RefNo | Title | Date |
MM/8/80 | Letter from Jose de Mendoza Rios, Buckingham Place, to John Pond | 18 December 1815 |
DM/3/155 | John Pond, 'The Report of Mr Pond on Mr Faraday's Telescope' | 23 December 1830 |
DM/2/97 | Letter from John Pond, Royal Observatory, to Stephen Lee | 21 April 1825 |
DM/3/157 | Letter from John Pond, Royal Observatory | 1831 |
DM/3/133 | Bill and Receipt, John Pond, Sir Joseph Banks and P & G Dollond, £115.0.0 | 13 March 1818 |
DM/3/160 | Report by the Barlow Telescope Committee | May 1831 |
DM/2/96 | Copy of letter from Stephen Lee, Royal Society, to John Pond | 9 April 1825 |
MS/391/243 | Bond of John Pond to the Treasurer of the Royal Society | 5 March 1807 |
PT/9/22 | Paper, 'Determination of the North Polar distances and proper motion of 30 fixed stars' by J [John] Pond | [1815] |
MM/6/74 | Letter from J F W Herschel, Colnbrook, to John Pond | 1 November 1821 |
PT/16/32 | Paper, 'On certain changes, which appear to have taken place in the positions of some of the principal fixed stars' by John Pond | [1823] |
L&P/12/141/1 | Paper, 'The declination of some of the principal fixed stars and description of an astronomical circle' by John Pond | 1806 |
IM/003622 | Pond, John | 30 June 1975 |
MM/8/78 | Letter from John Pond to Sir Joseph Banks | 14 December 1815 |
DM/2/94 | Copy of letter from Stephen Lee to John Pond | 20 December 1834 |
EC/1806/15 | Pond, John: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
PT/7/3 | Paper, 'Observation of the summer solstice 1812 at the Royal Observatory' by John Pond | [1812] |
MC/1/41 | Letter from Stephen Peter Rigaud, Richmond, to the Royal Society | 12 August 1814 |
MC/1/78 | Letter from John Pond, Astronomer Royal, to Sir Humphry Davy, President of the Royal Society | 21 November 1821 |
MC/1/110 | Letter from George Harvey, Plymouth, to Davies Gilbert, Treasurer of the Royal Society | 1 May 1824 |
PT/12/26 | Paper, 'On the parallax of the fixed stars in right ascension' by John Pond | [1818] |
MC/1/133 | Letter from John Pond, Astronomer Royal, to the Royal Society | 30 July 1825 |
MC/1/135 | Letter from John Pond, Astronomer Royal, to the Royal Society | 19 October 1825 |
MC/1/141 | Letter from John Pond, Astronomer Royal, to the Royal Society | 9 March 1826 |
PT/11/10 | Paper, 'On the parallax of the fixed stars' by John Pond | [1817] |
PT/12/25 | Paper, 'On the parallax of α aquilæ' by John Pond | [1818] |
PT/11/28 | Paper, 'On the parallax of the fixed stars' by John Pond | [1817] |
PT/12/20 | Paper, 'On the different methods of constructing a catalogue of fixed stars' by J [John] Pond | [1818] |
PT/16/7 | Paper, 'On the parallax of α lyræ' by John Pond | [1822] |
MC/1/182 | Letter from Thomas John Hussey, Rectory at Chislehurst, to Doctor [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society | 11 December 1829 |
MC/1/199 | Letter from [Thomas Glanville] Taylor, Royal Observatory, to [William] Hardy, 5 Wood Street, Coppice Row, Spa Field | 24 February 1830 |
PT/7/8 | Paper, 'Catalogue of North Polar distances of some of the principal fixed stars' by John Pond | [1812] |
PT/16/5 | Paper, 'On the changes which have taken place in the declinations, of some of the principal fixed stars' by John Pond | [1822] |
PT/16/6 | Paper, 'Appendix to a former paper on the changes which appear to have taken place in the declination of some of the fixed stars' by J [John] Pond | [1822] |
MC/1/345 | Letter from Thomas Taylor, Royal Observatory, to [James] Hudson, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society] | 2 December 1831 |
PT/11/11 | Paper, 'Appendix to Mr Pond's paper on parallax' by John Pond | [1817] |
MC/1 | Volume 1 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1800-1831 |
PT/7/32 | Paper, 'Catalogue of North Polar distances of 83 of the fixed stars, from observations made with the mural circle at the Royal Observatory' by John Pond | [1813] |
PT/7/17 | Paper, 'Observation of the winter solstice of 1812 with the mural circle at Greenwich' by John Pond | [1813] |
AP/12/18 | Unpublished paper, 'Description of a method of determining the direction of the meridian, applicable to geodetical operations and to the verification of a meridian mark in fixed observations' by I [John] Pond | [1826?] |
L&P/12/141 | Paper, 'The declination of some of the principal fixed stars and description of an astronomical circle' by John Pond | 1806 |
RR/1/152 | Referee's report by John Pond, on an unnamed paper by Joseph Jackson Lister | 11 March 1830 |
HS/14/33 | Letter, from John Pond to Sir John Herschel | undated |
HS/14/31 | Letter, from John Pond to Sir John Herschel | 20 June 1822 |
HS/14/30 | Letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Pond, dated at Slough | 29 October 1821 |
HS/14/34 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Pond, dated at Hastings | 23 July 1825 |
HS/14/35 | Letter, from John Pond to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Observatory | 26 August 1827 |
HS/14/32 | Letter, from John Pond to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Observatory | 20 June 1822 |