
Authorised form of nameDenton; Sir; Eric James (1923 - 2007)
Dates1923 - 2007
Place of birthBentley, Yorkshire
Date of birth30/09/1923
Place of deathSt. Just, Cornwall
Date of death02/01/2007
Staff, Biophysics Research Unit, University College London 1946-48, Fellow 1965; Lecturer in Physiology, Aberdeen University 1948-56; physiologist, Marine Biological Association Laboratory, Plymouth 1956-74, Director 1974-87, Research Fellow 1987-2005; FRS 1964; Royal Society Research Professor, Bristol University 1964-74, Honorary Professor 1975; member, Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution 1973-76
CBE 1974; Kt 1987
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election19/03/1964
Age at election40
RSActivityRoyal Society roles:
Council: 1969-1971, 1984-1985; VP 1984-1985
Medals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1987
Croonian 1973
RelationshipsMarried 1946 Nancy Wright (two sons, one daughter)
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
GLB/65/7/31Brown to Eric J Denton, Marine Biological Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth23 February 1967
GLB/65/27/12Brown to E Denton, The Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth6 December 1963
GLB/65/44/18Eric J Denton, Honorary Secretary, Physiological Society to Brown5 February 1969
GLB/65/27/11E Denton, The Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth to Brown24 November 1963
GLB/65/27/10E Denton, The Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth to Brown26 May 1962
GLB/65/33/26Brown to E J Denton, Secretary, Physiological Society 2 December 1966
GLB/65/27/15Eric Denton, The Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth to Brown19 June 1962
GLB/65/33/25E J Denton, Secretary, Physiological Society to Brown29 November 1966
GLB/2/20Brown to E J Denton, The Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth21 December 1965
EC/1964/08Denton, Eric James: certificate of election to the Royal Society
IM/GA/GRS/5924Denton, Eric Jamesnd
EJDPapers of Eric James Denton FRS, marine biologist1933-2007
EJD/5Photograph album and laboratory notebooks of E J Denton1950 - 1986
EJD/2Notebooks and slides of E J Denton1957-[1995]
HD/25/23Photograph of guests at dinner in honour of 90th birthday of Henry Dale11 June 1965
GLB/48/1E J Denton, Physiological Society to Brown29 November 1966
GLB/65/22/38E J Denton, Physiological Society to Brown26 July 1968
EJD/5/44Royal Society delegation, visit to Japan by Sir Eric Denton FRS and Professor TI Shaw FRS, 22 March - 15 April 197222 July 1971 - 3 August 1972
EJD/4Laboratory Notebooks of E J Denton1955-[1991]
EJD/3Laboratory notebooks of E J Denton1966-1994
EJD/1Notebooks and slides of E J Denton1960-[1993]
EJD/6Notebooks and slides of E J Denton1949-1980
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