Authorised form of name | Northcott; Douglas Geoffrey (1916 - 2005); mathematician |
Dates | 1916 - 2005 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Kensington, London, England |
Date of birth | 31/12/1916 |
Place of death | Sheffield |
Date of death | 08/04/2005 |
Occupation | Mathematician |
Research field | Commutative algebra |
Activity | Education: Nominated to a 'presentation vacancy' to Christ's Hospital (1927); Bayliss Scholarship in Mathematics, St John's College, Cambridge, Wrangler (1937), Distinction in Part III of Mathematical Tripos (1938); supervised pre-war as a research student by G H Hardy, Sadleirian Professor of Pure Mathematics, Cambridge, supervised post-war by Frank Smithies Career: Military service in Far East during WW2, Prisoner of war from Fall of Singapore until liberation on 1945; Commonwealth Fund Fellow, Princeton University (1946-1948); Research Fellows, St John's College, Cambridge (1948-1952); Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics, Cambridge University (1949-1951), Lecturer (1951-1952); Town Trust Professor of Pure Mathematics, Sheffield University (1952-1982); awarded London Mathematical Society's Junior Berwick Prize in 1953
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 16/03/1961 |
Age at election | 44 |
RSActivity | Committee and panels: Royal Society representative on the Council of Almoners of Christ's Hospital (appointed 1976) |
Relationships | Married (1949) Rose Austin (died 1992) |
Source | Obituaries: Biographical Memoirs 2007, Volume 53, pp 247-264 by D Rees FRS and R Y Sharp Obituary in The Independent (2 May 2005) |
Code | NA4007 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1961/19 | Northcott, Douglas Geoffrey: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 16 March 1961 |