Authorised form of name | Armstrong; Edward Frankland (1878 - 1945); chemist |
Dates | 1878 - 1945 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | 38 Limes Grove, Lewisham, London, England |
Date of birth | 05 September 1878 |
Place of death | Princess Beatrice Hospital, Earls Court, London, England |
Date of death | 14 December 1945 |
Occupation | chemist |
Research field | Chemistry |
Activity | Education: Royal College of Science; Central Technical College (later part of Imperial College); DSc (Lond); PhD (Berlin) Career: Assisted Emil Fischer in Berlin (1901); returned to England (1905); employed as chemist to the biscuit manufacturing company Huntley and Palmer, Reading whilst simultaneously pursuing research on glycosides; worked with Joseph Crosfield & Sons, a soap and chemical company focusing on catalysis and providing chemicals required during the war, including acetone and acetic acid (1914); director of the British Dyestuffs Corporation at Manchester and Huddersfield (1925); moved to London and became a consultant chemist for various industries (1928); chief scientific adviser to the government on air-raid precautions (1939-1945); died from complications following appendicitis. Memberships: Royal Society of Arts (President 1943) Association of British Chemical Manufacturers (President 1935) |
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 13/05/1920 |
Age at election | 42 |
Proposer | Adrian John Brown; Arthur William Crossley; William Maddock Bayliss; Frederick Gowland Hopkins; William Palmer Wynne;Frederick William Keeble; James Crichton Browne |
Horace Tabberer Brown; John Fletcher Moulton; William Augustus Tilden; Henry John Horstman Fenton; Edward Thorpe; Frederic Stanley Kipping; Percy Faraday Frankland |
RSActivity | Royal Society roles: VP 1942-1943 |
Relationships | Parents: Henry Edward Armstrong (FRS 1876) (1848–1937), professor of chemistry at the City and Guilds of London Institute, and Frances Louisa (1843/4–1935), daughter of Thomas Howard Lavers, chemist and druggist of Lewisham. Spouse: Ethel Mary Turpin, daughter of C. K. Turpin of Woolwich. (1907). Children: Three sons and a daughter. |
PublishedWorks | RCN 11685 |
Royal Society Obituary or Memoir | Click to view (may be contained within a meeting notice, presidential address or list of death notices) |
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DSB; DNB Obituaries: Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society 1945-1948 vol 5 pp 619-633, plate, by C S Gibson and T P Hilditch |
Virtual International Authority File | |
Code | NA2904 |
RefNo | Title | Date |
RR/16/139 | Referee's report by Horace Tabberer Brown, on four papers 'Studies on enzyme action. II.--The rate of the change, conditioned by sucroclastic enzymes, and its bearing on the Law of Mass Action' and ''Studies on enzyme action. III.--The influence of the products of change on the rate of change conditioned by sucroclastic enzymes' by Henry Edward Armstrong, 'Studies on enzyme action. IV.--The sucroclastic action of acids as contrasted with that of enzymes' by Edward Frankland Armstrong and Robert John Caldwell and 'Enzyme action as bearing on the validity of the Ionic-Dissociation Hypothesis and on the phenomena of vital change' by Henry Edward Armstrong | 10 May 1904 |
RR/37/46 | Referee's report by Edward Frankland Armstrong, on two papers 'A new interference method of measuring the surface area of film catalysts. Part I.—The theory' and 'A new interference method of measuring the surface area of film catalysts.—Part II. Nickel—A method of preparation of the film, and an apparatus for activation, and study of the surface area' by F Constable | March 1928 |
RR/19/4 | Referee's report by Horace Tabberer Brown, on a paper 'Studies on enzyme action. XVI.—The enzymes of emulsin. (I) Prunase, the correlate of prunasin' by Henry Edward Armstrong, Edward Frankland Armstrong and Edward Horton | [April 1912] |
NLB/35/386 | Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Professor Henry Edward Armstrong and Dr Edward Frankland Armstrong | 30 May 1907 |
NLB/37/239 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr E F Armstong, 98 London Road, Reading | 19 February 1908 |
NLB/37/322 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Messrs Harrison & Sons, St Martin's Lane, WC | 2 March 1908 |
RR/17/115 | Referee's report by Horace Tabberer Brown, on 'Studies on enzyme action. X. — The nature of enzymes' by Henry Edward Armstrong and Edward Frankland Armstrong | [May 1907] |
RR/26/81 | Referee's report by Edward Frankland Armstrong, on a paper 'The action of ammonia and of amino-compounds on reducing sugars. I - The action of ammonia on dextrose ad laevulose' by Arthur R Ling and Dinshaw Rattonji Nanji | [December 1921] |
NLB/58/386 | Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Edward Frankland] Armstrong, FRS | 28 April 1920 |
NLB/71/508 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Edward Frankland] Armstrong, FRS | 19 June 1928 |
RR/18/4 | Referee's report by Horace Tabbeler Brown, on a paper 'On the origins of osmotic effects III' by Henry Edward Armstrong and Edward Frankland Armstrong | 1 May 1910 |
NLB/59/458 | Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Society of Chemical Industry | 5 October 1920 |
RR/20/7 | Referee's report by Horace Tabberer Brown, on a paper 'Herbage Studies II - Variation in Lotus corniculatus and trifolium repens (Cyanophoric plants)' by Henry Edward Armstrong, Edward Frankland Armstrong and Edward Horton | 17 January 1913 |
NLB/60/287 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Edward Frankland] Armstrong, FRS | 13 January 1921 |
NLB/62/58 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Edward Frankland] Armstrong, FRS | 24 November 1921 |
NLB/64/520 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Edward Frankland] Armstrong, FRS | 01 May 1923 |
NLB/57/881 | Copy letter from unknown correspondent; to unknown correspondent | 26 February 1920 |
NLB/63/2 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Edward Frankland] Armstrong, FRS | 10 June 1922 |
NLB/67/454 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Edward Frankland] Armstrong, FRS | 2 January 1925 |
NLB/69/190 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Edward Frankland] Armstrong, FRS | 25 January 1926 |
NLB/71/392 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Edward Frankland] Armstrong FRS, British Dyestuffs Corporation, Ltd, Hexagon House, Blackley, Manchester | 1 May 1928 |
NLB/73/220 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, Imperial Chemical Industries. | 11 March 1931 |
EC/1920/01 | Armstrong, Edward Frankland: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
RR/32/8 | Referee's report by George Gerald Henderson, on a paper 'A study of catalytic actions at solid surfaces. Part XIII - Some factors controlling selective hydrogenation, with particular reference to certain terpene derivatives' by Edward Frankland Armstrong and Thomas Percy Hilditch | March 1925 |
RR/19/5 | Referee's report by Horace Tabberer Brown, on a paper 'Studies on enzyme action. XVII.—Enzymes of the emulsin type. (II) The distribution of ß-enzymes in plants' by Henry Edward Armstrong, Edward Frankland Armstrong and Edward Horton | [April 1912] |
RR/20/5 | Referee's report by William Maddock Bayliss, on a paper 'Studies on the processes operative in solutions (XXX) and on enzyme action (XX) - The nature of enzymes and of their action as hydrolytic agents' by Edward Frankland Armstrong and Henry Edward Armstrong | June 1913 |
RR/35/118 | Referee's report by Edward Frankland Armstrong, on a paper 'A study of the catalysis by nickel of the union of hydrogen and oxygen by a new method' by D R Hughes and R C Bevan | August 1927 |
MS/257/2/199 | Letter from Edward Frankland, Burlington House to the President and Council of the Royal Society | 30 June 1859 |
RR/19/7 | Referee's report by James Walker, on a paper 'Studies on the processes operative in solutions (XXX) and on enzyme action (XX).—The nature of enzymes and of their action as hydrolytic agents' by Henry Edward Armstrong and Edward Frankland Armstrong | [October 1912] |
RR/19/8 | Referee's report by William Augustus Tilden, on a paper 'Studies on the processes operative in solutions (XXX) and on enzyme action (XX).—The nature of enzymes and of their action as hydrolytic agents' by Henry Edward Armstrong and Edward Frankland Armstrong | 18 October 1912 |
RR/41/27 | Referee's report by Edward Frankland Armstrong, on a paper 'Explosions of mixtures of acetylene and electrolytic gas' by William Arthur Bone, R P Fraser, and F Lake | 15 November 1930 |
RR/69/66 | Memorandum from Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper 'Studies on silk proteins I. The properties and constitution of fibroin. The conversion of fibroin into a water-soluble form and its bearing on the phenomenon of denaturation' by D Coleman and F O Howitt to Edward Frankland Armstrong | 22 February 1945 |
RR/69/257 | Referee's report by Edward Frankland Armstrong, on a paper 'Red sandstones. An experimental study of the conditions under which they may be formed' by Robert John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh | 27 July 1945 |
MC/23/19 | Letter from [Edward Frankland] Armstrong, 98 London Road, Reading, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [The Royal Society] | 21 February 1908 |
MC/23/20 | Letter from [Edward Frankland] Armstrong, 98 London Road, Reading, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [The Royal Society] | 29 February 1908 |
MC/28/164 | Letter from Frederick [William] Keeble, 25 Denmark Road, Reading, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society] | 9 February 1913 |
MC/33/25 | Letter from J.P Longstaff, Secretary, Society of Chemical Industry, Central House, 46 & 47 Finsbury Square, London, E.C.2., to The Assistant Secretary, Royal Society, Burlington Housee, W.1 | 19 March 1918 |
MC/34/23 | Letter from Horace [Tabberer] Brown, 52 Nevern Square, Kensington, S. W. 5., to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society] | 17 July 1919 |
MC/23/18 | Letter from [Edward] Frankland Armstrong, 98 London Road, Reading, to [Robert] Harrison, Assistant Secretary, The Royal Society | 18 February 1908 |
MC/23 | Volume 23 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1908 |