51 | Letter, from Thomas P. Kirkman to Sir John Herschel, dated at Croft Rectory near Warrington | 25 November 1863 |
HS/11/44 | Letter, from Thomas P. Kirkman to Sir John Herschel, dated at Croft Rectory near Warrington | 24 March 1862 |
HS/11/49 | Incomplete letter, from Thomas P. Kirkman to Sir John Herschel, dated at Croft Rectory near Warrington | 13 November 1863 |
HS/11/48 | Letter, from Thomas P. Kirkman to Sir John Herschel, dated at Croft Rectory near Warrington | 2 September 1863 |
HS/11/54 | Incomplete letter, from Thomas P. Kirkman to Sir John Herschel, dated at Croft Rectory near Warrington | 13 November 1863 |
HS/11/46 | Letter, from Thomas P. Kirkman to Sir John Herschel, dated at Croft Rectory near Warrington | 10 January 1863 |
HS/11/55 | Postscript, from Thomas P. Kirkman to Sir John Herschel, dated at Croft Rectory near Warrington | 13 November 1863 |
HS/11/52 | Letter, from Thomas P. Kirkman to Sir John Herschel, dated at Croft Rectory near Warrington | 3 October 1864 |
HS/11/43 | Letter, from Thomas P. Kirkman to Sir John Herschel, dated at Croft Rectory near Warrington | 12 March 1862 |