
Authorised form of nameMacdonald; Sir; John Denis (1826 - 1908)
Dates1826 - 1908
Place of birthCork, County Cork, Ireland
Date of birth26 October 1826
Place of deathSouthall, Middlesex
Date of death07/02/1908
Research fieldZoology
Natural history
Assistant Surgeon, Royal Navy
KCB 1902
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election09/06/1859
Bulloch's Roll; DNB
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
NLB/13/363Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons1 August 1896
EC/1859/08Macdonald, Sir John Denis: certificate of election to the Royal Society
AP/34/16/3Unpublished figures, magnified crustacean antennae by John Denis MacDonaldDecember 1852
NLB/4/702Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Denis Macdonald, Fellow of the Royal Society1 October 1890
NLB/3/489Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Denis Macdonald, Fellow of the Royal Society22 June 1889
NLB/3/488Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, [Secretary, Royal Society]22 June 1889
NLB/3/994Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Denis Macdonald, La Maisonette, Claremonth Road, Surbiton3 December 1889
NLB/3/948Copy letter from [John William Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, to Dr John Denis Macdonald, Fellow of the Royal Society21 November 1889
NLB/11/664Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Dr John Denis Macdonald, Fellow of the Royal Society6 September 1895
NLB/19/625Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Dr John Denis Macdonald, Fellow of the Royal Society11 November 1899
AP/39/39/8Unpublished figure, 'Inferior palial [pallial] artery' by John Denis MacdonaldMarch 1857
NLB/10/252Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons1 November 1894
AP/39/39/3Unpublished figure, 'Contractile portion of the bulbous arteriosus' by John Denis MacdonaldMarch 1857
NLB/19/705Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Denis Macdonald, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairminster House, Dorchester, Dorset27 November 1899
NLB/36/418Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John Denis Macdonald, Fellow of the Royal Society28 October 1907
NLB/37/192Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Harrison & Sons12 February 1908
PT/51/5/2Plate, figures 1-4 showing several views of the Macgillivrayia pelagica by J D M [John Denis Macdonald]11 February 1854
MC/12/154Letter from John D [Denis] Macdonald, [?] Netley, Southampton, to [Thomas Henry] Huxley, [Secretary of the Royal Society]12 March 1881
PT/51/4/2Plate, 'Left lateral view of N. umbilicatus removed from the shell' by J D [John Denis] Macdonald[1854]
RR/7/311Referee's report by John Denis Macdonald, on a paper 'Contributions to the development history of the mollusca' by Edwin Ray Lankester1 April 1874
AP/69/7Unpublished paper, 'Analogy of sound and colour; comparison of the seven colours of the rainbow with the seven notes of the musical scale as determined by the monochord, and of the wavelengths of colour and sound' by John [Denis] Macdonald1893
AP/69/7/3Unpublished letter, regarding 'Outline of the practical application of musical harmony to colours' from John Denis Macdonald to Herbert Rix24 March 1893
AP/69/7/2Unpublished diagrams, 'Outline of the practical application of musical harmony to colours' by John Denis Macdonald1893
AP/39/39/7Unpublished figures, pallial recurrent arteries by John Denis MacdonaldMarch 1857
AP/69/7/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Analogy of sound and colour; comparison of the seven colours of the rainbow with the seven notes of the musical scale as determined by the monochord, and of the wavelengths of colour and sound' by John [Denis] Macdonald1893
RR/4/158Referee's report by George Busk, on three unnamed papers by John Denis MacDonald4 February 1859
RR/2/142Referee's report by George Newport, on a paper 'On the anatomy of Nautilus umbilicatus, compared with that of Nautilus pompilius' by John Denis MacDonald26 May 1853
PT/51/4/1Manuscript, 'On the anatomy of Nautilus umbilicatus compared with that of Nautilus pompilius' by John Denis Macdonald[1854]
PT/51/4Paper, 'On the anatomy of Nautilus umbilicatus compared with that of Nautilus pompilius' by John Denis Macdonald[1854]
PT/51/6/1Manuscript, 'Further observations on the anatomy of Macgillivrayia, Cheletropis, and allied genera of pelagic gasteropoda' by John Denis Macdonald[1855]
PT/51/6/2Plate, figures 16-24 showing the Macgillivrayia pelagica and other pelagic gasteropods by J D [John Denis] Macdonald11 February 1854
RR/2/140Referee's report by Thomas Henry Huxley, on a paper 'Further observations on the anatomy of Macgillivrayia, Cheletropis, and allied genera of pelagic gasteropoda' by John Denis MacDonaldnd [1855]
PT/51/4/4Plate, figures 3-8 showing parts of the auditory and lingual anatomy of the nautilus by J D [John Denis] Macdonald[1854]
PT/51/5/3Plate, figures 5-15 showing parts of the anatomy of the Macgillivrayia pelagica and the Cheletropis huxleyi by J D M [John Denis Macdonald]11 February 1854
PT/51/4/5Plate, figures 9-16 showing renal and epithelial parts of the anatomy of the nautilus by J D [John Denis] Macdonald[1854]
PT/51/4/3Plate, 'Simple dissection of the nautilus' by J D [John Denis] Macdonald[1854]
MC/7/216Letter from John D [Denis] Macdonald, Haslar Hospital, Gosport, Hampshire, to Dr [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal SocietyMay 1865
MC/7/217Letter from John D [Denis] Macdonald, Haslar Hospital, Gosport, Hampshire, to Dr [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society27 May 1865
MC/7Volume 7 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1864-1866
PT/51/5Paper, 'Remarks on the anatomy of Macgillivrayia pelagica, and Cheletropis huxleyi (Forbes). Suggesting the establishment of a new order of gasteropoda' by John D [Denis] Macdonald11 February 1854
MC/10/136Letter from John Denis Macdonald, Weston Grove Road, Woolston, Southampton, to Walter White, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House29 June 1874
MC/10Volume 10 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal SocietyJuly 1873-1876
PT/51/5/1Manuscript, 'Remarks on the anatomy of Macgillivrayia pelagica, and Cheletropis huxleyi (Forbes). Suggesting the establishment of a new order of gasteropoda' by John D [Denis] Macdonald11 February 1854
AP/39/14Paper, 'Brief description of a ctenostomatous polyzoon, allied to Vesicularia, cccurring on the Australian coast' by John Denis MacdonaldApril 1856
RR/2/143Referee's report by William Spence, on a paper 'On the anatomy of Nautilus umbilicatus, compared with that of Nautilus pompilius' by John Denis MacDonald30 May 1853
AP/34/16/2Unpublished figures, crustacean antennae by John Denis MacDonaldDecember 1852
AP/34/16Unpublished paper, 'Observations on the anatomy of the antennae in a small species of crustacean' by John Denis MacDonaldDecember 1852
RR/2/141Referee's report by Thomas Bell, on a paper 'Further observations on the anatomy of Macgillivrayia, Cheletropis, and allied genera of pelagic gasteropoda' by John Denis MacDonaldnd [1855]
AP/37/6/3Unpublished figures, Phyllirrhoe bucephala muscular fibres and ovary membrane by John Denis MacDonald1854
AP/37/6/4Unpublished figures, Phyllirrhoe bucephala brain by John Denis MacDonald1854
AP/37/7/2Unpublished figures, anatomy of Jasonilla by John Denis MacDonald1854
RR/3/191Referee's report by Thomas Henry Huxley, on two papers, 'Observations on the anatomy and affinities of the Phyllirrhoë bucephala' and 'Brief sketch of the anatomy of a new genus of pelagic gasteropoda, named Jasonilla' by John Denis MacDonald1856
AP/37/6/2Unpublished figures, Phyllirrhoe bucephala by John Denis MacDonald1854
AP/37/7/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Brief sketch of the anatomy of a new genus of pelagic Gasteropoda [sic] named Jasonilla' by John Denis MacDonald10 December 1854
AP/37/6Paper, 'Observations on the anatomy and affinities of Phyllirrhoe bucephala' by John Denis MacDonald10 December 1854
AP/37/6/1Manuscript, 'Observations on the anatomy and affinities of Phyllirrhoe bucephala' by John Denis MacDonald10 December 1854
AP/37/7Unpublished paper, 'Brief sketch of the anatomy of a new genus of pelagic Gasteropoda [sic] named Jasonilla' by John Denis MacDonald10 December 1854
AP/39/19Paper, 'Anatomical description of a species of asteroid polypes, probably forming the type of a new genus of Alcyonidae' by John Denis MacdonaldApril 1856
AP/39/16Unpublished paper, 'On the sea saw-dust [Trichodesmium] of the Pacific' by John Denis Macdonald1856
AP/39/15/3Unpublished figures, lingual teeth of marine gastropods by John Denis MacdonaldMay 1856
AP/39/14/2Unpublished figures, anatomy of a ctenostomatous polyzoon by John Denis MacdonaldApril 1856
AP/39/13/2Unpublished figure, nautilus anatomy by John Denis MacdonaldApril 1856
AP/39/13Paper, 'Further observations on the anatomy and physiology of nautilus' by John Denis MacdonaldApril 1856
AP/39/13/1Manuscript, 'Further observations on the anatomy and physiology of nautilus' by John Denis MacdonaldApril 1856
AP/39/16/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the sea saw-dust [Trichodesmium] of the Pacific' by John Denis Macdonald1856
AP/39/14/1Manuscript, 'Brief description of a ctenostomatous polyzoon, allied to Vesicularia, cccurring on the Australian coast' by John Denis MacdonaldApril 1856
AP/39/16/2Unpublished figures, 'The "sea saw dust" of the South Pacific' by John Denis Macdonald1856
AP/39/15/1Manuscript, 'Observations on the natural affinities and classification of Gasteropoda' by John Denis MacdonaldMay 1856
AP/39/15Paper, 'Observations on the natural affinities and classification of Gasteropoda [Gastropoda]' by John Denis MacdonaldMay 1856
MC/12/168Letter from John D [Denis] Macdonald, Alexandra Villa, [?], West Cowes, Isle of Wight, to [Thomas Henry] Huxley, [Secretary of the Royal Society]6 June 1881
AP/39/19/2Unpublished figures, anatomy of asteroid polypes by John Denis MacdonaldApril 1856
AP/39/19/1Manuscript, 'Anatomical description of a species of asteroid polypes, probably forming the type of a new genus of Alcyonidae' by John Denis MacdonaldApril 1856
AP/39/39/5Unpublished figure, 'The ventricle' by John Denis MacdonaldMarch 1857
AP/39/39/4Unpublished figure, 'Short tubule connecting the bulb arteriosus with the ventricle' by John Denis MacdonaldMarch 1857
AP/39/39/9Unpublished letter, regarding 'On the anatomy of Tridacna' from John Denis Macdonald to John Liddell10 April 1857
AP/39/39/6Unpublished figure, 'Pedicle of the ventricle' by John Denis MacdonaldMarch 1857
AP/39/39/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the anatomy of Tridacna' by John Denis MacdonaldMarch 1857
MC/12Volume 12 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1880-1883
AP/39/39/2Unpublished figure, 'Pericardium' by John Denis MacdonaldMarch 1857
AP/39/39Unpublished paper, 'On the anatomy of Tridacna' by John Denis Macdonald1857
AP/34/16/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Observations on the anatomy of the antennae in a small species of crustacean' by John Denis MacDonaldDecember 1852
PP/6/27/1Manuscript, 'On the general characters of the genus Cymbulia' by John D [Denis] Macdonald20 March 1885
PP/6/27Paper, 'On the general characters of the genus Cymbulia' by John D [Denis] Macdonald20 March 1885
PP/6/27/2Figures, 'Figure of Cymbulia peronii (Indian Ocean) drawn from nature' by John D [Denis] Macdonald1885
AP/39/15/2Unpublished figures, Anatomy of marine gastropods by John Denis MacdonaldMay 1856
PT/51/6Paper, 'Further observations on the anatomy of Macgillivrayia, Cheletropis, and allied genera of pelagic gasteropoda' by John Denis Macdonald[1855]
RR/3/192Referee's report by Thomas Bell, on two papers, 'Observations on the anatomy and affinities of the Phyllirrhoë bucephala' and 'Brief sketch of the anatomy of a new genus of pelagic gasteropoda, named Jasonilla' by John Denis MacDonald1856
MC/23/296Letter from WC Meijer, Amwell Place, Hurstpierpoint, Sussex, to the Secretary of the Royal Society14 February 1908
MC/22/204Letter from John [Denis] Macdonald, 42 Granada Road, Southsea, to Robert [William Frederick] Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House31 October 1907
MC/22Volume 22 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1907
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