
Authorised form of namePeierls; Sir; Rudolf Ernst (1907 - 1995)
Other forms of nameRudolph
Dates1907 - 1995
Date of birth05/06/1907
Date of death19/09/1995
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election22/03/1945
Age at election37
RSActivityMedals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1959; Copley Medal 1986
Biographical Memoirs 2007, Volume 52 pp 265-284 by Sabine Lee

CSAC 52/6/77, NCUACS 57/6/95. Papers deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford

David Thouless, 'Two Pioneers of Modern Theoretical Physics', review of H A Bethe, Selected Works of Hans A Bethe, With Commentary and R H Dalitz and Sir Rudolf Peierls, Selected Scientific Papers of Sir Rudolf Peierls, With Commentary in NR 1999 vol 53 pp 282-288
G V R Born, FRS, 'The wide-ranging family history of Max Born' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 219-262
R Singh and F Riess, 'The nobel laureate Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman FRS and his contacts with the British Scientific community in a social and political context' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 47-64
Dr T V Attwood, 'Uranium Isotope Separtion in the UK during World War II' Ph.D thesis, 2004
Archives associated with this Fellow
EC/1945/15Peierls, Sir Rudolf Ernst: certificate of election to the Royal Society
HWT/23/3/2Correspondence regarding arrangements for visit of Japanese scientific delegationJanuary - March 1971
PB/9/1/90Correspondence with Rudolf Peierls1948
PB/2/2/10/1/4Correspondence on V-particles, January-October 1951January-October 1951
IM/003483Peierls, Sir Rudolph Ernstnd
RR/72/147Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Nuclear magnetic resonance at low temperatures' by J Hatton and B V Rollin1949
RR/70/97Referee's report by Rudolph Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Quantum electrodynamics and low-energy photons' by C Jayaratnam Eliezer1947
RR/70/197Referee's report by Rudolph Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'On the scattering of fast neutrons by protons' by W H Ramsay1947
RR/70/128Referee's report by Rudolph Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Interaction of mesons with a potential field' by J C Gunn31 December 1947
RR/72/272Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The interaction representation in the quantum theory of fields' by J S De Wet16 December 1949
RR/70/246Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'On first order wave equations for elementary particles without subsidiary conditions' by E Wild19 March 1947
RR/71/294Letter from Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on an unknown paper by an unknown author to D C Martin Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society19 January 1949
RR/64/77Referee's report by Nevill Francis Mott, on a paper 'Penetration into potential barriers in several dimensions' by P L Kapur and Rudolf Ernst Peierls[August 1937]
RR/72/226Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The inelastic scattering of protons by magnesium, aluminium and other light elements' by E H Rhoderick1949
RR/70/198Letter from Rudolph Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'On the scattering of protons by protons' by W H Ramsay to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society14 February 1948
RR/70/199Referee's report by Rudolph Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'On the scattering of protons by protons' by W H Ramsay 1947
RR/70/7Letter from Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'A generalization of the method of separating longitudinal and transverse waves in electrodynamics' by Sonja Ashauer to the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society22 December 1947
RR/70/58Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The softening of radiation by multiple Compton scattering' by Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar20 September 1947
RR/68/80Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Non-central forces in the nuclear two-body problem' by W Hepner and Rudolf Ernst Peierls[1941]
RR/70/6Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'A generalization of the method of separating longitudinal and transverse waves in electrodynamics' by Sonja Ashauer1947
RR/70/92Referee's report by Rudolph Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The intermediate state of superconductors. I. Magnetization of superconducting cylinders in transverse magnetic fields' by M Désirant and David Shoenberg16 January 1948
RR/68/81Referee's report by Ralph Howard Fowler, on a paper 'Non-central forces in the nuclear two-body problem' by W Hepner and Rudolf Ernst Peierls[1941]
RR/71/8Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'A note on the classical theory of a point source' by F C Auluck and D S Kothari[1948]
RR/70/4Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The intermediate state of superconductors. II. The resistance of cylindrical superconductors in transverse magnetic fields' by Edward Raymond Andrew16 January 1948
RR/70/5Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The intermediate state of superconductors III. Theory of behaviour of superconducting cylinders in transverse magnetic fields' by Edward Raymond Andrew16 January 1948
RR/70/111Referee's report by Rudolph Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The binding energies of very light nuclei' by Herbert Fröhlich, Kun Huang and Ian Naismith Sneddon to the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society1947
RR/70/46Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The capture of neutrons by deuterons' by Eric Henry Stonely Burhop and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey1947
RR/70/110Letter from Rudolph Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The binding energies of very light nuclei' by Herbert Fröhlich, Kun Huang and Ian Naismith Sneddon to the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society1 March 1947
RR/70/109Letter from Rudolph Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The binding energies of very light nuclei' by Herbert Fröhlich, Kun Huang and Ian Naismith Sneddon to the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society7 March 1947
RR/71/99Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper [attributed] 'Order-disorder statistics. II. A two-dimensional model' by Cyril Domb[1948]
RR/71/65Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The scattering of high-energy neutrons by protons and the law of interaction between nucleons' by Eric Henry Stonely Burhop and H N Yadav[1948]
RR/71/155Second referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Non-central interactions between neutron and proton' by Tsi-ming Hu and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey4 September 1948
RR/71/154Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Non-central interactions between neutron and proton' by Tsi-ming Hu and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey[June 1948]
RR/72/27Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'On the stochastic theory of continuous parametric systems and its application to electron cascades' by Homi Jehangir Bhabha1949
RR/72/30Letter from Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'On the stochastic theory of continuous parametric systems and its application to electron cascades' by Homi Jehangir Bhabha to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society14 October 1949
RR/71/287Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Kinetic theory of diffusion in gases and liquids' by L M Yang1948
PB/1/33/1/7Nobel Prize1948
IM/GA/GRS/6277Peierls, Sir Rudolf Ernst1946
PB/2/7/5/7Blackett's correspondence with Rudolf PeierlsApril-May 1937
RR/56/68Referee's report by Ralph Howard Fowler, on a paper 'Statistical theory of superlattices with unequal concentrations of the components' by Rudolf Ernst Peierls[November 1935]
RR/70/91Letter from Rudolph Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The intermediate state of superconductors. I. Magnetization of superconducting cylinders in transverse magnetic fields' by M Désirant and David Shoenberg16 January 1948
MS/880Documents and correspondence relating to Sir Rudolf Ernst Peierls and Lady Eugenia Peierls1978 - 30 October 2008
RR/71/288Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Kinetic theory of diffusion in gases and liquids. II. General kinetic theory of liquids mixtures' by L M Yang1948
RR/71/262Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Charge distribution and energy levels of trapped electrons in ionic solids' by J H Simpson17 November 1948
RR/71/100Second referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper [attributed] 'Order-disorder statistics. II. A two-dimensional model' by Cyril Domb20 August 1948
RR/72/28Letter from Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'On the stochastic theory of continuous parametric systems and its application to electron cascades' by Homi Jehangir Bhabha to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society21 April 1950
RR/73/48Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The conductivity of thin wires in a magnetic field' by Robert G Chambers2 March 1950
RR/73/287Letter from Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Photodisintegration of the alpha-particle and the inverse processes' by Brian Hilton Flowers and F Mandl, to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society11 December 1950
RR/73/131Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Binding energy of the Triton' by Tsi-ming Hu and Kung-ngou Hsu1950
RR/73/45Referee's report by Nevill Francis Mott, on a paper 'On the atomic theory of elasticity' by Kun Huang24 February 1950
RR/70/223Letter from Rudolph Ernst Peirels, on a paper 'The excitation of nuclei by electrons' by Ian Naismith Sneddon and B F Touschek to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society1 January 1946
RR/70/224Referee's report by Rudolph Ernst Peirels, on a paper 'The excitation of nuclei by electrons' by Ian Naismith Sneddon and B F Touschek1947
RR/71/289Letter from Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Kinetic theory of diffusion in gases and liquids. II. General kinetic theory of liquids mixtures' by L M Yang to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society19 March 1949
RR/72/29Letter from Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'On the stochastic theory of continuous parametric systems and its application to electron cascades' by Homi Jehangir Bhabha to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society15 August 1949
RR/73/292Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Order-disorder statistics. III. The antiferromagnetic and order-disorder transitions' by J E Brooks and Cyril Domb11 December 1950
RR/73/77Referee's report by Rudolf Peierls, on a paper 'A theory of growth of real crystals. II. Rates of growth of a crystal surface' by William Keith Burton, Nicolás Cabrera and Frederick Charles Frank[4 July 1950]
RR/73/75Referee's report by Rudolf Peierls, on a paper 'Equilibrium structure of crystal surfaces. II. Structure of a crystal surface as a cooperative phenomenon' by William Keith Burton and Nicolás Cabrera4 July 1950
RR/73/201Letter from Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The theory of the T & D reaction' by Brian Hilton Flowers, to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society4 September 1950
RR/73/202Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The theory of the T & D reaction' by Brian Hilton Flowers4 September 1950
RR/73/253Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Contributions to the theory of heterogeneous barrier layer rectifiers' by P T Landsberg29 October 1950
RR/73/288Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Photodisintegration of the alpha-particle and the inverse processes' by Brian Hilton Flowers and F Mandl2 December 1950
RR/73/203Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The application of variational methods to atomic scattering problems. I. The elastic scattering of electrons by hydrogen atoms' by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey and B L Moiseiwitsch18 September 1950
RR/75/65Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Penetration of magnetic fields into superconductors. III. Measurements on thin films of tin, lead and Indium' by J M Lock31 March 1951
RR/75/226Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The scattering of neutrons and of protons by deuterons' by R A Buckingham, S J Hubbard and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey20 August 1951
RR/77/154Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The theory of the deuteron stripping reaction' by R Huby21 August 1952
RR/75/301Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The application of variational methods to atomic scattering problems. II. Impact excitation of the 2s level of atomic hydrogen - distorted wave treatment' by G A Erskine and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey22 November 1951
RR/77/106Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Inelastic collisions between atoms. I. General theoretical considerations' by David Roberts Bates, Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey and A L Stewart13 June 1952
RR/75/305Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The enumeration of graphs in the Feynman-Dyson technique' by C A Hurst5 December 1951
RR/77/156Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The theory of the double Compton effect' by F Mandl and T H R Skyrme28 August 1952
RR/77/243Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Cross section for the photodisintegration of carbon into three alpha-particles' by F K Goward and J J Wilkins25 December 1952
RR/79/107Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Forbidden transitions in the palladium I spectrum' by Allen Goodrich Shenstone17 May 1953
RR/79/49Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The theory of electronic conduction in polar semi-conductors' by D J Howarth and E H Sondheimer15 April 1953
RR/79/315Letter from Rudolf Ernst Peierls to D C Martin, assistant secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'The relation between zero-energy scattering phaseshift for elastic collisions, the Pauli exclusion principle and the number of composite bound states' by P Swan15 April 1954
RR/79/89Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Quantum hydrodynamics and the theory of liquid helium' by John Michael Ziman5 May 1953
RR/79/314Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The relation between zero-energy scattering phaseshift for elastic collisions, the Pauli exclusion principle and the number of composite bound states' by P Swan12 January 1954
RR/73/209Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Theory of the nuclear hyperfine structure of paramagnetic resonance spectra in crystals' by Anatole Abragam and Maurice Henry Lecorney Pryce19 September 1950
RR/73/236Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The theory of the nuclear hyperfine structure of paramagnetic resonance spectra in the copper tutton salts' by Anatole Abragam and Maurice Henry Lecorney Pryce19 September 1950
RR/73/254Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The theory of paramagnetic resonance in hydrated cobalt salts' by Anatole Abragam and Maurice Henry Lecorney Pryce25 October 1950
RR/73/44Letter from Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'On the atomic theory of elasticity' by Kun Huang, to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society17 February 1950
RR/75/303Letter from Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The enumeration of graphs in the Feynman-Dyson technique' by C A Hurst, to D C Martin, assistant secretary of the Royal Society23 November 1951
RR/79/60Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Electron excitation of forbidden lines occurring in gaseous nebulae' by Michael John Seaton21 March 1953
RR/79/316Letter from Rudolf Ernst Peierls to D C Martin, assistant secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'The relation between zero-energy scattering phaseshift for elastic collisions, the Pauli exclusion principle and the number of composite bound states' by P Swan13 September 1954
RR/73/286Letter from Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Photodisintegration of the alpha-particle and the inverse processes' by Brian Hilton Flowers and F Mandl, to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society2 December 1950
RR/75/304Letter from Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The enumeration of graphs in the Feynman-Dyson technique' by C A Hurst, to D C Martin, assistant secretary of the Royal Society6 December 1951
RR/77/132Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The total neutron cross-sections of cobalt, silver, iodine, aluminium, nickel and gallium between 1 eV and 5 KeV' by Alexander Walter Merrison and E R Wiblin25 July 1952
RR/77/109Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The Hartree-Fock equations for continuous states with applications to the electron excitation of the ground configuration terms of O I' by M J Seaton25 July 1952
RR/77/70Referee's report by Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, on a paper 'The commutation laws of relativistic field theory' by Rudolf Ernst Peierls23 April 1952
RR/73/76Referee's report by Rudolf Peierls, on a paper 'A theory of growth of real crystals. I. Movement of steps on a crystal surface' by William Keith Burton, Nicolás Cabrera and Frederick Charles Frank[4 July 1950]
RR/73/74Referee's report by Rudolf Peierls, on a paper 'Equilibrium structure of crystal surfaces. I. Steps and two dimensional nuclei' by William Keith Burton and Nicolás Cabrera4 July 1950
RR/73/72Letter from William Lawrence Bragg, on four papers by William Keith Burton, Nicolás Cabrera and Frederick Charles Frank, to David Brunt, Secretary of the Royal Society10 May 1950
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