RefNo | Title | Date |
AP/9/22/4 | Unpublished drawing, section of whale skull by [William Scoresby?] | [1821] |
IM/004037 | Scoresby, William | nd |
MC/1/325 | Letter from Peter Barlow, Woolwich, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society | 11 August 1831 |
EC/1824/12 | Scoresby, William: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
AP/9/22/3 | Unpublished drawings, blow hole and skull of whale by [William Scoresby?] | [1821] |
PT/13/8/1 | Letter, regarding anomalies of magnetical observations by Willm [William] Scoresby in a letter to Sir Joseph Banks | 4 November 1818 |
PT/13/8/2 | Plate, apparatus for taking azimuths by William Scoresby | 4 November 1818 |
PT/13/8 | Letter, regarding anomalies of magnetical observations by Willm [William] Scoresby in a letter to Sir Joseph Banks | 4 November 1818 |
PT/13/7 | Paper, 'On the anomaly in the variation of the magnetic needle as observed on ship-board' by Wm [William] Scoresby | 3 November 1818 |
MC/2 | Volume 2 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1832-1838 |
MC/3 | Volume 3 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1839-1843 |
MC/3/12 | Letter from William Scoresby, Exeter, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society | 20 February 1839 |
MC/3/13 | Letter from William Scoresby, Exeter, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, [Secretary of the Royal Society] | 22 February 1839 |
MC/1 | Volume 1 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1800-1831 |
AP/9/22/6 | Unpublished manuscript, 'Contributions towards the anatomy of whales' by Willm [William] Scoresby | 30 November 1821 |
AP/9/22/5 | Unpublished drawings, skull and blowing canals of narwhal by [William Scoresby?] | [1821] |
AP/9/22/2 | Unpublished drawings, 'Anatomy of the whale' by [William Scoresby?] | [1821] |
AP/9/22/1 | Unpublished letter, on the anatomy of whales from Willm [William] Scoresby to Evd [Everard] Home | 30 November 1821 |
AP/15/11/6 | Unpublished diagram, magnet and mine or tunnel by W [William] Scoresby | [1831] |
AP/15/11/3 | Unpublished diagram, magnetic bars by W [William] Scoresby | [1831] |
AP/15/11/4 | Unpublished diagrams, magnets near compasses by W [William] Scoresby | [1831] |
AP/15/11/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'Paper on the determination of the thickness of solid substances, not otherwise measurable, by magnetic deviation' by W [William] Scoresby | [1831] |
AP/15/11/2 | Unpublished diagrams, placement of compasses near walls by W [William] Scoresby | [1831] |
AP/15/11 | Unpublished paper, 'Paper on the determination of the thickness of solid substances, not otherwise measurable, by magnetic deviation' by W [William] Scoresby | [1831] |
AP/15/11/5 | Unpublished diagrams, compass apparatus and magnet case by W [William] Scoresby | [1831] |
RR/2/218 | Referee's report by Charles Wheatstone, on a paper 'An enquiry into some of the circumstances and principles which regulate the production of pictures on the retina of the human eye, with their measure of endurance, their colours and changes' by William Scoresby | 9 February 1854 |
RR/2/219 | Referee's report by William Benjamin Carpenter, on a paper 'An enquiry into some of the circumstances and principles which regulate the production of pictures on the retina of the human eye, with their measure of endurance, their colours and changes' by William Scoresby | 23 March 1854 |
AP/37/19 | Paper, 'On the magnetism of iron ships, and its accordance with theory, as determined in recent experiments' by William Scoresby | 21 June 1855 |
MS/257/4/174 | Letter from William Scoresby, Torquay to Edward Sabine | 13 December 1855 |
MS/257/4/175 | Letter from William Scoresby, Torquay to Edward Sabine | 30 January 1856 |
MS/257/4/173 | Letter from William Scoresby, Liverpool to Edward Sabine | 14 October 1854 |
AP/9/22 | Unpublished paper and letter, 'Contributions towards the anatomy of whales' by Willm [William] Scoresby | 30 November 1821 |
AP/35/1 | Unpublished paper, 'An enquiry into some of the circumstances and principles which regulate the production of pictures in the retina of the human eye, with their measure of endurance, their colour, and changes' by William Scoresby | 17 November 1853 - 30 May 1854 |
MS/957/59 | Letter from William Scoresby, Liverpool, to Captain [Henry] Kater | 23 November 1822 |