RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1850/16 | Miller, John Fletcher: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
MS/426/411 | Notes of a letter to J F [John Fletcher] Miller Esq, Whitehaven | 25 March 1850 |
RR/2/159 | Referee's report by William Henry Sykes, on a paper 'On the meteorology of the Lake District of Cumberland and Westmoreland, including the results of experiments on the fall of rain at various heights, up to 3166 feet above the sea-level.—Fourth paper, for the year 1850' by John Fletcher Miller | 26 July 1851 |
MS/426/458 | Note of a letter from [the Secretaries of] the Royal Society; to J F [John Fletcher] Miller, Whitehaven | 31 January 1852 |
MS/426/273 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to J F [John Fletcher] Miller, Esq, Whitehaven | 2 April 1847 |
MS/426/376 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; J F [John Fletcher] Miller, Whitehaven | 17 May 1849 |
MS/426/451 | Note of a letter from [the Secretaries of] the Royal Society; to various individuals | 20 June 1851 |
MS/257/3/129 | 'Fall of Rain in Lake District 1847' by John Fletcher Miller | 1847 |
MS/426/455 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to J F [John Fletcher] Miller | 20 January 1852 |
PT/35/5 | Paper, 'On the meteorology of the Lake District of Cumberland and Westmoreland' by John Fletcher Miller | 15 March 1848 |
RR/2/158 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'On the meteorology of the Lake District of Cumberland and Westmoreland, including the results of experiments on the fall of rain at various heights, up to 3166 feet above the sea-level.—Fourth paper, for the year 1850' by John Fletcher Miller | 17 April 1851 |
PT/40/7 | Paper, 'On the meteorology of the Lake District of Cumberland and Westmoreland [Westmorland], including the results of experiments on the fall of rain at various heights, up to 3166 feet above the sea level' by John Fletcher Miller | 6 February 1851 |
PT/35/5/2 | Plate, 'Map of the lakes of Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire' by unknown mapmaker | [1848] |
PT/35/5/1 | Manuscript, 'On the meteorology of the Lake District of Cumberland and Westmoreland' by John Fletcher Miller | 15 March 1848 |
PT/35/12 | Paper, 'On the meteorology of the Lake District of Cumberland and Westmoreland [Westmorland] including the results of experiments on the fall of rain at various heights, up to 3166 feet above the sea level' by John Fletcher Miller | 6 February 1849 |
MC/4/245 | Letter from [John Fletcher] Miller, Whitehaven, to the [Marquis of Northampton] President of the Royal Society and to the Council | 30 June 1848 |
MC/4/250 | Letter from John Fletcher Miller, Whitehaven, to Colonel [William Henry] Sykes | 13 July 1848 |
MC/4/251 | Letter from [John Fletcher] Miller, Whitehaven, to [Charles Richard] Weld, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society] | 13 July 1848 |
MC/4 | Volume 4 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1844-1850 |
MC/5/86 | Letter from J F [John Fletcher] Miller, Whitehaven, to C R [Charles Richard] Weld, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society] | 28 February 1853 |
RR/2/160 | Referee's report by William Henry Sykes, on a paper 'On the meteorology of the English Lake District, including the results of observations on the fall of rain at various heights, up to 3166 feet above the sea-level' by John Fletcher Miller | 15 May 1852 |
RR/2/161 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'On the meteorology of the English Lake District, including the results of observations on the fall of rain at various heights, up to 3166 feet above the sea-level' by John Fletcher Miller | 30 May 1852 |
PT/40/6 | Paper, 'On the relation of the air and evaporation temperatures, to the temperature of the dew point, as determined by Mr Glaisher's hygrometrical tables, founded on the factors deduced from the six hourly observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich' by John Fletcher Miller | 20 October 1849 |
AP/33/18 | Unpublished paper, 'On the meteorology of the English Lake District, including the results of experiments on the fall of rain at various heights up to 3166 feet above the sea level' by John Fletcher Miller | 28 February 1852 |
AP/31/11 | Unpublished paper, 'Some remarks on a paper entitled "On the depth of rain which falls in the same localities at different altitudes in the hilly districts of Lancashire, Cheshire [England] etc" by S C [Samuel Collett] Homersham' by John Fletcher Miller | 8 September 1848 |
AP/34/17 | Unpublished paper, 'On the meteorology of the English Lake District' by John Fletcher Miller | 16 February 1853 |
MS/257/3/128 | Letter from John Fletcher Miller, Whitehaven to Edward Sabine | 19 February 1848 |
MS/257/3/131 | Letter from John Fletcher Miller, Whitehaven to Edward Sabine | 14 June 1848 |
MS/257/3/130 | Letter from John Fletcher Miller, Whitehaven to Edward Sabine | 22 March 1848 |
PT/42/13 | Paper, 'On the meteorology of the Lake District of Cumberland and Westmoreland [Westmorland]; with a continuation of the results of experiments on the fall of rain at various heights, up to 3166 feet above above [sic] the sea level' by John Fletcher Miller | 11 February 1850 |
HS/12/342 | Letter, from John Fletcher Miller to Sir John Herschel, dated at Whitehaven | 21 December 1849 |
HS/12/341 | Letter, from John Fletcher Miller to Sir John Herschel, dated at Whitehaven | 14 December 1849 |
MC/5 | Volume 5 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1851-1858 |
HS/12/343 | Letter, from John Fletcher Miller to Sir John Herschel, dated at Whitehaven | 5 March 1850 |