
Authorised form of nameRandall; Sir; John Turton (1905 - 1984)
Dates1905 - 1984
Date of birth23/03/1905
Date of death16/06/1984
Kt 1962
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election21/03/1946
Age at election40
RSActivityMedals and prizes:
Hughes Medal 1946
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1987 vol 33 pp 491-535, plate, by M H F Wilkins
Anne Cooke, 'Shedding light on the enigmatic Rosalind Franklin. Rosalind Franklin - the dark lady of DNA, by B Maddox' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 239-243
B Lovell, 'The cavity magnetron in World War II: was the secrecy justified?' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 283 - 294
Archives associated with this Fellow
EC/1946/15Randall, Sir John Turton: certificate of election to the Royal Society
PB/2/2/13/3Letter from John Randall, 18 December 1945, and note from JG Wilson, 22 July (1947?)1945-1947
IM/GA/WS/2319Randall, Sir John Turton1946
IM/GA/WRS/9008Randall, Sir John Turtonnd
RR/67/373Letters from Herbert John Gough, Ministry of Supply on two papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins to J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society21 November 1941
RR/60/54Referee's report by Douglas Rayner Hartree, on a paper 'The structure of liquid hydrogen peroxide' by John Turton Randall1936
RR/65/221Referee's report by Thomas Ralph Merton, on a paper 'The fluorescence of compounds containing manganese' by John Turton RandallDecember 1938
RR/69/330Letter from John Turton Randall, on a paper 'Oxide cathodes. The effect of the coating-core interface on conductivity and emission' by D A Wright to J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary 6 January 1947
RR/66/186Letter from W C Cooper, for the Director of Scientific Research, Air Ministry, to John David Griffith Davies, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins3 May 1940
RR/69/118Letter from John Turton Randall, on a paper 'Electron traps and dielectric changes in phosphorescent solids' by G F J Garlick and A F Gibson27 August 1946
RR/66/245Note, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins8 April 1940
RR/69/117Referee's report by John Turton Randall, on a paper 'Electron traps and dielectric changes in phosphorescent solids' by G F J Garlick and A F Gibson1946
RR/66/255Letter to Bennett Archambault, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins10 July 1942
RR/67/369Letter from John Turton Randall, on his papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' with Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins to J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society10 February 1941
RR/67/365Letter from Marcus Laurence Elwin Oliphant, on two papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins12 November 1940
RR/67/375Letter from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society on two papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins to the author26 November 1941
RR/67/366Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on two papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins to William Lawrence Bragg11 November 1940
RR/67/372Letters from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society on two papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins to Herbert John Gough, Ministry of Supply11 November 1941
RR/70/112Referee's report by John Turton Randall, on a paper 'On the theory of electrical fluctuations' by R Fürth8 July 1947
RR/67/378Letter from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society on two papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins to the Ministry of Home Security26 October 1943
RR/69/329Referee's report by John Turton Randall, on a paper 'Oxide cathodes. The effect of the coating-core interface on conductivity and emission' by D A Wright20 November 1946
RR/70/99Referee's report by John Turton Randall, on a paper 'The velocity of propagation of electromagnetic waves derived from the resonant frequencies of a cylindrical cavity resonator'by Louis Essen and A C Gordon-Smith1947
RR/71/90Referee's report by John Turton Randall, on a paper 'The spectral response of a phosphor to infra-red radiation' by E F Daly20 September 1948
IM/GA/AR/7287Randall, Sir John Turtonnd
PB/1/33/1/8Nobel Prize1948
RR/66/247Second letter from John Turton Randall, to John David Griffith Davies, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins11 April 1940
RR/66/249Letter from H E Beckett, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins19 April 1940
RR/67/374Letter from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society on two papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins to the Ministry of Supply 26 November 1941
RR/66/241Letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Marcus Laurence Elwin Oliphant, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins7 February 1940
RR/67/380List of recipients of two papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins 1943
RR/67/379Letter from the Ministry of Home Security on two papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins to J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society25 October 1943
RR/66/248Letter to David Randall Pye, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins19 April 1940
RR/67/376Letter from John Turton Randall, on his papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' with Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins to J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society24 August 1942
RR/67/371Letter from John Turton Randall, on his papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' with Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton5 November 1941
RR/67/370Letter from the Ministry of Supply, on two papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins to J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society17 February 1941
RR/67/367Referee's report by Nevill Francis Mott, on two papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick WilkinsDecember 1940
RR/66/236Letter from Marcus Laurence Elwin Oliphant, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins14 December 1939
RR/66/243Request from John Turton Randall, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkinsnd [1940]
RR/66/252Letter from S H Taylor, to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins25 April 1940
RR/66/253Letter to Cambridge University Press, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins1 May 1940
RR/67/377Letter from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society on two papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins to Nevill Francis Mott26 October 1943
RR/67/368Letters from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society on two papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins to various recipients 17 January 1941
RR/68/304Letter to John Turton Randall, regarding a paper 'Short period phosphorescence and electron traps' by G F J Garlick and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins12 August 1942
RR/68/333Letter to John Turton Randall, regarding a paper 'Short period phosphorescence and electron traps' by G F J Garlick and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins2 March 1944
RR/68/316Receipt from John Turton Randall, on a paper 'Short period phosphorescence and electron traps' by G F J Garlick and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins4 March 1944
RR/68/305Letter from John Turton Randall, to John David Griffith Davies, regarding a paper 'Short period phosphorescence and electron traps' by G F J Garlick and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins7 September 1942
RR/69/26Referee's report by John Turton Randall, on a paper 'The inversion spectrum of ammonia at centimetre wave-lengths' by Brebis Bleaney and R P Penrose1946
RR/66/251Letter from Herbert John Gough, to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins23 April 1940
RR/66/188Letter to J Thewlis, for Director of Scientific Research, Ministry of Aircraft Production, regarding three papers 'Supersonic dispersion in gases II. Air containing water vapour' by M Mokhtar and E G Richardson, 'The air wave surrounding an expanding sphere' by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, and 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins22 May 1941
RR/68/296Referee's report by John Turton Randall, on a paper 'Short period phosphorescence and electron traps' by G F J Garlick and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins[August 1942]
RR/66/238Referee's report by Nevill Francis Mott, on a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins[January 1940]
RR/66/239Letter from John David Griffith Davies, to Herbert John Gough, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins24 January 1940
RR/66/240Letter from Herbert John Gough, to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins30 January 1940
RR/66/254Letter from Bennett Archambault, to Archibald Vivian Hill, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins7 July 1942
RR/68/306Second letter to John Turton Randall, regarding a paper 'Short period phosphorescence and electron traps' by G F J Garlick and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins10 September 1942
RR/66/237Memoranda, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins3 January 1940
RR/66/242Letter from Marcus Laurence Elwin Oliphant, to John David Griffith Davies, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins10 February 1940
RR/66/244Letter from John Turton Randall, to John David Griffith Davies, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins3 April 1940
RR/66/246Letter from John David Griffith Davies, to John Turton Randall, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins9 April 1940
RR/66/250Letter from Reginald Edward Stradling, to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, regarding a paper 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins23 April 1940
RR/66/187Letter from J Thewlis, for Director of Scientific Research, Ministry of Aircraft Production, regarding three papers 'Supersonic dispersion in gases II. Air containing water vapour' by M Mokhtar and E G Richardson, 'The air wave surrounding an expanding sphere' by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, and 'The phosphorescence of various solids' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins19 May 1941
RR/73/290Referee's report by John Turton Randall, on a paper 'The quenching of anthracene fluorescence' by Edmund John Bowen and W S Metcalf17 January 1951
RR/75/158Referee's report by John Turton Randall, on a paper 'A new radio interferometer and its application to the observation of weak radio stars' by Martin Ryle6 September 1951
RR/79/318Referee's report by John Turton Randall, on a paper 'Opalescence and concentration fluctuations in binary liquid mixtures near the critical mixing point. I. Experimental' by Chow Quantie6 January 1954
RR/79/319Referee's report by John Turton Randall, on a paper 'Opalescence and concentration fluctuations in binary liquid mixtures near the critical mixing point. II. Theoretical' by R Furth and C L Williams6 January 1954
RR/75/195Referee's report by John Turton Randall, on a paper 'The viscosity of liquid lithium, rubidium and caesium' by Edward Neville Da Costa Andrade and E R Dobbs21 September 1951
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