
Authorised form of nameBarry; Martin (1802 - 1855)
Dates1802 - 1855
Place of birthFratton, Hampshire, England
Date of birth28 March 1802
Place of deathBeccles, Suffolk
Date of death27 April 1855
Research fieldEmbryology
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election13/02/1840
RSActivityMedals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1839
Bulloch's Roll; DSB
Proc Roy Soc 1854-1855 vol 7 pp 577-582
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
MM/10/161'Memorandum addresed to the Royal Society', by Martin BarryNovember 1840
PT/74/5/4Drawing, 'Sheep' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/12Drawings, 'Pigeon' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/75/1/35Drawings, blood corpuscles from various foetal animals by [Martin Barry][1841]
RR/1/13Referee's report by Richard Owen, on two papers 'On the chorda dorsalis' and 'On the blood corpuscules Parts II & III' by Martin Barry 12 July 1841
PT/74/6Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, volume 1291839
PT/74/7/18Drawings, blood corpuscles during muscle development by [Martin Barry][1840]
RR/2/15Referee's report by William Sharpey, on a paper 'Researches on embryology; a note supplementary to papers published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1838, 39 & 40' by Martin Barry23 June 1853
PT/74/5/38Drawing, 'Rabbit' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/42Drawing, 'Rabbit' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/5Drawing, 'Cat' by [Martin Barry][1838]
RR/1/10Referee's report by Robert Bentley Todd, on a paper 'Researches in embryology - Second series' by Martin Barry11 June 1839
PT/27/4Paper, 'Spermatozoa observed within the mammiferous ovum' by Martin Barry[1842]
RR/1/14Referee's report by Richard Owen, on a paper 'On fibre' by Martin Barry 4 April 1842
MS/426/274Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr Martin Barry13 April 1847
EC/1840/07Barry, Martin: certificate of election to the Royal Society
RR/2/18Referee's report by William Sharpey, on a paper 'On animal and vegetable fibre, as originally composed of twin spiral filaments in which every other structure has its origin' by Martin Barry10 May 1853
RR/2/17Referee's report by George Newport, on a paper 'On animal and vegetable fibre, as originally composed of twin spiral filaments in which every other structure has its origin' by Martin Barry28 April 1853
PT/74/5/20Drawing, 'Salmon' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/51Drawing, 'Hog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
MS/426/283Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Martin Barry M D 25 September 1847
PT/74/5/46Drawing, 'Dog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/26/6Paper, 'On fibre: additional observations' by Martin Barry[1842]
PT/25/8Paper, 'On the chorda dorsalis' by Martin Barry[1840]
PT/25/9Paper, 'On the corpuscles of the blood. Part II' by Martin Barry[1840]
PT/26/5Paper, 'On fibre' by Martin Barry[1841]
PT/74/5Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, volume 1281838
PT/74/5/44Drawing, 'Ox' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/25/10Paper, 'On the corpuscles of the blood; Part III' by Martin Barry[1841]
PT/24/5Paper, 'On certain changes and transformations occurring in the corpuscles of the blood leading to the formation of cells, muscular fibers, and chorion' by Martin Barry[1840]
PT/24/4Paper, 'Researches in embryology, third series. A contribution to the physiology of cells' by Martin Barry[1840]
PT/75/1/33Drawings, blood corpuscles and globules from various animals by [Martin Barry][1841]
RR/2/19Referee's report by William Sharpey, on a paper 'On the penetration of spermatozoa into the interior of the ovum; a note showing this to have been recorded as an established fact in the Philosophical Transactions for 1843' by Martin Barry10 May 1853
MC/3Volume 3 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1839-1843
MC/3/37Letter from Dr. Martin Barry to the Secretary of the Royal Society26 July 1839
MC/3/57Letter from H. Wheatley, [Keeper of the Privy Purse], St. James's Palace, to the Marquis of Northampton [President of the Royal Society]27 November 1839
MC/3/159Letter from Martin Barry, St Helens, Jersey, to Thomas Bell 30 April 1841
MC/3/256Letter from Martin Barry, Trinity Square Tower, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society16 December 1842
MC/3/297Letter from William B. Carpenter, Bristol, to John David Roberton, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]28 July 1843
MC/3/298Letter from Martin Barry, Beccles, Suffolk, to the Royal Society10 August 1843
MC/3/293Letter from Martin Barry, Beccles, Suffolk, to the [Marquis of Northampton] President of the Royal Society and to the Council25 June 1843
MC/3/290Letter from Martin Barry, to the [Marquis of Northampton] President of the Royal Society and to the Council1 June 1843
MC/3/254Letter from Martin Barry, Trinity Square Tower, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, [Secretary of the Royal Society]12 December 1842
MC/3/162Letter from Martin Barry, St Helens, Jersey, to Thomas Bell, Secretary of the Committee of Animal Physiology16 May 1841
PT/74/5/47Drawing, 'Dog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/25Drawings, 'Mole' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/40Drawing, 'Dog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/75/1/34Drawings, epithelium cells and blood corpuscles from various animals by [Martin Barry][1841]
MC/5/163Letter from Martin Barry, Beccles, Suffolk, to Professor [Samuel Hunter] Christie, [Secretary of the Royal Society]22 April 1854
PT/74/5/3Drawing, 'Heifer' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/14Drawings, 'Common fowl' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/13Drawings, 'Pigeon' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/53Drawing, 'Pigeon' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/22Drawing, 'Salmon' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/55Drawing, 'Heifer' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/43Drawing, 'Ox' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/7/15Drawings, 'Ova from the fallopian tube and uterus' by [Martin Barry][1840]
PT/74/5/7Drawing, 'Cat' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/7/14Drawings, 'Ova from the fallopian tube and uterus' by [Martin Barry][1840]
PT/74/5/11Drawing, 'Cat' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/1Drawings, 'Cat' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/10Drawings, 'Hog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/39Drawings, 'Ox' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/31Drawing, 'Dog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/7/19Drawings, 'The corpuscles of the blood' by [Martin Barry][1840]
PT/74/5/6Drawings, 'Cat' and 'Dog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/8Drawings, 'Man' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/32Drawing, 'Guinea pig' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/33Drawing, 'Rabbit' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/37Drawing, 'Dog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/29Drawing, 'Hog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/35Drawing, 'Ox' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/41Drawing, 'Ferret' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/26Drawing, 'Mole' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/21Drawing, 'Salmon' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/28Drawing, 'Hog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/2Drawing, 'Cat' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/16Drawing, 'Frog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/7/12Drawings, 'Ova from the fallopian tube' by [Martin Barry][1840]
PT/74/5/50Drawing, 'Hog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/54Drawings, 'Heifer' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/7/11Drawings, 'Ova from the ovary, after fecundation' by [Martin Barry][1840]
PT/74/5/23Drawing, 'Salmon' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/7/13Drawings, 'Ova from the fallopian tube and uterus' by [Martin Barry][1840]
PT/74/5/48Drawing, 'Sheep' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/6/2Drawings, stages of ova of the rabbit by Martin Barry[1839]
PT/74/5/17Drawing, 'Frog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/7/10Drawings, 'Ova from the ovary, more or less prepared for fecundation' by [Martin Barry][1840]
PT/74/5/30Drawing, 'Dog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/6/1Drawings, formation of ova of various animals by Martin Barry[1839]
PT/74/5/49Drawing, 'Cat' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/75/2/6Drawings, 'Fibre' [nerves and plant fibres] by [Martin Barry][1841]
PT/74/6/3Drawings, stages of embryo of the rabbit by Martin Barry[1839]
PT/74/5/34Drawing, 'Sheep' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/7/17Drawings, 'The blood' by [Martin Barry][1840]
PT/74/6/5Drawings, rabbit ova and vesicles by [Martin Barry][1839]
PT/74/5/36Drawing, 'Ox' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/75/1/30Drawings, 'Corpuscles of the blood' by [Martin Barry][1841]
PT/74/5/45Drawing, 'Mouse' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/6/4Drawings, rabbit ova aborted and in development by Martin Barry[1839]
PT/75/1/36Drawings, blood corpuscles from various foetal animals by [Martin Barry][1841]
PT/75/2/4Drawings, 'Fibre' [muscle formation] by [Martin Barry][1841]
PT/75/1/38Drawings, crystalline lenses and blood corpuscles from various animals by [Martin Barry][1841]
PT/74/5/9Drawings, 'Cat' and 'Hog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/19Drawings, 'Haddock' and 'Turbot' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/75/1/31Drawings, 'Corpuscles of the blood' by [Martin Barry][1841]
PT/75/2/5Drawings, 'Fibre' [muscle fibres and nerves] by [Martin Barry][1841]
PT/75/2/3Drawings, 'Fibre' [blood vessels, brains, and spinal chords] by [Martin Barry][1841]
PT/75/2/7Drawings, 'Fibre' [blood corpuscles and muscular fibres] by [Martin Barry][1841]
PT/75/1/37Drawings, crystalline lenses and blood corpuscles from various foetal animals by [Martin Barry][1841]
MC/5/162Letter from Martin Barry, Beccles, Suffolk, to the Royal Society20 April 1854
PT/74/5/15Drawings, 'Common fowl' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/18Drawings, 'Whiting' and 'Cod' by [Martin Barry][1838]
AP/25/18/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Observations on the blood-corpuscles, particularly with reference to opinions expressed and conclusions drawn in papers "On the corpuscles of the blood" and "On fibre", recently published in the Philosophical Transactions' by T [Thomas] Wharton JonesNovember 1842
AP/25/18Unpublished paper, 'Observations on the blood-corpuscles, particularly with reference to opinions expressed and conclusions drawn in papers "On the corpuscles of the blood" and "On fibre", recently published in the Philosophical Transactions' by T [Thomas] Wharton JonesNovember 1842
PT/74/7/16Drawings, vegetable germ and rabbit embryos by [Martin Barry][1840]
AP/26/1Unpublished paper, 'Note regarding the "Observations" of T [Thomas] Wharton Jones "On the Blood Corpuscles"' by Martin BarryMay 1843
AP/34/1Unpublished paper, 'On animal and vegetable fibre as originally composed of twin spiral filaments, in which every other structure has its origin. A note, showing the confirmation by Agardh, in 1852, of observations recorded in the Philosophical Transactions for 1842' by Martin Barry1853
PT/25/7Paper, 'Supplementary note to a paper entitled "Researches in embryology. Third series: A contribution to the physiology of cells"' by Martin Barry[1840]
PT/74/5/24Drawing, 'Dog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
AP/34/3Unpublished paper, 'On the penetration of spermatozoa into the interior of the ovum; a note, showing this to have been recorded as an established fact in the Philosophical Transactions for 1843' by Martin Barry1853
AP/34/2Unpublished paper, 'Researches in embryology; a note, supplementary to papers published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1838, 1839 and 1840, showing the confirmation of the principal facts therein recorded, and pointing out a correspondence between certain structures connected with the mammiferous ovum and other ova' by Martin Barry1853
RR/1/9Referee's report by Richard Owen, on a paper 'Researches in embryology - Second series' by Martin Barry13 June 1839
RR/1/11Referee's report by John Bostock, on a paper 'On the chorda dorsalis' by Martin Barry15 March 1841
RR/1/15Referee's report by William Sharpey, on a paper 'On fissiparous generation' by Martin Barry 22 May 1843
RR/2/16Referee's report by George Newport, on a paper 'On the penetration of spermatozoa into the interior of the ovum; a note showing this to have been recorded as an established fact in the Philosophical Transactions for 1843' by Martin Barry27 April 1853
RR/1/12Letter from Thomas Bell, on two papers 'On the chorda dorsalis' and 'On the corpuscles of the blood - Part II' by Martin Barry 15 March 1841
PT/74/5/27Drawings, 'Sheep' and 'Dog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/74/5/52Drawing, 'Dog' by [Martin Barry][1838]
PT/75/1/32Drawings, 'Corpuscles of the blood' by [Martin Barry][1841]
PT/75/2/2Drawings, 'Fibre' [blood corpuscles and coagula] by [Martin Barry][1841]
PT/75/2/8Drawings, 'Fibre' [blood corpuscles and muscular fibres] by [Martin Barry][1841]
MC/5Volume 5 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1851-1858
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