RefNo | Title | Date |
M/132 | Copley Medal of the Royal Society: Old die | 1752 |
EC/1745/13 | Pringle, Sir John: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 31 October 1745 |
L&P/2/407 | Paper, 'Of jail-fever in Newgate and of the men who died after working on the ventilator there' by John Pringle | 25 January 1753 |
MM/4/77 | Letter from St Paul's Cathedral Dean & Chapter to Sir John Pringle | 2 March 1773 |
L&P/2/178 | Paper, 'Futher experiments of putrefaction' by John Pringle | 1750 |
IM/003677 | Pringle, Sir John | nd |
MM/4/1 | Letter from John Pringle, President, Royal Society, to the Council of the Royal Society | 21 April 1774 |
IM/003678 | Pringle, Sir John | nd |
IM/005392 | Pringle, Sir John | nd |
RSL/1/5 | Letter from Thomas Atkinson, Ballyshannon, to Sir John Pringle | 17 December 1779 |
IM/003676 | Pringle, SIr John | nd |
L&P/7/67 | Letter, 'A recent petrification found on the coast of East Lothian' by Edward King to John Pringle | 14 November 1778 |
NLB/64/648 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to A.H. Heusser Esq. Paterson, New Jersey USA | 24 May 1923 |
L&P/7/131 | Letter, 'The case of Mr Yapp' from John Whitehurst to John Pringle | 19 April 1779 |
L&P/6/80 | Letter, 'A general method of constructing figures for ship's cannon' from John Robertson to John Pringle | 30 August 1774 |
L&P/7/7 | Letters, 'An improved method of tanning leather' from David MacBride to John Pringle | 20 May 1777 |
L&P/2/174 | Paper, 'Experiments on substances resisting putrefaction' by John Pringle | 1750 |
L&P/7/45 | Letter, 'Of putrefaction hastened by electricity; and observation by Mr Lind' from William Henly to John Pringle | 13 May 1778 |
L&P/3/241 | Letter, 'Of Mr Simpson's case' from John Pringle, Matthew Simson and Adam Austin | 15 April 1757 |
L&P/2/220 | Paper, 'Of fermentations [Fifth paper]' by John Pringle | 1751 |
L&P/2/426 | Letter, 'Of phytolacca or poke-weed' from Richard Brooke to John Pringle | 8 March 1753 |
L&P/2/436 | Paper, 'An account of Guilleaume Mazeas' book 'Histoire de la maladie [History of the disease]'' by John Pringle | 1753 |
L&P/2/264 | Paper, 'Of the putrefaction of blood and of other animal substances, paper VII' by John Pringle | 1752 |
L&P/4/274 | Letter, 'Of Rheum palmatum' from John Hope to John Pringle | 24 September 1765 |
L&P/3/107 | Letter, 'Earthquake at Glasgow on 30 and 31 Dec 1755. Also of a shower of dust which fell on a ship between Shetland and Ireland' from Robert Whytt to John Pringle | 10 February 1756 |
L&P/3/133 | Letter, 'Earthquake at Brussels' from John Pringle to Thomas Birch | 11 March 1756 |
L&P/6/243 | Letter, 'Account of the kingdom of Thibet' from John Stewart to John Pringle | 20 March 1777 |
L&P/3/237 | Letter, 'In answer to Pringle's letter' from Robert Whytt to John Pringle | 16 March 1757 |
L&P/7/19 | Letter, 'On the revivescence of snails' from Patrick George Craufurd to John Pringle | 12 November 1777 |
L&P/6/171 | Letter, 'Of Minorca' from Alexander Small to John Pringle | 8 August 1775 |
L&P/4/222 | Letter, 'Of three fiery meteors in New England' from Thomas Clap to John Pringle | 1 March 1763 |
L&P/7/15 | Letter, 'Meteorological register at Lyndon, 1777' from Thomas Barker to John Pringle | 1777 |
L&P/6/235 | Letter, 'Of a new clock and pendulum' from William Coombe to John Pringle | 5 March 1777 |
L&P/6/18 | Letter, 'A case of extraordinary vegetation' from Robert Marsham to John Pringle | 25 December 1773 |
L&P/6/192 | Letter, 'Meteorological observations at Lyndon, 1775; on parting fresh water from salt by freezing' from Thomas Barker to John Pringle | 1776 |
L&P/6/234 | Letter, 'Of a pneumometer' from William Falconer to John Pringle | 24 February 1777 |
L&P/6/24 | Letter, 'Of the Gillaroo trout' from Henry Watson to John Pringle | 19 January 1774 |
L&P/6/238 | Letter, 'The case of Anne Davenport' from F B Finney to John Pringle | 20 March 1777 |
L&P/6/81 | Letter, 'A dripping needle' from J Lorimer to John Pringle | 13 September 1774 |
L&P/6/165 | Letter, 'Of blindness from eating certain oysters' from Samuel Musgrave to John Pringle | 7 March 1776 |
L&P/7/197 | Letter, 'On seeing objects inverted' from William Lloyd to John Pringle | 10 May 1781 |
L&P/7/117/1 | Letter, 'On the carronade' by Charles Gascoigne to John Pringle | 16 April 1779 |
L&P/6/141 | Letter, 'An account of the Romansh language' from Joseph Planta to John Pringle | 1775 |
L&P/6/129 | Letter, 'Of spheric triangles [spherical trigonometry] from Israel Lyons to John Pringle | 20 March 1775 |
L&P/7/108 | Letter, 'Construction of the carronade' from Charles Gascoigne to John Pringle | 11 May 1779 |
L&P/6/172 | Letter, 'Of the tides in the South Seas' from James Cook to John Pringle | 2 April 1776 |
L&P/6/8 | Letter, 'Effluvia of putrid marshes' from Joseph Priestley to John Pringle | 1773 |
L&P/6/179 | Letter, 'Experiments on ignited bodies' from John Roebuck to John Pringle | 9 May 1776 |
L&P/7/53 | Letter, 'Chemical experiments and experiments on lead ore' from Richard Watson to John Pringle | 13 June 1778 |
L&P/7/16 | Letter, 'Journal of the weather at Montreal, 1777' from Barr to John Pringle | 4 September 1777 |
L&P/7/85/1 | Letter, 'On the organs of speech of the Orang Outang' from Peter Camper to John Pringle | 1779 |
L&P/6/259 | Letter, 'Concerning traces of Rhine volcanoes' from William Hamilton to John Pringle | 29 September 1777 |
L&P/7/36 | Letter, 'Of a pistol fired by electricity' from George Nassau Clavering Cowper to John Pringle | 30 April 1778 |
L&P/3/238 | Paper, 'On Lord Walpole's death' by John Pringle | 20 April 1757 |
P/0106 | Portrait of Pringle, Sir John | |
MS/391/140 | Power of deputy, issued by James West, President of the Royal Society, to Sir John Pringle | 30 November 1771 |
MS/391/134 | Power of deputy, issued by James West, President of the Royal Society, to Sir John Pringle | 11 January 1770 |
L&P/6/66 | Letter, 'Of specimens of native salts' from William Brownrigg to John Pringle | 1774 |
AP/5/19 | Unpublished letter and paper, 'Une langue mère de toutes les autres, et la même que celle des anciens bretons' ['A mother tongue of all others, the same as that of the ancient Bretons'] by J Le Brigant | [1783] |
MS/391/146 | Power of deputy, issued by James Burrow, President of the Royal Society, to Sir John Pringle | 9 July 1772 |
L&P/6/156 | Letter, 'First of three journeys from Cape Town into the interior, in search of plants for Kew Gardens' from Francis Masson to John Pringle | 1 November 1775 |
L&P/6/71 | Letter, 'Experiments on the torpedo' from John Ingenhousz to John Pringle | 27 March 1773 |
AP/5/19/2 | Unpublished letter, regarding a mother tongue for all languages from J Le Brigant to Dr [John] Pringle | 4 June 1783 |
L&P/2/206 | Letter, 'On the effects of white henbane' from John Stedman to John Pringle | 7 October 1750 |
L&P/3/304 | Letter, 'A surgical case' from Robert Home to John Pringle | 27 March 1758 |
L&P/3/278 | Letter, 'Of electricity in paralytic cases' from Benjamin Franklin to John Pringle | 21 December 1757 |
L&P/3/236 | Letter, 'Of Lord Walpoles' death' from John Pringle to Robert Whytt | 1757 |
L&P/6/239 | Letter, 'Observations du barometre faites au Hartz, dans les mines de Clausthal [Observations of the barometer made at Hartz, in the Clausthal mines]' from Jean Andre De Luc to John Pringle [French original] | 8 February 1777 |
L&P/6/248/3 | Plate, unnamed [Perspective of figure A from preceding plate], by Lieutenant Colonel Archibald Campbell | 1777 |
L&P/6/209 | Letters, 'Of a fasting woman' from Alexander MacKenzie to John Pringle | 5 June 1776 |
AP/5/19/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'Une langue mère de toutes les autres, et la même que celle des anciens bretons' ['A mother tongue of all others, the same as that of the ancient Bretons'] by J Le Brigant | [1783] |
L&P/6/89 | Letter, 'Supposed effect of of boiling water on its subsequent freezing' from Joseph Black to John Pringle | 11 February 1775 |
L&P/2/193 | Paper, 'Further experiments on septics' by John Pringle | 1751 |
L&P/6/49 | Letter, 'Further inquiry as to the mineral elastic spirit in Pouhon water' from William Brownrigg to John Pringle | 1774 |
L&P/6/70 | Letter, 'A group of basaltine rocks recently discovered near Padua' from John Strange to John Pringle | 10 March 1775 |
L&P/6/123 | Letter, 'A Giant's Causeway near Padua' from John Strange to John Pringle | 1775 |
L&P/6/140 | Letter, 'Of life annuities' from Richard Price to John Pringle | 1775 |
L&P/6/163 | Letter, 'How health was kept on board the Resolution' from James Cook to John Pringle | 5 March 1776 |
L&P/6/237 | Letter, 'Observations du barometre faites au Hartz, dans les mines de Clausthal [Observations of the barometer made at Hartz, in the Clausthal mines]' from Jean Andre De Luc to John Pringle [English translation] | 8 February 1777 |
L&P/7/5 | Letters, 'Of a large stone near Cape Town' from William Anderson and William Hamilton to John Pringle | 24 July 1777 |
L&P/6/155 | Letter, 'Of the ice of sea-water' from Edward Nairne to John Pringle | 1 February 1776 |
L&P/6/248/4 | Plate, unnamed [Cross sections of figure A from Plate 1], by Lieutenant colonel Archibald Campbell | 1777 |
L&P/6/248/1 | Letter, 'Of the Brahmin observatory at Benares [Jantar Mantar, Varanasi]' from Robert Barker to John Pringle | 1777 |
MC/24/15 | Letter from Alfred Keogh, War Office, Whitehall, SW, to [John] Rose Bradford Esq, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 15 February 1909 |
L&P/6/248 | Letter, 'Of the Brahmin observatory at Benares [Jantar Mantar, Varanasi]' from Robert Barker to John Pringle | 1777 |
L&P/6/248/2 | Plate, unnamed [View of Jantar Mantar], by Lieutenant colonel Archibald Campbell | 1777 |
MC/23/222 | Letter from [William Heaton] Horrocks, Royal Army Medical College, Millbank, to the Secretary, Royal Society | 20 November 1908 |
MC/24 | Volume 24 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1909 |