RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1929/06 | Gray, Sir James: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
IM/GA/WS/3352 | Gray, Sir James | nd |
NLB/52/663 | Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Vice President of the Royal Society; to James Gray Esquire; Sunnymead, Woodside Avenue, N. Finchley | 7 February 1916 |
NLB/52/759 | Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Vice President of the Royal Society; to James Gray Esquire; Sunnymead, Woodside Avenue, N. Finchley | 24 February 1916 |
RR/23/32 | Referee's report by William Maddock Bayliss, on a paper 'The electrical conductivity of echinoderm eggs, and its bearing on the problems of fertilisation and artificial parthenogenesis' by James Gray | 1916 |
RR/26/52 | Referee's report by William Maddock Bayliss, on a paper 'The mechanism of ciliary movement. II.—The effect ions on the cell membrane' by James Gray | [October 1921] |
RR/42/92 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'The osmotic changes in some marine animals' by R Margaria | December 1930 |
RR/42/50 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'Experimental distortion of development in amphibian tadpoles' by Dorothy E Sladden | January 1930 |
RR/43/132 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'The development and function of the heart and pericardium in echinodermata' by Nidambur Narasimhamurti | July 1931 |
RR/23/33 | Referee's report by William Bate Hardy, on a paper 'The electrical conductivity of echinoderm eggs, and its bearing on the problems of fertilisation and artificial parthenogenesis' by James Gray | 1916 |
RR/21/77 | Referee's report by Benjamin Moore, on a paper 'The electrical conductivity of echinoderm eggs, and its bearing on the problems of fertilisation and artificial parthenogenesis' by James Gray | 22 December 1914 |
RR/51/38 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'The site of loss of water from insects' by Kenneth Mellanby | [June 1934] |
RR/49/145 | Referee's report by Archibald Vivan Hill, on a paper 'Apparent mitogenetic inactivity of active cells' by James Gray and C Ouellet | [August 1933] |
RR/49/88 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'On the physiology of respiration in fishes I. On the bionomics, structure and physiology of respiration in an esturine air-breathing Gobioid fish' by B K Das | [December 1933] |
RR/55/35 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'Determination and differentiation in ascidian development' by Norman John Berrill | July 1935 |
RR/52/143 | Summary of reports by James Gray and Henry Stanley Raper, on a paper 'On the nature and permeability of chitin II—The permeability of the uncalcified chitin lining the foregut of homarus' by C M Yonge | 1935 |
RR/62/64 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'The mechanics of mitosis in the pollen-tube of Tulipa' by Margaret Upcott | [June 1936] |
RR/62/110 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'The structure of nerve fibres in cephalopods and crustacea' by John Zachary Young | [June 1936] |
RR/68/212 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'The effects of cold and colchicine on mitosis in the newt' by Horace Newton Barber and Harold Garnet Callan | nd [1942] |
RR/39/14 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'The adductor mechanism of pecten' by L E Bayliss, Eric Boyland and A D Ritchie | [April 1930] |
RR/69/106 | Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'The structure of insect cuticles' by G Fraenkel and K M Rudall to James Gray | 19 September 1945 |
RR/69/91 | Memeoradum form J D Griffith Davies Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'A study of an insect cuticle: the formation of the puparium of Sarcophaga falculata Pand. (Diptera)' by Ralph Dennell to James Gray | 26 April 1945 |
NLB/65/414 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Sidney [Frederic] Harmer, FRS | 27 October 1923 |
RR/28/111 | Referee's report by Thomas Renton Elliott, on a paper 'The mechanism of ciliary movement.—IV. The relation of ciliary activity to oxygen consumption' by James Gray | 30 October 1923 |
NLB/72/273 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James] Gray Esq., FRS | 15 June 1929 |
NLB/72/425 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [James] Gray, FRS | 15 October 1929 |
NLB/72/621 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James] Gray Esq., MC, FRS | 29 January 1930 |
L&P/2/542 | Letter, 'Antiquities found at Portici from James Gray to Thomas Robinson | 29 October 1754 |
RR/26/51 | Referee's report by Ernest Henry Starling, on a paper 'The mechanism of ciliary movement' by James Gray | [June 1921] |
RR/52/142 | Third referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'On the nature and permeability of chitin II—The permeability of the uncalcified chitin lining the foregut of homarus' by C M Yonge | December 1935 |
RR/60/56 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'Synaptic transmission of nervous impulses through the last abdominal ganglion of the cockroach' by A F Rawdon-Smith and Richard Julius Pumphrey | November 1936 |
RR/40/29 | Referee's report by James Gray, on three papers 'On the physiology of amoeboid movement. V. Anaerobic movement', 'On the physiology of amoeboid movement. VI. The action of oxygen' and 'On the physiology of amoeboid movement. VII. The action of anoesthetics' by Carl Frederick Abel Pantin | October 1929 |
RR/63/136 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'The nature and permeability of chitin, III - The nature and origin of the membranes surrounding the developing eggs of homarus vulgaris' by Charles Maurice Yonge | 15 March 1937 |
RR/28/112 | Referee's report by William Maddock Bayliss, on a paper 'The mechanism of ciliary movement. III.—The effect of temperature' by James Gray | [February 1923] |
RR/49/7 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'Osmotic pressures in the hen's egg' by Edward J Blades | [November 1933] |
RR/49/144 | Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'Directional control of fish movement' by James Gray | [April 1933] |
RR/21/76 | Referee's report by William Bate Hardy, on a paper 'The electrical conductivity of echinoderm eggs, and its bearing on the problems of fertilisation and artificial parthenogenesis' by James Gray | [December 1914] |
RR/26/50 | Referee's report by Thomas Renton Elliott, on a paper 'The mechanism of ciliary movement' by James Gray | 10 June 1921 |
RR/41/46 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'Metabolic changes associated with pigmentary effector activity and pituitary removal in Xenopus laevis—I. Respiratory exchange' by Enid Charles | November 1930 |
RR/41/48 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'Metabolic changes associated with pigmentary effector activity and pituitary removal in Xenopus laevis—II. Calcium and magnesium content of the serum' by Enid Charles | November 1930 |
RR/41/111 | Referee's report by Edgar Johnson Allen, on a paper 'The mechanism of ciliary movement.—VI. Photographic and stroboscopic analysis of ciliary movement' by James Gray | October 1930 |
RR/43/133 | Second referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'The development and function of the heart and pericardium in echinodermata' by Nidambur Narasimhamurti | November 1931 |
RR/44/132 | Referee's report by Archibald Vivian Hill, on a paper 'The extent of air in the tracheoles of some terrestrial insects' by Vincent Brian Wigglesworth | October 1931 |
RR/47/100 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'Experimental distortion of development in amphibian tadpoles. Part II' by D E Sladden | 2 June 1932 |
RR/47/73 | Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'Studies in animal movement, I. The movements of fish with special reference to the eel' by James Gray | August 1932 |
RR/49/143 | Referee's report by Edgar Johnson Allen, on a paper 'Directional control of fish movement' by James Gray | 3 April 1933 |
RR/51/79 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'The biological response to gamma rays of Radium as a function of the intensity of radiation' by F G Spear and L G Grimmett | [March 1933] |
RR/52/140 | Second referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'On the nature and permeability of chitin II—The permeability of the uncalcified chitin lining the foregut of homarus' by C M Yonge | October 1935 |
RR/52/141 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'On the nature and permeability of chitin II—The permeability of the uncalcified chitin lining the foregut of homarus' by C M Yonge | December 1934 |
RR/53/100 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'On regeneration and reorganisation in Sabella' by F Gross and Julian Sorell Huxley | 6 January 1935 |
RR/69/331 | Memorandum by J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'The pallial organs in the aspidobranch Gastropoda and their evolution throughout the Mollusca' by Charles Maurice Yonge to James Gray | 31 January 1945 |
RR/70/186 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'The histophysiology of the alimentary canal of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris Linnaeus - I. The process of extrusion from the intestinal glands, and other features of the intestinal epithelium' by Norman Millott | 1947 |
RR/70/187 | Letter from James Gray, on a paper 'The histophysiology of the alimentary canal of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris Linnaeus - I. The process of extrusion from the intestinal glands, and other features of the intestinal epithelium' by Norman Millott to David Christie Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society | 26 September 1947 |
RR/47/71 | Referee's report by Charles Tate Regan, on a paper 'Studies in animal movement, I. The movements of fish with special reference to the eel' by James Gray | June 1932 |
RR/47/72 | Referee's report by Archibald Vivian Hill, on a paper 'Studies in animal movement, I. The movements of fish with special reference to the eel' by James Gray | 1932 |
RR/78/22 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'Nuclear components of dividing cells' by P M B Walker and Helen B Yates | 8 April 1952 |
RR/76/44 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'The nervous system of Saccoglossus cambrensis Brambell and Cole (Enteropneusta)' by E W Knight-Jones | 11 September 1951 |
RR/78/32 | Letter from James Gray, on a paper 'Observations on some plant interphase nuclei' by J Chayen, H G Davies and Ursula J Miles, to D C Martin | 18 November 1952 |
RR/80/32 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'Collagen, reticulum and their argyrophilic properties' by E A Irving and S G Tomlin | 26 June 1953 |
RR/74/8 | Letter from James Gray, on a paper 'Experimental studies on amphibian oocyte nuclei. I. Investigation of the structure of the nuclear membrane by means of the electron-microscope' by Harold Garnet Callan and S G Tomlin, to D C Martin | 22 March 1950 |
RR/77/46 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'Analysis of the swimming of long and narrow animals' by Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor | 25 March 1952 |
RR/74/9 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'Experimental studies on amphibian oocyte nuclei. I. Investigation of the structure of the nuclear membrane by means of the electron-microscope' by Harold Garnet Callan and S G Tomlin | 8 March 1950 |
RR/78/28 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'Observations on some plant interphase nuclei' by J Chayen, H G Davies and Ursula J Miles | 28 May 1952 |
RR/80/13 | Referee's report by James Gray, on a paper 'Acetylcholine and ciliary movement in the gill plates of Mytilus edulis' by Edith Bulbring, Joshua Harold Burn and Heather J Shelley | 22 March 1953 |