RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1746/17 | Euler, Leonhard: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 22 January 1747 |
M/075 | Euler, Leonhard | 1932 |
L&P/2/393 | Letter, 'Extracts in French' from Leonhard Euler to Caspar Wetstein | 8 July 1752 |
L&P/2/395 | Letter, 'A few remarks on a book entitled 'The principles of action on matter of gravitation, with motions of the planets explained' by Alexander Coldon' from Leonhard Euler to Caspar Wetstein | 21 November 1752 |
L&P/2/503 | Letter, 'The acceleration of the motion of the planets' from Leonhard Euler to Caspar Wetstein | 9 April 1754 |
L&P/3/258 | Letter, 'Of the atmosphere of the Moon' from Leonhard Euler to Caspar Wetstein | 26 March 1757 |
L&P/2/474 | Letter, 'Thanks to Wetstein for sending him Gaubil's observations' from Leonhard Euler to Caspar Wetstein | 8 January 1754 |
L&P/2/376 | Letter, 'Of object-glasses for telescopes' from Leonhard Euler to James Short | 17 June 1752 |
L&P/5/60 | Letter, 'On telescopes' from Leonhard Euler to the Royal Society | 21 October 1768 |
L&P/2/230 | Letter, 'Of a problem as to Sir Isaac Newton's theory of lunar irregularities: prize offered by Petersburg Academy' from Leonhard Euler to Caspar Wetstein | 27 April 1751 |
NLB/57 | New Letter Book volume 57, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration | 27 June 1919-27 February 1920 |
MC/1/167 | Letter from John Henslett, Hunter Street, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society | 9 April 1829 |
MC/2 | Volume 2 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1832-1838 |
MC/2/26 | Letter from John [?] Herapath, 2 Upper Bedford Place, Kensington, to [Prince Augustus Frederick], President of the Royal Society | 16 February 1832 |
MC/1 | Volume 1 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1800-1831 |
AP/3/22/4 | Unpublished diagram, wheel acting on pinion by [Robert Woodhouse] | [1807] |
AP/4/7 | Unpublished letter and paper, on the construction and manoeuvering of ships by L [Leonhard] Euler | 28 January 1774 |
AP/3/22/6 | Unpublished diagram, teeth of two wheels in contact by [Robert Woodhouse] | [1807] |
AP/3/22/2 | Unpublished diagram, epicycloidal curve as tooth on wheel by [Robert Woodhouse] | [1807] |
AP/3/22/3 | Unpublished diagram, angles of tooth of wheel by [Robert Woodhouse] | [1807] |
AP/3/22/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'On the form of the teeth of wheels' by Robert Woodhouse | [1807] |
AP/3/22/13 | Unpublished diagram, involutes of circles by [Robert Woodhouse] | [1807] |
AP/3/22/9 | Unpublished diagram, convex hypocycloid by [Robert Woodhouse] | [1807] |
AP/3/22/12 | Unpublished diagram, teeth elevating rack by [Robert Woodhouse] | [1807] |
AP/3/22/16 | Unpublished diagram, Euler's proof of involutes of circles by [Robert Woodhouse] | [1807] |
AP/3/22/15 | Unpublished diagram, lack of friction between wheels by [Robert Woodhouse] | [1807] |
AP/3/22/8 | Unpublished diagrams, hypocycloid and epicycloid by [Robert Woodhouse] | [1807] |
AP/3/22/10 | Unpublished diagram, epicycloid curve by [Robert Woodhouse] | [1807] |
AP/3/22/11 | Unpublished diagrams, epicycloidal curves by [Robert Woodhouse] | [1807] |
AP/3/22/14 | Unpublished diagrams, teeth constructed using involutes of circles and Euler's method by [Robert Woodhouse] | [1807] |
AP/3/22 | Unpublished paper, 'On the form of the teeth of wheels' by Robert Woodhouse | [1807] |
AP/4/7/3 | Unpublished diagrams, construction of ships by [Leonhard Euler] | [1774] |
AP/4/7/1 | Unpublished letter, on the construction and manoeuvering of ships by L [Leonhard] Euler | 28 January 1774 |
AP/4/7/4 | Unpublished diagrams, construction of ships by [Leonhard Euler] | [1774] |
AP/4/7/2 | Unpublished manuscript, on the construction and manoeuvering of ships by [Leonhard Euler] | [1774] |
AP/3/22/5 | Unpublished diagram, generating circle revolving on basis circle by [Robert Woodhouse] | [1807] |
L&P/2/56 | Letter, 'Concerning the contraction of the orbits of the planets' from Leonhardt Euler to to the Prince | 1749 |
AP/3/22/7 | Unpublished diagrams, curves revolving on each other by [Robert Woodhouse] | [1807] |
L&P/2/375 | Letter, 'Of object-glassed for telescopes' from Leonhard Euler to James Short | 19 June 1752 |
AP/7/22 | Unpublished letter, regarding Charles Wildbore's paper from Nevil Maskelyne to Sir Joseph Banks | 26 June 1787 |
AP/7/21 | Unpublished letter, regarding Wildbore's paper from [Charles] Wildbore to Sir Joseph Banks | 16 June 1787 |
L&P/7/113 | Letter, 'Of phosphor' from Benjamin Wilson to Leonhard Euler | 25 May 1779 |
IM/001316 | Euler, Leonhard | 1851 |
NLB/57/74 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Charles Tweedie, Esq., [FRSA] | 14 July 1919 |