
Authorised form of nameVater; Abraham (1684 - 1751)
Dates1684 - 1751
Place of birthWittenberg, Germany
Date of birth09 December 1684
Place of deathWittenberg, Germany
Date of death18 November 1751
Wittenberg; Leipzig; PhD (1706), MD (1710)
Travelled in Germany, Holland and England; returned to Wittenberg (1712); Professor of Anatomy and Botany (1719), Professor of Pathology (1737), Professor of Therapeutics (1746), all at Wittenberg; founded an anatomical museum in Wittenberg
Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election15/03/1722
RelationshipsSon of Christian Vater, Physician, of Wittenberg
Bulloch's Roll; DBE; Hirsch
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
IM/004711Vater, Abraham1752
LBO/19/71Copy letter from Abraham Vater to William Rutty9 April 1728
CLP/14ii/25Paper, 'Affectus prorsus singularis et extraordinariur' [Concerning the pecularity of vision] by Abraham Vater24 December 1728
RBO/12/1'Casus rarissimus Visus objectorum partialis Communicat ad Abraham Vater Professor Med. Wittemberg'1724
EL/R2/8Letter, from William Rutty to Professor [Abraham] Vater26 August 1728
EL/V/69Observations of a skin complaint on the hands by Abraham Vater, dated at Wittenberg1 August 1735
EL/V/70Translation of the observations of a skin complaint on the hands by Abraham Vater, dated at Wittenberg1735
EL/V/54Letter, from Abraham Vater to William Rutty9 April 1728
CLP/22ii/26Paper, 'Account of the successful removal of a sarcoma (malignant tumour) from a woman' by Dr [Abraham] Vater18th century
EL/V/53Letter, from Abraham Vater to the Royal Society1723; 1726
CLP/9i/75Paper, 'Filtri lapidis Mexicani examinatio et comparatio cum aliis lapidibus facta, qua demonstratur, nullum vel exiguum ejus usum esse in depuranda aqua per illum colata' by Abraham Vater[1730]
RBO/15/52Concerning the rare hair condition called 'plica Polonica' by Abraham Vater to Conrad Sprengell1730
CLP/14ii/17Paper, 'Casus rarissimus visus objectorum partialis' [On cataracts] by Abraham Vater1724
CLP/15ii/15Letter, regarding the rupture of the stomach or a large receptacle grown from the bottom of a hen's stomach from Abraham Vater to William Rutty[1729]
CLP/14ii/5Letter, 'Historia portionis intestini coli propendentis exvulnere per 14 annos' [A 14-year history of a portion of the colon prone to ulceration] from Abraham Vater to the Royal SocietyOctober 1720
CLP/14ii/34Paper, 'Casus rarissimus plicæ polonicæ enormis' [A very rare case of 'plica polonica'] by Abraham Vater[1730]
CLP/14ii/5/2Diagram, colon by Abraham VaterOctober 1720
CLP/14ii/5/1Letter, 'Historia portionis intestini coli propendentis exvulnere per 14 annos' [A 14-year history of a portion of the colon prone to ulceration] from Abraham Vater to the Royal SocietyOctober 1720
CLP/22ii/80Paper, 'Abstract of inaugural dissertation published at Wittemburg in 1735 by Abraham Vater concerning the cure of the viper's bite using salad oil' by Cromwell Mortimer[1738]
CLP/9i/76Paper, English translation of 'Filtri lapidis Mexicani examinatio et comparatio cum aliis lapidibus facta, qua demonstratur, nullum vel exiguum ejus usum esse in depuranda aqua per illum colata' by Abraham Vater[1730]
RBO/14/73Observations of a stomach tumour in a hen by Abraham Vater in a letter to William Rutty1729
RBO/21/9'Concerning the Cure of the Bite of a Viper by Salad Oil' by Abraham Vater1737
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