
Authorised form of nameCayley; Arthur (1821 - 1895); mathematician
Dates1821 - 1895
Place of birthRichmond, Surrey, England
Date of birth16 August 1821
Place of deathCambridge
Date of death26 January 1895
Research fieldMathematics
Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge.
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election03/06/1852
RSActivityMedals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1859; Copley Medal 1882
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
Proc Roy Soc 1895 vol 58 pp i-xliii, signed by A R F
I M James, 'James Joseph Sylvester, FRS (1814-1897)' in NR 1997 vol 51 pp 247-261
Tony Crilly, 'The Young Arthur Cayley' in NR 1998 vol 52 pp 267-282, plate
Alex D D Craik, 'James Ivory's last papers on the 'Figure of the Earth' (with biographical additions) in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 187-204
T Crilly, 'Arthur Cayley FRS and the four-colour map problem' in NR 2005 vol 59 pp 285-304
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
IM/000778Cayley, Arthurnd
EC/1852/03Cayley, Arthur: certificate of election to the Royal Society
MM/15/24Letter from J J Sylvester, Maddox Street, to Arthur Cayley 1878
RR/3/48Referee's report by Phillip Kelland, on an unnamed paper by Arthur Cayley1856
MM/15/25Letter from J J Sylvester, Athenaeum, to Arthur Cayley nd
MM/15/22Letter from J J Sylvester, Athenaeum, to Arthur Cayley 24 February 1875
MM/15/15Letter from J J Sylvester, Maddox Street, to Arthur Cayley 29 January 1875
MM/15/21Letter from J J Sylvester, Athenaeum, to Arthur Cayley 22 February 1875
MM/15/13Letter from J J Sylvester to Arthur Cayley13 January 1875
MM/15/20Letter from J J Sylvester, Athenaeum, to Arthur Cayley 20 February 1875
MM/15/23Letter from J J Sylvester, Athenaeum, to Arthur Cayley 26 February 1875
MM/15/18Letter from J J Sylvester, Athenaeum, to Arthur Cayley 4 February 1875
MM/15/16Letter from J J Sylvester, Maddox Street, to Arthur Cayley 1 February 1875
MM/15/19Letter from J J Sylvester, Athenaeum, to Arthur Cayley 15 February 1875
MM/15/14Letter from J J Sylvester, Athenaeum, to Arthur Cayley 26 January 1875
AP/40/20/2Unpublished figure, ellipsoid by Arthur Cayley1858
PT/63/16Paper, 'On the method of symmetric products and on certain circular functions connected with that method' by Rev Robert Harley1 September 1860
RR/3/95Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the equation of Laplace's functions' by William Fishburn Donkin5 January 1857
NLB/2/27Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Arthur Cayley, Fellow of the Royal Society10 December 1887
NLB/2/901Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Arthur Cayley, Fellow of the Royal Society12 December 1888
NLB/3/205Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Arthur Cayley, Fellow of the Royal Society10 April 1889
NLB/3/1043Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Clay & Sons, Cambridge23 December 1889
NLB/10/728Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons28 January 1895
NLB/10/738Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Henry James Chaney, Board of Trade, Standard's Department29 January 1895
NLB/11/413Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to the Cambridge Engraving Company, Cambridge24 June 1895
NLB/11/376Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Andrew Russell Forsyth, care of Andrew Russell, 14 Amberley Street, Liverpool18 June 1895
NLB/11/578Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Harrison & Sons26 July 1895
RR/4/52Referee's report by Bartholomew Price, on a paper 'On the double tangents of a curve of the fourth order' by Arthur Cayley20 August 1861
RR/4/120Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the problem of three bodies' by Charles James Hargreave7 March 1859
RR/3/82Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the theory of the gyroscope' by William Cook8 May 1857
RR/3/52Referee's report by James Booth, on a paper 'A memoir upon caustics' by Arthur Cayley10 February 1857
RR/4/51Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'On the double tangents of a curve of the fourth order' by Arthur Cayley3 August 1861
RR/4/189Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'The higher theory of elliptic integrals, treated from Jacobi's functions as its basis' by F W Newman4 May 1859
RR/4/57Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the differential coefficients and determinants of lines, and their application to analytical mechanics' by A Cohen17 June 1862
RR/5/43Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on a paper 'A second memoir on skew surfaces, otherwise scrolls' by Arthur Cayley12 September 1864
RR/4/47Referee's report by Bartholomew Price, on a paper 'A seventh memoir on quantics' by Arthur Cayley1 May 1861
RR/3/59Referee's report by Bartholomew Price, on two papers 'Fourth and fifth memoirs on quantics' by Arthur Cayley4 May 1858
PT/57/5/3Plate, figure 2 showing tangential equation of caustic by Arthur Cayley[1856]
RR/4/44Referee's report by Bartholomew Price, on a paper 'On the analytical theory of the conic' by Arthur Cayley14 June 1862
RR/4/249Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the calculus of symbols' by William Spottiswoode17 February 1862
RR/4/246Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On an extended form of the index symbol in the calculus of operations' by William Spottiswoode23 February 1860
RR/4/45Referee's report by Philip Kelland, on a paper 'On the porism of the in-and-circumscribed polygon' by Arthur Cayley27 May 1861
RR/5/38Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'On certain developable surfaces' by Arthur Cayley14 January 1863
RR/4/69Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the analytical theory of the attraction of solids bounded by surfaces of a hypothetical class including the ellipsoid' by William Fishburn Donkin26 January 1860
RR/5/40Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on a paper 'On skew surfaces, otherwise scrolls' by Arthur Cayley28 April 1863
RR/4/230Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On quaternary cubics' by George Salmon27 July 1860
RR/6/284Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the motion of a rigid body acted on by no external forces' by James Joseph Sylvester29 May 1866
RR/6/61Referee's report by Philip Kelland, on a paper 'Addition to memoir on the resultant of a system of two equations' by Arthur Cayley31 December 1867
RR/7/84Referee's report by Thomas Archer Hirst, on a paper 'On the problem of the in-and-circumscribed triangle' by Arthur Cayley22 February 1871
RR/6/273Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the orders and genera of ternary quadratic forms' by Henry John Stephen Smith8 May 1867
RR/6/57Referee's report by James Joseph Sylvester, on a paper 'On the curves which satisfy given conditions' by Arthur Cayley2 July 1867
RR/6/60Referee's report by Bartholomew Price, on a paper 'Addition to memoir on the resultant of a system of two equations' by Arthur Cayley24 December 1867
RR/5/42Referee's report by James Joseph Sylvester, on a paper 'A second memoir on skew surfaces, otherwise scrolls' by Arthur Cayley28 June 1864
RR/4/183Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the comparison of hyperbolic arcs' by Charles Watkins Merrifield4 May 1859
RR/7/16Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'A ninth memoir on quantics' by Arthur Cayley30 May 1870
RR/7/71Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the contact of conics with surfaces' by William Spottiswoode20 April 1870
RR/6/56Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'An eighth memoir on quantics' by Arthur Cayley25 February 1867
RR/6/55Referee's report by James Joseph Sylvester, on a paper 'A supplementary memoir on caustics' by Arthur Cayley21 February 1867
RR/4/43Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'On the analytical theory of the conic' by Arthur Cayley8 June 1862
RR/4/41Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'On Tschirnhausen’s transformation' by Arthur Cayley15 January 1862
RR/5/192Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On Fermat’s theorem of the polygonal numbers, with supplement' by Jonathan Frederick Pollock2 November 1863
RR/6/50Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'A supplementary memoir on the theory of matrices' by Arthur Cayley4 February 1866
RR/6/68Referee's report by James Joseph Sylvester, on a paper 'A third memoir on skew surfaces, otherwise scrolls' by Arthur CayleyNovember 1868
RR/6/66Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on a paper 'A third memoir on skew surfaces, otherwise scrolls' by Arthur Cayley17 August 1868
RR/3/256Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the determination of unknown functions which are involved under definite integrals' by Joaquin Gomes da Souza9 July 1856
RR/6/64Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on two papers 'A memoir on the theory of reciprocal surfaces' and 'A memoir on cubic surfaces' by Arthur Cayley5 May 1869
RR/6/58Referee's report by James Joseph Sylvester, on a paper 'Second memoir on the curves which satisfy given conditions; the principle of correspondence' by Arthur Cayley3 July 1867
RR/3/123Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'Elementary considerations on the subject of rotatory motion' by William Gravatt20 May 1856
RR/6/53Referee's report by Philip Kelland, on a paper 'A supplementary memoir on caustics' by Arthur Cayley29 December 1866
RR/5/41Referee's report by James Joseph Sylvester, on a paper 'On skew surfaces, otherwise scrolls' by Arthur Cayley11 June 1863
RR/6/187Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the integrability of certain partial differential equations proposed by Mr. Airy' by R Moon25 July 1867
RR/6/69Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on a paper 'On the conditions for the existence of three equal roots, or of two pairs of equal roots, of a binary quartic or quintic' by Arthur Cayley21 April 1868
RR/7/222Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'Researches in the dynamics of a rigid body by the aid of the theory of screws' by Robert Stawell Ball30 September 1873
RR/3/53Referee's report by Philip Kelland, on five unnamed papers by Arthur Cayley23 February 1857
RR/7/14Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on a paper 'A memoir on abstract geometry' by Arthur Cayley25 January 1870
RR/4/42Referee's report by James Joseph Sylvester, on a paper 'On Tschirnhausen’s transformation' by Arthur Cayley31 May 1862
RR/4/16Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the theory of probabilities' by George Boole25 June 1862
RR/4/40Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'On the porism of the in-and-circumscribed polygon' by Arthur Cayley27 June 1861
RR/7/85Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on a paper 'On the problem of the in-and-circumscribed triangle' by Arthur Cayley23 May 1871
RR/5/196Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the mysteries of numbers alluded to by Fermat' by Jonathan Frederick Pollock19 January 1865
RR/7/403Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On multiple contact of surfaces' by William Spottiswoode26 July 1875
RR/7/291Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on a paper 'A memoir on the transformation of elliptic functions' by Arthur Cayley18 April 1874
RR/8/304Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'Formulae for sn 8u, cn 8u, dn 8u, in terms of sn u' by Ernest H Glaisher5 July 1881
RR/7/293Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On Mr. Spottiswoode’s contact problems' by William Kingdon Clifford4 January 1874
RR/6/233Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the mysteries of numbers alluded to by Fermat' by Sir Jonathan Frederick Pollock, 1st Baronet2 April 1866
RR/10/88Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On Hamilton's numbers' by James Joseph Sylvester and James Hammond20 June 1887
RR/8/343Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the forty-eight coordinates of a cubic curve in space' by William Spottiswoode28 February 1881
RR/7/442Referee's report by William Kingdon Clifford, on a paper 'A memoir on prepotentials' by Arthur Cayley1876
RR/8/83Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the classification of Loci' by William Kingdon Clifford13 June 1878
RR/9/342Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the discrimination of maxima and minima solutions in the calculus of variations' by E P Culverwell5 July 1886
RR/10/259Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the interchange of the variables in certain linear differential operators' by Edwin Bailey Elliott13 June 1889
RR/10/101Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the diameters of a plane cubic' by John James Walker1 August 1887
RR/3/62Referee's report by Batholomew Price, on a paper 'Sixth memoir on quantics' by Arthur Cayley22 December 1858
RR/12/231Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On plane cubics' by Charlotte Angas Scott11 October 1893
RR/10/362Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'Memoir on symmetric functions of the roots of systems of equations' by Percy Alexander MacMahon12 March 1890
RR/10/182Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the direct application of first principles in the theory of partial differential equations' by Joseph Larmor26 January 1888
RR/12/3Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'Memoir on the theory of the compositions of numbers' by Percy Alexander MacMahon21 December 1892
RR/3/63Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'Sixth memoir of quantics' by Arthur Cayley28 December 1858
PT/57/3/5Plate, polyhedra relating to articles XXXII-XXXVI by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman[1856]
RR/6/52Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'Addition to the memoir on Tschirnhausen's transformation' by Arthur Cayley2 March 1866
RR/5/269Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'Algebraical researches, containing a disquisition on Newton’s rule for the discovery of imaginary roots, and an allied rule applicable to a particular class of equations, together with a complete invariantive determination of the character of the roots of the general equation of the fifth degree, &c' by James Joseph Sylvester2 October 1864
RR/4/253Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the contact of curves' by William Spottiswoode17 February 1862
RR/10/163Letter from Arthur Cayley, to John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, regarding a paper 'A class of functional invariants' by Andrew Russell Forsyth7 June 1888
RR/6/67Referee's report by George Salmon, on two papers 'A memoir on the theory of reciprocal surfaces' and 'A memoir on cubic surfaces' by Arthur Cayley9 February 1869
PT/63/17Paper, 'On the double tangents of a curve of the fourth order' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1861]
RR/4/91Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the construction of life-tables, illustrated by a new life-table of the healthy districts of England' by William Farr4 May 1859
RR/4/186Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On a new method of approximation applicable to elliptic and ultra-elliptic functions - Second memoir' by Charles Watkins Merrifield7 June 1862
RR/3/216Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On some remarkable relations which obtain among the roots of the four squares into which a number may be divided, as compared with the corresponding roots of certain other numbers' by Frederick Pollock15 June 1858
RR/8/306Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On Riccati's equation and its transformations, and on some definite integrals which satisfy them' by James Whitbread Lee Glaisher5 July 1881
RR/10/156Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'Invariants, convariants, and quotient-derivatives associated with linear differential equations' by Andrew Russell Forsyth8 February 1888
RR/5/187Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On a new geometry of space' by Julius Plücker9 March 1865
RR/5/200Second referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On Fermat's theorem of the polygonal numbers. —Second communication' by Jonathan Frederick Pollock11 April [1863]
RR/10/168Second letter from Arthur Cayley, to John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, regarding a paper 'A class of functional invariants' by Andrew Russell Forsyth29 November 1888
MC/11/125Letter from John Casey, 2 Iona Terrace, South Circular Road, Dublin, to the Royal Society26 November 1877
RR/3/45Referee's report by James Booth, on an unnamed paper by Arthur Cayley23 October 1855
MS/427/229Copy letter from Walter White, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to R. B. Bell10 November 1882
RR/4/36Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on two unnamed papers by Arthur Cayley27 May 1859
RR/3/51Referee's report by John Thomas Graves, on a paper 'A memoir on curves of the third order' by Arthur Cayley31 January 1957
RR/3/54Referee's report by Philip Kelland, on a paper 'A memoir upon caustics' by Arthur Cayley23 July 1857
RR/3/44Referee's report by Joseph Dalton Hooker, on an unnamed paper by Arthur Cayley12 May 1855
RR/8/252Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on a paper 'Memoir on Abel's theorem' by R C Rowe, with an 'Addition to Mr Rowe's paper' by Arthur Cayley27 September 1880
IM/Maull/000777Cayley, Arthurnd
MM/15/17Letter from J J Sylvester, Athenaeum, to Arthur Cayley 3 February 1875
NLB/10/881Copy letter from Dr Michael Foster, the President of the Royal Academy of Science, Turin25 February 1895
RR/3/166Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On autopolar polyedra' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman30 October 1856
RR/4/129Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the formulae investigated by Dr. Brinkley for the general term in the development of Lagrange’s expression for the summation of series and for successive integrations' by John Frederick William Herschel27 July 1860
RR/3/162Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the enumeration of x-edra having triedral summits, and an (x—1)-gonal base' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman13 July 1855
RR/3/60Referee's report by Archibald Smith, on a paper 'On the envelope of planes through the points of an ellipsoid at right angles to the radius vectors from the centre' by Arthur Cayley5 May 1858
RR/6/123Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'Note on Professor Sylvester’s representation of the motion of a free rigid body by that of a material ellipsoid whose centre is fixed, and which rolls on a rough plane' by Norman Macleod Ferrers14 July 1869
RR/8/218Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on a paper 'A Memoir on the Single and Double Theta-Functions' by Arthur Cayley13 March 1880
RR/8/318Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On toroidal functions' by William Mitchinson Hicks4 May 1881
RR/10/45Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on an untraced paper 'A geometrical interpretation of the first two periods of chemical elements' by Samuel Haughton11 June 1887
RR/10/104Second referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the diameters of a plane cubic' by John James Walker22 November 1887
RR/10/102Detailed referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the diameters of a plane cubic' by John James Walkernd [1887]
RR/9/346Letter from Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the discrimination of maxima and minima solutions in the calculus of variations' by E P Culverwell to John William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh28 December 1886
RR/10/158Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'A class of functional invariants' by Andrew Russell Forsyth22 March 1888
RR/10/183Second referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the direct application of first principles in the theory of partial differential equations' by Joseph Larmor1 March 1888
RR/12/194Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'A certain class of generating functions in the theory of numbers' by Percy Alexander MacMahon28 November 1893
PT/52/6Paper, 'Further researches on the partition of numbers' by A [Arthur] Cayley11 April 1855
RR/3/233Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the stability of loose earth' by William John Macquorn Rankine7 November 1856
NLB/8/715Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Arthur Cayley, Fellow of the Royal Society13 December 1893
RR/4/49Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on two papers 'On an extension of Arbogast’s method of derivations' and 'On the equation for the product of the differences of all but one of the roots of a given equation' by Arthur Cayley7 February 1861
RR/5/203Second letter from Arthur Cayley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On Fermat's theorem of the polygonal numbers. —Second communication' by Jonathan Frederick Pollock4 May [1863]
RR/8/82Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on a paper 'A tenth memoir on quantics' by Arthur Cayley7 September 1878
RR/8/253Referee's report by James Whitbread Lee Glaisher, on a paper 'Memoir on Abel's theorem' by R C Rowe, with an 'Addition to Mr Rowe's paper' by Arthur Cayley15 December 1880
PT/60/14Paper, 'On quaternary cubics' by Rev George Salmon[1860]
PT/63/11Paper, 'On the porism of the in-and-circumscribed polygon' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1861]
PT/60/6Paper, 'On the equation of differences for an equation of any order and in particular for the equations of the orders two three four and five' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1860]
PT/53/12Paper, 'A third memoir upon quantics' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1856]
PT/69/6Paper, 'On skew surfaces, otherwise scroles [scrolls]' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1863]
PT/49/3Paper, 'An introductory memoir upon quantics' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1854]
PT/58/6/2Plate, diagram showing theorems on conjugate poles of a cubic by Arthur Cayley[1856]
PT/63/14Paper, 'A seventh memoir on quantics' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1861]
RR/7/17Referee's report by Bartholomew Price, on a paper 'A ninth memoir on quantics' by Arthur Cayley30 July 1870
PT/58/9Paper, 'A memoir on the symmetric functions of the roots of an equation' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1856]
RR/3/61Referee's report by James Booth, on a paper 'Supplementary researches on the partition of numbers' by Arthur Cayley5 February 1858
PT/57/5/17Plate, figure 16 showing curve of caustic with large outer circle by Arthur Cayley[1856]
RR/3/170Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the partitions of the R-pyramid, being the first class of R-gonous X-edra' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman19 January 1858
PT/57/5/4Plate, ray reflected at a circle by Arthur Cayley[1856]
PT/57/5/9Plate, figure 8 showing curve of caustic with single cusp on x-axis by Arthur Cayley[1856]
PT/59/2Paper, 'A memoir on the resultant of a system of two equations' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1856]
PT/54/9Paper, 'On the representation of polyedra [polyhedra]' by Rev Tho [Thomas] P [Penyngton] Kirkman[1855]
PT/52/5Paper, 'Second memoir upon quantics' by A [Arthur] Cayley11 April 1855
RR/2/42Referee's report by John Thomas Graves, on a paper 'An introductory memoir upon quantics' by Arthur Cayley13 May 1854
RR/3/21Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the comparison of transcendents with certain applications to the theory of definite integrals' by George Boole2 June 1857
RR/3/56Referee's report by Philip Kelland, on an unnamed paper by Arthur Cayley and an unnamed paper by Reverend Robert Carmichael15 March 1858
PT/57/5/15Plate, figure 14 showing curve of caustic made of two circles by Arthur Cayley[1856]
PT/57/5/12Plate, figure 11 showing curve of caustic with two infinite branches and cusp on y-axis by Arthur Cayley[1856]
PT/57/5/14Plate, figure 13 showing curve of caustic with cusp on reflecting circle by Arthur Cayley[1856]
RR/4/46Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'A seventh memoir on quantics' by Arthur Cayley4 May 1861
PT/64/12Paper, 'On the calculus of functions' by W H L [William Henry Leighton] Russell[1861]
PT/44/2/1Manuscript, 'Analytical researches connected with Steiner's extension of Malfatti's problem' by Arthur CayleyApril 1852
RR/3/50Referee's report by Bartholomew Price, on a paper 'A memoir on curves of the third order' by Arthur Cayley26 January 1857
PT/59/3Paper, 'On the symmetric functions of the roots of certain systems of two equations' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1856]
RR/4/48Referee's report by George Boole, on two papers 'On an extension of Arbogast’s method of derivations' and 'On the equation for the product of the differences of all but one of the roots of a given equation' by Arthur Cayley25 March 1861
RR/2/43Referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, on a paper 'An introductory memoir upon quantics' by Arthur Cayley12 August 1854
PT/57/5/7Plate, figure 6 showing curve of caustic completely within reflecting circle by Arthur Cayley[1856]
PT/57/4Paper, 'On the K-partition of the R-gon and R-ace' by Rev Tho P [Thomas Penyngton] Kirkman[1856]
RR/4/50Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'On a new auxiliary equation in the theory of equations of the fifth order' by Arthur Cayley4 May 1861
PT/54/8Paper, 'On the enumeration of x-edra having triedral summits, and an (x-1)-gonal base' by Rev Tho [Thomas] P [Penyngton] KirkmanMay 1855
RR/3/164Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the representation of polyedra' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman2 February 1856
PT/63/2Paper, 'On an extension of Arbogast's method of derivations' by A [Arthur] Cayley25 September 1860
PT/57/5/13Plate, figure 12 showing curve of caustic with cusp at infinity on x-axis by Arthur Cayley[1856]
PT/57/5/5Plate, figures 3-4 showing caustics and refracting circles by Arthur Cayley[1856]
RR/3/167Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the K-partitions of the R-gon and R-ace' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman5 January 1857
PT/63/3Paper, 'On the equation for the product of the differences of all but one of the roots of a given equation' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1860]
PT/57/3/4Plate, polyhedra relating to articles XIX-XXI by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman[1856]
PT/57/5/16Plate, figure 15 showing curve of caustic with interior circle diminished to conjugate point by Arthur Cayley[1856]
PT/57/3/3Plate, polyhedra relating to articles VI-XVII by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman[1856]
PT/57/5/8Plate, figure 7 showing curve of caustic divided into unequal portions by reflecting circle by Arthur Cayley[1856]
PT/57/3/2Plate, hexahedron systems by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman[1856]
PT/57/5/19Plate, figure 18 showing curve of caustic broken into interior and exterior circle by Arthur Cayley[1856]
PT/57/5/1Manuscript, 'A memoir upon caustics' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1856]
PT/70/13Paper, 'A second memoir on skew surfaces otherwise scrolls' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1864]
PT/57/3/1Manuscript, 'On autopolar polyedra' by Rev Thos P [Thomas Penyngton] Kirkman[1856]
PT/58/6Paper, 'A memoir on curves of the third order' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1856]
PT/65/7Paper, 'On Tschirnhausen's transformation' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1861]
PT/57/5/6Plate, figure 5 showing caustic and refracting circle by Arthur Cayley[1856]
PT/63/13Paper, 'On a new auxiliary equation in the theory of equations of the fifth order' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1861]
PT/57/5/18Plate, figure 17 showing curve of caustic with double point by Arthur Cayley[1856]
PT/57/5/11Plate, figure 10 showing curve of caustic with two infinite branches and cusp on y-axis by Arthur Cayley[1856]
PT/57/5/10Plate, figure 9 showing curve of caustic with two infinite branches by Arthur Cayley[1856]
RR/4/39Referee's report by Bartholomew Price, on a paper 'On the conic of five-pointic contact at any point of a plane curve' by Arthur Cayley19 May 1859
PT/64/11Paper, 'On the calculus of symbols (second memoir)' by W H L [William Henry Leighton] Russell[1862]
RR/7/15Referee's report by Thomas Archer Hirst, on a paper 'A memoir on abstract geometry' by Arthur Cayley14 February 1870
RR/4/72Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the laws of operation, and the systematization of mathematics' by Alexander John Ellis1 June 1859
RR/6/237Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'Fundamental views regarding mechanics' by Julius Plücker16 June 1866
RR/6/54Referee's report by Bartholomew Price, on a paper 'An eighth memoir on quantics' by Arthur Cayley21 February 1867
PT/69/11Paper, 'On the calculus of symbols - third memoir' by W H L [William Henry Leighton] Russell[1863]
RR/7/226Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on a paper 'On curvature and orthogonal surfaces' by Arthur Cayley17 May 1873
RR/9/138Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On Abel’s Theorem and Abelian functions' by Andrew Russell Forsyth20 February 1883
PT/63/5Paper, 'On the calculus of symbols, with applications to the theory of differential equations' by W H L [William Henry Leighton] Russell[1860]
RR/4/185Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On a new method of approximation applicable to elliptic and ultra-elliptic functions' by Charles Watkins Merrifield27 July 1860
RR/4/242Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On systems of linear indeterminate equations and congruences' by Henry John Stephen Smith28 March 1861
PT/66/6Paper, 'On the analytical theory of the conic' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1862]
RR/7/211Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the contact of surfaces' by William Spottiswoode10 April 1872
RR/5/202Letter from Arthur Cayley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On Fermat's theorem of the polygonal numbers. —Second communication' by Jonathan Frederick Pollock3 April [1863]
RR/6/65Referee's report by James Joseph Sylvester, on a paper 'On the conditions for the existence of three equal roots, or of two pairs of equal roots, of a binary quartic or quintic' by Arthur Cayley23 June 1868
RR/5/24Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the differential equations which determine the form of the roots of algebraic equations' by George Boole29 June 1864
RR/5/267Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'Algebraical researches, containing a disquisition on Newton’s rule for the discovery of imaginary roots, and an allied rule applicable to a particular class of equations, together with a complete invariantive determination of the character of the roots of the general equation of the fifth degree, &c' by James Joseph Sylvester28 April 1864
RR/6/49Referee's report by Bartholomew Price, on a paper 'A supplementary memoir on the theory of matrices' by Arthur Cayley29 January 1866
RR/6/51Referee's report by James Joseph Sylvester, on a paper 'Addition to the memoir on Tschirnhausen's transformation' by Arthur Cayley17 February 1866
RR/6/63Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on a paper 'On the conditions for the existence of three equal roots, or of two pairs of equal roots, of a binary quartic or quintic' by Arthur Cayley27 April 1868
RR/5/39Letter from Arthur Cayley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On certain developable surfaces' by Arthur Cayley30 January 1863
RR/5/46Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on a paper 'On the sextactic points of a plane curve' by Arthur Cayley30 March 1865
RR/5/252Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the equations of rotation of a solid body about a fixed point' by William Spottiswoode28 July 1863
RR/3/47Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'Third memoir upon caustics' by Arthur Cayley24 April 1856
RR/7/371Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On a class of identical relations in the theory of elliptic functions' by by James Whitbread Lee Glaisher11 February 1875
RR/9/287Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'A memoir on the theory of mathematical form' by Alfred Bray Kempe17 September 1885
RR/5/45Referee's report by Thomas Archer Hirst, on a paper 'On the sextactic points of a plane curve' by Arthur Cayley8 February 1865
PT/44/2/2Plate, unpublished diagram of surface of a plane by Arthur CayleyApril 1852
PT/58/6/1Manuscript, 'A memoir on curves of the third order' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1856]
PT/59/5Paper, 'Tables of the Sturmian functions for equations of the second third fourth and fifth degrees' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1856]
RR/7/74Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On Jacobi's theorem respecting the relative equilibrium of a revolving ellipsoid of fluid, and on ivory's discussion of the theorem' by Isaac Todhunter19 February 1870
MC/6/201Letter from A [Arthur] Cayley, 2 Stone Buildings [Lincoln's Inn], to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]12 February 1862
MC/6/202Letter from A C [Arthur Cayley] to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]13 February 1862
MC/6Volume 6 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1859-1863
PT/59/4Paper, 'A memoir on the conditions for the existence of given systems of equalities among the roots of an equation' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1856]
PT/57/3Paper, 'On autopolar polyedra' by Rev Thos P [Thomas Penyngton] Kirkman[1856]
PT/57/5/2Plate, figure 1 showing tangential equation of caustic by Arthur Cayley[1856]
RR/6/59Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on two papers 'On the curves which satisfy given conditions' and 'Second memoir on the curves which satisfy given conditions; the principle of correspondence' by Arthur Cayley4 September 1867
MC/7Volume 7 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1864-1866
MC/7/333Letter from William Huggins, Upper Tulse Hill, to Dr [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society]24 May 1866
MC/8/320Letter from A [Arthur] Cayley, Cambridge, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]17 February 1869
RR/4/225Referee's report by James Joseph Sylvester, on a paper 'On the calculus of functions' by William Henry Leighton Russell2 June 1862
AP/40/20/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the surface which is the envelope of planes through the points of an ellipsoid at right angles to the radius vectors from the centre' by Arthur Cayley1858
RR/5/22Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the differential equations of dynamics. A sequel to a paper on simultaneous differential equations' by George Boole19 March 1863
RR/8/81Referee's report by Henry John Stephen Smith, on a paper 'Addition to memoir on the transformation of elliptic functions' by Arthur Cayley17 April 1878
RR/10/166Second referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'A class of functional invariants' by Andrew Russell Forsyth31 October 1888
MC/8/456Letter from A [Arthur] Cayley, Cambridge, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]24 November 1869
AP/58/10Unpublished paper, 'On Clairautian functions and equations' by Allan Cunningham1876
RR/2/59Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On a class of differential equations, including those which occur in dynamical problems.- Part I' by William Fishburn Donkin29 March 1854
PT/44/2Paper, 'Analytical researches connected with Steiner's extension of Malfatti's problem' by Arthur CayleyApril 1852
PT/61/3Note, from 'On the formulæ investigated by Dr Brinkley for the general term in the development of Lagrange's expression for the summation of series and for successive integrations' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1860]
RR/3/49Referee's report by Bartholomew Price, on five unnamed papers by Arthur Cayley1857
MC/11/122Letter from John Casey, 2 Iona Terrace, South Circular Road, Dublin, to the Royal Society16 November 1877
RR/2/232Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On a theory of the syzygetic relations of two rational integral functions, comprising an application to the theory of Sturm’s functions, and that of the greatest algebraical common measure' by James Joseph Sylvester16 July 1853
RR/4/15Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On simultaneous differential equations of the first order in which the number of the variables exceeds by more than one the number of the equations' by George Boole25 June 1862
MC/11Volume 11 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1877-1879
AP/39/35Paper, 'On a class of dynamical problems' by Arthur Cayley16 May 1857
AP/40/8Unpublished paper, 'On certain formulae for differentation' by Arthur Cayley1857
RR/4/200Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On Fermat's theorem of the polygonal numbers' by Frederick Pollock23 July 1861
RR/4/150Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the theory of the polyedra' by Thomas Penynton Kirkman1862
AP/40/20Unpublished paper, 'On the surface which is the envelope of planes through the points of an ellipsoid at right angles to the radius vectors from the centre' by Arthur Cayley1858
RR/5/189Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On Fermat's theorem of the polygonal numbers. —Second communication' by Jonathan Frederick Pollock22 October 1862
AP/45/2Unpublished paper, 'On clinant geometry, as a means of expressing the general relations of points on a plane, realising imaginaries, and extending the theories of anharmonic ratios' by Alexander J [John] Ellis1863
AP/40/20/3Unpublished figure, 'Radius sectors' by Arthur Cayley22 February 1858
RR/5/44Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on an unknown paper by an unknown authornd
RR/5/82Letter from Arthur Cayley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Second part of the supplement to the two papers on mortality published in the Philosophical Transactions in 1820 and 1825' by Benjamin Gompertz8 December 1864
RR/6/185Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On Poisson’s solution of the accurate equations applicable to the transmission of sound through a cylindrical tube; and on the general solution of partial differential equations' by R Moon7 February 1867
AP/41/6/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the theory of internal resistance and of internal friction in fluids: and on the theories of sound and of auscultation' by Robert Moon30 March 1858
AP/41/6Unpublished paper, 'On the theory of internal resistance and of internal friction in fluids: and on the theories of sound and of auscultation' by Robert Moon1858
RR/7/402Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the integration of algebraical functions, with illustrations in mechanics' by William Henry Leighton Russell21 April 1875
MC/8Volume 8 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1867-1869
RR/10/291Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On certain geometrical theorems' by William Henry Leighton Russell29 July 1889
PP/5/11/2Diagrams, geometrical diagrams by [Arthur] Cayley1884
RR/2/49Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On the attraction of ellipsoids considered geometrically' by Matthew Collins28 October 1854
RR/3/55Referee's report by George Boole, on three papers 'A memoir on the theory of matrices'; 'A memoir on the automorphic linar transformation of a bipartite quadric function'; 'On certain formulae for differentiation' by Arthur Cayley29 March 1858
RR/3/58Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on four papers 'Fourth and fifth memoirs on quantics'; 'On the tangential of a cubic'; 'On the surface which is the envelope of planes through the points of an ellipsoid at right angles to the radius vectors from the centre' by Arthur Cayley29 April 1858
RR/3/57Referee's report by William Fishburn Donkin, on three papers 'A memoir on the theory of matrices'; 'A memoir on the automorphic linear transformation of a bipartite quadric function'; 'On certain forumlae for diferentiation' by Arthur Cayley12 April 1858
PP/5/11Paper, 'On the non-Euclidian plane geometry' by [Arthur] Cayley1884
RR/6/62Committee report, on two papers 'On the curves which satisfy given conditions' and 'Second memoir on the curves which satisfy given conditions; the principle of correspondence' by Arthur Cayleynd [1867]
RR/8/281Letter from Arthur Cayley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On toroidal functions' by William Mitchinson Hicks, and two untraced papers by James Whitbread Lee Glaisher24 June 1881
PT/57/5Paper, 'A memoir upon caustics' by A [Arthur] Cayley[1856]
RR/2/41Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'Analytical researches connected with Steiner’s extension of Malfatti’s problem' by Arthur Cayley21 June 1852
RR/2/228Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'Researches on the theory of invariants' by William Spottiswoode28 June 1855
RR/4/37Referee's report by William Spottiswoode, on a paper 'On the equation of differences for an equation of any order, and in particular for the equations of the orders two, three, four, and five' by Arthur Cayley25 May 1860
RR/4/38Referee's report by William Fishburn Donkin on a paper 'On the equation of differences for an equation of any order, and in particular for the equations of the orders two, three, four, and five' by Arthur Cayley16 May 1860
RR/4/79Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On scalar and clinant algebraical coordinate geometry, introducing a new and more general theory of analytical geometry, including the received as a particular case, and explaining ‘imaginary points,’ ‘intersections,’ and ‘lines.’' by Alexander John Ellis25 April 1860
RR/4/251Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On internal and external division in the calculus of symbols' by William Spottiswoode3 April 1862
RR/7/29Letter from Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'Tables of the numerical values of the sine-integral, cosine-integral, and exponential-integral' by James Whitbread Lee Glaisher to the Secretary of the Royal Society9 February 1870
RR/9/54Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On a tangential property of regular hypoeycloids and epicycloids. (II.) On theorems relating to the regular polyhedra which are analogous to those of Dr. Matthew Stewart on the regular polygons' by Henry Martyn Jeffery12 July 1882
RR/9/57Referee's report by Arthur Cayley, on a paper 'On a tangential property of regular hypoeycloids and epicycloids. (II.) On theorems relating to the regular polyhedra which are analogous to those of Dr. Matthew Stewart on the regular polygons' by Henry Martyn Jeffery13 November 1882
RR/3/46Referee's report by Philip Kelland, on a paper 'Second and third memoir on quantics' by Arthur Cayley2 November 1855
MC/15/36Letter from C J Clay & Sons, University Press, Cambridge, to Herbert Rix12 April 1889
MC/15/150Letter from [Arthur] Cayley, Cambridge, to the Secretaries of the Royal Society3 March 1891
PP/5/11/1Manuscript, 'On the non-Euclidian plane geometry' by [Arthur] Cayley1884
MC/15Volume 15 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1889-1892
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