Authorised form of name | Cruquius; Nicolaus (1678 - 1754) |
Other forms of name | Nicolaas Samuel |
Krukius, Nicolaas Samuel |
Dates | 1678 - 1754 |
Nationality | Dutch |
Date of birth | 02 December 1678 |
Date of death | 06 February 1754 |
Occupation | Surveyor; Water Engineer |
Research field | Surveying |
Meteorology |
Activity | Education: Med Kand Career: Inspector of Surveys for the Rijnland; Bailiff of Sparendam; Examiner of Navigation for the East India Company of Delft; produced an atlas of Delftland Memberships: Hollandsche Maatschappije te Haarlem
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 12/03/1724 |
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; BIB References: Anita McConnell, 'L F Marsigli's Voyage to London and Holland, 1721-1722' in NR 1986-87 vol 41 pp 39-76 Notes: Proposed by William Sherard |
Code | NA2702 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
EL/C2/64 | Letter, from Nicolaus Cruquius to James Jurin, dated at Leyden | October 1725 |
CLP/5/33 | Paper, 'Tabula meteorologica' by Nicolaus Cruquius | 1724 |
EL/C2/63 | Letter, from Nicolaus Cruquius to James Jurin, dated at Leyden | 1725 |
CLP/5/19 | Paper, regarding weather observations from Leiden, Delft [Netherlands] and Rheinsberg [Germany] for 1715 to 1723 by Nicolaus Cruquius | 1723 |
RBO/11/127 | Observations of the weather for 1723 by Nicholas Cruquius | 1724 |