
Authorised form of namePapin; Denis (1647 - 1713); natural philosopher and inventor
Dates1647 - 1713
Place of birthChitenay, near Blois, France, Europe
Date of birthAugust 1647
Place of deathWhitefryors (White Friars Street), London, England, United Kingdom, Europe
Date of deathAugust 1713
Temple of Haut-Bourg St Jean, Blois, France, Europe (22 August 1647)
St Bride's Church, Fleet Street, London, England, United Kingdom, Europe (26 August 1713)
Research fieldTechnology
Angers (graduated 1669)
Assistant to Christian Huyghens (FRS 1663) in the laboratory of the Academie Royale des Sciences; moved to London (1675); assistant to Robert Boyle (FRS 1663) (1675-1679); Assistant to Robert Hooke (FRS 1663), Curator of the Royal Society (1679); returned to Paris (1680); Curator of the Accademia Sarottiana in Venice (1681-1684); Curator of Experiments at the Royal Society (1684-1688); Professor of Mathematics at the University of Marburg (1688-1695); moved to Kassel, where he first worked at the University of Marburg, then assisted the Landgrave of Hesse with his experiments (1695-1707); returned to London (1707); died of 'consumption' or tuberculosis at Whitefriars Street, London (1713)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election31/12/1680
Age at election57
RSActivityCurator of the Royal Society (1679); Curator of Experiments (1684-88)
Other Royal Society activityCo-authored papers on air-pump experiments with Christiaan Hugyhens (1675)
RelationshipsParents: Denis Papin and Madeleine [Magdaleine] Pineau
PublishedWorksRCN: 57935
RCN: 57933
RCN: 57931
RCN: 57926
RCN: 57932
RCN: 57928
RCN: 57936
RCN: R70294
RCN: 57934
OtherInfoAs Huyghens' assistant, Papin helped with air pump experiments and lived at his aparments in Paris. Through him, Papin was introduced to Henry Oldenburg (FRS 1663), secretary of the Royal Society, and other Fellows such as Boyle (FRS 1663) and Brouncker (FRS 1663). Under his various appointments with Fellows , he produced some publications, such as the 'Nouvelles experiences du vuide' (1674) and 'Continuation of New Experiments' (1680). Although he had started as a medical doctor and then given up that profession in the pursuit of science, he maintained his interest and wrote a treatise in 1681 on painless operations. He is most well-remembered as an inventor and his work with the steam engine, a submarine, and the development of a first paddle boat. Papin was also a close correspondent with Gottfried Leibniz (FRS 1673) and was involved in a scientific controversy with him starting with a discussion of the motion of free falling bodies in 1681.
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Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB; ODNB; MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
London Metropolitan Archives Register of Burial - LMA reference for the Register containing the relevant entry is P69/BRI/A/01/Ms6540/3
Memorial established to Papin in Chitenay 2013 showing his 'Digestteur'
Home, R W. 2002. 'The Royal Society and the Empire: the colonial and Commonwealth Fellowship. Part 1. 1731-1847', vol. 56, pp. 307-332
McKie, D. 1956-57. 'Priestley's Laboratory and Library and Other of his Effects', in Notes and Records, vol. 12, pp. 114-136
Robinson, H W. 1947. 'Denis Papin (1647-1712)', in Notes and Records, vol. 5, pp. 47-50
Burial information from Register of Marriages & Burrials (sic) from 1695 to August 1714, London Metropolitan Archive, P69/BRI/A/01/Ms6540/3
Place and cause of death from Draft Burial Register, St Bride's Collection, London, Metropolitan Archive, P69/BRI/A/014/MS06550
Precise date of election not known - R has some time in 1682; DSB and Hunter, have late in 1680. Some sources have c.1712 as date of death. Payment made to him on 24 Mar 1712 (although Hunter says he was never in accounts). DNB says he was still alive 23 January 1712 (letter to Sloane at RS). Some sources have 22 August as date of birth, ODNB has it as baptism.
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
CLP/18i/52Paper, regarding gooseberries preserved a year in vacuo by Denis Papin[1687]
RBO/6/33'Dr Papin's Experiment with Soap and Salt water (for washing linnen at Sea) by dissolving them in the Digesting Engin'25 June 1684
RBO/6/87'Dr Papin's Engine for raising water out of a mine'nd
RBO/6/46Dr Papin's Experiment about the Sypho Wurtembergiens10 December 1684
CLP/18i/41Paper, regarding measuring the air produced by firing gunpowder in vacuo by Denis Papin[1687]
RBO/6/77'Dr Papin's triall of Monsieur Villermonts way of seperating the Grease and foulness from Lye that had been used'29 July 1685
RBO/6/113Experiment of preserving juices of plants and fruits by boiling and keeping 'in vacuo' by Denis Papin30 June 1686
RBO/6/86'Dr Papin account of his Engine that circulates water'13 January 1686
CLP/18i/27Paper, regarding experiments to refine sugar in vacuo by Denis Papin1686
EL/P1/90Letter, from Denis Papin [to the Royal Society]31 January 1709
RBO/6/60'Dr Papin's Tryall of the strength of Plaster of Paris mixed with Gelly of Bones, compared with other Plaster'8 April 1685
RBO/6/110'Dr Papins Contrivance for Filtration'26 May 1686
RBO/6/53'Dr Papin's Experiment of Spirit of Wine and water purged of Air and mixt 'in Vacuo"25 February 1685
RBO/9/100'Dr Papin's Improvement of the Hassian Bellows'1711
CLP/18i/63Paper, regarding the instrument to rarefy air using gunpowder by Denis Papin[1687]
RBO/6/45'Dr Papin's Contrivance for the casting of Medalls 'in vacuo'3 December 1684
RBO/6/29Dr Papin's Experiment of the Suspension of water purged of Air in a Pipe4 June 1684
RBO/6/32'Dr Papin's Experiment About air caused by a Dissolving body in a Florence Flask'18 June 1684
RBO/6/106Dr Papin's account of improvements to his Digester5 May 1686
RBO/6/59'Dr Papin's comparions of the Jesuits Bark Digested in Water, Wine and spirit of Wine: and Way of making Medal with the Gelly of Bones'1 April 1685
RBO/6/135Experiment to show resistence of air to a moving pendulum by Denis Papin9 February 1687
RBO/6/47'Dr Papin's Syphon that answers all the Proprieties of the Sypho Wurtembergiens'17 December 1684
RBO/6/31'Dr Papin's Experiment made at Mr Boyls About suspending water in a Bolt-head'18 June 1684
RBO/6/123'Dr Papin about an Improvement of the new Digester'nd
RBO/6/118Experiment to increase evaporation in production of wares by Denis Papinnd
RBO/6/126'A Demonstration of the Velocity wherewith the Air rushes into an Exhausted Receiver, lately produced before the Royal Society' by Denis Papin24 November 1686
RBO/6/43'Dr Papin's Experiments of the effect of Spirit of wine, mixed with Syrup of Violets etc'19 November 1684
RBO/6/117Concerns the making of a barometer free from air by Denis Papin4 August 1686
RBO/6/26Dr Papin's Experiment of driving Plaister into the Lungs And An Instrument for drying the parts of the Body, when they are most swelled 'in vacuo'7 May 1684
CLP/18i/64Paper, regarding the experiment to fire gunpowder in vacuo by Denis Papin[1687]
RBO/7/7Details of instrument for the making of sulphur by Denis Papinnd
CLP/18i/31Paper, regarding the making of a barometer free from air by Denis Papin4 August 1686
CLP/18i/76Paper, regarding the third improvement of the clocks by Denis Papin[1711]
RBO/6/73'Dr Papin's Experiments about keeping Plants in Turpentine And A Pear kept 'in vacuo' Ten months'24 June 1685
RBO/6/28Dr Papin's Experiments of dissolving Iron in the Open Air and 'in vacuo' May 1684
CLP/18i/29Paper, regarding how to fill a barometer tube exactly by Denis Papin21 July 1686
RBO/6/74'Dr Papin's Experiments of keeping Insects in Turpentine And of Crystallizations 'in vacuo"1 July 1685
RBO/6/52'Dr Papin's further Experiments of the use of the Filtrations aforementioned'18 February 1685
RBO/6/34Another Experiment by Dr Papin about the Suspension of Water 'in vacuo' made at Mr Boyle's1684
RBO/6/66'Dr Papin Experiments to Water passing through Wood and Leather'29 April 1685
RBO/6/112Experiments to preserve fish by boiling and keeping 'in vacuo' by Denis Papin23 June 1686
RBO/6/108'Dr Papin about brewing in his Digester'12 May 1686
RBO/6/130'About shooting a Sphericall Bullet' by Denis Papin22 December 1686
RBO/6/39'Dr Papin's Experiment with the Muscle of a Man 'in vacuo' etc and a mercury gage to find the Quantity of Air Produced' from the muscle20 September 1684
RBO/6/76'Dr Papin's Draught of the Vessels designed for the hastning of Evaporations and Distillations by nicanes of a Vacuum'15 July 1685
RBO/6/42'Dr Papin about the Florentine Experiments at the Academie del Cimento'12 November 1684
RBO/6/57'Dr Papin's Experiment of Producing Sounds by a Factitious Air'18 March 1685
RBO/6/56'Dr Papin's Experiment to prove that the Air is necessary for Sounds'11 March 1685
RBO/6/55'Dr Papin's Experiment of Shutting up Water or Spirit of Wine 'in Vacuo' and making them boile by putting them in Ice'14 January 1685
RBO/6/64'Dr Papin's Preparation of Plaster of Paris with Gelly of Bones'15 April 1685
RBO/6/35Dr Papin's Experiment about softening the Box and Lignum Vitae in the Digesting Engine2 July 1684
RBO/6/93'Mr Papin's Experiment of the Compression of Air in the Windgun'17 February 1686
CLP/18i/72Paper, regarding an experiment to compare the old wheels and pinions with the new ones by Denis Papin[1711]
CLP/18i/26Paper, regarding further experiments on boiling juices of plants and fruits etc in vacuo by Denis Papin30 June 1686
CLP/18i/45Paper, regarding a jet of water in vacuo by Denis Papin9 March 1687
RBO/6/99'Dr Papin's Experiments about shooting in a longer Cylinder evacuated of Air'10 March 1686
RBO/6/41'About the Suspension of Mercury in a Tube higher then 31 Inches' by Denis Papin5 November 1684
RBO/6/40'Dr Papin's Experiment to prove that suction proceeds from the pressure of the Air'29 October 1684
RBO/6/68Dr Papin's Experiments made with an Equicrural Syphon of Ten Foot high'13 May 1685
RBO/6/71'Dr Papin's Proposal for making an Equicrural Syphon more usefull'27 May 1685
RBO/6/49'Dr Papin's Experiment of keeping a Candle Burning under Water'21 January 1685
RBO/7/15'Dr Papin about the comparative Velocity of a Cylinder and Bullet'nd
RBO/7/11Details of an experiment to clear the air of noxious fumes by Denis Papinnd
RBO/6/114Details about refining sugar by Denis Papin7 July 1686
RBO/6/129'Dr Papin about Flint and Steel 'in vacuo"nd
RBO/9/62'Proposals for making an Engine to raise Water by the help of Fire' by Denis Papinnd
CLP/18i/5Paper, regarding a new engine for raising water by Denis Papin[1738]
RBO/7/4Observations of the green gooseberries 'in vacuo' by Denis Papinnd
CLP/18i/78Paper, regarding the pendulum clock of Dr Hooke's invention by Denis Papin1711
RBO/7/5Observations of distilling 'in vacuo' by Denis Papinnd
CLP/18i/43Paper, regarding phosphorus kindled in vacuo by Denis Papin[1687]
RBO/6/133Experiment to show whether particles struck off by the collision of Steel and flint 'in vacuo' can be melted into globules by Denis Papinnd
CLP/18i/73Paper, regarding proposals for improving sea clocks by Denis Papin[1711]
RBO/6/115Experiment to shoot by rarefaction of the air by Denis Papinnd
RBO/6/109'Dr Papin about softning Rice'19 May 1686
CLP/18i/21Paper, regarding filtration with the aid of the pneumatic engine by Denis Papin26 May 1686
RBO/7/6'About saving the materialls of Gunpowder' by Denis Papinnd
RBO/6/85'Some further Remarks on the Instrument proposed by an Anonymous French Author, for effecting a perpetuall Motion'28 October 1685
RBO/6/116Experiment to fill barometer with quicksilver and no air by Denis Papin21 July 1686
RBO/6/136Experiment to show whether phosphorus 'in vacuo' will ignite by Denis Papinnd
RBO/6/97'An account of an Experiment shown before the Royal Society of Shooting by the Rarefaction of the Air' by Denis Papin3 March 1686
CLP/18i/48Paper, regarding sound pipes for an engine by Denis Papin23 March 1687
CLP/18i/16Paper, regarding experiments on chocolate boiled in vacuo by Denis Papin1686
CLP/18i/80Paper, regarding proposals about the machine for raising water by the force of fire by Denis Papin[1712]
RBO/6/124Experiment to preserve cherries 'in vacuo' without sugar by Denis Papinnd
CLP/18i/7Paper, regarding the water engine at London Bridge by Denis Papin1686
M/181Papin, Denis1852
CLP/18i/74Paper, regarding the relation of the experiment concerning the advantage of cylindrical teeth for clock wheels by Denis Papin[1711]
CLP/18i/47Paper, regarding an Improved Cider Press by Denis Papin[1687]
CLP/18i/1Paper, 'Explication des pieces de l'harquebuze a vent' [Explanation of the parts of the wind arquebus] by Denis Papin1678
CLP/18i/22Paper, regarding further improvements and simplification of the digester by Denis Papin1686
RBO/6/96'Dr Papin's Experiment about the relieving a Bird shutt up in a small space till sick with the windgunn'nd
CLP/18i/68Paper, regarding proposals for some new inventions by Denis Papin[1711]
CLP/18i/30Paper, regarding the making of a barometer free from air by Denis Papin28 July 1686
CLP/18i/4Paper, 'Experiments for voyages at sea' by Denis Papin[1738]
CLP/18i/62Paper, regarding the pump exhausted of air by means of gunpowder by Denis Papin[1687]
CLP/18i/65Paper, regarding use of gunpowder to raise weights by Denis Papin[1687]
RBO/6/36Dr Papin's Experiments in the digester for taking Impression in Relief 16 July 1684
CLP/18i/71Paper, regarding a second instrument for making spirit of sulphur by Denis Papin[1711]
CLP/18i/1/2Diagram, wind arquebus by Denis Papin1678
RBO/7/1'About a Cyder-Press' by Denis Papinnd
RBO/9/99'Some Few Remarks on Dr Papin's New Improvement of the Hassian Bellows' by Richard Waller1711
EL/P1/88Paper, 'On a machine to raise weights by gunpowder' by Denis Papin1688
CLP/18i/77Paper, regarding the effect of the first model of the new clock by Denis Papin[1711]
RBO/6/131'About Air produced by fireing Gunpowder' by Denis Papin5 January 1687
RBO/6/100'Dr Papin's Experiments about firing Bodies 'in Vacuo"nd
CLP/18i/18Paper, regarding improvements in the digester of five years ago by Denis Papin5 May 1686
RBO/6/138Answers to objections concerning a new way of raising water by Denis Papinnd
RBO/7/12'About clearing the Air from fumes, and Distilling 'in vacuo" by Denis Papinnd
CLP/18i/56Paper, regarding the relative swiftness of sound and cylindrical bullets by Denis Papin[1687]
CLP/18i/25Paper, regarding boiling fish in vacuo by Denis Papin23 June 1686
RBO/7/13'Mr Papin's Camera Aeolica'nd
CLP/18i/12Paper, regarding shooting by rarefaction of air by Denis Papin3 March 1686
CLP/18i/38Paper, regarding shooting a spherical bullet by Denis Papin22 December 1686
CLP/18i/17Paper, regarding experiments on lemon peel and quinces by Denis Papin21 April 1686
CLP/18i/28Paper, regarding further experiments on shooting by rarefaction by Denis Papin14 July 1686
CLP/18i/70Paper, regarding new improvements of the hessian bellows by Denis Papin[1711]
RBO/7/3aObservations of an experiment to burn gunpowder 'in vacuo' by Denis Papinnd
CLP/18i/67Paper, regarding details of a new lock by Denis Papin[1707-1711]
CLP/18i/40Paper, regarding the form of the particles produced by flint and steel in vacuo by Denis Papin[1687]
CLP/18i/59Paper, regarding the Camera Aeolia by Denis Papinnd
CLP/18i/44Paper, regarding an experiment to determine the source of air produced when firing gunpowder 'in vacuo' by Denis Papin[1687]
CLP/18i/32Paper, regarding an experiment to increase evaporation in production of wares by Denis Papin [1686]
CLP/3ii/6Paper, 'New way to get good air for respiration and vegetation' by [Denis Papin][1708]
CLP/6/61Letter, 'Relateing to a pretended invention of Dr [Denis] Papin' by Thomas Savery to Dr John Harris[1709]
CLP/18i/35Paper, regarding the velocity of air passing into an exhausted receiver by Denis Papin24 November 1686
CLP/18i/79Paper, regarding Richard Waller's criticisms of the clock design made in December 1712 by Denis Papin[1712]
CLP/18i/8Paper, regarding an engine for removing water out of a mine by Denis Papin1685
CLP/18i/75Paper, regarding the design of a box to keep the new clock at sea from the alterations of the air by Denis Papin[1711]
CLP/18i/37Paper, regarding flint and steel struck in vacuo by Denis Papin[1686]
CLP/18i/3Paper, 'Une manière de fontaine ou jet d'eau' by Denis Papin[1738]
CLP/18i/42Paper, regarding an experiment to show resistence of air to a moving pendulum by Denis Papin[1687]
CLP/20/76Paper, Raising water by rarefaction and the imperfection of Dr. [Denis] Papin's engine for raising water by Robert Hooke20 July 1687
RBO/6/102Dr Papin's experiments to preserve fruit in 'gelly' 7 April 1686
EL/P1/89Letter, from Denis Papin to Edmund King, dated at Marburg29 August 1688
RBO/6/103Concerning West Indian ware made from the pith of trees by Denis Papin[1686]
CLP/18iClassified papers: volume 18i of classified papers concering 'Papin and Hauksbee papers'1678-1712
EL/P1/94Letter, from Denis Papin to Hans Sloane23 January 1712
RBO/6/22Details of two experiments by Dr Papin: 'Some Alteration or Improvement in his Pnewmatick Engin' and 'Of the Air's driving the water in an Exhausted Bolt-head in a Cylindrical Form' 9 April 1684
EL/R1/41Letter, from Salomon Reisel to Denis Papin, dated at Stutgardiae [Stuttgart]1 July 1686
EL/P1/91Letter, from Denis Papin to Hans Sloane16 May 1709
EL/P1/93Letter, from Denis Papin to Hans Sloane31 December 1711
EL/P1/92Letter, from Denis Papin to Hans Sloane, dated at London21 April 1711
CLP/18i/60Paper, regarding velocity of the air in bullet firing by Denis Papin[1687]
RBO/6/65'Dr Papin Experiments relating to the height the water will probably rise to in an Equicrural Syphon'22 April 1685
RBO/6/75'Dr Papin's Further Proposal about Crystallizations 'in vacuo' And Insects dying in factitious Air'8 July 1685
RBO/6/23Dr Papin's experiment 'upon petrified Wood calcined applying to the Lodestone or tinging with Galls' 16 April 1684
RBO/9/101'Some Remarks upon Dr Papins Paper concerning an Invention to Improve Clockwork' by Richard Waller1711
RBO/6/111Two experiments with the new Digester by Denis Papinnd
RBO/7/2Concerning preservation of green pease by Denis Papin6 April 1687
RBO/6/44'Dr Papin about the Florentine Experiments etc'26 November 1684
RBO/7/3Reasons why the 'jet d'eau in vacuo' did not reach very high by Denis Papinnd
RBO/9/82'Letter to the Reverend Dr John Harris FRS relating to a pretended Invention of Dr Papin FRS' by Thomas Savery1709
CLP/18i/2Paper, 'A double air pump' by Denis Papin[1678]
CLP/18i/50Paper, regarding the firing of gunpowder in vacuo by Denis Papin [1687]
CLP/18i/9Paper, regarding the boiling of water by the application of cold by Denis Papin1686
CLP/18i/49Paper, regarding peas preserved in vacuo by Denis Papin6 April 1687
CLP/18i/58Paper, regarding purifying the air and distilling water in vacuo by Denis Papin[1687]
CLP/18i/53Paper, regarding an arrangement for distillation in vacuo by Denis Papin27 April 1687
CLP/3ii/5Paper, 'Proposals about the machine to get good air for respiration and vegetation' by D [Denis] Papin[1709]
CLP/18i/15Paper, regarding fruits preserved after boiling in vacuo and firing gunpowder in vacuo by Denis Papin1686
CLP/18i/39Paper, regarding the air produced by burning gunpowder by Denis Papin5 January 1687
CLP/18i/54Paper, regarding the products of gunpowder fired in vacuo by Denis Papin[1687]
CLP/3ii/8Paper, 'Some few remarks on Dr Papin's new improvement of the Hessian bellows' by Ric [Richard] Waller[1711]
CLP/18i/6Paper, regarding an engine that circulates water by Denis Papin1685
CLP/6/37/2Drawing, Engine for circulating water by Denis Papin1685
CLP/6/37Paper, regarding Denis Papin's experiment with forcing air out of a glass by Mr R A1685
CLP/18i/66Paper, regarding proposals to make an 80 ton ship made by Denis Papin[1707]
CLP/3ii/7Paper, 'Answer to an objection against the cammer [chamber] for compress't air' by D [Denis] Papin[1708]
CLP/18i/51Paper, regarding an experiment involving a jet of water in vacuo by Denis Papin[1687]
CLP/18i/46Paper, regarding answers to objections against an engine for raising water by rarefaction of air by Denis Papin[1687]
CLP/18i/36Paper, regarding baking bread in the digester by Denis Papin1 December 1686
CLP/18i/69Paper, regarding a new fashion of clock wheels and pinions by Denis Papin[1711]
CLP/6/37/1Manuscript, concerning Denis Papin's experiment with forcing air out of a glass by Mr R A1685
CLP/18i/33Paper, regarding an experiment to preserve cherries in vacuo without sugar by Denis Papin 17 November 1686
RBO/6/88'Mr Papin's Account of the Water Engine at London Bridge and his thoughts thereupon'13 January 1686
CLP/18i/1/1Manuscript, 'Explication des pieces de l'harquebuze a vent' [Explanation of the parts of the wind arquebus] by Denis Papin1678
CLP/22i/29Paper, Account of the second book of Denis Papin's new digester c.17th century
CLP/18i/23Paper, regarding further experiments with chocolate by Denis Papin1686
CLP/18i/57Paper, regarding the purification of foul air by Denis Papin[1687]
RBO/9/63Isaac Newton's opinion of Denis Papin's proposals for making a water-raising engine1707
CLP/18i/34Paper, regarding improvements to the digester by Denis Papin17 November 1686
CLP/18i/55Paper, regarding making spirit of sulphur underwater by Denis Papin[1687]
RBO/6/30Dr Papin's Experiment about the Adhesion of a Glass Cover to an Exhausted Receiver against the pretended Attraction 'motu vacui'11 June 1684
RBO/6/25Dr Papin's Experiment for the swelling the Lungs, Kidney 'in Vacuo'30 April 1684
RBO/6/27Dr Papin's Experiment to examine the specific Gravity of the Air comparatively to water and what effect Heat and moisture hath on the gravity of Air14 May 1684
RBO/6/37Dr Papin's Experiments on Horn in the Digester - a further trial23 July 1684
RBO/6/38Dr Papin's experiments in the Vacation time during the Recess of the Royal Society1684
RBO/6/50'Dr Papin's further use of the foregoing Apparatus in drawing of Spirit of Sulphur'4 February 1684
RBO/6/51'Dr Papin's Experiment of making Filtrations through Cap Paper by means of the Pnewmatick Engine'11 February 1685
RBO/6/54'Dr Papin's Experiment Preparation of the Juice of licorish and Water made in the Digester; Also a Composition of it with the Gelly of Bones'4 March 1685
RBO/6/70'Dr Papin Experiments made with Mr Molyneux his Hygroscope And Of Animals in Factitious Air'27 May 1685
RBO/6/80'Dr Papin's Demonstrations of a Problem of Stevinus to prove that water included in a slender Pipe will press upon a large Basis as much as a Pillar of water as large as the Basis and as high as the slender Pipe'11 November 1685
RBO/6/105Concerning the instrument for distillation described in the Digester Book by Denis Papin21 April 1686
RBO/6/134Revision of the experiment to fire gunpowder 'in vacuo' by Denis Papinnd
RBO/6/137Experiment to determine the source of air produced when firing gunpowder 'in vacuo' by Denis Papinnd
RBO/7/18'Mr Papin about using gunpowder to raise weights' nd
RBO/9/83'Of the working Dr Papin's improvement' by Thomas Savery1709
RBO/9/86'An Answer to an Objection against the Chamber for comprest Air' by Denis Papin1708
RBO/9/97'Proposals for establishing a Company for new Inventions' by Denis Papin1711
RBO/9/98Dr Papin's New Fashion of Clock wheeles and Pinions'1711
RBO/9/103'Description of second Instrument for extracting Oil of Sulphur per Campanam' by Denis Papin1711
CLP/18i/11Paper, regarding an experiment about a bird in compressed air and regarding preserving raspberries and strawberries in gelly of bones by Denis Papin24 February 1686
CLP/18i/19Paper, regarding extract of malt prepared for brewing in the digester by Denis Papin12 May 1686
CLP/18i/20Paper, regarding the digester used for cooking rice by Denis Papin19 May 1686
CLP/18i/24Paper, regarding burning in vacuo and preserving fruit by Denis PapinJune 1686
CLP/18i/10Paper, regarding the compression of air in the wind-gun by Denis Papin1676
CLP/18i/14Paper, regarding firing gunpowder in vacuo by Denis Papin31 March 1686
CLP/18i/13Paper, regarding experiments about shooting in a longer cylinder evacuated of air by Denis Papin10 March 1686
MC/34/148Letter from Owen A. Price, Lloyds Bank Chambers, Lincoln, to The Secretary, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W., to The Secretary, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W8 April 1919
MC/34/147Letter from Owen A. Price, Lincoln, to The Secretary, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W., to The Secretary, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London, WFebruary 1919
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