
Authorised form of nameHulke; John Whitaker (1830 - 1895); surgeon
Dates1830 - 1895
Place of birthDeal, Kent, England
Date of birth06 November 1830
Place of death10 Old Burlington Street, London, England
Date of death19 February 1895
Deal cemetery, Kent, England
OccupationPhysician and surgeon
Research fieldSurgery
Moravian college, Neuwied; King's College, London
Staff, General Hospital, Crimea (1855); Assistant Physician, Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields (1857); Surgeon, Middlesex Hospital (1862); died of bronchopneumonia.
FRCS (President 1893 and 1894); FGS (1868, President 1882)
Woolaston Medal 1887
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election06/06/1867
Age at election37
ProposerJoseph Hodgson; Samuel Solly; George Busk; James Paget; Alfred Baring Garrod; Campbell De Morgan; William Scovell Savory; William Henry Flower; John Tomes; Thomas Blizard Curling; Richard Partridge; Thomas Spencer Cobbold
RSActivityCouncil 1879–80; 1888–9.
RelationshipsParents: William Hulke (1791–1866), surgeon, and Elizabeth Pollard, née King (1801–1875)
PublishedWorksRCN 56871
OtherInfoPioneer in cerebral surgery.
Early supporter of aseptic methods.
Bulloch's Roll; DNB
Proc Roy Soc 1895 vol 58 pp xlix-liii signed by J B S and E T N
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
NLB/7/953Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Whitaker Hulke, Fellow of the Royal Society2 June 1893
MM/15/65Report by JW Hulke on a paper by JD Macdonald on the physiology of the eye15 January 1875
NLB/3/208Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Whitaker Hulke, Fellow of the Royal Society10 April 1889
NLB/6/837Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr Collings21 July 1892
NLB/6/48Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Whitaker Hulke, Fellow of the Royal Society18 February 1892
NLB/3/878Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Whitaker Hulke, Fellow of the Royal Society1 November 1889
NLB/6/794Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr John Whitaker Hulke14 July 1892
NLB/6/623Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr John Whitaker Hulke14 June 1892
NLB/3/957Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, [Royal Society]23 November 1889
NLB/6/811Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr Collings19 July 1892
NLB/5/403Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr John Whitaker Hulke, [Fellow of the Royal Society]3 June 1891
NLB/5/364Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Whitaker Hulke, [Fellow of the Royal Society]27 May 1891
NLB/5/410Copy letter from Michael Foster, to the Secretary, Charterhouse, E.C.5 June 1891
NLB/10/860Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons20 February 1895
NLB/8/890Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Whitaker Hulke, Fellow of the Royal Society19 January 1894
NLB/10/256Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Whitaker Hulke1 November 1894
NLB/10/743Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Whitaker Hulke, 10 Old Burlington Street, W.29 January 1895
NLB/10/964Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Professor George Howard Darwin, Fellow of the Royal Society15 March 1895
NLB/9/396Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Whitaker Hulke, Fellow of the Royal Society11 May 1894
NLB/9/619Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Whitaker Hulke, Fellow of the Royal Society18 June 1894
NLB/9/779Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Whitaker Hulke, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman, Scientific Relief Committee12 July 1894
NLB/9/812Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Whitaker Hulke, Fellow of the Royal Society16 July 1894
RR/9/173Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'Pelvic characters of thylacoleo carnifex' by Richard Owen17 June 1883
RR/7/493Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'On the development and succession of the poison-fangs of snakes' by Charles Sissmore Tomes16 March 1876
RR/9/53Letter from John Whitaker Hulke, on his paper 'An attempt at a complete osteology of hypsilophodon foxii; a British Wealden dinosaur' to the Secretary of the Royal Society1 June 1882
RR/8/68Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'On the structure and development of vascular dentine' by Charles Sissmore Tomes6 June 1877
RR/7/348Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'On the centre of motion in the human eye' by J L Tupper6 July 1874
RR/6/153Referee's report by Lionel Smith Beale, on a paper 'On the anatomy of the fovea centralis of the human retina' by John Whitaker Hulke9 October 1866
RR/9/384Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on an unnamed paper about 'thylacoleo carnifex' by Richard Owen6 December 1886
RR/9/171Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'On the affinities of thylacoleo' by Richard Owen17 July 1883
RR/6/141Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the chameleon's retina; a further contribution to the minute anatomy of the retina of reptiles' by John Whitaker Hulke18 January 1866
RR/7/447Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'On the behaviour of the fixed elements of the connective tissue of the tongue in inflammation' by George F Dowdeswell4 August 1876
RR/9/52Referee's report by Thomas Henry Huxley, on a paper 'An attempt at a complete osteology of hypsilophodon foxii; a British Wealden dinosaur' by John Whitaker Hulke2 May 1882
RR/9/51Referee's report by Harry Govier Seeley, on a paper 'An attempt at a complete osteology of hypsilophodon foxii; a British Wealden dinosaur' by John Whitaker Hulke18 March 1882
RR/9/365Referee's report by Thomas Henry Huxley, on a paper 'Supplementary note on Polacanthus Foxii, describing the dorsal and some parts of the endoskeleton imperfectly known in 1881' by John Whitaker Hulke3 July 1887
RR/12/6Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'On some new reptiles from the Elgin sandstones' by Edwin Tulley Newton3 February 1893
RR/12/236Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'Researches on the structure, organization, and classification of the fossil reptilia.—Part IX., section 5. On the skeleton new Cynodontia from the Karroo rocks' by Harry Govier Seeley26 March 1894
RR/12/198Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'Reptiles from the Elgin sandstone.—Description of two new genera' by Edwin Tulley Newton20 July 1894
RR/5/90Referee's report by Lionel Smith Beale, on a paper 'On the chameleon's retina; a further contribution to the minute anatomy of the retina of reptiles' by John Whitaker Hulke11 July 1864
RR/6/154Referee's report by William Bowman, on a paper 'Note on the anatomy of the blood-vessel system of the retina of the hedgehog' by John Whitaker Hulke18 November 1868
RR/8/332Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'Description of some remains of the gigantic land-lizard (Megalania prisca, Owen), from Australia.—Part III' by Richard Owen3 March 1881
RR/7/252Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'Observations on the functions of the ganglia which are formed in the posterior roots of the spinal nerves' by Robert Lee30 June 1873
RR/7/424Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'On the development of the teeth of fishes (elasmobranchii and teleostei)' by Charles Sissmore Tomes4 November 1875
RR/10/198Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'On the skull, brain, and auditory organ a new species of Pterosaurian (Scaphognathus purdoni), from the upper lias near Whitby, Yorkshire' by Edwin Tulley Newton5 March 1888
RR/11/90Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'Researches on the structure, organization, and classification of the fossil reptilia.–VII. Further observations on pareiasaurus' by Harry Govier Seeley8 June 1891
EC/1867/09Hulke, John Whitaker: certificate of election to the Royal Society
NLB/2/412Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Whitaker Hulke, Fellow of the Royal Society8 June 1888
NLB/7/961Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster3 June 1893
NLB/9/248Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Whitaker Hulke, Fellow of the Royal Society20 April 1894
NLB/8/1007Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John Whitaker Hulke, Fellow of the Royal Society9 February 1894
RR/6/155Referee's report by William Benjamin Carpenter, on a paper 'Note on the anatomy of the blood-vessel system of the retina of the hedgehog' by John Whitaker Hulke29 October 1868
RR/9/364Referee's report by Harry Govier Seeley, on a paper 'Supplementary note on Polacanthus Foxii, describing the dorsal and some parts of the endoskeleton imperfectly known in 1881' by John Whitaker Hulke11 January 1887
RR/9/382Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'Description of fossil remains of two species of a genus (Meiolania) from "Lord Howe's Island."' by Richard Owen23 April 1886
RR/8/325Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Polacanthus foxii, a large undescribed dinosaur from the Wealden formation in the Isle of Wight' by John Whitaker Hulkend [1881]
NLB/8/1028Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Henry Woodward, Fellow of the Royal Society12 February 1894
RR/7/200Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'On the structure and function of the rods of the cochlea in man and other mammals' by Urban Pritchard2 August 1872
RR/10/222Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'Researches on the structure, organization, and classification of the fossil reptilia.—VI. On the anomodont reptilia and their allies' by Harry Govier Seeley13 July 1888
RR/12/238Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on two papers 'Researches on the structure, organization, and classification of the fossil reptilia.—Part IX., section 4. On the Gomphodontia' and 'Researches on the structure, organization, and classification of the fossil reptilia.—Part IX., section 6. Associated remains of two small skeletons from Klipfontein, Fraserburg' by Harry Govier Seeley25 July 1894
RR/5/89Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the chameleon's retina; a further contribution to the minute anatomy of the retina of reptiles' by John Whitaker Hulke15 May 1864
RR/5/88Referee's report by William Sharpey, on a paper 'On the chameleon's retina; a further contribution to the minute anatomy of the retina of reptiles' by John Whitaker Hulkend [1864]
RR/10/82Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'Researches on the structure, organization, and classification of the fossil reptilia. - I. On Protoronsaurus speneri (von Meyer)' by Harry Govier Seeley18 March 1887
MC/12/136Letter from J W [John Whitaker] Hulke, 10 Old Burlington Street, to Professor [Thomas Henry] Huxley, [Secretary of the Royal Society]28 December 1880
MC/12Volume 12 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1880-1883
AP/46/4Unpublished paper, 'A contribution to the minute anatomy of the retina of amphibia and reptiles' by J W [John Whitaker] Hulke1864
AP/46/4/1Unpublished manuscript, 'A contribution to the minute anatomy of the retina of amphibia and reptiles' by J W [John Whitaker] Hulke1865
RR/7/463Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke and George William Callender, on a paper 'The organ of corti in mammals' by Urban Pritchard10 June 1876
AP/50/7Supporting figures, 'Note on the blood-vessel-system of the hedgehogs' retina' by J W [John Whitaker] Hulke1868
RR/10/218Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'Researches on the structure, organisation, and classification of the Fossil Reptilia. IV. On a large humerus from the East Brak River, South Africa, indicating a new order of fossil animals which was more nearly intermediate between reptiles and mammals than the groups hitherto known' by Harry Govier Seeley5 May 1888
RR/11/173Letter from John Whitaker Hulke, on his paper 'On the shoulder girdle in ichthyosauria and sauropterygia' to the Secretary of the Royal Society11 April 1892
PP/20/20Paper, 'On the shoulder girdle in Ichthyosauria and Sauropterygia' by John Whitaker Hulke1892
RR/11/174Referee's report by William Thomas Blanford, on a paper 'On the shoulder girdle in ichthyosauria and sauropterygia' by John Whitaker Hulke27 April 1892
PP/20/20/2Diagrams, the shoulder girdle of Ichthyosauria and Sauropterygia by John Whitaker Hulke1892
PP/20/20/1Manuscript, 'On the shoulder girdle in Ichthyosauria and Sauropterygia' by John Whitaker Hulke1892
RR/7/425Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'On the development of the teeth of fishes (elasmobranchii and teleostei)' by Charles Sissmore Tomes16 December 1875
RR/10/220Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'Researches on the structure, organization, and classification of the fossil reptilia.—V. On associated bones of a small anomodont reptile, keirognathus cordylus (Seeley), showing the relative dimensions of the anterior parts of the skeleton, and structure of the fore-limb and shoulder girdle' by Harry Govier Seeley5 May 1888
RR/12/34Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'Researches on the structure, organization, and classification of the fossil ilia.-VIII. Further evidences of the skeleton in Deuterosaurus and Rhopalodon, from the Permian rocks of Russia' by Harry Govier Seeley20 July 1893
RR/12/234Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on three papers 'Researches on the structure, organisation and classification of the fossil reptilia.—Part IX., Section 1. On the Therosuchia', 'Researches on the structure, organization, and classification of the fossil reptilia.—Part IX., Section 2. The reputed mammals from the Karroo formation of Cape Colony' and 'Researches on the structure, organization, and classification of the fossil reptilia. -Part IX., Section 3. On Diademodon' by Harry Govier Seeley3 February 1894
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