
Authorised form of nameBoyce; Sir; Rubert William (1863 - 1911); pathologist
Dates1863 - 1911
Place of birthOsborne Terrace, Clapham Road, London, England
Date of birth22 April 1863
Place of deathPark Lodge, Croxteth Road, Liverpool, England
Date of death16/06/1911
Bebington cemetery, Wirral, Cheshire, England
Occupationpathologist and hygienist
Research fieldTropical medicine
Tropical diseases
ActivityEducation: Rugby; Paris; University College, London
Career: Appointed assistant professor of pathology at University College, London (1892) following periods of study under Victor Horsley (FRS 1886); appointed to the newly endowed George Holt chair of pathology in University College, Liverpool, then part of the Victoria University, Manchester (1894) where he organised a laboratory of scientific pathology on modern lines and established a school of hygiene; his department of pathology was installed in a building erected for the purpose (1898); appointed bacteriologist to the city of Liverpool (1898); secured funding from Sir Alfred Jones for founding of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (1899); organised a series of expeditions to the tropics to investigate diseases in their natural habitat (1901) which in its first six years sent seventeen expeditions; promoted the early success of Liverpool University (1902); went to New Orleans and British Honduras to study epidemics of yellow fever (1905); suffered a stroke (1906); visited the West Indies at the request of the government to report on yellow fever (1909); went to West Africa for the same purpose (1910); formed a bureau of yellow fever at Liverpool; died at home from an apoplectic seizure (1911).
Kt 1906
MRCP (1888)
MRCS (1888)
Fellow of University College, London
Colonial Office's West African advisory board
Royal commissions on sewage disposal and on tuberculosis.
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election05/06/1902
Age at election39
ProposerCharles Scott Sherrington; Walter Holbrook Gaskell; Sidney Harris Cox Martin; Edward Albert Schafer; John Rose Bradford; Ernest Henry Starling Henry Charlton Bastian; Frederick William Pavy
RelationshipsParents: Robert Henry Boyce, originally of Carlow, Ireland, an engineer who was at one time principal surveyor of British diplomatic and consular buildings in China, and Louisa, daughter of Dr Neligan, a medical practitioner in Athlone, Ireland.
Spouse: Kate Ethel (d. 1902), daughter of William Johnston, a Liverpool shipowner, of Woodslee, Bromborough, Cheshire; sister of Janes Halt, second wife of Sir William Abbott Herdman (FRS 1892) (1901).
PublishedWorksRCN 10323
OtherInfoBoyce was particularly interested in the relationship between Britain and its colonies, reflected in his work at Liverpool. Through his influence a university fellowship was endowed for young medical graduates from the colonies. He was also instrumental in the founding of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
Bulloch's Roll; DNB
Proc Roy Soc Series B 1911-1912 vol 84 pp iii-ix signed by C S S
Archives associated with this Fellow
EC/1902/05Boyce, Sir Rubert William: certificate of election to the Royal Society
NLB/8/83Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to the Cambridge Engraving Company13 July 1893
NLB/9/937Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society30 July 1894
NLB/20/221Copy telegram from Michael Foster, to Rubert William Boyce, [Fellow of the Royal Society], University College, Liverpool[27 February 1900]
NLB/20/325Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, School of Pathology, University College, Liverpool 23 March 1900
NLB/40/466Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir Rubert [William] Boyce FRS10 June 1909
NLB/7/455Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Victor Alexander Haden Horsley, Fellow of the Royal Society22 February 1893
NLB/7/1026Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Klein, Fellow of the Royal Society16 June 1893
NLB/8/149Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society 21 July 1893
NLB/8/114Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to the Cambridge Engraving Company, Cambridge18 July 1893
NLB/8/229Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Rubert Boyce, Pathology Department, University College, Gower Street [London]31 July 1893
NLB/10/590Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to the Direct Photo Engraving Company1 January 1895
NLB/7/1017Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Edwin Ray Lankester, Fellow of the Royal Society16 June 1893
NLB/7/1023Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt] 16 June 1893
NLB/10/18Copy letter from A H White, to Professor Rubert William Boyce27 August 1894
NLB/8/439Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to the Cambridge Engraving Company27 October 1893
NLB/10/553Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, care of E Lawrence, King's Ride, Ascot15 December 1894
NLB/10/992Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, University College, Liverpool19 March 1895
NLB/10/477Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Mr Collings4 December 1894
NLB/10/486Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster4 December 1894
NLB/10/554Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Rubert William Boyce17 December 1894
NLB/8/1009Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Rubert Boyce, Pathological Laboratory, University College, Gower Street, W.C.9 February 1894
NLB/9/20Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor David Ferrier, Fellow of the Royal Society13 March 1894
NLB/10/953Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, University College, Liverpool13 March 1895
NLB/10/938Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Rubert Boyce, University College, Liverpool 11 March 1895
NLB/11/490Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, University College, Liverpool12 July 1895
NLB/9/874Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, [Royal Society]23 July 1894
NLB/13/299Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, [Fellow of the Royal Society], University College, Liverpool22 July 1896
NLB/14/235Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert Boyce, Ashton Hall, Bacteriological Laboratories, University College, Liverpool29 January 1897
NLB/14/424Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Bacteriological Laboratories, University College, Liverpool9 March 1897
NLB/10/945Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, University College, Liverpool 12 March 1895
NLB/19/81Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Robert William Boyce, [Fellow of the Royal Society]14 June 1899
NLB/17/647Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Dr Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer, [Fellow of the Royal Society][December 1898]
NLB/20/251Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Messrs Harrison & Sons6 March 1900
NLB/18/798Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert Boyce15 May 1899
NLB/18/552Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Professor Boyce and Professor Warrington27 March 1899
NLB/20/176Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, [Fellow of the Royal Society]19 February 1900
NLB/20/159Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, [Fellow of the Royal Society]16 February 1900
NLB/20/195Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Messrs Harrison & Sons21 February 1900
NLB/20/249Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Pathology School, University College, Liverpool6 March 1900
NLB/26/680Copy telegram from Royal Society to, [Rubert William] Boyce, University College, Liverpool[May 1903]
NLB/26/278Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor Rubert William Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society[February 1903]
NLB/27/259Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Professor Rubert Willliam Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society29 July 1903
NLB/25/759Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Sidney Harris Cox Martin, Professor Rubert William Boyce, [Fellows of the Royal Society], and Professor McFadyen19 December 1902
NLB/27/153Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Professor Rubert Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society13 July 1903
NLB/27/316Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society6 August 1903
NLB/27/741Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society24 November 1903
NLB/27/557Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society21 October 1903
NLB/27/715Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Professor Rubert Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society18 November 1903
NLB/30/536Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society18 April 1905
NLB/30/653Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society2 May 1905
NLB/30/704Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society9 May 1905
NLB/30/736Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society15 may 1905
NLB/29/594Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society, Major Ronald Ross, Fellow of the Royal Society, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine11 November 1904
NLB/29/643Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Rubert Boyce, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Dean of the Tropical School, Liverpool18 November 1904
NLB/33/408Copy letter from A H White, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society, Liverpool27 August 1906
NLB/37/518Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor S [Sidney Harris Cox] Martin, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Phyisology Sectional Committee1 April 1908
NLB/37/411Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor S [Sidney Harris Cox] Martin, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physiology Sectional Committee16 March 1908
NLB/37/790Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir Rubert Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society15 May 1908
NLB/37/613Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor S [Sidney Harris Cox] Martin, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physiology Sectional Committee. 13 April 1908
NLB/37/697Copy letter from Archibald Geikie to Sir Rubert Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society2 May 1908
NLB/39/333Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr C [Charles] J [James] Martin, Fellow of the Royal Society5 January 1909
NLB/40/503Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir Rubert [William] Boyce FRS 16 June 1909
NLB/41/447Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Rubert Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society15 December 1909
NLB/41/389Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Rubert Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society6 December 1909
NLB/43/330Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Rubert Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society12 December 1910
RR/11/233Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'Madura foot' by Rubert William Boyce and Surveyon13 April 1893
RR/11/232Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'Upon the action of gravity on bacterium zopfii' by Rubert William Boyce and A Ernest Evans13 April 1893
RR/11/231Referee's report by Edwin Ray Lankester, on a paper 'Upon the action of gravity on bacterium zopfii' by Rubert William Boyce and A Ernest Evans24 March 1893
RR/14/56Referee's report by Edward Emanuel Klein, on a paper 'Observations upon the normal and pathological histology and bacteriology of the oyster' by William Abbott Herdman and Rubert William Boyce[March 1899]
AP/74/3/2Unpublished figures, oyster anatomy by W A [William Abbott] Herdman and Rubert Boyce1898
IM/000487Boyce, Sir Rubert Williamc 1906
NLB/14/510Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Scott Burdon Sanderson, Fellow of the Royal Society23 March 1897
NLB/10/476Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to the Direct Photo-Engraving Company4 December 1894
NLB/10/947Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Professor Rubert William Boyce[March 1895]
NLB/27/714Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, Fellow of the Royal Society18 November 1903
RR/14/11Referee's report by John Newport Langley, on a paper 'Observations on the anatomy, physiology and degenerations of the nervous system of the bird' by Rubert William Boyce and W B Warrington20 December 1898
RR/12/60Second referee's report by John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, on a paper 'A contribution to the study of descending degenerations in the brain and spinal cord, and of the seat of origin and paths of conduction of the fits in absinthe epilepsy' by Rubert William Boyce7 April 1894
AP/74/3Unpublished paper, 'Observations upon the normal and pathological histology and bacteriology of the oyster' by W A [William Abbott] Herdman and Rubert Boyce1898
AP/74/3/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Observations upon the normal and pathological histology and bacteriology of the oyster' by W A [William Abbott] Herdman and Rubert Boyce1898
PP/22/21/1Manuscript, 'The action of gravity upon Bacterium Zopfii' by Rubert William Boyce and A Ernest Evans1893
RR/14/55Referee's report by Sidney Harris Cox Martin, on a paper 'Observations upon the normal and pathological histology and bacteriology of the oyster' by William Abbott Herdman and Rubert William Boyce11 April 1899
RR/12/58Referee's report by David Ferrier, on a paper 'A contribution to the study of descending degenerations in the brain and spinal cord, and of the seat of origin and paths of conduction of the fits in absinthe epilepsy' by Rubert William Boyce17 April 1894
RR/12/59Referee's report by John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, on a paper 'A contribution to the study of descending degenerations in the brain and spinal cord, and of the seat of origin and paths of conduction of the fits in absinthe epilepsy' by Rubert William Boyce9 May 1894
RR/12/61Referee's report by John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, on a paper 'A contribution to the study of I., some of the decussating tracts of the mid- and inter-brain, and II., of the pyramidal system in the mesencephalon and bulb' by Rubert William Boyce28 June 1894
RR/12/62Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'A contribution to the study of I., some of the decussating tracts of the mid- and inter-brain, and II., of the pyramidal system in the mesencephalon and bulb' by Rubert William Boyce5 November 1894
RR/14/12Referee's report by Frederick Walker Mott, on a paper 'Observations on the anatomy, physiology and degenerations of the nervous system of the bird' by Rubert William Boyce and W B Warringtonnd [February 1899]
RR/14/54Referee's report by Walter Frank Raphael Weldon, on a paper 'Observations upon the normal and pathological histology and bacteriology of the oyster' by William Abbott Herdman and Rubert William Boyce8 February 1899
PP/22/21/2Photographs, the action of gravity upon Bacterium Zopfii by Rubert William Boyce and A Ernest Evans1893
PP/22/21Paper, 'The action of gravity upon Bacterium Zopfii' by Rubert William Boyce and A Ernest Evans1893
MC/18/57Letter from [Michael] Foster, Villa San Giovanni, San Remo, Italy, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison9 January 1903
MC/23/61Letter from Rubert [William] Boyce, Thompson Yates Laboratories, University of Liverpool, to [Robert Harrison], [The Royal Society]11 May 1908
MC/23/60Letter from Rubert [William] Boyce, EE-Yuan, Lower Road, Hampton Wick, to Sir Archibald Geikie, Secretary of The Royal Society4 January 1908
MC/26/221Letter from [Ronald] Ross, Pendyffryn, Llanddudno [sic.], [North] Wales, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]July 1911
MC/26/220Letter from Ronald Ross, The Incorporated Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Johnston Tropical Laboratory, University of Liverpool, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]12 July 1911
MC/18Volume 18 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1903
MC/21Volume 21 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1906
MC/23Volume 23 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1908
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