
Authorised form of nameGassiot; John Peter (1797 - 1877)
Dates1797 - 1877
Place of birthLondon, England
Date of birth02 April 1797
Place of deathIsle of Wight
Date of death15 August 1877
Research fieldElectricity
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election09/04/1840
RSActivityRoyal Society roles:
VP 1852-1853, 1857-1859, 1864-1866, 1867-1870
Medals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1863
Bakerian 1858
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
H G L, 'A Fragment of History' in NR 1938 vol 1 pp 28-31
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
EC/1840/12Gassiot, John Peter: certificate of election to the Royal Society
IM/001617Gassiot, John Peternd
MM/14/21Report on the Acton enclosures by William Tite and J P Gassiot23 February 1859
RR/1/7 Referee's report by John Peter Gassiot, on an unnamed paper by Peter Barlow 16 November 1845
MM/21/39Letter from John Peter Gassiot to George A Halsted29 October 1853
MM/21/41Letter from George A Halsted to John Peter Gassiot16 November 1853
MM/21/40Letter from George A Halsted to John Peter Gassiot3 November 1853
MM/21/81Letter from Balfour Stewart to John Peter Gassiot3 March 1870
DM/7/15Letter from J P Gassiot to William Spottiswoode, Treasurer, Royal Society24 December 1872
MS/843/30Letter from John Peter Gassiot, Clapham Common, Surrey, to William Sharpey, Secretary, the Royal Society4 July 1871
IM/Maull/001616Gassiot, John Peternd
IM/001618Gassiot, John Peter1853
RR/4/105Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'On the stratifications in electrical discharges, as observed in torricellian and other vacua - second communication' by John Peter Gassiot7 February 1859
RR/3/110Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the stratifications and dark band in electrical discharges as observed in Torricellian vacua' by John Peter Gassiot25 May 1858
RR/6/219Letter from John Peter Gassiot, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Some experiments with the great induction coil at the Royal Polytechnic' by John Henry Pepper21 July 1869
MS/257/4/433Copy of a letter from Balfour Stewart, Kew Observatory to [John Peter] Gassiot28 May 1866
RR/4/109Letter from Charles Wheatstone, on an unnamed paper by John Peter Gassiot17 May 1860
MC/6/52Letter from J P [John Peter] Gassiot, Kew Observatory, to Dr [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society21 December 1859
DM/7/17Letter from William Tite to William Spottiswoode, Treasurer, Royal Society27 January 1873
MM/19/85Letter from John Peter Gassiot to Thomas Bell22 October 1860
MM/19/90Letter from John Peter Gassiot to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society20 October 1865
RR/4/108Referee's report by Charles Wheatstone, on an unnamed paper by John Peter Gassiot12 March 1860
MM/19/91Letter from Alfred Smee to John Peter Gassiot20 October 1865
DM/7/32Letter from J P Gassiot to William Spottiswoode, Treasurer, Royal Society7 November 1873
MM/14/11'Account of Expenses incurred for four Balloon Ascents described in Mr Welsh's report printed in the Philosophical Transactions of 1853', by J P Gassiot1853
IM/001357Deputation to Michael Faradaynd
RR/4/107Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'On the stratifications in electrical discharges, as observed in torricellian and other vacua - second communication' by John Peter Gassiot14 April 1859
MC/3Volume 3 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1839-1843
MC/3/53Letter from John Peter Gassiot, Clapham Common, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, [Secretary of the Royal Society]19 November 1839
MC/3/41Letter from John Peter Gassiot, Clapham Commons, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society26 August 1839
RR/4/106Referee's report by John Tyndall, on an unnamed paper by John Peter Gassiot27 April 1859
PT/23/4Paper, 'An account of experiments made with the view of ascertaining the possibility of obtaining a spark before the circuit of the voltaic battery is completed' by John P [Peter] Gassiot26 August 1839
PT/75/7/2Diagrams, apparatuses with thermometer tubing by [John Peter Gassiot?][1858]
PT/28/2/2Plate, batteries and electroscopes by John Peter Gassiot[1843]
PT/75/7/1Diagrams, stratification of mercury tubes by [John Peter Gassiot?][1858]
PT/75/8/3Diagrams, vacuum tube, carbonic acid generator, and glass vessels by [John Peter Gassiot?][1858]
PT/75/8/2Diagram, vacuum tube and carbonic acid generator by [John Peter Gassiot?][1858]
MC/5/119Letter from John P [Peter] Gassiot, Kew Observatory, to S H [Samuel Hunter] Christie, Secretary of the Royal Society24 October 1853
MC/5/124Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to J P [John Peter] Gassiot18 November 1853
MC/5/171Letter from John P [Peter] Gassiot, Chairman of the Kew Committee of the British Association, to the Earl of Rosse, President of the Royal Society25 June 1854
MC/5/321Letter from John P [Peter] Gassiot, Clapham Common, to Dr [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society8 December 1857
MC/5/305Letter from John P [Peter] Gassiot, Kew Observatory, to Major General [Edward] Sabine, Treasurer of the Royal Society28 October 1857
MC/6Volume 6 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1859-1863
MC/6/302Letter from J P [John Peter] Gassiot, Clapham Common, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society19 February 1863
MC/6/363Letter from C B [Charles Beaumont] Phipps, Windsor Castle, to Dr [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society]6 November 1863
MC/8/326Letter from B [Balfour] Stewart, Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, to J P [John Peter] Gassiot23 February 1869
PT/28/2Paper, 'A description of an extensive series of the water battery; with an account of some experiments made in order to test the relation of electrical and chemical action which takes place before and after completion of the voltaic circuit' by John P [Peter] Gassiot[1843]
MC/9/56Letter from J P [John Peter Gassiot], Clapham Common, Surrey, to Dr [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society]13 April 1870
MC/9/53Letter from B [Balfour] Stewart, Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, to J P [John Peter] Gassiot, Chairman of the Kew Committee9 April 1870
MC/9/177Letter from J P [John Peter] Gassiot, Clapham Common, Surrey, to Dr [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society]13 March 1871
MC/9/178Letter from J P [John Peter] Gassiot, Clapham Common, to Dr [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society15 March 1871
MC/9/205Letter from J P [John Peter] Gassiot, Pier Hotel, Southsea, to Walter White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]23 May 1871
MC/9/207Copy letter from W S [William Spottiswoode], [Treasurer of the Royal Society], Her Majesty's Printing Office, to [John Peter] Gassiot26 May 1871
MC/9/236Letter from J P [John Peter] Gassiot, Southsea, to W [William] Spottiswoode, [Treasurer of the Royal Society]10 July 1871
AP/45/5Unpublished paper, 'On spectrum analysis: with a description of a large spectroscope having nine prisms and achromatic telescopes of two feet focal length' by J P [John Peter] Gassiot1863
MC/9Volume 9 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1870-June 1873
MC/10/37Letter from J P [John Peter] Gassiot, Clapham Common, Surrey, to Walter White, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society11 November 1873
AP/23/8Paper, 'An account of experiments made with the view of ascertaining the possibility of obtaining a spark before the current of the voltaic battery is completed' by J P [John Peter] Gassiot25 August 1839 - 19 November 1839
AP/23/8/1Manuscript, 'An account of experiments made with the view of ascertaining the possibility of obtaining a spark before the current of the voltaic battery is completed' by J P [John Peter] Gassiot25 August 1839
MC/10/239Letter from J P [John Peter] Gassiot, St John's House, Ryde, to W [William] Spottiswoode, Treasurer of the Royal Society19 April 1875
MC/10Volume 10 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal SocietyJuly 1873-1876
PT/28/2/1Manuscript, 'A description of an extensive series of the water battery; with an account of some experiments made in order to test the relation of electrical and chemical action which takes place before and after completion of the voltaic circuit' by John P [Peter] Gassiot[1843]
MS/257/1/349Letter from Charles Chambers, Colaba Observatory [Mumbai] Bombay to [John Peter] Gassiot26 September 1867
AP/23/8/2Unpublished appendix, regarding 'An account of experiments made with the view of ascertaining the possibility of obtaining a spark before the current of the voltaic battery is completed' by J P [John Peter] Gassiot19 November 1839
AP/36/14Paper, 'On the vine disease in the port-wine districts of the Alto-Douro [Portugal] in April 1854' by Joseph James Forrester5 May 1854
MS/257/4/69Copy of a letter from [John] Welsh, Kew Observatory to [John Peter] Gassiot22 October 1856
AP/38/32Paper, 'Description of an instrument for registering changes of temperature' by Balfour Stewart10 June 1856
AP/36/14/1Manuscript, 'On the vine disease in the port-wine districts of the Alto-Douro [Portugal] in April 1854' by Joseph James Forrester5 May 1854
MS/257/2/210Letter from John Peter Gassiot, 77 Mark Lane to Dr Royle26 September 1850
MS/257/2/211Letter from John Peter Gassiot, 77 Mark Lane to Colonel William Henry Sykes26 September 1850
AP/45/5/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On spectrum analysis: with a description of a large spectroscope having nine prisms and achromatic telescopes of two feet focal length' by J P [John Peter] Gassiot1863
AP/45/5/2Diagrams, prisms by John Peter Gassiot1863
AP/45/5/4Diagram, spectroscope mechanism by John Peter Gassiot1863
MC/8Volume 8 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1867-1869
MS/257/2/208Letter from John Peter Gassiot, 77 Mark Lane to Dr Royle19 September 1850
MS/257/2/209Letter from John Peter Gassiot, 77 Mark Lane to Colonel William Henry Sykes19 September 1850
MS/257/4/434Letter from Balfour Stewart, Kew Observatory to [John Peter] Gassiot7 June 1866
MS/257/4/432Copy of a letter from Balfour Stewart, Kew Observatory to [John Peter] Gassiot17 May 1866
MS/257/4/518Correspondence between Balfour Stewart and [John Peter] Gassiot[1869]
MS/257/1/43Letter from George Biddell Airy, Royal Observatory Greenwhich to John Peter Gassiot20 August 1866
MS/257/3/381Letter from John Forbes Royle to [John Peter] Gassiot8 August 1850
MS/257/4/233Copy of a letter from Balfour Stewart to [John Peter] Gassiot19th century
MS/257/4/514Letter from Balfour Stewart, Kew Observatory to [John Peter] Gassiot17 September 1869
RR/2/50Referee's report by unnamed referee, on a paper [attributed] 'A description of an extensive series of the water battery; with an account of some experiments made in order to test the relation of the electrical and the chemical actions which take place before and after completion of the voltaic circuit' by John Peter Gassiot23 March 1844
AP/23/27Unpublished letter, 'On Nobili's plate of colours' from J P [John Peter] Gassiot to Sir J F W [John Frederick William] Herschel13 January 1840
PT/53/5Paper, 'Account of the construction of a standard barometer and description of the apparatus and processes employed in the verification of barometers at the Kew Observatory' by John Welsh22 May 1856
RR/4/104Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the stratifications in electrical discharges, as observed in torricellian and other vacua - second communication' by John Peter Gassiot23 March 1859
P/0147Deputation to Michael Faradayc1857
HS/8/58Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Mark Lane15 April 1852
HS/8/66Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Common17 October 1870
HS/8/50Letter, from John P. Gassiot to [John] Stewart, dated at Clapham Common11 July 1839
HS/8/64Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Common3 June 1859
HS/8/56aDraft letter, from Sir John Herschel to John P. Gassiot22 April 1847
HS/8/59Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at 77 Mark Lane9 May 1854
HS/8/56Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Common17 April 1847
HS/8/57Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Common23 April 1847
HS/8/70Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Common3 March 1871
HS/8/62Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Common25 April 1859
HS/8/52Letter, from John P. Gassiot to [John] Stewart, dated at Mark LaneAugust 1839
HS/8/71Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Commonundated
HS/8/63Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Common29 April 1859
HS/8/54Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Common2 March 1847
HS/8/53Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Common24 February 1847
HS/24/334Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John P. Gassiot, dated at Collingwood16 October 1870
MC/5/164Letter from J F W [John Frederick William] Herschel, 32 Harley Street, to J [John] Gassiot24 April 1854
HS/24/356Copy of draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to John P. Gassiot, dated at Collingwood17 February 1871
HS/8/68Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to John P. Gassiot, dated at Collingwood17 February 1871
HS/8/55Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Common5 March 1847
HS/8/51Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Common2 August 1839
HS/8/65Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Common29 January 1862
MC/5Volume 5 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1851-1858
HS/8/60Letter, from Sir John Herschel to John P. Gassiot, dated at Collingwood30 August 1858
HS/8/61Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Common8 September 1858
HS/8/67Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Common13 February 1871
HS/8/69Letter, from John P. Gassiot to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clapham Common24 February 1871
MS/401/3Lending book of the Royal Society Library1 September 1853-8 September 1869
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