Authorised form of name | McClintock; Barbara (1902 - 1992) |
Dates | 1902 - 1992 |
Nationality | American |
Place of birth | Hartford, Connecticut, USA |
Date of birth | 16/06/1902 |
Place of death | Hospital, Huntington, New York, USA |
Date of death | 02/09/1992 |
Research field | Plant genetics |
Activity | Education: College of Agriculture, Cornell University. PhD (1927) Career: Fellow, National Research Council (1931-1933); Gugenheim Fellow (1933); Research Associate, Cornell University (1934-1936); Assistant Professor, University of Missouri (1936-1941); Staff, Carnegie Institute of Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, Laboratory, Long Island (1941-1992); Visiting Professor, Californian Institute of Technology (1953-1954); Andrew D White Professor-at-Large, Cornell (1965-1992); discovered transposable genetic elements, known as 'jumping genes' and presented her findings (1951); first woman in her category to receive an unshared Nobel Prize Medals and prizes: Nobel Prize (Physiology or Medicine) 1983 |
Membership category | Foreign Member |
Date of election | 29/06/1989 |
Age at election | 87 |
Relationships | Unmarried |
Source | Sources: Obituaries: Times (05 September 1992); Independent (07 September 1992) Obituaries: Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1994 vol 40 pp 265-280, plate, by Nina V Fedoroff References: Digitized papers available at |
Code | NA5972 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
IM/002859 | McClintock, Barbara | nd |
EC/1989/45 | McClintock, Barbara: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 1988 |