
Authorised form of nameJoule; James Prescott (1818 - 1889); physicist
Dates1818 - 1889
Place of birthNew Bailey Street, Salford, Lancashire, England
Date of birth24 December 1818
Place of death12 Wardle Road, Sale, Cheshire, England
Date of death11 October 1889
Brooklands cemetery, Sale, Cheshire, England (16 October 1889)
Research fieldElectricity
Private tuition; tutored by John Dalton FRS 1822; tutored by John Davis
Manager of his father’s brewery, combining the role with personal experiments (1837-1854); replaced the brewery’s steam engines with electric motors; discovered what became known as Joule's First Law (1841); published results of experiments that challenged the widely popular caloric theory (1843).
FCS; Academy of Sciences of Turin (Foreign Member)
Albert Medal 1880
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election06/06/1850
Age at election32
ProposerWilliamm Thos Brande; Jonn Pereira; Michael Faraday; William Scoresby; John Peter Gassiot; William Snow Harris; Richard Phillips; Lyon Playfair; Andrew Crombie Ramsay; Edward Forbes; Thomas Graham
RSActivityMedals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1852; Copley Medal 1870
RelationshipsParents: Benjamin Joule (1784–1858), a Salford brewer, and Alice (1788–1836), elder daughter of Thomas and Grace Prescott of Wigan.
Spouse: Amelia Grimes (d. 1854), daughter of John Grimes, (18 August 1847).
Children: Benjamin Arthur, Alice Amelia, and Henry.
PublishedWorksRCN 14787
RCN R81859
RCN 46426
OtherInfoHe formed the basis of the law of conservation of energy, the first law of thermodynamics.
Known for the mechanical equivalent of heat; magnetostriction; Joule cycle; Joule effect; Joule expansion; Joule's first law; Joule's second law; Joule–Thomson effect.
Disproved the caloric theory.
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Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
J S Rowlinson, 'Energy in the 19th Century', review of Crosbie Smith, The Science of Energy. A Cultural History of Energy Physics in Victorian Britain in NR 1999 vol 53 pp 281-282
Colin A Russell, review of Donald S L Cardwell, James Joule: A Biography in NR 1990 vol 44 pp 311-313
J T Lloyd, 'Background to the Joule-Mayer Controversy' in NR 1970 vol 25 pp 211-225
B Marsden, 'From Watt to Cardwell. The development of science and technology in nineteenth century Britain: the importance of Manchester, by D Cardwell, ed R L Hills' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 318-320
D Cahan 'The awarding of the Copley Medal and the discovery of the law of conservation of energy,; Joule, Mayer and Heimholtz revisted
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
MM/14/65Letter from J P Joule, Salford, to the Royal Society 2 November 1849
IM/002460Joule, James Prescottnd
MS/373/1/106Testimonial by James Prescott Joule, supporting Thomas Edward ThorpeApril 1874
MC/4/28Letter from James Prescott Joule, New Bailey Street, Salford, to Dr Peter Mark Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society7 June 1844
NLB/3/813Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons15 October 1889
NLB/5/878Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Leonard C Lindsay, Secretary, Victorian Exhibition, 121 Regent Street, W9 November 1891
NLB/5/845Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to L C Lindsay, Victorian Exhibition, 121 Regent Street, W.2 November 1891
NLB/12/453Copy letter from Edward Frankland, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society, to Monsieur le Secretaire Perpetuel de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris20 February 1896
RR/2/131Referee's report by William Hallowes Miller, on a paper 'On the thermal effects of fluids in motion' by William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin and James Prescott Joule7 July 1853
RR/4/144Referee's report by William Hopkins, on a paper 'On some thermo-dynamic properties of solids' by James Prescott Joule13 December 1858
RR/3/156Referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin on a paper 'Introductory research on the induction of magnetism by electrical currents' by James Prescott Joule16 November 1855
RR/2/238Referee's report by William Hopkins, on a paper 'On the thermal effects of fluids in motion - Part II' by William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin and James Prescott Joule17 October 1854
NLB/60/558Copy letter from Arthur Schuster, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Akademie der Wissenschaften; Vienna, Austria24 February 1921
NLB/61/127Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to N. K. Adam Esquire; The End House, Owlstone Road, Cambridge18 May 1921
RR/7/174Referee's report by James Prescott Joule, on a paper 'On the specific heat and other physical characters of mixtures of methylic alcohol and water, and on certain relations existing between the specific heat of a mixture or solution and the heat evolved or absorbed in their formation' by August Dupre1872
MS/373/1/4Letter from James Prescott Joule, 5 Cliff Point, Higher Broughton, to Thomas Edward Thorpe23 May 1870
MS/426/540Note of a letter from [the Secretaries of] the Royal Society; to various individuals8 May 1855
MM/21/46Letter from William Thomson, Baron Kelvin to Edward Sabine4 October 1853
NLB/3/889Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, Fellow of the Royal Society4 November 1889
RR/2/128Referee's report by Henry Moseley, on a paper 'On the mechanical equivalent of heat' by James Precott Joule1850
RR/8/110Referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, on a paper 'New determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat' by James Prescott Joule6 April 1878
EC/1850/15Joule, James Prescott: certificate of election to the Royal Society
RR/8/111Referee's report by Robert Bellamy Clifton, on a paper 'New determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat' by James Prescott Joule10 April 1878
MC/11/154Letter from James P [Prescott] Joule, 12 Wardle Road Sale, Manchester, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]16 January 1878
P/0077Portrait of Joule, James Prescott1882
PT/63/8Paper, 'On the surface condensation of steam' by J P [James Prescott] Joule[1860]
PT/49/8Paper, 'On the thermal effects of fluids in motion' by J P [James Prescott] Joule and Professor W [William] Thomson[1854]
RR/2/239Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the thermal effects of fluids in motion - Part II' by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin and James Prescott Joule31 October 1854
PT/47/3Paper, 'On the thermal effects of elastic fluids' by Wm [William] Thomson and J P [James Prescott] Joule[1853]
PT/43/4Paper, 'On an air engine' by James Prescott Joule20 March 1852
RR/2/129Referee's report by William Hallowes Miller, on a paper 'On the air-engine' by James Precott Joule16 January 1852
RR/2/130Second referee's report by William Hallowes Miller, on a paper 'On the air-engine' by James Precott Joule29 March 1852
RR/3/265Referee's report by James Prescott Joule, on a paper 'Further researches on the polarity of the diamagnetic force' by John Tyndall9 February 1856
PT/61/4/1Manuscript, 'On the thermal effects of fluids in motion' by Professor W [William] Thomson and J P [James Prescott] Joule[1860]
PT/61/4/2Plate, apparatus for measuring effect of motion on thermoelectric junctions of copper and wire by unknown artist[1860]
PT/66/1/3Plate, ['Chart of thermal effects for pressure of 100 inches mercury'] by unknown artist[1862]
PT/66/1/1Manuscript, 'On the thermal effects of fluids in motion' by J P [James Prescott] Joule and Wm [William] Thomson[1862]
PT/66/1/2Plate, diagrams of apparatus used in experiments on thermal effects of fluids by unknown artist[1862]
RR/5/128Referee's report by William John Macquorn Rankine, on a paper 'On the thermal effects of fluids in motion.— Part IV' by William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin and James Prescott Joule10 July 1862
PT/54/4Paper, 'Introductory research on the induction of magnetism by electrical currents' by J P [James Prescott] Joule20 June 1855
MC/4/132Letter from John Davies and James [Prescott] Joule, Secretaries of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, to [Dr Peter Mark Roget and Samuel Hunter Christie], the Secretaries of the Royal Society20 April 1846
MC/4Volume 4 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1844-1850
MC/5/106Letter from J P [James Prescott] Joule, Acton Square, Salford, to Colonel [Edward] Sabine, [Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society]23 May 1853
PT/37/3Paper, 'On the mechanical equivalent of heat' by James P [Prescott] Joule4 June 1849
PT/75/8/1Diagrams, apparatuses used in experiments on thermodynamic properties of solids by [James Prescott Joule?][1858]
AP/23/34/2Unpublished diagram, experimental apparatus by James Prescott Joule13 October 1840
AP/23/34Unpublished paper, 'On the production of heat by voltaic electricity' by James Prescott Joule13 October 1840
AP/23/34/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the production of heat by voltaic electricity' by James Prescott Joule13 October 1840
AP/27/5/2Unpublished diagrams, experimental apparatus for observing the changes of temperature produced by rarefaction and condensation of air' by James Prescott Joule6 June 1844
PT/61/4Paper, 'On the thermal effects of fluids in motion' by Professor W [William] Thomson and J P [James Prescott] Joule[1860]
AP/38/9Paper, 'On the thermal effects of fluids in motion' by William Thomson and J P [James Prescott] Joule1856
RR/3/145Letter from James Prescott Joule, on a paper 'On the action of aqueous vapour in disturbing the atmosphere' by Thomas Hopkins22 February 1858
AP/38/14Letter, regarding corrections to a paper by Thomas Woods from James P [Prescott] Joule to George Gabriel Stokes 21 February 1856
MC/11Volume 11 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1877-1879
RR/3/159Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the thermal effects of compressing fluids' by James Prescott Joule27 December 1857
AP/38/30Paper, 'Thermal effects of fluids in motion' by J P [James Prescott] Joule and William Thomson1856
AP/39/9Paper, 'On the thermo-electricity of ferruginous metals, and on the thermal effects of stretching solid bodies' by J P [James Prescott] Joule28 January 1857
RR/3/144Letter from Thomas Hopkins, on his paper 'On the action of aqueous vapour in disturbing the atmosphere' to James Prescott Joule20 July 1858
AP/40/2Abstract, 'On the expansion of wood by heat' by James Prescott Joule1857
AP/42/11Unpublished paper, 'On the forces that produced the great currents of the air and of the oceans' by Thomas Hopkins1859
AP/27/5Unpublished paper, 'On the changes of temperature produced by rarefaction and condensation of air' by James Prescott Joule6 June 1844
AP/27/5/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the changes of temperature produced by rarefaction and condensation of air' by James Prescott Joule6 June 1844
PT/66/1Paper, 'On the thermal effects of fluids in motion' by J P [James Prescott] Joule and Wm [William] Thomson[1862]
RR/2/258Referee's report by James Prescott Joule, on a paper 'On a general law of density in saturated vapours' by John James Waterston7 May 1853
RR/3/154Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'Introductory research on the induction of magnetism by electrical currents' by James Prescott Joule6 July 1855
RR/3/155Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'Introductory research on the induction of magnetism by electrical currents' by James Prescott Joule25 July 1855
RR/3/157Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'Introductory research on the induction of magnetism by electrical currents' by James Prescott Joule4 January 1856
RR/3/158Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'Introductory research on the induction of magnetism by electrical currents' by James Prescott Joule7 January 1856
RR/4/265Referee's report by William John Macquorn Rankine, on a paper 'On the thermal effects of fluids in motion - Part III - On the changes of tem­perature experienced by bodies moving through air' by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin and James Prescott Joule29 June 1860
RR/7/264Referee's report by James Prescott Joule, on a paper 'On the radiation of heat from the moon, the law of its absorption by our atmosphere, and of its variation in amount with her phases' by Laurence Parsons, Earl of Rosse4 June 1873
MS/426/475Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Herschel 8 November 1852
HS/10/428Letter, from James Prescott Joule to Sir John Herschel, dated at Salford29 October 1846
HS/10/430Letter, from James Prescott Joule to Sir John Herschel, dated at Old Trafford24 October 1863
HS/23/216Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to James Prescott Joule, dated at Collingwood26 December 1857
MC/37/95Letter from James [Donald] Milner, National Portrait Gallery, St. Martin's Place, W.C.2., to [Francis Alexander] Towle, [Royal Society]30 May 1923
MC/37/94Letter from James [Donald] Milner, National Portrait Gallery, St. Martin's Place, W.C.2., to [Francis Alexander] Towle, [Royal Society]10 May 1923
MC/5Volume 5 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1851-1858
IM/002462Joule, James Prescottcirca 1876
HS/10/429Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to James Prescott Joule, dated at Collingwood21 October 1863
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