RefNo | Title | Date |
MM/11/112 | Letter from Francis Galton, Athenaeum | 19th century |
MM/15/79 | Printed circular letter by Francis Galton, on the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society | 1890s |
MM/15/87 | Draft of a letter from Francis Galton to the Secretary of the Royal Society, on the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society | 26 December 1893 |
MM/15/89 | Letter from WFR Weldon to Francis Galton | 15 January 1894 |
MM/15/90 | Letter from WFR Weldon to Francis Galton | 22 January 1894 |
MM/15/82 | Copy of an excerpt from the minutes of the Royal Society's Evolution Committee | 15 February 1900 |
MM/15/88 | Copy of a letter from Francis Galton to the Secretary of the Royal Society, on the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society | 26 December 1893 |
MM/17/94 | Letter from Francis Galton to the Herbert Rix, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society | 19 November 1895 |
MM/15/85 | Letter from WFR Weldon to Francis Galton, on the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society | 27 November 1893 |
MM/17/53 | Letter from Karl Pearson to Francis Galton | 3 June 1895 |
IM/001599 | Galton, Sir Francis | nd |
IM/Maull/001598 | Galton, Sir Francis | 1891-2 |
IM/Maull/001597 | Galton, Sir Francis | nd |
NLB/1/271 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Francis Galton and Professor Peter Guthrie Tait | 19 November 1886 |
NLB/6/144 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 11 March 1892 |
NLB/6/683 | Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Harrisons | 27 June 1892 |
NLB/4/1118 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 22 January 1891 |
NLB/3/581 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of Kew Committee | 18 July 1889 |
NLB/3/629 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Edward Albert Schafer, Fellow of the Royal Society | 26 July 1889 |
NLB/7/403 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 8 February 1893 |
NLB/5/90 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 12 March 1891 |
NLB/6/1124 | Copy letter from Theodore E James, to [Harrison & Sons] | 29 October 1892 |
NLB/5/306 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Kew Committee | 7 May 1891 |
NLB/7/453 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Kew Committee | 21 February 1893 |
NLB/7/485 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton | 28 February 1893 |
NLB/10/76 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 24 September 1894 |
NLB/7/807 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Lord Kelvin [William Thomson], Fellow of the Royal Society | 1 May 1893 |
NLB/7/885 | Copy letter from Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt], to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Kew Committee | 22 May 1893 |
NLB/10/86 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 26 September 1894 |
NLB/10/109 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society, care of Miss Galton, 6 Bertie Terrace, Leamington | 1 October 1894 |
NLB/8/600 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 22 November 1893 |
NLB/8/801 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 1 January 1894 |
NLB/10/644 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | [January 1895] |
NLB/9/11 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 10 March 1894 |
NLB/11/112 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 24 April 1895 |
NLB/9/434 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 18 May 1894 |
NLB/9/217 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Reginald Hawthorn Hooker, Assistant Secretary, Royal Statistical Society | 17 April 1894 |
NLB/9/417 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 17 May 1894 |
NLB/10/1043 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt] | 28 March 1895 |
NLB/9/661 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Francis Galton, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 22 June 1894 |
NLB/11/41 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 5 April 1895 |
NLB/9/483 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Francis Galton, Chairman of the Kew Committee | 26 May 1894 |
NLB/9/689 | Copy letter from Michael Foster to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 28 June 1894 |
NLB/11/414 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman, Kew Committee | 24 June 1895 |
NLB/13/609 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 16 October 1896 |
NLB/12/515 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 4 March 1896 |
NLB/12/869 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Francis Galton, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 21 May 1896 |
NLB/13/429 | Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 2 September 1896 |
NLB/13/552 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 6 October 1896 |
NLB/13/693 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Sir Douglas Strutt Galton, British Association for the Advancement of Science | 5 November 1896 |
NLB/12/799 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman, Kew Observatory Committee | 7 May 1898 |
RR/16/366 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'The function of sex' by G Archdall Reid | October 1905 |
NLB/14/272 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 8 February 1897 |
RR/15/227 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'Mathematical contributions to the theory of evolution. X. Supplement to a memoir on skew variation' by Karl Pearson | June 1901 |
RR/16/171 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on three papers 'Experimental Studies in the Physiology of Heredity' by William Bateson, E R Saunders and Reginald Crundall Punnett, 'Experiments with Poulty' by C C Hurst, and 'Some Experiments on Wheat-breeding' by Rowland Harry Biffen | August 1904 |
NLB/16/229 | Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison], to F Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 26 February 1898 |
NLB/15/673 | Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Major Percy Alexander MacMahon, Fellow of the Royal Society | 15 November 1897 |
NLB/15/476 | Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Andrew Russell Forsyth, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 11 October 1897 |
NLB/15/854 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 23 December 1897 |
NLB/17/400 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Kew Observatory Committee | 24 October 1898 |
NLB/17/676 | Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | [6 December 1898] |
NLB/17/530 | Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Professor George Howard Darwin, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 14 November 1898 |
NLB/16/875 | Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Mr Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society, 42 Rutland Gate, S.W. | 24 June 1898 |
NLB/18/474 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to [F] Galton | 16 March 1899 |
NLB/17/735 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Kew Observatory | 14 December 1898 |
NLB/20/401 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Frederick Du Cane Godman, Fellow of the Royal Society | 6 April 1900 |
NLB/20/123 | Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Andrew Russell Forsyth, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 7 February 1900 |
NLB/23/2/252 | Copy letter from Sir Michael Foster, to The Deputy Master, Royal Mint | 6 November 1902 |
NLB/25/758 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 19 December 1902 |
NLB/23/2/258 | Copy letter from Sir Michael Foster, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 6 November 1902 |
NLB/25/665 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 5 December 1902 |
NLB/27/143 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 10 July 1903 |
NLB/28/780 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 18 May 1904 |
NLB/36/290 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Messrs Harrison & Sons | 8 October 1907 |
NLB/39/722 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Messr Harrison & Sons, 45 St Martin's Lane, WC | 26 February 1909 |
NLB/38/809 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 9 November 1908 |
NLB/40/588 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Harrison & Sons | 30 June 1909 |
NLB/43/103 | Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Sir Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 7 November 1910 |
NLB/43/343 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 14 December 1910 |
RR/11/136 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'On the method of examination of photographic objectives at the Kew Observatory' by L Darwin | 24 June 1892 |
RR/12/12 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'Contributions to the mathematical theory of evolution' by Karl Pearson | 22 November 1893 |
RR/13/95bis | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'Mathematical contributions to the theory of evolution. On telegony in man' by Karl Pearson | 27 September 1896 |
RR/12/369 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper [attributed] 'Contributions to the mathematical theory of evolution.—II. Skew variation in homogeneous material' by Karl Pearson | 1 January 1895 |
RR/13/191 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'The artificial insemination of mammals and subsequent possible fertilisation or impregnation of their ova' by Walter Heape | 5 March 1897 |
RR/12/260 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'Coordination of cellular growth and action by physical forces' by F Warner | 5 February 1894 |
RR/13/94 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'Mathematical contributions to the theory of evolution.—III. Regression, heredity, and panmixia' by Karl Pearson | 8 October 1895 |
RR/13/96 | Letter from Karl Pearson, on his paper 'Mathematical contributions to the theory of evolution. On telegony in man' to Francis Galton | 2 October 1896 |
RR/7/67 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'Certain supra-annual cycles of temperature in the earth's surface crust' by Charles Piazzi Smyth | 22 May 1870 |
RR/14/80 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'Mathematical contributions to the theory of evolution.—V. On the reconstruction of the stature of prehistoric races' by Karl Pearson | 14 July 1898 |
NLB/63/368 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Karl] Pearson, FRS | 02 October 1922 |
RR/14/215 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'Mathematical contributions to the theory of evolution. —VII. On the correlation of characters not quantitatively measurable' by Karl Pearson | 12 September 1899 |
RR/17/297 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'The proportion of the sexes produced by whites and 'coloured people' in Cuba' by Walter Heape | November 1908 |
RR/11/190 | Letter from Francis Galton, on two papers 'On the weight of the brain and its parts' and 'On the brain of the late George Grote FRS' by John Marshall to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 20 October 1891 |
RR/12/2 | Second referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'On the alleged increase of cancer' by George King and Arthur Newsholme | 9 May 1893 |
RR/9/71 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'On the attitudes of animals in motion' by Eadward Muybridge | 19 May 1882 |
RR/12/98 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'The asymmetrical probability curve' by F Y Edgeworth | 25 June 1894 |
RR/14/234 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'The diurnal range of rain at the seven observatories in connection with the Meteorological Office, 1871-1890' by Robert Henry Scott | 20 June 1899 |
MS/427/426 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, Clerk of the Royal Society; to Mr. Francis Galton, FRS | 8 May 1885 |
EC/1860/10 | Galton, Sir Francis: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
MM/15/96 | Letter from Francis Galton, Karnac Hotel, Luxnor, to Michael Foster | 14 December 1899 |
MM/15/93 | Letter from William Bateson to Francis Galton | 11 November 1897 |
MS/427/93 | Copy letter from [Thomas Henry] Huxley, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Francis] Galton Esq., FRS | 3 March 1881 |
MC/12/121 | Letter from Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, to the Royal Society | 27 November 1880 |
NLB/65/54 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS | 19 July 1923 |
NLB/10/328 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 9 November 1894 |
NLB/10/156 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 9 October 1894 |
NLB/8/1054 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 16 February 1894 |
NLB/17/485 | Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to the members of the National Physical Laboratory Committee as nominated | 4 November 1898 |
NLB/17/734 | Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Kew Observatory Committee | 12 December 1898 |
NLB/19/524 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Alfred Bray Kempe, Fellow of the Royal Society | 24 October 1899 |
NLB/20/278 | Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to William Abbott Herdman, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 12 March 1900 |
NLB/27/843 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 8 December 1903 |
RR/12/1 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'On the alleged increase of cancer' by George King and Arthur Newsholme | 28 February 1893 |
NLB/8/901 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Francis Galton, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 19 January 1894 |
RR/11/191 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on two papers 'On the weight of the brain and its parts' and 'On the brain of the late George Grote FRS' by John Marshall | 20 October 1891 |
RR/12/152 | Letter from Joseph Kórösi, on his paper 'An estimate of the degrees of legitimate natality as derived from a table of natality compiled by the author from his observations made at Budapest' to Francis Galton | 19 February 1896 |
NLB/32/69 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Walter Frank Raphael Weldon, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Zoology Sectional Committee | 20 December 1905 |
MC/7/320 | Letter from T H Farrer, Office of Committee of Privy Council for Trade, Whitehall, to [Sir Edward Sabine], President of the Royal Society | 11 April 1866 |
MC/7 | Volume 7 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1864-1866 |
PP/8/4/1 | Manuscript, 'Family likeness in stature' by Francis Galton | [1884-1885] |
RR/14/82 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'Mathematical contributions to the theory of evolution. —VI. Genetic (reproductive) selection: Inheritance of fertility in man, and of fecundity in thoroughbred racehorses' by Karl Pearson | 23 November 1898 |
MC/12/120 | Letter from Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, to Walter White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society] | 27 November 1880 |
MC/12/146 | Letter from Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, to [William Spottiswoode], President of the Royal Society | 1 February 1881 |
MC/10 | Volume 10 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | July 1873-1876 |
MC/11/21 | Letter from Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, to the Royal Society | 28 February 1877 |
MC/10/229 | Letter from Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, to [George Gabriel Stokes and Thomas Henry Huxley], Secretaries of the Royal Society | 11 March 1875 |
MC/11/38 | Letter from [the Meteorological Committee], Meteorological Office, 116 Victoria Street, to [Joseph Dalton Hooker], President of the Royal Society and to the Council | 31 March 1877 |
MS/257/2/204 | Letter from Francis Galton, Cannes to Edward Sabine | 16 March 1866 |
MC/11 | Volume 11 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1877-1879 |
MS/257/2/203 | Letter from Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate to Edward Sabine | 27 February 1865 |
MC/12 | Volume 12 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1880-1883 |
RR/7/144 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'On a new instrument for recording minute variations of atmospheric pressure' by Wildman Whitehouse | 7 June 1871 |
RR/10/233 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'Muscular movements in man, and their evolution in the infant: a study of movement in man, and its evolution, together with inferences as to the properties of nervecentres and their modes of action in expressing thought' by Francis Warner | 28 June 1888 |
RR/10/344 | Referee's report by John Evans, on a paper 'The patterns in thumb and finger Marks.—On their arrangement into naturally distinct classes, the permance of the papillary ridges that makes them, and the resemblance of their classes to ordinary genera' by Francis Galton | 14 November 1890 |
PP/8/4 | Paper, 'Family likeness in stature' by Francis Galton | [1884-1885] |
PP/8/4/2 | Diagrams, geometrical diagrams and graphs by Francis Galton | [1884-1885] |
PP/19/1 | Paper, 'Certain correlated variations in Crangon vulgaris [common shrimp]' by Walter Frank Raphael Weldon | 1892 |
PP/13/6 | Paper, 'Co-relations and their measurement, chiefly from anthropometric data' by Francis Galton | 1888 |
PP/19/1/1 | Manuscript, 'Certain correlated variations in Crangon vulgaris [common shrimp]' by Walter Frank Raphael Weldon | 1892 |
PP/17/41/2 | Diagrams, indexing finger-marks by Francis Galton | 1891 |
PP/17/41 | Paper, 'Method of indexing finger-marks' by Francis Galton | 1891 |
PP/17/41/1 | Manuscript, 'Method of indexing finger-marks' by Francis Galton | 1891 |
RR/10/345 | Referee's report by Edward Burnett Tylor, on a paper 'The patterns in thumb and finger Marks.—On their arrangement into naturally distinct classes, the permance of the papillary ridges that makes them, and the resemblance of their classes to ordinary genera' by Francis Galton | 26 November 1890 |
RR/12/144 | Referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'An estimate of the degrees of legitimate natality as derived from a table of natality compiled by the author from his observations made at Budapest' by Joseph Kórösi | 13 January 1894 |
RR/12/145 | Second referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'An estimate of the degrees of legitimate natality as derived from a table of natality compiled by the author from his observations made at Budapest' by Joseph Kórösi | 22 January 1894 |
RR/12/149 | Third referee's report by Francis Galton, on a paper 'An estimate of the degrees of legitimate natality as derived from a table of natality compiled by the author from his observations made at Budapest' by Joseph Kórösi | nd [1894] |
RR/15/50 | Referee's report by Walter Frank Raphael Weldon, on a paper 'Variation' by James Cossar Ewart | 29 April 1900 |
PP/23/1/1 | Manuscript, 'Results derived from the natality table of Körösi by employing the method of contours or isogens' by Francis Galton | 1894 |
PP/23/1 | Paper, 'Results derived from the natality table of Körösi by employing the method of contours or isogens' by Francis Galton | 1894 |
MC/14/165 | Letter from [Henry Frederick] Ponsonby, Buckingham Palace, to [Michael] Foster | 8 November 1886 |
PP/23/1/2 | Diagram, graph of mother's age against father's age by Francis Galton | 1894 |
MC/16/11 | Letter from Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, to Herbert Rix, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society | 8 February 1892 |
PP/23/15 | Paper, 'On correlation of certain external parts of Palaemon serratus [common prawn]' by Herbert Thompson | 1894 |
PP/23/15/1 | Manuscript, 'On correlation of certain external parts of Palaemon serratus [common prawn]' by Herbert Thompson | 1894 |
MC/15/147 | Letter from William de Wiveleslie Abney, Francis Galton & Arthur [William] Rucker, to the Secretaries of the Royal Society | 18 February 1891 |
MC/16/34 | Letter from Francis Galton, Chairman of the Kew Committee, 42 Rutland Gate, to William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, President of the Royal Society | 29 April 1893 |
MC/16/121 | Letter from Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, to [Michael] Foster | 26 May 1894 |
MC/16/203 | Letter from Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, to [Michael] Foster | 25 March 1895 |
MC/16/5 | Letter from Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, to Professor [Michael] Foster, Secretary of the Royal Society | 31 January 1893 |
NLB/15/19 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 4 June 1897 |
MC/16/337 | Letter from Francis Galton, Chairman of the Kew Committee, Kew Observatory (Old Deer Park), Richmond, Surrey, to Professor [Michael] Foster, Secretary of the Royal Society | 24 October 1896 |
MC/16/357 | Letter from Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, to [Michael] Foster | 8 December 1896 |
MC/15/44 | Letter from Francis Galton, Chairman of the Kew Committee, Kew Observatory, Richmond, to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 4 June 1889 |
MC/16/307 | Letter from Francis Galton, Chairman of the Kew Observatory Committee, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London, to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 24 April 1896 |
MC/14 | Volume 14 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1885-1888 |
MC/14/36 | Letter from Francis Galton, to the Secretary of the Royal Society | April 1885 |
MC/15 | Volume 15 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1889-1892 |
MC/15/151 | Letter from Francis Galton, Chairman of the Kew Committee, Kew Observatory, Richmond, to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 6 March 1891 |
MC/15/166 | Letter from Francis Galton, Chairman of the Kew Committee, 42 Rutland Gate, to the President and Council of the Royal Society | 9 April 1891 |
MC/16 | Volume 16 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1893-1896 |
MC/19/312 | Postcard from Francis Galton, to the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London | 9 August 1904 |
MC/17 | Volume 17 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1897-1899 |
MC/26/195 | Letter from Karl Pearson, 7 Well Road, Hamsptead, N.W, to the [Royal Society] | 8 December 1911 |
MC/26/139 | Letter from Sidney Lee, Dictionary of National Biography, 15 Waterloo Place, S.W, to Sir Joseph [Larmor] | 20 October 1911 |
MC/19 | Volume 19 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1904 |
MC/30/125 | Letter from James Marchant, 42 Great Russell Street, W.C, to The Secretary, The Royal Soicety, Burlington House, Piccadilly, W | 29 June 1915 |
HS/9/88 | Letter, from Francis Galton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Athenaeum | 21 June 1860 |
MS/743/1/101 | Letter from Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, to [John Hall] Gladstone | 7 December 1881 |
MS/743/1/106 | Letter from Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, to 'Miss Gladstone' | 11 August 1883 |
NLB/14/870 | Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Francis Galton, Fellow of the Royal Society | 31 May 1897 |
MS/401/4 | Lending book of the Royal Society Library | 1 January 1870-31 December 1891 |
MS/401/5 | Lending book of the Royal Society Library | January 1892-21 November 1902 |