RefNo | Title | Date |
MS/119/1/51 | Letter from James Clark Ross, Wadworth Hall, Doncaster to Humphrey Lloyd | 7 March 1859 |
IM/Maull/003885 | Ross, Sir James Clark | nd |
MS/237 | Log of the Proceedings on board HMS Fury on a voyage for the discovery of the North West Passage | 1824-1825 |
MM/11/140 | Letter from Martyn Roberts, St James's Street, to Sir James Clark Ross | 3 July 1839 |
MM/19/95 | Letter from William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society, to James Clark Ross | 7 November 1854 |
MM/14/36 | 'Extract from the Instructions to Captain James Ross 14th September 1839', Admiralty | 1839 |
MS/257/2/313 | Letter from William Hume Hooper to [James Clark] Ross, ['HMS Fury'] | [c.1848] |
MM/19/93 | Copies of Referee's Reports on a paper of Sir James Clark Ross | 1854 |
MM/19/94 | Letter from William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society, to James Clark Ross | 3 November 1854 |
MM/19/92 | Copy of letter from William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society, to James Clark Ross | 27 October 1854 |
MM/10/182 | 'Geological Remarks on Kerguelen's Land' by Robert McCormick | 1841 |
MM/10/186 | 'Plants from Kerguelen's Land collected in May June & July 1840' and 'Plants from St Helena February 1840', by John Robertson | 1840 |
MS/257/2/218 | Letter from George Gipps, Sydney to [James Clark] Ross | 8 August 1841 |
MS/257/3/351 | Letter from James Clark Ross,'HMS Circe', Sheerness to Edward Sabine | 19 February 1836 |
MM/25/2 | Letter from Sir James Clark Ross, Athenaeum, to [Sir John] Richardson | c.1847 |
IM/005733 | Ross, Sir James Clark | nd |
MC/3/38 | Letter from [Sir Charles] Wood, Admiralty, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, [Secretary of the Royal Society] | 30 July 1839 |
MM/10/184 | 'On the Birds of Kerguelen' by Robert McCormick | 1841 |
MS/257/2/314 | Letter from William Hume Hooper to [James Clark] Ross, ['HMS Fury'] | 19 September [c.1848] |
MS/257/4/18 | Letter from Edward Sabine, London to [James Clark] Ross | 9 October 1840 |
RR/2/207 | Referee's report by Humphrey Lloyd, on a paper 'On the effect of the pressure of the atmosphere on the mean level of the ocean' by James Clark Ross | 15 July 1854 |
MS/119/1/68 | Letter from James Clark Ross to Humphrey Lloyd | [1839] |
DM/3/1 | Note on a Report of the Joint Committee of Physics and Meteorology, 'on the propriety of recommending the establishment of fixed magnetic observatories' | c.1840 |
MS/257/3/100 | Letter from [William John] Macleay, Sydney to [James Clark] Ross | 13 October 1841 |
RR/3/172 | Referee's report by James Clark Ross on an unnamed paper attributed to Henry Welchman King | 6 July 1857 |
DM/3/3 | Letter from Trevelyan, Treasury, to J W Lubbock, Treasurer, Royal Society | 18 December 1840 |
MS/401/2 | Lending book of the Royal Society Library | 4 June 1830- 1 November 1837 |
DM/3/2 | Draft of a report of the Joint Committee of Physics and Meteorology, 'on the propriety of recommending the establishment of fixed magnetic observatories' | January 1839 |
RR/2/208 | Referee's report by John Lubbock, on a paper 'On the effect of the pressure of the atmosphere on the mean level of the ocean' by James Clark Ross | 25 July 1854 |
MS/257/1/115 | Letter from Francis Beaufort, Admiralty to [James Clark] Ross | 14 January 1850 |
MS/257/3/354 | Letter from James Clark Ross to Adair | [1800-1862] |
MS/426/396 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Lords of the Admiralty | 17 November 1849 |
MS/257/3/144 | Letter from Richard Clement Moody to [James Clark] Ross | 19th century |
MS/257/4/23 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 28 March 1842 |
EC/1828/28 | Ross, Sir James Clark: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
MM/15/6 | List of letters to Sir JC Ross in the collection of Sir Edward Sabine's correspondence | |
MS/257/4/25 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 23 August 1842 |
MS/257/2/192 | Letter from Robert Were Fox, Falmouth to [James Clark Ross] | 20 August 1846 |
IM/003887 | Ross, Sir James Clark | nd |
MS/426/278 | Copy of the Memorial from Joseph H [Henry] Kay, Lieut R N, Director of the Magnetic Observatory; to the President of the Royal Society | 30 November 1846 |
DM/3 | Domestic Manuscripts Volume 3 | 1782-1841 |
MM/10/183 | 'Catalogue of Geological Specimens procured at Kerguelen during the months of May, June & July 1840' by John Robertson | 1840 |
CMP/1/2 | Minutes of a meeting of Council of the Royal Society | 13 December 1832 |
MS/119/1/65 | Letter from Humphrey Lloyd, Trinity College, Dublin to James Clark Ross, HMS Erebus | 27 April 1839 |
MM/10/185 | 'Catalogue of Birds collected on board HM Sloop the Terror, between the Cape of Good Hope & Van Diemen's Land [Tasmania; Lutruwita or Truwana]', by John Robertson | 10 September 1840 |
PT/49/5/2 | Plate, chart of daily mean level of the ocean and mean height of the barometer by James Clark Ross | [1854] |
MC/3 | Volume 3 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1839-1843 |
MC/3/2 | Copy letter from [Joshua Alwyne Compton] Marquis of Northampton, [President of the Royal Society], Castle Ashby, to the Royal Society | 6 January 1839 |
MC/3/29 | Letter from John Barrow, Admiralty, to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 13 June 1839 |
MS/257/1/72 | Letter from George Back, 47 Great Marlboro Street, to James Clark Ross | 19 December 1835 |
MC/4/1 | Copy letter from [Gilbert Elliot, 2nd Earl of] Minto, to William [Jackson] Hooker | 4 January 1844 |
PT/49/5/1 | Manuscript, 'On the effect of the pressure of the atmosphere on the mean level of the ocean' by Captain Sir James Clark Ross | [1854] |
PT/68/11 | Letter, requesting tidal observations from Port Leopold from [George] Henry Richards to Walter White | 27 April 1869 |
MC/4/304 | Letter from [John] Parker, [First Secretary to the] Admiralty, to the Earl of Rosse, President of the Royal Society | 28 November 1849 |
MC/4 | Volume 4 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1844-1850 |
MS/257/1/153 | Letter from Charles James Beverly, Grove, Hackney to James Clark Ross | 23 August 1847 |
MS/119/2/132 | Letter from James Clark Ross, Lowestoft to Humphrey Lloyd | 21 August 1857 |
PT/49/5 | Paper, 'On the effect of the pressure of the atmosphere on the mean level of the ocean' by Captain Sir James Clark Ross | [1854] |
MC/7/10 | Letter from Edward Sabine, [President of the Royal Society], Woolwich, to W [Walter] White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society] | 2 February 1864 |
AP/19/21 | Unpublished paper, 'On the probable position of the south magnetic pole' by Edward Rudge | 1835 |
MC/7 | Volume 7 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1864-1866 |
MS/257/4/22 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 27 December 1841 |
MS/257/4/128 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich to [James Clark] Ross | 26 December [1788-1883] |
MS/119/1/64 | Letter from Humphrey Lloyd, Trinity College, Dublin to James Clark Ross | 16 April 1839 |
MS/257/1/31 | Letter from Viscount Adare, Dunraven to [James Clark] Ross | 23 August 1839 |
MS/119/1/109 | Letter from James Clark Ross, 'HMS Erebus', Port Louis, Falkland Islands to Humphrey Lloyd | 7 September 1842 |
MS/119/2/133 | Letter from James Clark Ross, Aston Abbott House, Aylesbury to Humphrey Lloyd | 16 October 1861 |
MS/257/1/377 | Letter from Isaac Coffin, Cheltenham to James Clark Ross | 10 July 1839 |
MS/257/2/191 | Letter from Robert Were Fox, Falmouth to [James Clark Ross] | 22 March 1845 |
MS/119/1/35 | Dip observations by Captain James Clark Ross, England | 1837 |
AP/25/12 | Unpublished paper, 'Atmospheric tides' by James Clark Ross | 1841 |
MS/257/2/3 | Letter from Charles Robert Darwin, Magdelen Hall to James Clark Ross | 19th century |
MS/257/1/157 | Letter from Robert Grymbald Bigsby, Repton near Burton-on-Trent to James Clark Ross | 30 July 1847 |
MS/257/1/154 | Letter from Robert Grymbald Bigsby, 4 Bedford Street to James Clark Ross | 7 September 1839 |
MS/257/1/155 | Letter from Robert Grymbald Bigsby, 4 Bedford Street to James Clark Ross | 24 September 1839 |
MS/257/2/312 | Letter from William Jackson Hooker, Glasgow to [James Clark] Ross | 28 March 1839 |
MS/257/2/1 | Letter from John Frederic Daniell, Norwood to James Clark Ross | 5 August 1839 |
MS/257/5/3 | Letter from William Henry Fox Talbot, 31 Sackville Street to [James Clark Ross] | 22 August 1839 |
MS/257/1/71 | Letter from George Back, 47 Great Marlboro Street, to James Clark Ross | [1835] |
MS/257/2/187 | Letter from Robert Were Fox, Falmouth to [James Clark] Ross | 18 June 1839 |
MS/257/2/189 | Letter from Robert Were Fox, Falmouth to [James Clark Ross] | 10 April 1840 |
MS/257/2/205 | Letter from Allen Francis Gardiner, Port Louis to [James Clark] Ross, 'HMS Erebus' | 25 October 1842 |
MS/257/2/206 | Letter from Allen Francis Gardiner, Brighton to [James Clark] Ross | 13 August 1847 |
MS/257/2/207 | Letter from Allen Francis Gardiner, Brighton to [James Clark] Ross | 13 September 1847 |
MS/257/4/37 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 31 March 1848 |
MS/257/2/346 | Letter from [Edward John] Johnson, Hydrological Office to [James Clark] Ross | 22 June 1839 |
MS/257/3/13 | Letter from Phillip King, Port Stephens to [James Clark] Ross | 4 November 1840 |
MS/257/3/358 | Incomplete letter from James Clark Ross | [1800-1862] |
MS/257/3/12 | Letter from Phillip King to [James Clark] Ross | 15 July 1841 |
MS/257/3/40 | Letter from John Henry Lefroy, Longwood to [James Clark] Ross | 17 February 1840 |
MS/257/3/350 | 'Copy of an anonymous letter received by Captain [James Clark] Ross | 1 January 1836 |
MS/257/3/50 | Letter from Bartholomew Clifford Lloyd, Dublin to [James Clark] Ross | 2 December 1835 |
MS/257/3/103 | Letter from Francis Leopold McClintock, 2 Gardiner's [Place], Dublin to [James Clark] Ross | 28 January 1850 |
MS/257/3/105 | Letter from Francis Leopold McClintock, Ship Hotel, Whitehall to [James Clark] Ross | [1819-1907] |
MS/257/4/30 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 13 December 1843 |
MS/257/4/124 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich to [James Clark] Ross | 3 April [1788-1883] |
MS/257/3/101 | Letter from Francis Leopold McClintock, 2 Gardiner's [Place], Dublin to [James Clark] Ross | 17 January 1850 |
MS/257/4/43 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 11 July 1846 |
MS/257/4/123 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Scarborough to [James Clark] Ross | 19th century |
MS/257/3/356 | Letter from James Clark Ross to Isaac Coffin | [1800-1862] |
MS/257/4/24 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 29 March 1842 |
MS/257/3/142 | Letter from Lord Minto, Gilbert Elliot, 36 Wilton Cresecent to [James Clark] Ross | 18 March 1845 |
MS/257/4/41 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 25 August 1845 |
MS/257/3/357 | Incomplete letter from James Clark Ross | [1800-1862] |
MS/257/3/349 | Letter from James Clark Ross, 'HMS Fury' to Hooper | 19 September 1824 |
MS/257/2/306 | Letter from William Hobson, Auckland to [James Clark] Ross | 8 November 1841 |
MS/257/2/190 | Letter from Robert Were Fox, Falmouth to [James Clark Ross] | 8 March 1845 |
MS/257/2/305 | Letter from William Hobson, Auckland to [James Clark] Ross | 15 October [1839-1842] |
MS/257/3/352 | Letter from James Clark Ross, Athenaeum to Lord Auckland | 15 March 1848 |
MS/257/3/353 | Letter from James Clark Ross, Ashton Abbotts House, Aylebury to Edward Sabine | 1 January 1857 |
MS/257/3/359 | Incomplete letter from James Clark Ross | [1800-1862] |
MS/257/3/86 | Letter from [Friedrick] Lutke, Ramsgate to [James Clark] Ross | 9 September 1839 |
MS/257/4/131 | Letter from Edward Sabine to [James Clark] Ross | 19th century |
MS/257/4/178 | Letter from A Scott, Campobello, New Brunswick to [James Clark] Ross | 22 August [1800-1862] |
MS/257/4/125 | Letter from Edward Sabine to [James Clark] Ross, Cavendish Square, London | 19th century |
MS/257/1/127 | Letter from Henry Beaufoy, South Lambeth to James Clark Ross | 17 September 1839 |
MS/257/4/26 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 10 January 1843 |
MS/257/4/27 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 6 March 1843 |
MS/257/4/46 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 12 April 1848 |
MS/257/2/188 | Letter from Robert Were Fox, Falmouth to [James Clark Ross] | 15 July 1839 |
MS/257/2/233 | Letter from Basil Hall, Portsmouth to [James Clark] Ross | 6 August 1839 |
IM/Maull/003886 | Ross, Sir James Clark | nd |
MS/257/4/122 | Letter from Edward Sabine to [James Clark] Ross | 20 April [1788-1883] |
MS/257/4/44 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 3 September 1846 |
MS/257/3/355 | Letter from James Clark Ross to Isaac Coffin | [1800-1862] |
MS/257/4/20 | Letter from Edward Sabine, London to [James Clark] Ross | 17 August 1841 |
MS/257/4/130 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Dover to [James Clark] Ross | 1 November [1788-1883] |
MS/257/4/127 | Letter from Edward Sabine to [James Clark] Ross | 20 September [1788-1883] |
MS/257/4/126 | Letter from Edward Sabine to [James Clark] Ross | 17 September [1788-1883] |
MS/257/4/42 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 26 May 1846 |
MS/257/4/28 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 7 March 1843 |
MS/257/3/85 | Letter from [Friedrick] Lutke, Ramsgate to [James Clark] Ross | 3 September 1839 |
MS/257/4/32 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 24 July 1844 |
MS/257/4/132 | Letter from Edward Sabine to [James Clark] Ross | 3 June [1788-1883] |
MS/257/4/21 | Fragment of a letter from Edward Sabine, London to [James Clark] Ross | 19th century |
MS/257/2/2 | Letter from Charles Robert Darwin, Down, Farnborough Kent to James Clark Ross | 31 December 1847 |
MS/257/1/376 | Letter from Isaac Coffin, Cheltenham to James Clark Ross | 28 June 1839 |
MS/257/4/133 | Letter from Edward Sabine to [James Clark] Ross | 19th century |
MS/257/4/34 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to [James Clark] Ross | 1 November 1844 |
MS/257/1/156 | Letter from Robert Grymbald Bigsby, Repton near Burton-on-Trent to James Clark Ross | 6 July 1847 |
MS/257/2/217 | Letter from George Gipps, Sydney to [James Clark] Ross | 14 July 1841 |
MS/257/3/3 | Letter from Kerndale, Greenock Street to [James Clark] Ross | 26 April 1839 |
MS/257/3/102 | Letter from Francis Leopold McClintock, 2 Gardiner's [Place], Dublin to [James Clark] Ross | 26 January 1850 |
MS/257/4/129 | Letter from Edward Sabine, Tortington to [James Clark] Ross | 30 December [1788-1883] |
HS/14/432 | Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to James Clark Ross | 19 July 1839 |
HS/14/427 | Letter, from James Clark Ross to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. George's Terrace | 10 August 1839 |
HS/14/431 | Letter, from James Clark Ross to Sir John Herschel | undated |
HS/14/428 | Letter, from James Clark Ross to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. George's Terrace | 29 September 1843 |
HS/14/430 | Letter, from James Clark Ross to Sir John Herschel, dated at Athenaeum | 23 April 1848 |
MS/257/2/267 | Letter from John Frederick William Herschel to [James Clark] Ross | 27 July 1839 |
MS/257/2/266 | Letter from John Frederick William Herschel, Maidstone to [James Clark Ross] | 19 July 1839 |
MS/257/2/272 | Letter from John Frederick William Herschel, 37 Tavistock Place to [James Clark] Ross | 5 May 1847 |
MS/257/2/264 | Letter from John Frederick William Herschel, Slough to [James Clark] Ross, Hyde Park | 29 March 1839 |
MS/257/2/265 | Letter from John Frederick William Herschel, Slough to [James Clark] Ross, Hyde Park | 4 April 1839 |
HS/14/429 | Letter, from James Clark Ross to Sir John Herschel, dated at Aston House, Aylesbury | 30 April 1847 |
HS/14 | Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 14 Pogson-R miscellaneous | 1810-1871 |