RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1856/05 | Gosse, Philip Henry: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
IM/001709 | Gosse, Philip Henry | May 2001 |
IM/Maull/001708 | Gosse, Philip Henry | nd |
PT/53/1/17 | Plate, 'Limnias' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
RR/3/114 | Referee's report by Arthur Farre, on a paper 'On the diœcious character of the rotifera' by Philip Henry Gosse | 1857 |
PT/53/1/12 | Plate, 'Polyarthra' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/53/1/19 | Plate, 'Rotifer' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
RR/3/115 | Referee's report by Arthur Farre, on a paper 'On the structure, functions, and homologies of the manducatory organs in the class rotifera' by Philip Henry Gosse | 11 August 1855 |
RR/3/118 | Referee's report by William Carpenter, on a paper 'On the structure, functions, and homologies of the manducatory organs in the class rotifera' by Philip Henry Gosse | 22 October 1856 |
RR/3/29 | Referee's report by Philip Henry Gosse, on a paper 'On the anatomy and physiology of the spongiadae' by James Stuart Bowerbank | 21 August 1857 |
RR/3/117 | Referee's report by William Carpenter, on a paper 'On the diœcious character of the rotifera' by Philip Henry Gosse | 17 April 1856 |
RR/9/42 | Referee's report by Edwin Ray Lankester, on a paper 'The prehensores of male butterflies of the genera Ornithoptera and Papilo' by Philip Henry Gosse | 16 January 1882 |
RR/9/43 | Referee's report by Osbert Salvin, on a paper 'The prehensores of male butterflies of the genera Ornithoptera and Papilo' by Philip Henry Gosse | 30 January 1882 |
RR/9/44 | Letter from the Zoological Society of London, on a paper 'The prehensores of male butterflies of the genera Ornithoptera and Papilo' by Philip Henry Gosse to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 23 February 1882 |
RR/9/41 | Referee's report by Robert McLachlan, on a paper 'The prehensores of male butterflies of the genera Ornithoptera and Papilo' by Philip Henry Gosse | 7 January 1882 |
RR/9/45 | Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'The prehensores of male butterflies of the genera Ornithoptera and Papilo' by Philip Henry Gosse to the author | 24 February 1882 |
PT/53/1/3 | Plate, 'Brachionus' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
MC/12/224 | Letter from P H [Philip Henry] Gosse, Sandhurst, Torquay, to Walter White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society] | 1 December 1881 |
MS/743/1/98 | Letter from Philip Henry Gosse, Sandhurst, Torquay, to [John Hall Gladstone] | 14 November 1881 |
RR/9/46 | Letter from George John Romanes, on a paper 'The prehensores of male butterflies of the genera Ornithoptera and Papilo' by Philip Henry Gosse to the author | 24 March 1882 |
RR/3/182 | Referee's report by Philip Henry Gosse, on a paper 'An account of the two methods of reproduction in Daphnia, and of the structure of the Ephippium' by John Lubbock | 24 March 1857 |
PT/53/1/16 | Plate, 'Scaridium' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
MS/132 | The Original Drawings of the Rotifera by Charles Thomas Hudson LL.D | 1886 |
PT/53/1/7 | Plate, 'Notommata clavulata' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/53/1/6 | Plate, 'Notommata clavulata' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/53/1/10 | Plate, 'Notommata gibba. Synchæta.' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/53/1/11 | Plate, 'Synchæta' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
RR/3/116 | Referee's report by William Benjamin Carpenter, on a paper 'On the structure, functions, and homologies of the manducatory organs in the class rotifera' by Philip Henry Gosse | 30 June 1856 |
PT/53/1/22 | Plate, 'Floscularia. Stephanoceros.' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/53/1/18 | Plate, 'Limnias' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/53/1/1 | Manuscript, 'On the structure, functions, and homologies of the manducatory organs in the class Rotifera' by Philip Henry Gosse | 20 December 1854 |
PT/53/1/14 | Plate, 'Asplanchna' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/53/1/15 | Plate, 'Mastigocerca. Monocerca.' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/53/1/4 | Plate, 'Euchlanis. Metopidia.' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/53/1/13 | Plate, 'Diglena. Albertia. Furcularia.' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/53/1/2 | Plate, 'Brachionus' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/53/1/5 | Plate, 'Notommata aurita' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/53/1/9 | Plate, 'Notommata lacinulata. Furcularia gibba.' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/53/1/8 | Plate, 'Notommata petromyzon' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/53/1/21 | Plate, 'Floscularia' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/53/1/20 | Plate, 'Rotifer' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1854] |
PT/58/1 | Paper, 'On the diœcious character of the Rotifera' by P H [Philip Henry] Gosse | [1856] |
PT/53/1 | Paper, 'On the structure, functions, and homologies of the manducatory organs in the class Rotifera' by Philip Henry Gosse | 20 December 1854 |
MC/12/276 | Letter from P H [Philip Henry] Gosse, Sandhurst, Torquay, to Professor [Thomas Henry] Huxley, Secretary of the Royal Society | 10 October 1881 |
AP/40/14/2 | Unpublished figures, the poison-apparatus in the Actiniidae by Philip Henry Gosse | 1858 |
RR/3/120 | Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Researches on the poison-apparatus in the actiniadae' by Philip Henry Gosse | 1858 |
RR/3/119 | Referee's report by Thomas Henry Huxley, on a paper 'Researches on the poison-apparatus in the actiniadae' by Philip Henry Gosse | 1858 |
AP/40/14/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'Researches on the poison-apparatus in the Actiniadae [Actiniidae]' by Philip Henry Gosse | 1858 |
AP/40/14 | Unpublished paper, 'Researches on the poison-apparatus in the Actiniadae [Actiniidae]' by Philip Henry Gosse | 1858 |
MC/12 | Volume 12 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1880-1883 |
MS/743/1/91 | Letter from Philip Henry Gosse, Sandhurst, St Marychurch | 3 October 1877 |