
Authorised form of nameBradford; Sir; John Rose (1863 - 1935); physician and physiologist
Dates1863 - 1935
Place of birthLondon, England
Date of birth07 May 1863
Place of death8 Manchester Square, London
Date of death07/04/1935
Occupationphysician and physiologist
Research fieldPhysiology
University College School, London; University College MD (1881); DSc
Served as house physician in University College Hospital (1886); Assistant Physician, University College Hospital (1889); Assistant Physician at the National Hospital for Diseases of the Nervous System, Queen Square (1893-1896); superintendent of the Brown Animal Institution (1895-1903); appointed Professorship of Material Medica at University College (1895); promoted to full Physician at University College Hospital (1897); delivered the Croonian Lecture (1904) and the Lumleian Lectures (1920); served in France in the First World War for five years as Consulting Physician to the British Expeditionary Force with the rank of Major-General; gained knowledge of tropical diseases whilst Physician to the Seamen's Hospital, which led to him becoming the Senior Medical Advisor to the Colonial Office (1912-1924); unsuccessfully stood as candidate for the University of London parliamentary seat (1924); delivered the Harveian Oration at the Royal College of Physicians and served as the President of the College (1926-1930).
FRCP (1897)
KCMG (1911)
CB (1915)
CBE (1919)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election07/06/1894
Age at election31
ProposerWalter Holbrook Gaskell; John Newport Langley; Edward Albert Schafer; Sydney Ringer; James Paget; Willaim Roberts; Philip Henry Pye-Smith; Edward Emanuel Klein; Edward Bagnall Poulton; Henry Charlton Bastian
RSActivityRoyal Society roles:
For Sec 1907-1908; Sec 1908-1915; member of the Tropical Diseases Committee (1907); Secretary in the biological section (1908-1915)
RelationshipsParents: Abraham Rose Bradford, naval surgeon, and Ellen, daughter of Nicholas Littleton.
Spouse: Mary, daughter of Thomas Ffoulkes Roberts, of Llanidloes, Montgomeryshire, sometime mayor of Manchester, and niece of the physician Sir William Roberts (1899).
OtherInfoHis chief interest was electrical phenomena with secretion, innervation of various blood vessels, and renal function. Later turning his attention to kidney disease, a field in which he became an authority.
Royal Society Obituary or MemoirClick to view (may be contained within a meeting notice, presidential address or list of death notices)
Bulloch's Roll; DNB
Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society 1932-1935 vol l pp 527-535, plate, by T R Elliott
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
NLB/64/697Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS4 June 1923
MM/16/22Letter from JR Bradford to the Royal Society4 July 1898
CMB/42/1Swine Fever CommitteeJuly 1914 to March 1915
CMB/10/1Minutes, meeting of the Glassworkers' Cataract Committee3 July 1908
CMB/51/80Copy, letter from Sir John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society, to the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office12 March 1914
CMB/50/54Minutes, meeting of the Sleeping Sickness Sub-Committee18 July 1907
CMB/50/53Minutes, meeting of the Sleeping Sickness Sub-Committee28 May 1907
CMB/51/55Copy, letter from J R Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House, to the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office4 March 1913
CMB/53/18Letter from G D H Carpenter to [Sir John Rose] Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society23 November 1910
CMB/10/42Minutes, meeting of the Glassworkers' Cataract Commitee9 November 1923
CMB/10/45Minutes, meeting of the Glassworkers' Cataract Committee4 February 1926
CMB/10/41Copy, letter from [Sir John Rose Bradford], of the Glassworkers Cataract Committee, to the Rt Hon Secretary of State, Home Office, Whitehall6 May 1921
CMB/10/40Minutes, meeting of the Glassworkers Cataract Committee6 May 1921
CMB/10/25Minutes, meeting of the Glassworkers Cataract Committee9 April 1913
NLB/66/47Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS14 February 1924
NLB/66/246Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS27 March 1924
CMB/51/109Letter from Andrew Balfour, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, to Sir John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society10 March 1926
NLB/66/912Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS20 September 1924
NLB/46/522Copy letter from A H White, to Sir John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society10 September 1912
NLB/26/451Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society24 March 1903
IM/000509Bradford, Sir John Rosend
NLB/50/570Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office30 July 1914
CMB/10Glassworkers' Cataract CommitteeJuly 1908 to June 1928
CMB/53Tropical Diseases Subcommittee on Sleeping Sickness and Kala AzarDecember 1907 - May 1925
NLB/40/487Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor J [John] Rose Bradford, Secretary RS 15 June 1909
NLB/40/730Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Professor E [Edward] A [Albert] Schafer FRS22 July 1909
NLB/46/13Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Earl of Ellesmere23 May 1912
NLB/36/19Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society24 July 1907
NLB/27/883Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society16 December 1903
NLB/40/700Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to D [David] Thoday19 July 1909
NLB/40/731Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to H B Fantham27 July 1909
NLB/1/217Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Rose Bradford 19 October 1886
NLB/44/773Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir John Bradford, KCMG, Sec RS7 November 1911
NLB/2/1004Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]28 January 1889
NLB/2/1018Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Rose Bradford, 30 Blomfield Street, Upper Westbourne Terrace, W.30 January 1889
NLB/11/315Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society31 May 1895
NLB/41/271Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Professor Albert Charles Seward, Fellow of the Royal Society11 November 1909
NLB/11/787Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society7 October 1895
NLB/11/764Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Robarts, Lubbock & Company2 October 1895
NLB/14/621Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons10 April 1897
NLB/26/41Copy letter from unknown correspondent to, Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society[January 1903]
NLB/16/292Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr J Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society8 March 1898
NLB/13/517Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Messrs Robarts, Lubbock & Company 2 October 1896
NLB/13/545Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Henry Hoyle Howorth, Professor William Odling, and Dr John Rose Bradford, Fellows of the the Royal Society5 October 1896
NLB/24New Letter Book volume 24, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration13 February 1902-21 July 1902
NLB/25New Letter Book volume 25, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration21 July 1902-12 January 1903
RR/15/45Referee's report by John Rose Bradford, on the Croonian Lecture 'Immunity with special reference to cell life' by Paul Ehrlich May 1900
NLB/49New Letter Book volume 49, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration27 October 1913-6 April 1914
NLB/65New Letter Book volume 65, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration12 July 1923-31 January 1924
NLB/68New Letter Book volume 68, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration24 April 1925-10 December 1925
RR/16/187Referee's report by John Rose Bradford, on a paper 'Influence of rainy winds on Phthisim' by W GordonJune 1904
RR/17/90Referee's report by John Rose Bradford, on a paper 'The action of pituitary extracts upon the kidney' by Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer and Percy T Herring[June 1906]
NLB/16/346Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr J R Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society21 March 1898
NLB/25/51Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society30 July 1902
NLB/18/458Copy letter from Michael Foster, to [Dr J Rose] Bradford14 March 1899
NLB/19/239Copy letter from Robert William Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society18 July 1899
NLB/18/796Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor J R Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society15 May 1899
NLB/19/500Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Rose Bradford, [Fellow of the Royal Society]16 October 1899
NLB/19/457Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society7 October 1899
NLB/18/620Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr J Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society12 April 1899
NLB/20/712Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Mr John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society22 June 1900
NLB/42/661Copy letter from J [John] Rose Bradford, Sec RS to Professor [Henry Edward] Armstrong1910
NLB/20/742Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society28 June 1900
NLB/20/509Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society10 May 1900
NLB/21/211Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society28 September 1900
NLB/22/737Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr [John] Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society8 July 1901
NLB/23/2/242Copy letter from Sir Michael Foster, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society16 July 1902
NLB/21/634Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society21 December 1900
NLB/26/373Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Dr John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society, 8 Manchester Square, W.9 March 1903
NLB/21/689Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society10 January 1901
NLB/23/1/312Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society24 October 1901
NLB/23/1/753Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society16 January 1902
NLB/23/2/222Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society2 July 1902
NLB/25/450Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society7 November 1902
NLB/23/1/625Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Dr John Rose Bradford, [Fellow of the Royal Society]17 December 1901
NLB/23/2/537Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to The Under Secretary of State for India, India Office, Whitehall26 October 1904
NLB/25/45Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society30 July 1902
NLB/24/246Copy letter from unknown correspondent, to Dr John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society10 April 1902
NLB/24/819Copy letter from unknown correspondent, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society16 July 1902
NLB/24/247Copy letter from unknown correspondent, to Dr John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society10 April 1902
NLB/24/425Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [John Rose] Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society14 May 1902
NLB/25/363Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society22 October 1902
NLB/25/544Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society18 November 1902
NLB/29/719Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society29 November 1904
NLB/26/426Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society17 March 1903
NLB/24/665Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [John Rose] Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society14 June 1902
NLB/24/675Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Hugo Muller, Fellow of the Royal Society16 June 1902
NLB/24/549Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society2 June 1902
NLB/26/117Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society, 8 Manchester Square, W.28 January 1903
NLB/26/834Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society9 June 1903
NLB/26/128Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society28 January 1903
NLB/27/253Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society27 July 1903
NLB/27/271Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society29 July 1903
NLB/27/407Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society15 September 1903
NLB/27/401Copy letter from F A Towle, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society11 September 1903
NLB/27/398Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society7 September 1903
NLB/27/402Copy letter from F A Towle, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society12 September 1903
NLB/28/44Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Colonel David Bruce, Fellow of the Royal Society, care of Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society23 December 1903
NLB/29/150Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society13 July 1904
NLB/28/352Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society22 February 1904
NLB/30/522Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society7 April 1905
NLB/30/571Copy memoranda regrading the cause of Sleeping Sickness, signed by J Rose Bradford, David Bruce, E Ray Lankester, M Foster, J Lister, Ronald Ross, J Burdon-Sanderson, C S Sherrington, and Dr F W Mott, [Fellows of the Royal Society][April 1905]
NLB/30/793Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society[24] May 1905
NLB/31/95Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society20 June 1905
NLB/34/824Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society14 March 1907
NLB/29/523Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society31 October 1904
NLB/31/478Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor [John Rose] Bradford, [Fellow of the Royal Society]26 September 1905
NLB/31/101Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society21 June 1905
NLB/31/702Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor [John Rose] Bradford, [Fellow of the Royal Society]3 November 1905
NLB/37/548Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor J [John] Rose Bradford. Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society4 April 1908
NLB/34/88Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society26 November 1906
NLB/33/181Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society12 July 1906
NLB/42/821Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to [Major R] Ross11 October 1910
NLB/33/722Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society26 October 1906
NLB/37/711Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor J [John] Rose Bradford, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society4 May 1908
NLB/32/816Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society30 May 1906
NLB/35/3Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society26 March 1907
NLB/40/791Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor J [John] R [Rose] Bradford, Secretary RS 20 August 1909
NLB/35/343Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society17 May 1907
NLB/35/833Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Fellow of the Royal Society]22 July 1907
NLB/34/567Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society8 February 1907
NLB/34/649Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Dr John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society22 February 1907
NLB/28/196Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Assistant Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Office28 January 1904
NLB/39/611Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to The Comptroller, HM Stationery Officer, RLSFebruary 1909
NLB/39/199Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Captain McCarrison9 December 1908
NLB/36/714Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Lord Fitzmaurice, Under Secretary of State, Foreign Office6 December 1907
NLB/39/568Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Professor Adrian Brown, The University, Birmingham5 February 1909
NLB/37/351Copy letter from Archibald Geikie to Mr F E Beddard6 March 1908
NLB/37/550Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to H [Henry] G [George] Plimmer4 April 1908
NLB/37/365Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir Archibald Geikie, KCB, Secretary of the Royal Society9 March 1908
NLB/40/338Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to [Frederick Walker] Mott27 May 1909
NLB/37/539Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Messrs Robarts Lubbock & Co3 April 1908
NLB/41/431Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Arthur Everett Shipley, Fellow of the Royal Society10 December 1909
NLB/41/339Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Dr [Samuel Barnett] Schryver, Fellow of the Royal Society22 November 1909
NLB/37/507Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to The Right Honorable The Lord Rayleigh OM, President of the Royal Society31 March 1908
NLB/37/576Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir William Crookes, Fellow of the Royal Society8 April 1908
NLB/37/580Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir Archibald Geikie, KCB, Fellow of the Royal Society, Secretary of the Royal Society8 April 1908
NLB/46/521Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society2 September 1912
NLB/39/57Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to His Excellency, The German Ambassador, 9 Carlton House Terrace, SWNovember 1908
NLB/39/231Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor S [Sydney] J [John] Hickson, Fellow of the Royal Society15 December 1908
NLB/39/222Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Sir Henry Cunynghame, KCB14 December 1908
NLB/39/693Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor J [John] Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society24 February 1909
NLB/39/200Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Captain McCarrison9 December 1908
NLB/38/367Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society21 July 1908
NLB/41/433Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Professor Ernest Bagnall Poulton, Fellow of the Royal Society10 December 1909
NLB/43/52Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Major Ronald Ross, Fellow of the Royal Society28 October 1910
NLB/38/687Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society23 October 1908
NLB/39/208Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor J [John] Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society11 December 1908
NLB/39/565Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to L B Prout and A Beeot5 February 1909
NLB/39/814Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to The Under Secretary of State, India Officer, SW18 March 1909
MC/25/3Letter from Henry [Edward] Armstrong, Royal Institution of Great Britain, to Dr [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]25 February 1910
NLB/39/408Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office19 January 1909
NLB/39/777Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to G S West10 March 1909
NLB/39/570Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Professor H [Henry] E [Edward] Armstrong, Fellow of the Royal SocietyFebruary 1909
NLB/39/567Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to J W Ellis and J A Gardner5 February 1909
NLB/39/566Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to C Doree and A Sandman5 February 1909
NLB/41/432Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Dr Sidney Frederic Harmer, Fellow of the Royal Society10 December 1909
NLB/41/629Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Dr John Horne, Fellow of the Royal Society24 January 1910
NLB/40/211Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Dr E F Bashford and Dr J A Murray3 May 1909
NLB/40/386Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to C [Charles] J [James] Martin2 June 1909
NLB/46/126Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Leonard Hill, Fellow of the Royal Society13 June 1912
NLB/40/149Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Professor W B Bottomley23 April 1909
NLB/40/151Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Professor W [William] M [Maddock] Bayliss FRS23 April 1909
NLB/40/199Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Thomas Lupton, Solicitor to the Royal Institution3 May 1909
NLB/40/295Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Professor A [Arthur] Dendy FRS 19 May 1909
NLB/46/74Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Mrs W M Bayliss6 June 1912
NLB/38/797Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society9 November 1908
NLB/40/299Copy letter from Joseph Larmor and John Rose Bradford to A [Alfred] F [Fernadez] Yarrow21 May 1909
NLB/40/840Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor J [John] R [Rose] Bradford, Sec RS15 September 1909
NLB/40/814Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr F [Frederick] G [Gowland] Hopkins FRS 31 August 1909
NLB/43/592Copy letter from Joseph Larmor and John Rose Bradford, to Professor Henry Edward Armstrong, Fellow of the Royal Society18 February 1911
NLB/41/145Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society22 October 1909
NLB/40/823Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor J [John] R [Rose] Bradford, Secretary RS 4 September 1909
NLB/40/592Copy letter from John Rose Bradford Secretary RS [Secretary of the Royal Society] to Dr A C Rankin, c/o Professor J [John] G [George] Adami, FRS [Fellow of the Royal Society]28 June 1909
NLB/40/619Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office9 July 1909
NLB/41/572Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office15 January 1910
NLB/40/71Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr John Rose Bradford, Sec RS 1 April 1909
NLB/40/12Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr F [Frederick] F [Frost] Blackman FRS 22 March 1909
NLB/40/70Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr S [Sidney] F [Frederic] Harmer FRS2 April 1909
NLB/40/813Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr J [John] S [Scott] Haldane FRS31 August 1909
NLB/43/675Copy letter from Joseph Larmor and John Rose Bradford, to The Secretary H M Treasury8 March 1911
NLB/40/820Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor [John Rose] Bradford, Sec RS 1 September 1909
NLB/40/812Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor W [William] Bateson FRS 30 August 1909
NLB/41/607Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Controller, H M Stationery Office21 January 1910
NLB/43/345Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Under Secretary of State, India OfficeDecember 1910
NLB/40/802Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor J [John] R [Rose] Bradford, Sec RS 26 August 1909
NLB/40/843Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor J [John] Rose Bradford, Sec RS 15 September 1909
NLB/41/346Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Dr Arthur Everett Shipley, Fellow of the Royal Society25 November 1909
NLB/41/480Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society21 December 1909
NLB/42/74Copy letter from John Rose Bardford, Secretary Rs [Secretary of the Royal Society] to Dr F [Frederick] F [Frost] Blackman, FRS21 March 1910
NLB/42/328Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, Secretary RS to The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office23 May 1910
NLB/42/245Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, Secretary RS [Secretary of the Royal Society] to Sir H Llewellyn Smith, KBC, Permanent Secretary, Marine Department of the Board of Trade, 7 Whitehall Gardens, SW29 April 1910
NLB/42/67Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr J [John] R [Rose] Bradford, Sec RSUndated
NLB/41/563Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society14 January 1910
NLB/42/124Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr J [John] R [Rose] Bradford, Sec RS 7 April 1910
NLB/41/270Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Professor Adam Sedgwick, Fellow of the Royal Society10 November 1909
NLB/41/338Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Comptroller, H M Stationery Office22 November 1909
NLB/41/268Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Dr Victor Herbert Veley, Fellow of the Royal Society, and Dr Augustus Desire Waller, Fellow of the Royal Society[November 1909]
NLB/41/428Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society11 December 1909
NLB/41/630Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to J Barcroft, Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge24 January 1910
NLB/42/303Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor [John Rose] Bradford, Sec RS [Secretary of the Royal Society]13 May 1910
NLB/41/651Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society 28 January 1910
NLB/48/635Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society18 August 1913
NLB/42/330Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr J [John] R [Rose] Bradford, Sec RS 24 May 1910
NLB/41/429Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Professor Albert Charles Seward, Fellow of the Royal Society13 December 1909
NLB/43/360Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Major Ronald Ross, Fellow of the Royal Society15 December 1910
NLB/42/391Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, Sec RS to the Right Honourable, The Secretary of State for the Home Department3 June 1910
NLB/42/411Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to The Secretary, HM Treasury6 June 1910
NLB/42/470Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor J [John] Rose Bradford, Sec RS 17 June 1910
NLB/42/353Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, Secretary RS to The Under Secretary of State for India, India Office27 May 1910
NLB/42/357Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr H Forster Morley27 May 1910
NLB/41/631Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Mrs E M R Shakespear, 21 Woodland Road, Northfield, near Birmingham24 January 1910
NLB/41/699Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Professor Albert Charles Seward, Fellow of the Royal Society8 February 1910
NLB/42/426Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor J [John] Rose Bradford, Secretary RS 10 June 1910
NLB/41/798Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to John Scott Haldane, Fellow of the Royal Society28 February 1910
NLB/41/682Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Arthur Everett Shipley, Fellow of the Royal Society3 February 1910
NLB/42/517Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor J [John] Rose Bradford, Secretary RS 27 June 1910
NLB/44/682Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, KCMG, Secretary of the Royal Society17 October 1911
NLB/42/613Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor J [John] Rose Bradford, Sec RS 15 July 1910
NLB/42/686Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, Secretary RS [Secretary of the Royal Society] to Lieutenant Fraser RAMC 2 August 1910
NLB/42/716Copy letter from Theodore E James to Dr J [John] Rose Bradford, Sec RS14 September 1910
NLB/50/431Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to H A Hyde, Downing College, Cambridge3 July 1914
NLB/43/222Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Guy Marshall, British Museum (Natural History)23 November 1910
NLB/43/73Copy letter from Joseph Larmor and John Rose Bradford, to The Lord Brassey1 November 1910
NLB/44/280Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society to Unknown Recipient7 June 1911
NLB/43/263Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Dr Henry Charlton Bastian, Fellow of the Royal Society2 December 1910
NLB/43/264Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Secretary of State, The War Office30 November 1910
MC/26/103Letter from [John Scott] Haldane, Summit House, Pike's Peak, [West] Manitou, Colorado, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]24 July 1911
NLB/45/103Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir John Rose Bradford, Sec RS21 December 1911
NLB/44/279Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Professor [Sydney John] Hickson6 June 1911
NLB/44/791Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir J [John] Rose Bradford, KCMG, Sec RS13 November 1911
NLB/44/736Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to [Leonard Erskine] Hill1 November 1911
NLB/43/587Copy letter from John Rose Bradford and Joseph Larmor, to The Treasurers of the National Antarctic Expedition Fund16 February 1911
NLB/43/646Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Professor Thomas Gregor Brodie, Fellow of the Royal Society28 February 1911
NLB/46/60Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Comptroller, The Stationery Office4 June 1912
NLB/43/488Copy letter from John Rose Bradford and Joseph Larmor, to The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs24 January 1911
NLB/43/665Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to the Honorable H C Gollan, Chief Justice, President of the Bermuda Natural History Society7 March 1911
NLB/43/519Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office2 February 1911
NLB/44/802Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Captan Fraser RAMC13 November 1911
NLB/43/487Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to R Lloyd Preager, National Library of Ireland, Dublin24 January 1911
NLB/43/585Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office16 February 1911
NLB/44/804Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Miss Robertson13 November 1911
NLB/47/411Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Dr W S Bruce, Scottish Oceanographical Laboratory, Surgeon's Hall, Edinburgh27 January 1913
MC/26/186Letter from W.A Osborne, United Empire Club, 117 Piccadilly, W, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]4 November 1911
NLB/46/125Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Professor [Benjamin] Moore, Fellow of the Royal Society13 June 1912
NLB/46/75Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Mrs Hills, Aldburgh Hall, Masham, Yorkshire6 June 1912
NLB/46/124Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Secretary, Lyceum Club, 128 Piccadilly13 June 1912
NLB/45/183Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to The Secretary, HM Treasury11 January 1912
MC/27/274Letter from [Edward Bagnall] Poulton, Wykeham House, Oxford, to [John Rose] Bradford, Royal Society9 May 1912
NLB/46/123Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Dr Victor Herbert Veley, Fellow of the Royal Society13 June 1912
NLB/50/430Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Major C G Rawling, The Barracks, Taunton3 July 1914
NLB/46/17Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to His Grace, The Duke of Sutherland23 May 1912
NLB/46/214Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Clerk of the Council, Privy Seal Office, S.W.21 June 1912
NLB/46/16Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to His Grace, the Duke of Westminster23 May 1912
NLB/46/127Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Lady Mond13 June 1912
NLB/46/165Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Honorary Secretary of the University Section of the Lyceum Club20 June 1912
NLB/46/169Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to L Veley, Halycon Club20 June 1912
NLB/46/163Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to His Excellency, The Netherlands Minister19 June 1912
NLB/46/343Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Sir John Murray, Fellow of the Royal Society12 July 1912
NLB/46/328Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Managing Editor, The Daily Telegraph, Fleet Street, E.C.11 July 1912
NLB/45/388Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to the Corresponding Secretary, the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia, USA26 February 1912
NLB/48/50Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Dr Augustus Desire Waller, Fellow of the Royal Society29 April 1913
NLB/62/709Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, Chairman of the Tropical Diseases Committee and FRS10 April 1922
NLB/45/446Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to the Secretary, the Board of Education6 March 1912
NLB/46/312Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Under Secretary of State, Home Office9 July 1912
NLB/45/645Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir J [John] R [Rose] Bradford, KCMG, Sec RS19 April 1912
NLB/46/497Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society10 August 1912
NLB/47/73Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to His Excellency, the American Ambassador22 November 1912
NLB/46/464Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society3 August 1912
NLB/50/433Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Miss F Tozer, Physiological Laboratory, The Museums, Cambridge3 July 1914
NLB/46/424Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Sir Ronald Ross, Fellow of the Royal Society29 July 1912
NLB/46/696Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society18 October 1912
NLB/45/167Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to H [Henry G [George] Plimmer FRS10 January 1912
CMB/51/45Copy, letter from J R Bradford, to the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office, Downing Street16 October 1912
NLB/46/514Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society15 August 1912
NLB/46/478Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society7 August 1912
NLB/46/481Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society7 August 1912
NLB/45/533Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to the Under Secretary of State, Home Office19 March 1912
NLB/46/702Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Professor [John Graham] Kerr, Fellow of the Royal Society18 October 1912
NLB/47/76Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to His Higness, the Maharajah of Jhalawar, 59 Cromwell Road, SW23 November 1912
NLB/46/697Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society18 October 1912
NLB/46/471Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office2 August 1912
NLB/48/175Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society27 May 1913
NLB/48/250Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Miss Helen Pixell, The Lister Institute4 June 1913
NLB/47/337 Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society to Dr J B Davey, 77 Foster Hill Road, Bedford17 January 1913
NLB/47/410Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to the Honorary Secretary, Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 10 Oxford Parade, Cheltenham27 January 1913
NLB/46/703Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office18 October 1912
NLB/48/522Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Controller, H M Stationery Office19 July 1913
NLB/47/62Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Miss Robertson21 November 1912
NLB/48/30Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to W K Spencer25 April 1913
NLB/47/740Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society4 April 1913
NLB/50/435Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to [George] Matthai, Emmanuel College, Cambridge3 July 1914
NLB/48/80Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to C Shearer, Zoological Laboratory, The Museums, Cambridge8 May 1913
NLB/47/72Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office23 November 1915
NLB/47/75Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to His Excellency, the German Ambassador23 November 1912
MC/29/20Letter from [Jagadis Chunder] Bose, 136 Sutherland [Avenue], Maida Vale, to The Assistant Secretary, Royal Society8 June 1914
NLB/48/445Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to R L Praeger, National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin4 July 1913
NLB/48/86Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society9 May 1913
NLB/48/443Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office4 July 1913
NLB/48/446Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office4 July 1913
NLB/48/444Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Secretary, The Linnean Society4 July 1913
NLB/50/379Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society29 June 1914
NLB/50/579Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Controller, H M Stationary Office10 August 1914
NLB/48/502Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society16 July 1913
NLB/48/765Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Comptroller, H M Stationery Office7 October 1913
NLB/48/764Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Right Honorable Lord Sydenham [George Sydenham Clarke], Fellow of the Royal Society9 October 1913
NLB/48/774Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to the Challenger Committee (Sir John Rose Bradford, Secretary of the Royal Society), [and other Committee members]9 October 1913
NLB/64/498Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G., FRS26 April 1923
NLB/50/286Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to W Woods Smyth, Maidstone5 June 1914
NLB/50/374Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Director-General Army Medical Service, War Office, Whitehall, S.W.26 June 1914
NLB/50/373Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Miss Lawrence26 June 1914
NLB/50/397Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Secretary, Board of Agriculture and Fisheries3 July 1914
NLB/50/544Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Director General, Army Medical Service27 July 1914
NLB/50/483Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Sir Patrick Manson, Fellow of the Royal Society17 July 1914
NLB/50/449Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Major D Harvey9 July 1914
NLB/50/492Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Secretary, Board of Agriculture17 July 1914
MC/26/234Letter from [Edward Albert] Schafer, Marly Knowe, North Berwick, to Sir [John Rose] Bradford, [Secretary], [Royal Society]24 July 1911
NLB/52/294Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to The Secretary of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund; 8-11 Queen Square, Bloomsbury, W.C3 November 1915
NLB/43New Letter Book volume 43, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration20 October 1910-12 April 1911
NLB/47New Letter Book volume 47, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration12 November 1912-24 April 1913
NLB/67/866Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS30 March 1925
NLB/66/581Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS31 May 1924
NLB/66/345Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS12 April 1924
NLB/66/857Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS29 July 1924
RR/9/324Referee's report by John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, on a paper 'The electrical phenomena accompanying the process of secretion in the salivary glands of the dog and cat' by William Maddock Bayliss and John Rose Bradford25 May 1886
NLB/66/567Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS30 May 1924
NLB/68/518Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS25 July 1925
NLB/58/491Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, FRS12 May 1920
RR/12/386Referee's report by John Rose Bradford, on a paper 'The influence of the cerebral cortex on the larynx' by J S Risien Russell21 October 1895
NLB/59/686Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, FRS3 November 1920
RR/15/35Referee's report by John Rose Bradford, on a paper 'South-African horse sickness: its pathology and methods of protective inoculation' by Alexander EdingtonMay 1900
NLB/60/280Copy letter from [Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Sir John Rose Bradford, Chairman of the Glassworkers' Cataract Committee and FRS 10 January 1921
NLB/59/750Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, FRS9 November 1920
RR/14/227Referee's report by John Rose Bradford, on a paper 'On intestinal absorption, especially on the absorption of serum, peptone, and glucose' by Edward Waymouth Reidnd [June 1899]
NLB/60/188Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, Chairman of the Glass Workers' Cataract Committee and FRS20 December 1920
NLB/65/424Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS31 October 1923
RR/15/278Referee's report by John Rose Bradford, on a paper 'Excreation tuberculosis of the kidney' by Hugh Walsham21 March 1901
NLB/61/779Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Bradford] Rose, FRS24 October 1921
NLB/60/845Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, Chairman of the Scientific Relief Committee and FRS14 April 1921
NLB/61/808Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, FRS28 October 1921
NLB/64/268Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [John] Rose Bradford, FRS3 March 1923
NLB/69/913Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Frank [Watson] Dyson, FRS15 November 1926
NLB/65/869Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS19 January 1924
NLB/66/777Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS7 July 1924
NLB/68/854Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS13 November 1925
NLB/63/651Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G., FRS24 November 1922
NLB/67/176Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, KCMG, FRS7 November 1924
NLB/68/27Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS30 April 1925
NLB/64/462Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, Chairman of the Physiology Committee and FRS19 April 1923
NLB/64/839Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS28 June 1923
NLB/66/866Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS1 August 1924
NLB/62New Letter Book volume 62, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration11 November 1921-10 June 1922
NLB/64/344Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, Chairman of the Physiology Committee and FRS20 March 1923
NLB/65/150Copy letter from unknown correspondent; to Sir [John] Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS, The Chairman of the Physiology Sectional Committee16 August 1923
NLB/64/444Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [John] Rose Bradford, Chairman of the Physiology and FRS 12 April 1923
NLB/68/318Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS19 June 1925
NLB/65/656Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [John] Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS4 December 1923
NLB/66/812Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, 8-11 Queen's Sqaure, W.C.116 July 1924
NLB/66/315Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS7 April 1924
NLB/68/862Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS13 November 1925
NLB/65/619Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [John] Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS29 November 1923
NLB/67/60Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS11 October 1924
NLB/65/826Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS12 January 1924
NLB/66/496Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS19 May 1924
NLB/64/635Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G. FRS17 May 1923
NLB/65/342Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, KCMG, FRS17 October 1923
NLB/67/797Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, KCMG, FRS12 March 1925
NLB/65/107Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, FRS31 July 1923
NLB/66/232Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS21 March 1924
NLB/65/464Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS5 November 1923
NLB/65/731Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS13 December 1923
NLB/67/264Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS24 November 1924
NLB/65/324Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS11 October 1923
NLB/65/110Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, FRS31 July 1923
NLB/65/430Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS31 October 1923
NLB/65/407Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS26 October 1923
NLB/65/847Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal College of Surgeons of England17 January 1924
NLB/68/491Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS17 July 1925
NLB/65/326Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS11 October 1923
NLB/65/80Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, FRS25 July 1923
NLB/65/295Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS8 October 1923
NLB/64/753Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society;to Godfrey [Lampson Tennyson] Locker-Lampson Esq.14 June 1923
CMB/10/39Minutes, meeting of the Glassworkers' Cataract Committee7 January 1921
NLB/64/822Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS26 June 1923
NLB/65/264Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS1 October 1923
NLB/65/597Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, FRS26 November 1923
NLB/65/931Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS31 January 1924
NLB/64/738Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [John] Rose Bradford FRS12 June 1923
NLB/68/700Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS19 October 1925
NLB/65/812Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS7 January 1924
NLB/67/215Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS14 November 1924
NLB/67/216Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS14 November 1924
NLB/67/77Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS16 October 1924
NLB/67/94Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS20 October 1924
NLB/65/927Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS31 January 1924
NLB/67/259Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS24 November 1924
NLB/65/845Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, FRS17 January 1924
NLB/67/61Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS14 October 1924
NLB/73/313Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; [to the press?]26 May 1931
NLB/67/21Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS2 October 1924
NLB/68/698Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS19 October 1925
NLB/67/141Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS1 November 1924
NLB/67/1Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS26 September 1924
NLB/65/213Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, KCMG, FRS21 September 1923
NLB/67/214Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS13 November 1924
NLB/67/80Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS16 October 1924
NLB/68/545Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS31 July 1925
NLB/67/617Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS31 January 1925
NLB/67/624Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS2 February 1925
NLB/67/415Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS17 December 1924
NLB/66/532Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society;Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS26 May 1924
NLB/66/807Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS14 July 1924
NLB/68/321Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS19 June 1925
NLB/67/592Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS26 January 1925
NLB/67/593Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS26 January 1925
NLB/67/833Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS20 March 1925
CMB/10/44Minutes, meeting of the Glassworkers' Cataract Committee5 March 1925
NLB/68/111Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr Ernest Struthers; 4 Tower Street, London Fields, Hackney, E.8.13 May 1925
NLB/66/49Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS14 February 1924
NLB/68/217Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, FRS29 May 1925
NLB/66/124Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Parsons, C.B.E, FRS25 February 1924
NLB/66/125Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS25 February 1924
NLB/66/497Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS19 May 1924
NLB/68/148Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS20 May 1925
NLB/68/86Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS9 May 1925
NLB/66/613Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS5 June 1924
NLB/68/25Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS30 April 1925
NLB/69/202Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, K.C.M.G, FRS28 January 1926
NLB/68/246Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS5 June 1925
NLB/68/42Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS4 May 1925
NLB/68/346Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, KCMG, FRS22 June 1925
NLB/68/320Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS19 June 1925
NLB/67/41Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, KCMG, FRS9 October 1924
NLB/68/143Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS20 May 1925
NLB/66/612Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS6 June 1924
NLB/66/858Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS30 July 1924
NLB/68/393Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS9 July 1925
NLB/68/251Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS5 June 1925
NLB/68/244Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS4 June 1925
NLB/68/548Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS6 August 1925
NLB/64/797Copy letter from [James Hopwood Jeans], Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS20 June 1923
NLB/66/865Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS1 August 1924
NLB/68/175Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS25 May 1925
NLB/68/569Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS10 August 1925
NLB/68/319Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS19 June 1925
NLB/67/19Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS1 October 1924
NLB/68/521Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS25 July 1925
NLB/66/797Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS11 July 1924
NLB/68/519Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS25 July 1925
NLB/66/835Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS23 July 1924
NLB/67/843Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [John] Horne, FRS23 March 1925
NLB/66/864Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS1 August 1924
NLB/68/357Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS24 June 1925
NLB/68/654Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS2 October 1925
NLB/68/629Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS28 September 1925
NLB/69/933Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS19 November 1926
NLB/68/827Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to J. B. Sidebottom Esq.; Colonial Office, S.W.1.6 November 1925
NLB/68/927Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS30 November 1925
NLB/68/570Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS10 August 1925
NLB/68/546Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS6 August 1925
NLB/69/278Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS19 February 1926
NLB/68/582Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [John] Horne, FRS5 September 1925
NLB/68/567Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS10 August 1925
NLB/68/886Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS20 November 1925
NLB/70/487Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, KCMG, FRS25 April 1927
CMB/50/58Report, International Sleeping Sickness Conference2 July 1907
NLB/39/151Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Lieutenant Colonel Prain, CIE3 December 1908
CD/59/11Letter from [John] Rose Bradford, to Sir Archibald Geikie, Secretary of the Royal Society18 February 1907
NLB/67/551Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford FRS22 January 1925
NLB/67/804Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, KCMG, FRS12 March 1925
NLB/68/108Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lieutenant Colonel [Walter Scott] Patton13 May 1925
NLB/69/579Copy letter from Henry Hallet Dale, Secretary of the Royal Society; Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS11 June 1926
EC/1894/07Bradford, Sir John Rose: certificate of election to the Royal Society
CMB/50/50Minutes, meeting of the Sleeping Sickness Committee20 November 1906
CMB/10/46Minutes, final meeting of the Glassworkers' Cataract Committee8 June 1928
MC/14/107Letter from [Edward Albert] Schafer, Physiological Laboratory, University College London, to [Herbert] Rix23 February 1886
NLB/41New Letter Book volume 41, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration15 September 1909-4 March 1910
NLB/27New Letter Book volume 27, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration15 June 1903- 17 December 1903
NLB/42New Letter Book volume 42, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration4 March 1910-19 October 1910
NLB/46New Letter Book volume 46, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration21 May 1912-12 November 1912
NLB/45New Letter Book volume 45, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration5 December 1911-21 May 1912
NLB/19/518Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Almroth Edward Wright, Fellow of the Royal Society], Army Medical School, Netley, Southampton23 October 1899
NLB/20/326Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor William Dobinson Halliburton, Fellow of the Royal Society23 March 1900
NLB/27/277Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society30 July 1903
NLB/29/734Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society2 December 1904
NLB/39/638Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor [David] Ferrier, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Sectional Committee for Physiology19 February 1909
NLB/40/766Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Miss M C Stopes, The University, Manchester10 August 1909
NLB/41/109Copy letter from Professor John Rose Bradford, to The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office14 October 1909
NLB/41/174Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Director General, Army Medical Service, 3 Whitehall Place, S.W.27 October 1909
NLB/41/212Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Secretary, HM Treasury2 November 1909
MC/26/35Letter from [Thomas Gregor] Brodie, University of Toronto, to Professor [John] Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]13 March 1911
NLB/43/676Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Secretary, The Nigerian Company7 March 1911
NLB/48/442Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office4 July 1913
RR/15/262Referee's report by John Rose Bradford, on two papers 'Virulence of desicated tubercular sputum' and 'Effects of exposure to liquid air upon the vitality and virulence of the bacillus tuberculosis' by Harold Swithinbank11 July 1901
NLB/57/211Copy letter from MK [Maud K] Jukes, Clerk of the Royal Society; to GDH Carpenter, Esq. 20 August 1919
NLB/65/205Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, KCMG, FRS20 September 1923
NLB/67/637Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS4 February 1925
NLB/68/37Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS4 May 1925
NLB/67/955Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS22 April 1925
NLB/65/861Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS18 January 1924
NLB/68/84Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS9 May 1925
NLB/66/822Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS19 July 1924
NLB/66/600Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS4 June 1924
NLB/66/823Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS19 July 1924
NLB/27/876Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society16 December 1903
NLB/35/600Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Lord Fitzmaurice, Foreign Office [Chairman of the International Conference on Sleeping Sickness]18 June 1907
NLB/37/100Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor J [John] Rose Bradford, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society27 January 1908
NLB/46/14Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to His Grace, The Duke of Wellington23 May 1912
NLB/46/15Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Honorable Whitelaw Reid23 May 1912
NLB/50/230Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to the Under Secretary of State for the Colonial Office27 May 1914
RR/14/175Referee's report by John Rose Bradford, on a paper 'On preventive inoculation' by W M Haffkine6 July 1899
NLB/55/577Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to William Foster Esq., C.I.E., Registar & Superintendent of Records, India Office17 June 1918
NLB/66/419Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [John Charles Grant] Ledingham, FRS6 May 1924
NLB/68/354Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS23 June 1925
NLB/68/726Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS22 October 1925
NLB/67New Letter Book volume 67, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration26 September 1924-23 April 1925
NLB/66New Letter Book volume 66, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration1 February 1924-25 September 1924
NLB/64New Letter Book volume 64, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration19 January 1923-11 July 1923
RR/14/21Referee's report by John Rose Bradford, on a paper 'The pharmacology of aconitine, diacetyl-aconitine, benzaconine, and aconine, considered in relation to their chemical constitution' by John Theodore Cash and Wyndham Rowland Dunstan21 March 1898
MDA/C/9/8Correspondence on the Foulerton Professorship held by Ernest Henry Starling1922-1928
PP/13/21Paper, 'The innervation of the pulmonary vessels' by John Rose Bradford and H [Henry] Percy Dean1889
RR/12/357Referee's report by John Rose Bradford, on a paper 'Experimental degenerations following unilateral lesions of the cortex cerebri in the bonnet monkey (Macacus Sinicus)' by Edward Lindon Mellus12 June 1895
MS/421/4Register of Papers submitted to the Royal Society, 1905-19201905-1920
PP/13/20Paper, 'The innervation of the renal blood-vessels' by John Rose Bradford1889
NLB/46/687Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Under Secretary of State, the Colonial Office16 October 1912
NLB/47/634Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office4 March 1913
NLB/50/229Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to the Under Secretary of State for the Colonial Office27 May 1914
NLB/50/545Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Under Secretary of State, War Office27 July 1914
PP/19/2Paper, 'The influence of the kidney on metabolism' by John Rose Bradford1892
RR/9/325Referee's report by Walter Holbrook Gaskell, on a paper 'The electrical phenomena accompanying the process of secretion in the salivary glands of the dog and cat' by William Maddock Bayliss and John Rose Bradford1886
RR/19/126Letter from George Howard Darwin, to John Rose Bradford, regarding a paper 'The influence of selection and assortative mating on the ancestral and fraternal correlations of a mendelian population' by E C Snow10 March 1912
MC/14/194Letter from Edward Albert Schafer, Physiological Laboratory, Universiry College London, to the Secretaries of the Royal Society3 March 1887
MC/14Volume 14 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1885-1888
MC/14/41Letter from [Edward Albert] Schafer, University College London, to the Secretaries of the Royal Society21 May 1885
MC/19/86Letter from [John] Rose Bradford, 8 Manchester Square, London, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison29 August 1904
MC/19/88Letter from [John] Rose Bradford, 8 Manchester Square, London, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison12 December 1904
NLB/29/826Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Rose Bradford, Fellow of the Royal Society15 December 1904
NLB/37/353Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to The Right Honorable Lord Avebury, Fellow of the Royal Society6 March 1908
MC/23/424Letter from [Samuel George] Shattock, St Thomas's Medical School, Albert Embankment, London to the Assistant [Secretary], Royal Society27 July 1908
MC/23/384Letter from [Magnus] Gustaf Retzius, Stockholm, to Professor [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]19 April 1908
MC/23/377Letter from [Herbert James] Read, Colonial Office, to Dr [John] Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]3 April 1908
NLB/37/286Copy letter from John Rose Bradford to Professor Gustaf Retzius, Foreign Member of the Royal Society25 February 1908
MC/23/383Letter from [Magnus] Gustaf Retzius, Drottninggatan, Stockholm, to Professor [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]22 March 1908
NLB/38/638Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The President of the Torricelli Centenary Celebration, Esposimone di Faenza, Palazzo Minardi, Faenza, Italy15 October 1908
MC/24/97Letter from [Emily] Penrose, Somerville College, Oxford, to Dr [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]3 November 1909
MC/24/95Letter from [Emily] Penrose, Somerville College, Oxford, to Dr [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]29 October 1909
MC/24/15Letter from Alfred Keogh, War Office, Whitehall, SW, to [John] Rose Bradford Esq, [Fellow of the Royal Society]15 February 1909
MC/24/85Letter from Professor [George Henry Falkiner] Nutall, to Professor [John Rose] Bradford, Secretary, [Royal Society]15 June 1909
MC/24/74Letter from [Frederick Walker] Mott, 25 Nottingham Place, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]22 May 1909
MC/24/144Letter from [Edward Albert] Schafer, Marly Knowe, North Berwick, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]10 January 1909
MC/24/146Letter from [Edward Albert] Schafer, Marly Knowe, North Berwick, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]28 February 1909
MC/24/145Letter from [Edward Albert] Schafer, Marly Knowe, North Berwick, to [John] Rose Bradford, [Secretary of the Royal Society]23 February 1909
MC/24/163Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The University of Liverpool, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]24 March 1909
MC/25/4Letter from Henry [Edward] Armstrong, 55 Granville Park, Lewisham, London, SE, to Dr [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]7 May 1910
NLB/41/797Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Henry Edward Armstrong, Fellow of the Royal Society28 February 1910
NLB/41/796Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to [Henry Drysdale] Dakin, [Fellow of the Royal Society], 819 Madison Avenue, New York25 February 1910
MC/25/169Letter from [Francis Wall] Oliver, University College London, Gower Street, W.C, to [John Rose] Bradford7 February 1910
MC/20/4Memoranda from [Robert William Frederick Harrison], The Royal Society, to Professor Bradford29 November 1904
NLB/41/698Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Professor Francis Wall Oliver, Fellow of the Royal Society8 February 1910
MC/25/203Letter from [Ronald] Ross, The Incorporated Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Johnston Tropical Laboratory, University of Liverpool, to [John] Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]20 October 1910
MC/25/226Letter from [Albert Charles] Seward, Botany School, Cambridge, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]5 February 1910
MC/26/40Letter from Horace [Tabberer] Brown, 52 Nevern Square, Kensington, S.W, to Sir [John] Rose Bradford, [Secretary of the Royal Society], [Royal Society]30 April 1911
MC/26/36Letter from [Thomas Gregor] Brodie, University of Toronto, to Professor [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]3 April 1911
MC/27/143Letter from Greagh, 5 Grosvenor Place, S.W, to Sir John [Rose Bradford], [Royal Society]13 May 1912
MC/27/94Letter from H [Lyndhurst] Duke, Mpumu, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]4 November 1912
MC/26/94Letter from [Edwin Stephen] Goodrich, Merton College, Oxford, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]25 February 1911
MC/26/181Letter from [George Henry Falkiner] Nuttall, 3 Cranmer Road, Cambridge, to Professor [John] Rose Bradford, [Royal Society], London, W10 April 1911
MC/26/172Letter from [Frederick Walker] Mott, Summerhill, London [Road], Tunbridge Wells, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]4 September 1911
MC/27/96Letter from H [Lyndhurst] Duke, Mpumu, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]12 November 1912
NLB/43/486Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to C E Moss, Botany School, Cambridge24 January 1911
MC/26/219Letter from [Ronald] Ross, The Incorporated Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Johnston Tropical Laboratory, University of Liverpool, to [John] Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]10 June 1911
MC/27/19Letter from [William] Bateson, The Manor House, Merton, Surrey, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]13 February 1912
MC/27/95Letter from H [Lyndhurst] Duke, Mpumu, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]6 November 1912
MC/27/293Letter from Kampala, Uganda, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]25 November 1912
MC/27/116Letter from [Lazarus] Fletcher, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]29 November 1912
MC/27/214Letter from [Edwin] Ray Lankester, Kindersfeld, Branksome Park, Bournemouth, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]15 June 1912
MC/27/154Letter from Lonsdale [Augustus] Hale, Olddean Camberley, to Sir John Rose Bradford, the [Royal Society]24 July 1912
MC/27/213Letter from The Lancet Offices, 423 Strand and 1 & 2 Bedford St adjoining, London, W.C, to Sir John Rose Bradford, 8 Manchester Square1 March 1912
MC/27/179Letter from John Horne, Royal Society of Edinburgh, 22 George Street, to The Secretaries, Royal Society18 January 1912
MC/27/284Letter from Whitelaw Reid, American Embassy, London, to Sir John Rose Bradford, Secretary, Royal Society, Burlington House, W26 November 1912
MC/27/263Letter from [James Herbert] Orton, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, The Laboratory, Citadel Hall, Plymouth, to [John] Rose Bradford, [Secretary], Royal Society5 February 1912
MC/27/266Letter from Karl Pearson, University College, London, W.C, to [John] Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]17 January 1912
MC/28/63Letter from Harold [Baily] Dixon, The University, Manchester, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]14 November 1913
MC/27/273Letter from [Edward Bagnall] Poulton, Wykeham House, Oxford, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]3 May 1912
MC/27/292Letter from Muriel Robertson, Mpumi, Uganda, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]3 November 1912
MC/27/298Letter from [Ronald] Ross, The Incorporated Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]29 March 1912
MC/27/327Letter from [Grafton] Elliot Smith, The University, Manchester, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]9 December 1912
MC/28/94Letter from [John] Stanley Gardiner, Zoological Laboratory, The Museums, Cambridge, to Sir [John] Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]12 January 1913
MC/27/326Letter from [Grafton] Elliot Smith, The University, Manchester, to Sir John [Rose Bradford], [Royal Society]15 October 1912
MC/28/201Letter from Robert Muir, University of Glasgow, Pathological Department, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]18 March 1913
MC/28/20Letter from [William Maddock] Bayliss, St Cuthbert's, West Heath Road, Hampstead, N.W, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]2 November 1913
MC/28/37Letter from [Geoffrey Douglas Hale] Carpenter, to Sir John [Rose] Bradford6 March 1913
MC/28/213Letter from [Edward Bagnall] Poulton, St Helens Cottage, St Helens, Isle of Wight, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]7 April 1913
MC/28/258Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 18 Grove Park, Liverpool S, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]21 December 1913
MC/28/190Letter from Letter from [Ernest William] MacBride, Imperial College of Science and Technology, Royal College of Science, South Kensington, London, S.W, to Sir [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]17 May 1913
MC/28/259Letter from [Grafton] Elliot Smith, The University, Manchester, to Dr [John] Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]15 December 1913
MC/28/247Letter from [Dukinfield Henry] Scott, East Oakley House, Basingstoke, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]9 July 1913
MC/28/177Letter from Alfred Lingard, St Margaret's Hall, Watcliffe Gardens, Bournemouth, to Sir John Rose Bradford, Secretary, Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W4 August 1913
MC/28/228Letter from Muriel Robertson, Kampala, Uganda, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]4 June 1913
MC/28/270Letter from Thomas [Roscoe Rede] Stebbing, Ephraim Lodge, The Common, Tunbridge Wells, to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]26 February 1913
NLB/48/620Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Dr George Walker Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society11 August 1913
MC/29/19Letter from [Jagadis Chunder] Bose, 136 Southend [Avenue], Maida Vale, to Dr [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]24 May 1914
MC/28/44Letter from [Herbert James] Read, for The Under Secretary of State, Downing Street, to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]9 June 1913
MC/29/198Letter from [Edward Bagnall] Poulton, Wykeham House, Oxford, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]13 February 1914
MC/19Volume 19 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1904
MC/29/245Letter from [Grafton] Elliot Smith, The University, Manchester, to [John] Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]1 March 1914
MC/31/20Letter from John Rose Bradford, A.D.M.S, Etaples B.E.F, to [William Bate] Hardy, [Royal Society]15 February 1916
MC/21/321Letter from Frederic G Hallett, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Examination Hall, Victoria Embankment, London, to Robert [William Frederick] Harrison13 July 1906
MC/30/99Letter from [Thomas William] Holderness, India Office, London, S.W, to Sir John Rose Bradford, The Royal Society, Burlington House15 May 1915
MC/29/279Letter from [Almroth Edward] Wright, 6 Park Crescent, Portland Place, W, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]30 January 1914
MC/31/68Letter from [William Bate] Hardy, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W, to Sir [William] Watson Cheyne, [Royal Society]2 March 1916
MC/31/153Letter from [Edward Bagnall] Poulton, Wykeham House, Oxford, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]4 November 1916
MC/34/109Letter from Frederick G. Hallett, Secretary, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Examination Hall, 8-11 Queen Square, Bloomsbury, London, W.C.1., to Robert [William Frederick] Harrison, [Royal Society]23 June 1919
MC/36/12Letter from [John Rose Bradford], 8 Manchester Square, London, to the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society24 November 1922
MC/27/296Letter from Ronald Ross, The Incorporated Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, to [John] Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]8 January 1912
MC/24/160Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool S, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]4 January 1909
MC/36Volume 36 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1922
MC/20Volume 20 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1905
MC/21Volume 21 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1906
MC/23/381Letter from Anna Hierta-Retzius, Drottninggatan, Stockholm, to Professor [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]23 August 1908
MC/23/382Letter from [Magnus] Gustaf Retzius, Drottninggatan, Stockholm, to Professor [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]5 March 1908
MC/24Volume 24 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1909
MC/27/126Letter from [John] Stanley Gardiner, Zoological Laboratory, The Museums, Cambridge, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]2 May 1912
MC/28/38Letter from Geoffrey [Douglas Hale] Carpenter, 19 Bardwell Road, Oxford, to Sir John Rose Bradford14 October 1913
MC/28/85Letter from [William] F Fiske, Cranston's Kenilworth Hotel, Great Russell Street, London, W, to The Secretaries, Royal Society29 August 1913
MC/28/185Letter from [Henry George] Lyons, The Science Museum, South Kensington, London, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]12 May 1913
MC/28/192Letter from Letter from [Ernest William] MacBride, Imperial College of Science and Technology, Royal College of Science, South Kensington, London, S.W, to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]6 October 1913
MC/29/18Letter from [Frederick Frost] Blackman, St John's College, Cambridge, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]9 July 1914
MC/29/242Letter from [Grafton] Elliot Smith,The University, Manchester, to [John] Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]24 January 1914
MC/34/108Letter from Frederick G. Hallett, Secretary, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Examination Hall, 8-11 Queen Square, Bloomsbury, London, W.C.1., to Robert [William Frederick] Harrison, [Royal Society]26 May 1919
MC/28/68Letter from H [Lyndhurst] Duke, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]1913
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