RefNo | Title | Date |
GLB/65/47/82 | Brown to A A Miles, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine | 8 October 1963 |
GLB/65/56/19 | Brown to Ashley Miles, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine | 7 December 1966 |
GLB/53/3 | Brown to Ashley Miles, Chairman, Scientific Relief Commitee | 19 May 1969 |
GLB/40/2/4 | Ashley Miles, Director, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine to Brown | 23 April 1968 |
GLB/40/2/9 | Copy of letter from Ashley Miles, Director, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine to Brown | 3 July 1968 |
GLB/40/2/8 | Ashley Miles, Director, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine to Brown | 1 October 1968 |
GLB/40/2/12 | Ashley Miles, Director, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine to Brown | 1 November 1968 |
GLB/40/2/5 | Charles Dodds, Chairman and Ashley Miles, Director, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine to Brown | 20 June 1968 |
GLB/40/2/22 | Brown to Ashley Miles, Lister Institute | 1 December 1969 |
GLB/40/2/6 | Brown to Ashley Miles, Director, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine | 27 June 1968 |
GLB/40/2/7 | Ashley Miles, Director, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine to Brown | 3 July 1968 |
GLB/65/56/18 | Ashley Miles, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine to Brown | 5 December 1966 |
GLB/40/2/11 | Brown to Ashley Miles, Director, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine | 7 October 1968 |
PB/9/1/101/6 | Royal Society correspondence | 1968 |
GLB/40/2/30 | Ashley Miles, Lister Institute to Brown | 4 June 1970 |
GLB/40/2/10 | Ashley Miles, Director, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine to Brown | 2 October 1968 |
GLB/40/2/28 | Ashley Miles, Lister Institute to Brown | 12 May 1970 |
GLB/40/2/24 | Ashley Miles, Lister Institute to Brown | 3 December 1969 |
GLB/65/47/81 | A A Miles, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine to Brown | 2 October 1963 |
GLB/65/80/7 | Brown to A A Miles, Lister Institute of Preventative Medicine | 31 March 1958 |
GLB/40/2/13 | Ashley Miles, Director, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine to Brown | 26 February 1969 |
GLB/65/78/30 | Brown to Ashley Miles, Lister Institute | 5 May 1970 |
GLB/40/2/14 | Brown to Ashley Miles, Director, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine | 28 February 1969 |
GLB/40/2/1 | Ashley Miles, Director, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine to Brown | 19 April 1967 |
IM/003091 | Miles, Sir Arnold Ashley | nd |
JV/11/7/142 | Letter from Professor Sir Ashley Miles (Department of Medical Microbiology, The London Hospital Medical College) to Sir John Vane | 12 January 1984 |
EC/1961/18 | Miles, Arnold Ashley: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 16 March 1961 |
WF/358 | Grant applications from the Lister Institute to the Wolfson Foundation | 1968-1980 |
IM/003092 | Miles, Sir Arnold Ashley | circa 1964 |
GLB/40/2/29 | Ashley Miles, Lister Institute to Brown | 20 May 1970 |
GLB/65/56/17 | Brown to Ashley Miles, Royal Society | 28 November 1966 |
GLB/40/2/2 | Brown to Ashley Miles, Director, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine | 20 April 1967 |
GLB/65/20/21 | A A Miles, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine to Brown | 11 August 1966 |
MS/917 | Photographs belonging to G B R Feilden from a Royal Society visit to the Academy of Science, Russia | [1960-1965] |
P/0173 | Portrait of Miles, Sir Arnold Ashley | |