
Authorised form of nameWilliamson; William Crawford (1816 - 1895)
Dates1816 - 1895
Place of birthScarborough, Yorkshire, England
Date of birth24 November 1816
Place of deathClapham Common, London
Date of death23 June 1895
Research fieldBotany
Professor of Natural History, Owen's College, Manchester.
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election01/06/1854
RSActivityMedals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1874
Bakerian 1877
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
Proc Roy Soc 1896-1897 vol 60 pp xxvii-xxxii signed by D H S
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
EC/1854/15Williamson, William Crawford: certificate of election to the Royal Society
NLB/10/249Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Edkins & Company31 October 1894
NLB/2/15Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society6 December 1887
NLB/1/538Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society25 July 1887
NLB/2/64Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society2 January 1888
NLB/1/712Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society9 November 1887
NLB/2/442Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society2 July 1888
NLB/2/802Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society8 November 1888
NLB/1/711Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Whiteman & Bass, 235 High Holborn9 November 1887
NLB/2/692Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Carruthers, Fellow of the Royal Society12 October 1888
NLB/2/81Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society6 January 1888
NLB/3/68Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society2 March 1889
NLB/4/677Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fallowfield, Manchester19 September 1890
NLB/4/684Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society23 September 1890
NLB/3/72Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Whiteman & Bass, 235 High Holborn4 March 1889
NLB/5/92Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Whiteman & Bass, 235 High Holborn, W.C.13 March 1891
NLB/4/694Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society27 September 1890
NLB/4/689Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society25 September 1890
NLB/6/1074Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Whiteman & Bass18 October 1892
NLB/3/636Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Whitesman & Bass29 July 1889
NLB/3/527Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Whiteman & Bass, 235 High Holborn4 July 1889
NLB/3/564Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Whiteman & Bass, 235 High Holborn13 July 1889
NLB/3/531Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to [John William Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, [Royal Society]4 July 1889
NLB/3/705Copy letter from [Herbert Rix], to Messrs Whiteman & Bass, 235 High Holborn20 September 1889
NLB/3/682Copy letter from Alfred H White, to Messrs Whiteman & Bass, High Holborn 11 September 1889
NLB/3/665Copy letter from Alfred H White, to Dr Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society10 August 1889
NLB/3/750Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society30 September 1889
NLB/6/556Copy letter from Hernert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society31 May 1892
NLB/6/1130Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society29 October 1892
NLB/6/595Copy letter from Herbert Rix, Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society8 June 1892
NLB/5/52Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, Fellow of the Royal Society28 February 1891
NLB/5/83Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Whiteman & Bass, 235 High Holborn10 March 1891
NLB/6/958Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Whiteman & Bass26 September 1892
NLB/6/954Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Harrison & Sons26 September 1892
NLB/6/896Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor Frederick Orpen Bower, Fellow of the Royal Society15 August 1892
NLB/7/276Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society 11 January 1893
NLB/6/944Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Whiteman & Bass, 235 High Holborn21 September 1892
NLB/6/934Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor [William Crawford] Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society21 September 1892
NLB/6/897Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor Michael Foster15 August 1892
NLB/6/948Copy letter from Howard Rix, to Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt]23 September 1892
NLB/5/223Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Whiteman & Bass, 235 High Holborn, W.C.17 April 1891
NLB/5/242Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society18 April 1891
NLB/5/225Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society17 April 1891
NLB/5/276Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Whiteman & Bass, 235 High Holborn 27 April 1891
NLB/7/291Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs West, Newman & Company13 January 1893
NLB/9/80Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society22 March 1894
NLB/7/294Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society3 January 1893
NLB/7/292Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Whiteman & Bass13 January 1893
NLB/7/341Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Whiteman & Bass25 January 1893
NLB/7/771Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society24 April 1893
NLB/8/16Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society29 June 1893
NLB/7/763Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society21 April 1893
NLB/7/893Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society19 May 1893
NLB/10/351Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Edkins & Company12 November 1894
NLB/10/511Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Edkins & Company7 December 1894
NLB/11/427Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Harrison & Sons26 June 1895
NLB/11/406Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Herbert C Williamson, 43 Elms Road, Clapham Common24 June 1895
NLB/11/334Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Dukinfield Henry Scott, Fellow of the Royal Society6 June 1895
NLB/11/713Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Edkins23 September 1895
NLB/11/808Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mrs [William Crawford] Williamson, 43 Elms Road, Clapham Common, S.W.9 October 1895
NLB/11/835Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Edkins & Company15 October 1895
NLB/9/830Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society17 July 1894
RR/9/417Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Heterangium Tiliœoides (Will.) and Kaloxylon Hookeri' by William Crawford Williamson27 February 1887
NLB/6/898Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt]15 August 1892
RR/7/148Referee's report by Charles James Fox Bunbury, on a paper 'Supplementary observations on lepidodendra' by William Crawford Williamson4 October 1871
RR/7/355Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part VI - Ferns' by William Crawford Williamson13 June 1874
RR/7/150Referee's report by Robert Etheridge, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures - Part II. Lycopodiaceae: lepidodendra and sigillariae' by William Crawford Williamson24 November 1871
RR/7/149Referee's report by Robert Etheridge, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures - Part II. Lycopodiaceae: lepidodendra and sigillariae' by William Crawford Williamson22 November 1871
RR/7/281Referee's report by Robert Etheridge, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part V - Asterophyllites' by William Crawford Williamson5 November 1873
RR/7/146Referee's report by William Carruthers, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures - Part I. Catamites' by William Crawford Williamson14 June 1871
RR/7/215Referee's report by Charles James Fox Bunbury, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures - Part III. Lycopodiaceae (continued)' by William Crawford Williamson4 May 1872
RR/7/145Referee's report by Charles James Fox Bunbury, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures - Part I. Catamites' by William Crawford Williamson3 March 1871
RR/7/280Referee's report by Charles James Fox Bunbury, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part V - Asterophyllites' by William Crawford Williamson22 July 1873
RR/8/75Referee's report by William Carruthers, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. —Part IX' by William Crawford Williamson14 August 1877
RR/8/216Second referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part X. Including an examination of the supposed radiolarians of the carboniferous rocks' by William Crawford Williamson20 August 1879
RR/7/500Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part VII - Myelopteris, psaronius, and kaloxylon' by William Crawford Williamson19 August 1876
RR/9/102Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part XII' by William Crawford Williamson26 October 1882
RR/8/74Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. —Part IX' by William Crawford Williamson19 June 1877
RR/9/103Referee's report by William Carruthers, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part XII' by William Crawford Williamson16 December 1882
RR/11/103Referee's report by William Carruthers, on a paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XVIII' by William Crawford Williamson25 February 1891
RR/10/111Referee's report by William Carruthers, on a paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.--Part XV' by William Crawford Williamson19 October 1888
RR/10/112Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.--Part XV' by William Crawford Williamson20 November 1888
RR/11/220Letter from William Carruthers on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part XIX' by William Crawford Williamson30 June 1892
RR/11/222Referee's report by Frederick Orpen Bower on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part XIX' by William Crawford Williamson11 August 1892
RR/11/104Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XVIII' by William Crawford Williamson1 March 1891
RR/11/221Referee's report by William Carruthers on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part XIX' by William Crawford Williamson30 June 1892
RR/12/264Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'Further observations on the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-­ measures. —Part I. Calamites, Calamostachys, and Sphenophyllum' by William Crawford Williamson and Dukinfield Henry Scott20 January 1894
RR/12/265Referee's report by William Carruthers, on a paper 'Further observations on the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-­ measures. —Part I. Calamites, Calamostachys, and Sphenophyllum' by William Crawford Williamson and Dukinfield Henry Scott28 February 1894
RR/11/219Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part XIX' by William Crawford Williamson24 March 1892
RR/12/406Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'Further observations on the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part II. The roots of Calamites' by William Crawford Williamson and Dukinfield Henry Scott5 January 1895
RR/12/409Letter from Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'Further observations on the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.-Part III. Lygnodendron and Heterangium' by William Crawford Williamson and Dukinfield Henry Scott to Michael Foster[1895]
RR/9/421Third letter from William Crawford Williamson, on his paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Heterangium Tilioeoides (Will.) and Kaloxylon Hookeri' to the Secretary of the Royal Society7 May 1887
RR/9/104Referee's report by William Carruthers, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part XII' by William Crawford Williamson16 December 1882
RR/9/422Fourth letter from William Crawford Williamson, on his paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Heterangium Tilioeoides (Will.) and Kaloxylon Hookeri' to the Secretary of the Royal Society15 May 1887
RR/8/215Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part X. Including an examination of the supposed radiolarians of the carboniferous rocks' by William Crawford Williamson19 June 1877
RR/10/109Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XIII. Heterangium tiliaeoides (Williamson) and Kaloxylon hookeri' by William Crawford Williamson25 June 1887
RR/7/354Referee's report by Charles James Fox Bunbury, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part VI - Ferns' by William Crawford Williamson11 May 1874
RR/7/279Referee's report by Robert Etheridge, on an appendix to a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part IV - Dictyoxlon, lyginodendron, and heterangium' by William Crawford Williamson10 July 1873
RR/7/427Letter from Charles James Fox Bunbury, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part VII - Myelopteris, psaronius, and kaloxylon' by William Crawford Williamson to the Secretary of the Royal Society25 June 1875
RR/8/264Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XI' by William Crawford Williamson28 September 1880
RR/8/266Second referee's report by William Carruthers, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XI' by William Crawford Williamson27 October 1880
MS/426/471Note of a letter from [the Secretaries of] the Royal Society; to various Fellows15 July 1852
NLB/4/713Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson2 October 1890
NLB/6/509Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster26 May 1892
NLB/5/22Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, [Fellow of the Royal Society]20 February 1891
NLB/10/117Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Edkins & Company2 October 1894
NLB/11/777Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Edkins & Company3 October 1895
NLB/10/530Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Edkins and Company12 December 1894
NLB/11/312Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster31 May 1895
RR/7/147Referee's report by Charles James Fox Bunbury, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures - Part II. Lycopodiaceae: lepidodendra and sigillariae' by William Crawford Williamson14 August 1871
RR/9/419Letter from William Crawford Williamson, on his paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Heterangium Tiliœoides (Will.) and Kaloxylon Hookeri' to the Secretary of the Royal Society30 March 1887
NLB/5/46Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, [Fellow of the Royal Society]26 February 1891
NLB/6/928Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster19 September 1892
NLB/9/237Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Crawford Williamson, Fellow of the Royal Society20 April 1894
NLB/11/58Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Edkins & Company8 April 1895
NLB/11/57Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society8 April 1895
RR/10/110Referee's report by William Carruthers, on a paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XIII. Heterangium tiliaeoides (Williamson) and Kaloxylon hookeri' by William Crawford Williamson25 October 1887
RR/11/105Referee's report by William Carruthers, on a paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XVIII' by William Crawford Williamson1 August 1890
RR/9/418Referee's report by William Carruthers, on a paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Heterangium Tiliœoides (Will.) and Kaloxylon Hookeri' by William Crawford Williamson23 February 1887
PT/36/7Paper, 'On the microscopic structure of the scales and dermal teeth of some ganoid and placoid fish' by W C [William Crawford] Williamson24 March 1849
RR/2/264Referee's report by Richard Owen, on a paper 'Investigations into the structure and development of the scales and bones of fishes' by William Crawford Williamson4 September 1850
PT/75/3/10Paintings, 'A Rotalia with remains of the soft parts in the shell' by Jos [Joseph] Dinkel[1846]
PT/42/14Paper, 'Investigations into the structure and developement [sic] of the scales and bones of fishes' by W C [William Crawford] Williamson[1850]
RR/8/269Letter from Joseph Dalton Hooker, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XI' by William Crawford Williamson28 September 1880
RR/10/314Referee's report by William Carruthers, on a paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XVI' by William Crawford Williamson6 June 1889
RR/10/313Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XVI' by William Crawford Williamson18 April 1889
RR/12/266Referee's report by Isaac Bayley Balfour, on a paper 'Further observations on the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-­ measures. —Part I. Calamites, Calamostachys, and Sphenophyllum' by William Crawford Williamson and Dukinfield Henry Scott16 April 1894
RR/12/407Referee's report by Isaac Bayley Balfour, on a paper 'Further observations on the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part II. The roots of Calamites' by William Crawford Williamson and Dukinfield Henry Scott3 April 1895
MC/9/387Letter from W C [William Crawford] Williamson, Fallowfield, to Dr [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society]8 June 1872
MC/9/548Letter from W C [William Crawford] Williamson, Fallowfield, to the Royal Society7 May 1873
MC/9Volume 9 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1870-June 1873
MC/10/386Letter from W C [William Crawford] Williamson, Owen's College, Manchester, to the Royal Society29 April 1876
MC/10Volume 10 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal SocietyJuly 1873-1876
MC/11/228Letter from W C [William Crawford] Williamson, Fallowfield, to the Royal Society23 June 1878
RR/2/263Referee's report by Gideon Algernon Mantell, on a paper 'Investigations into the structure and development of the scales and bones of fishes' by William Crawford Williamson2 July 1850
MC/11/329Letter from W C [William Crawford] Williamson, Bradford, to [Walter] White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]7 April 1879
MC/11Volume 11 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1877-1879
MC/12/3Letter from W C [William Crawford] Williamson, Fallowfield, Manchester, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]9 January 1880
MC/12/51Letter from W C [William Crawford] Williamson, Fallowfield, to [Thomas Henry] Huxley, [Secretary of the Royal Society]2 June 1880
MC/12/82Letter from William C [Crawford] Williamson, Fallowfield, to [Walter] White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]22 July 1880
MC/12Volume 12 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1880-1883
RR/11/223Second referee's report by Frederick Orpen Bower on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part XIX' by William Crawford Williamson9 September 1892
RR/12/408Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'Further observations on the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.-Part III. Lygnodendron and Heterangium' by William Crawford Williamson and Dukinfield Henry Scott14 June 1895
PP/10/3Paper, 'Note on Lepidodendron Harcourtii and L fuliginosum (Will)' by William Crawford Williamson1886
MC/14/6Letter from [William Crawford] Williamson, Manchester, to [Walter] White18 January 1885
RR/7/216Referee's report by Robert Etheridge, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures - Part III. Lycopodiaceae (continued)' by William Crawford Williamson26 May 1872
RR/7/277Referee's report by Charles James Fox Bunbury, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part IV - Dictyoxlon, lyginodendron, and heterangium' by William Crawford Williamson18 February 1873
RR/7/278Referee's report by Robert Etheridge, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part IV - Dictyoxlon, lyginodendron, and heterangium' by William Crawford Williamson8 April 1873
RR/7/501Referee's report by William Carruthers, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Part VII - Myelopteris, psaronius, and kaloxylon' by William Crawford Williamson23 October 1876
RR/8/265Referee's report by William Carruthers, on a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XI' by William Crawford Williamson27 October 1880
RR/8/267Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to William Crawford Williamson, regarding a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XI' by William Crawford Williamson30 October 1880
RR/8/268Letter from William Crawford Williamson, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XI' by William Crawford Williamson31 October 1881
RR/9/420Second letter from William Crawford Williamson, on his paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures. Heterangium Tilioeoides (Will.) and Kaloxylon Hookeri' to the Secretary of the Royal Society5 April 1887
RR/10/315Letter from William Crawford Williamson, to John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, regarding a paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XVI' by William Crawford Williamson27 November 1889
RR/10/395Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on a paper 'On the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XVII' by William Crawford Williamson10 March 1890
RR/12/410Referee's report by Isaac Bayley Balfour, on a paper 'Further observations on the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.-Part III. Lygnodendron and Heterangium' by William Crawford Williamson and Dukinfield Henry Scott29 July 1895
PP/24/10Paper, 'The root of Lyginodendron Oldhamium, Will' by William Crawford Williamson and Dukinfield Henry Scott1894
MC/15/132Letter from [William Crawford] Williamson, The Owen's College, Manchester, to [Michael] Foster21 January 1891
PP/23/29Appendix, 'Correction of an error of observation in part XIX of the author’s memoirs on the organisation of the fossil plants of the coal measures' by William Crawford Williamson1894
MC/15/143Letter from [William Crawford] Williamson, Fallowfield, Manchester, to [Michael] Foster5 February 1891
MC/16/12Letter from [William Crawford] Williamson, 43 Elms Road, Clapham Common, to [Michael] Foster11 February 1893
MC/14/13Letter from [William Crawford] Williamson, Fallow Field, to [Walter] White30 January 1885
MC/14Volume 14 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1885-1888
MC/15Volume 15 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1889-1892
MC/16Volume 16 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1893-1896
MC/28/242Letter from [Dukinfield Henry] Scott, East Oakley House, Basingstoke, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]28 January 1913
MC/28/243Letter from [Dukinfield Henry] Scott, East Oakley House, Basingstoke, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]6 February 1913
IM/Maull/004939Williamson, William Crawfordnd
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