RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1821/06 | Howard, Luke: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
MM/1/6 | Letter from Luke Howard, Ackworth | 26 March 1841 |
MC/3/101 | Letter from Luke Howard, Ackworth Grove, to John David Roberton, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society] | 3 July 1840 |
MOB/056 | Apothecaries' scales | c.1820-1840 |
AP/25/10/3 | Unpublished diagram, 'The proportion of the different winds, the depth of rain, the mean temperature and barometrical mean on each year through a cycle' by Luke Howard | 31 March 1841 |
PT/30/18 | Paper, 'On the barometrical variation as affected by the moon's declination' by Luke Howard | 25 October 1844 |
MC/3 | Volume 3 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1839-1843 |
PT/25/12 | Paper, 'On a cycle of eighteen years in the mean annual height of the barometer in the climate of London; and on a constant variation of the barometrical mean according to the moon's declination' by Luke Howard | [1841] |
MC/4/206 | Letter from [Edward William] Brayley, London Institution, Finsbury Circus, to [Charles Richard] Weld, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society | 20 January 1848 |
PT/73/9/11 | Drawing, graph of clock barometer variations by [Luke Howard] | [1821] |
MC/4 | Volume 4 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1844-1850 |
AP/9/14/2 | Unpublished graphs, variation of barometer during moon phases by Luke Howard | [1821] |
AP/9/14/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'Some remarks on meteorology' by Luke Howard | [1821] |
MC/7/211 | Letter from Thomas Hodgkin, Bedford Square, to Dr [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society] | 17 May 1865 |
MC/7 | Volume 7 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1864-1866 |
AP/28/11 | Paper, 'Barometrical averages, constructed to show the Moon's influence by declination on the gravity of our atmosphere: with remarks in continuation of a paper on the subject read March 11 1841' by Luke Howard | 25 October 1844 |
AP/23/30 | Unpublished paper, 'On the wet summer of 1839' by Luke Howard | 23 June 1840 |
AP/23/31a | Unpublished paper, 'Tables of the variation, through a cycle of nine years, of the mean height of the barometer, mean temperature and depth of rain, as connected with the prevailing winds, influenced in their direction by the occurence of the lunar apsides, with some concluding observations on the results' by Luke Howard | 1840 |
AP/23/31 | Unpublished paper, 'On certain variations of the mean height of the barometer, mean temperature and depth of rain, connected with the lunar phases, in the cycle of years from 1815 to 1823' by Luke Howard | February 1840 |
AP/25/10/1 | Manuscript, 'On the proportions of the prevailing winds, the mean temperature, and depth of rain, in the climate of London; computed through a cycle of eighteen years, on periods of the Moon's declination' by Luke Howard | 31 March 1841 |
RR/1bis/30 | Second referee's report by George Biddell Airy, on two papers 'On a cycle of eighteen years in the mean annual height of the barometer in the climate of London, and on a constant variation of the barometrical mean according to the Moon's declination' and 'On the proportions of the prevailing winds, the mean temperature, and depth of rain in the climate of London, computed through a cycle of Eighteen Years, or periods of the Moon’s declination' by Luke Howard | 2 July 1841 |
AP/25/10/6 | Unpublished letter, regarding instruments for recording meteorological observations from Luke Howard to the Royal Society | 5 February 1841 |
AP/25/9 | Unpublished paper, 'On a remarkable depression of the barometer in November 1840, agreeing very closely in its movements and results with that of December 1821' by Luke Howard | 1841 |
RR/1bis/28 | Referee's report by George Biddell Airy, on a paper [attributed] 'On a cycle of eighteen years in the mean annual height of the barometer in the climate of London, and on a constant variation of the barometrical mean according to the Moon's declination' by Luke Howard | 16 February 1841 |
AP/25/10/2 | Unpublished diagram, 'Diagram of the yearly rain computed according to the Moon's declination' by Luke Howard | 31 March 1841 |
AP/25/10 | Paper, 'On the proportions of the prevailing winds, the mean temperature, and depth of rain, in the climate of London; computed through a cycle of eighteen years, on periods of the Moon's declination' by Luke Howard | 5 February 1841-31 March 1841 |
MS/257/2/320 | Letter from Luke Howard, Ackworth to Edward Sabine | 18 June 1845 |
RR/1bis/29 | Referee's report by William Hallowes Miller, on a paper [attributed] 'On a cycle of eighteen years in the mean annual height of the barometer in the climate of London, and on a constant variation of the barometrical mean according to the Moon's declination' by Luke Howard | 2 April 1841 |
RR/1bis/31 | Referee's report by Sir John William Lubbock, 3rd Baronet, on a paper [attributed] 'On a cycle of eighteen years in the mean annual height of the barometer in the climate of London, and on a constant variation of the barometrical mean according to the Moon's declination' by Luke Howard | 24 November 1845 |
MM/11/154 | Letter from Luke Howard, Tottenham, to W.H. Sykes | 30 April 1841 |
MA/113/3 | Paper 'A meteorological journal for 1840 kept at Allenheads, Northumberland, with a few remarks on the rain-gauge', by William Walton | 13 March 1841 |
MA/113/4 | Extract of a letter from William Walton, Allenheads, to Luke Howard, with a note by Luke Howard | 4 May [1841] |
MA/116 | Meteorological observations at Ackworth and London, England, by Luke Howard | January 1842-13 January 1843 |
AP/9/14 | Unpublished paper, 'Some remarks on meteorology' by Luke Howard | [1821] |
HS/10/4 | Letter, from Luke Howard to Sir John Herschel, dated at Tottenham | 21 March 1840 |
HS/10/8 | Letter, from Luke Howard to Sir John Herschel, dated at Tottenham | 15 May 1847 |
HS/10/5 | Letter, from Luke Howard to Sir John Herschel, dated at Tottenham | 1 February 1841 |
HS/10/6 | Letter, from Luke Howard to Sir John Herschel, dated at Ackworth | 10 September 1846 |
HS/10/2 | Letter, from Luke Howard to Sir John Herschel, dated at Ackworth | 11 July 1839 |
HS/10/3 | Letter, from Luke Howard to Sir John Herschel, dated at Ackworth | 22 February 1840 |
HS/10/1 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Luke Howard, dated at Slough | 16 June 1839 |
HS/10/7 | Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Luke Howard, dated at Southampton | 14 September 1846 |