Authorised form of name | Ridley; Nicholas Harold Lloyd (1906 - 2001) |
Dates | 1906 - 2001 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Kibworth Harcourt, Leicestershire, England |
Date of birth | 10/07/1906 |
Place of death | Salisbury, Wiltshire |
Date of death | 25/05/2001 |
Occupation | Opthalmic surgeon |
Activity | Education: Neville Holt School (1915-1920); Charterhouse (1920-1924); Pembroke College Cambridge (1924-1927); St Thomas' Hospital, London. BA (1927, Natural Science Tripos); MB Tripos (1927); MA; MB (1931); BChirur Career: Surgeon, Moorfields Eye Hospital (1938-1971); Ophthalmic Surgeon, St Thomas' Hospital, London (1946-1971); Major, Royal Army Medical Corps, serving in the Gold Coast, Burma and Singapore (1943-1946); Honorary Consultant Opthalmologist, Ministry of Defence (Burma) (1965-1970); World Health Organisation Advisor on Parasitology (1966-1971) Honours: Kt 2000 Memberships: MRCS; FRCS (1932); LRCP (1930); Opthalmic Society of UK (Honorary)
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 20/03/1986 |
Age at election | 79 |
Relationships | Eldest son of a naval surgeon; Married (10 May 1941) Elizabeth Jane, daughter of Henry Buswell Wetherill , Indian Civil Service; children Margaret (1942); Nicholas Charles Wetherill (1943); David Geoffrey Allder (1951) |
Source | Obituaries: Biographical Memoirs 2007, Volume 53, pp 285-308 by David J Apple Obituary Independent 13 June 2001 |
Code | NA7163 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
M/253 | Ridley, Nicholas Harold Lloyd | 2002 |
IM/GA/SGRS/8445 | Ridley, Nicholas Harold Lloyd | 1986 |
EC/1986/31 | Ridley, Nicholas Harold Lloyd: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |