RefNo | Title | Date |
IM/003989 | Salisbury, Sir Edward James | nd |
GLB/19/1/91 | Edward Salisbury, Bognor Regis to Brown | February 1960 |
IM/000037 | Group photograph of Officers of the Royal Society 1945-50 | c 1945-50 |
IM/GA/Russell/17748 | Salisbury, Sir Edward James | nd |
MDA/A/12/11 | Copy letter from John David Griffith Davies to Edward James Salisbury, with enclosed copy letter from Robert Robinson to John David Griffith Davies | 9 January 1946 |
MDA/A/12/126 | Letter from Robert Robinson to David Christie Martin, Dyson Perrins Laboratory, South Parks Road, Oxford | 16 June 1947 |
MDA/A/16/52 | Minutes of theRoyal Society and Nuffield Foundation Commonweath Bursaries Committee | 16 May 1956 |
RR/57/82 | Referee's report by Edward James Salisbury, on a paper 'The transmission of light and total radiation by leaves' by William Ringrose Gelston Atkins | [November 1936] |
RR/67/192 | Referee's report by Edward James Salisbury, on a paper 'Studies of the post-glacial history of British vegetation - III. Fenland polen diagrams - IV. Post-glacial changes of relative land- and sea-level in the English Fenland' by Harry Godwin | August 1939 |
RR/68/479 | Referee's report by Edward James Salisbury, on a paper 'A revision of Williamsoniella' by Thomas Maxwell Harris | [1944] |
RR/69/282 | Letter from Edward James Salisbury, on a paper 'The differential effect of synthetic growth substances and other compounds upon plant species II. Seed germination and early growth responses to some arylcarbamic esters and related compounds' by W G Templeman and W A Sexton | 1945 |
RR/36/61 | Referee's report by Arthur George Tansley, on a paper 'On the causes and ecological significance of stomatal frequency, with special reference to the woodland flora' by Edward James Salisbury | 6 April 1927 |
NLB/71/110 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Dukinfield Henry] Scott, FRS | 7 January 1928 |
NLB/71/98 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof [Francis Wall] Oliver, FRS | 5 January 1928 |
EC/1933/13 | Salisbury, Sir Edward James: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
IM/003988 | Salisbury, Sir Edward James | nd |
RR/36/62 | Referee's report by Frederick Ernest Weiss, on a paper 'On the causes and ecological significance of stomatal frequency, with special reference to the woodland flora' by Edward James Salisbury | 18 April 1927 |
RR/57/84 | Referee's report by Edward James Salisbury, on a paper 'Photoelectric measurements of the luminous efficiency of daylight' by William Ringrose Gelston Atkins and H H Poole | [May 1936] |
IM/006417 | Group photograph of Officers of the Royal Society 1945-50 | c 1945-50 |
RR/72/279 | Letter from Peter Brian Medawar, on a paper 'The transplantation of normal tissues: with special reference to auto- and homotransplants of thyroid and spleen in the anterior chamber of the eye, and subcutaneously, in guinea-pigs' by Michael Francis Addison Woodruff and Hazel G Woodruff to Edward James Salisbury | 2 January 1950 |
RR/57/87 | Referee's report by Edward James Salisbury, on a paper 'The measurement of the intensity and the colour of the light in woods by means of emission and rectifier photoelectric cells' by William Ringrose Gelston Atkins, H H Poole and A Stanbury | [August 1936] |
RR/65/102 | Referee's report by Edward James Salisbury, on a paper 'Studies of the post-glacial history of British vegetation I. Origin and stratigraphy of Fenland deposits near Wooldwalton, Hunts II. Origin and stratigraphy of deposits in southern Fenland' by Harry Godwin and M H Clifford | May 1938 |
RR/69/278 | Referee's report by Edward James Salisbury, on a paper 'The differential effect of synthetic plant growth substances and other compounds upon plant species I. Seed germination and early growth responses to a-naphthylacetic acid and compounds of the general formula arylOCH2COOR' by W A Sexton and W G Templeman | 1945 |
RR/78/82 | Letter from Frederic Wood Jones, on a paper 'Studies of the carotid rete and its associated arteries' by P M Daniel, J D K Dawes and Marjorie M L Prichard, to Sir Edward [Salisbury] | 19 December 1952 |
RR/80/48 | Letter from Alan Lloyd Hodgkin, on a paper 'Membrane behaviour in Nitella' by M C Bennett and Eric Keightley Rideal, to Sir Edward [Salisbury] | 9 April 1954 |
RR/80/46 | Letter from Alan Lloyd Hodgkin, on a paper 'Membrane behaviour in Nitella' by M C Bennett and Eric Keightley Rideal, to Sir Edward [Salisbury], secretary of the Royal Society | 10 February 1954 |