
Authorised form of nameMann; Thaddeus Robert Rudolph (1908 - 1993)
Dates1908 - 1993
Date of birth04/12/1908
Date of death27/11/1993
CBE 1962
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election15/03/1951
Age at election42
NCUACS 30/6/91. Papers deposited in Cambridge University Library
Archives associated with this Fellow
GLB/19/1/92Thaddeus Mann, ARC Unit of Reproductive Physiology and Biochemistry, Molteno Institute, Cambridge to Brown16 February 1960
CMB/278/85Paper passed for publication in the Proceedings5 June 1957
CMB/281/17Papers passed for publication in the Proceedings1959
IM/GA/WS/4094Mann, Thaddeus Robert Rudolphnd
MDA/A/12/179Letter from Thaddeus Robert Rudolph Mann to Robert Robinson, Molteno Institute of Biology and Parasitology (incorporating the Quick Laboratory), University of Cambridge12 September 1947
MDA/A/12/165Copy letter on behalf of Assistant Secretary to Thaddeus Robert Rudolph Mann, The Royal Society26 August 1947
IM/002959Mann, Thaddeus Robert Rudolphnd
EC/1951/13Mann, Thaddeus Robert Rudolph: certificate of election to the Royal Society
IM/002958Mann, Thaddeus Robert Rudolphnd
RR/80/33Referee's report by John Hammond, on a paper 'The presence and role of inositol and certain other substances in the seminal vesicle secretion of the boar' by Thaddeus Robert Rudolph Mann21 July 1953
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