
Authorised form of namePreece; Sir; William Henry (1834 - 1913); electrical engineer and administrator
Dates1834 - 1913
Place of birthBryn Helen, Caernarfonshire, Wales
Date of birth15 February 1834
Place of deathPenrhos, Caernarfonshire, Wales
Date of death06/11/1913
DatesAndPlacesBurial: Llanbeblig churchyard, Caernarfon, Wales (11 November 1913).
Occupationelectrical engineer and administrator
Research fieldElectrical engineering
King's College, London; Royal Institution
Apprenticed to the Electric and International Telegraph Company (1853); superintendent of the Electric Telegraph Company's south-western district at Southampton (1856); supervised the telegraphs of the London and South Western Railway (1860); Engineer, Channel Islands Telegraph Company (1858-1862); divisional engineer for the Southern District of the telegraphic system (1870); Electrician to the Post Office (1877); Engineer-in-chief of the General Post Office (1892-1899).
CB 1894; KCB 1899
AICE (1859); MICE (1872); Society of Telegraph Engineers (President 1880); Physical Society; FRMS; FSA
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election02/06/1881
Age at election47
ProposerGeorge John Romanes
John Rae
David Edward Hughes
Frederick Joseph Bramwell
Frederick Guthrie
Arthur Cayley
William Huggins
Francis Stephen Bennet Francois de Chaumont
Edwin Dunkin
James Augustus Grant
George James Symons
Charles Manby
William HenryBarlow
John Hall Gladstone
William Grylls Adams
Frederick Augustus Abel
Charles Vincent Walker
John Hawkshaw
William Thomson
RelationshipsParents: Richard Matthias Preece (1797–1854), stockbroker and politician, and ane (1799–1870), daughter of John Hughes of Caernarfon, shipbuilder of Caernarvon.
Spouse: (1864) Anne Agnes, daughter of George Pocock, Solicitor of Southampton.
OtherInfoProposed 'Lux' as a term to quantify illumination (1892).
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Preece W H, IM Maull 003649.jpg

Bulloch's Roll; DNB
Sir Bernard Lovell, 'The Invention of Radio Communication', review of Peter Rowlands and J Patrick Wilson, eds, Oliver Lodge and the Invention of Radio in NR 1997 vol 51 pp 151-153
List of papers no longer attached to election certificate.
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
EC/1881/17Preece, Sir William Henry: certificate of election to the Royal Society
IM/Maull/003649Preece, Sir William Henrynd
IM/000091Preece, Sir William Henry1889
NLB/2/77Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh6 January 1888
NLB/2/242Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society9 March 1888
NLB/2/184Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society15 February 1888
NLB/2/624Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society28 September 1888
NLB/4/448Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr William Henry Preece4 June 1890
NLB/3/209Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society10 April 1889
NLB/4/618Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society23 July 1890
NLB/4/627Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society25 July 1890
NLB/4/777Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society25 October 1890
NLB/7/930Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society28 May 1893
NLB/6/412Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr William Henry Preece6 May 1892
NLB/6/594Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr William Henry Preece8 June 1892
NLB/6/463Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to L Pyke, 34 New Tothill Street, Westminster17 May 1892
NLB/6/430Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society10 May 1892
NLB/3/991Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Gordon & Hollands, Hotel Metropole3 December 1889
NLB/3/1016Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr William Henry Preece12 December 1889
NLB/5/440Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society11 June 1891
NLB/5/522Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society7 July 1891
NLB/7/713Copy letter from Theodore E James, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society13 April 1893
NLB/7/830Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society5 May 1893
NLB/10/469Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Willilam Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society28 November 1894
NLB/9/130Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society4 April 1894
NLB/11/107Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Chandler Roberts-Austen, Fellow of the Royal Society22 April 1895
NLB/11/116Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society24 April 1895
NLB/13/203Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society1 July 1896
NLB/9/704Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society, Engineer's Department, General Post Office, E.C.2 July 1894
NLB/19/125Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons27 June 1899
NLB/13/86Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society, Telegraph Department, General Post Office, E.C.8 June 1896
NLB/14/579Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society1 April 1897
NLB/12/768Copy letter from Theodore E James, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society29 April 1896
NLB/14/91Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society4 January 1897
NLB/14/790Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to J Hookey, Telegraph Department, Post Office17 May 1897
NLB/14/781Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society14 May 1897
NLB/14/890Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society1 June 1897
NLB/20/62Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Professor William Henry Preece25 June 1900
NLB/16/520Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to W H Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society26 April 1898
NLB/16/657Copy letter from Theodore E James, to W H Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society18 May 1898
NLB/17/44Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society7 July 1898
NLB/16/721Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to W H Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society, Telegraph Department, General Post Office25 May 1898
NLB/16/720Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to R Stewart Bain, Manager, London Electric Supply Corporation, 25a Cockspur Street, S.W.25 May 1898
NLB/17/132Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society23 July 1898
NLB/16/764Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Francis Fox, Alyn Bank, Wimbledon, S.W.2 June 1898
NLB/19/139Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to William Henry Preece, [Fellow of the Royal Society]28 June 1899
NLB/18/304Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to W H Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society20 February 1899
NLB/19/82Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society15 June 1899
NLB/17/631Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society28 November 1898
NLB/20/41Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society20 January 1900
NLB/18/703Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to [Professor G C] Foster26 April 1899
NLB/22/309Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir William [Henry] Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society, Gothic Lodge, Wimbledon19 April 1901
NLB/22/542Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir William [Henry] Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society31 May 1901
NLB/26/547Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Sir William Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society8 April 1903
NLB/26/262Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Sir William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society19 February 1903
NLB/27/63Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society25 June 1903
NLB/27/5Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Sir William Preece, [Fellow of the Royal Society]15 June 1903
NLB/26/485Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Sir William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society30 March 1903
NLB/29/748Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society, 8 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, S.W.5 December 1904
NLB/33/280Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society, Gothic Lodge, Wimbledon27 July 1906
NLB/34/417Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Sir William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society17 January 1907
NLB/36/391Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society24 October 1907
NLB/37/826Copy Letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor F [Francis] W [Wall] Oliver, Fellow of the Royal Society20 May 1908
NLB/37/829Copy Letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir William Preece, KCB, Fellow of the Royal Society20 May 1908
NLB/37/844Copy Letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir William H [Henry] Preece, KCB, FRS22 May 1908
NLB/41/120Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal SocietyOctober 1909
RR/14/16Letter from Willard E Case, to William Henry Preece, regarding a paper 'On the oxidation of carbon at ordinary temperatures' by Willard E Case9 June 1898
RR/10/371Referee's report by Joseph John Thomson, on a paper 'On the heating effects of electric currents' by William Henry Preece1 July 1890
RR/9/178Third referee's report by Augustus George Vernon Harcourt, on a paper 'On a new standard of illumination and the measurement of light' by William Henry Preece18 July 1883
RR/9/179Referee's report by William de Wiveleslie Abney, on a paper 'On a new standard of illumination and the measurement of light' by William Henry Preece21 July 1883
RR/9/177Second referee's report by Augustus George Vernon Harcourt, on a paper 'On a new standard of illumination and the measurement of light' by William Henry Preece10 July 1883
NLB/8/800Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society1 January 1894
ACS/1/1/321Letter from [William Henry] Preece, Gothic Lodge, Wimbledon Common, to [Alan Archibald] Campbell Swinton [Esquire]4 June 1899
NLB/2/792Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society7 November 1888
NLB/11/108Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Henry Preece, Fellow of the Royal Society22 April 1895
NLB/13/21Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society29 May 1896
RR/10/250Referee's report by William Henry Preece, on a paper 'On the effect of temperature on the specific inductive capacity of a dielectric' by W Cassie10 July 1889
RR/9/176Referee's report by Augustus George Vernon Harcourt, on a paper 'On a new standard of illumination and the measurement of light' by William Henry Preece9 July 1883
MC/12/42Letter from W H [William Henry] Preece, General Post Office, to W [William] E Spottiswoode, [President of the Royal Society]27 April 1880
MC/12Volume 12 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1880-1883
AP/66/25Unpublished paper, 'On the heating effects of electric currents, no. IV' by William Henry Preece1890
PP/3/24Paper, 'The effects of temperature on the electromotive force and resistance of batteries' by W H [William Henry] Preece1883
AP/66/15/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Experiments on the resistance of electrolytic cells' by H R Sankey1889
AP/66/15Unpublished paper, 'Experiments on the resistance of electrolytic cells' by H R Sankey1889
AP/74/7Unpublished paper, 'The oxidation of carbon at ordinary temperature by means of atmospheric oxygen with the production of electrical energy' by Willard [Erastus] Case1899
AP/74/7/1Unpublished manuscript, 'The oxidation of carbon at ordinary temperature by means of atmospheric oxygen with the production of electrical energy' by Willard [Erastus] Case1899
PP/6/33Paper, 'On charging secondary batteries' by W H [William Henry] Preece1885
PP/3/7Paper, 'The influence of heat on the galvanic elements' by William Henry Preece[1883]
PP/6/25Paper, 'On a peculiar behaviour of glow-lamps when raised to high incandescence' by W H [William Henry] Preece1885
PP/4/24Paper, 'On a new standard of illumination and the measurement of light' by W H [William Henry] Preece1883
PP/4/24/2Diagrams, experimental equipment by W H [William Henry] Preece1883
PP/4/42Paper, 'On the heating effects of electric currents' by W H [William Henry] Preece1884
PP/4/42/1Manuscript, 'On the heating effects of electric currents' by W H [William Henry] Preece1884
PP/4/42/2Diagrams, experimental equipment and results by W H [William Henry] Preece1884
PP/6/25/1Manuscript, 'On a peculiar behaviour of glow-lamps when raised to high incandescence' by W H [William Henry] Preece1885
PP/6/25/2Figures, experimental equipment and results by W H [William Henry] Preece1885
PP/6/33/1Manuscript, 'On charging secondary batteries' by W H [William Henry] Preece1885
PP/6/33/2Diagrams, experimental equipment and results by W H [William Henry] Preece1885
PP/8/24Paper, 'On a new means of converting heat energy into electrical energy' by Williard E [Erastus] Case1886
PP/8/32Paper, 'On a new scale for tangent galvanometers' by W H [William Henry] Preece and H R Kempe1886
PP/8/32/1Manuscript, 'On a new scale for tangent galvanometers' by W H [William Henry] Preece and H R Kempe1886
PP/8/32/2Diagrams, tangent galvanometer scale by W H [William Henry] Preece and H R Kempe1886
PP/10/17Paper, 'On the limiting distance of speech by telephone' by W H [William Henry] Preece1887
PP/12/3Paper, 'On the heating effects of electric currents. No. III' by W H [William Henry] Preece1888
PP/11/14Paper, 'On the heating effects of electric currents. No II' by W H [William Henry] Preece1887
PP/4/24/1Manuscript, 'On a new standard of illumination and the measurement of light' by W H [William Henry] Preece1883
PP/15/10Paper, 'On electric discharge between electrodes at different temperatures in air and in high vacua' by J A [John Ambrose] Fleming1889
MC/23/86Letter from [Sir William Henry] Preece, 8 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, to Robert Harrison, [The Royal Society]21 May 1908
MC/23/87Letter from [Sir William Henry] Preece, 8 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, to Robert Harrison, [The Royal Society]19 May 1908
MC/23/84Telegram from Mr Case, forwarded by Sir William Preece, to Sir Archibald Geikie, Secretary of The Royal Society22 May 1908
MC/23/88Letter from [Sir William Henry] Preece, 8 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, to Robert Harrison, [The Royal Society]28 May 1908
MC/23/443Letter from [George J] Stevens, 25 Eastlake [Road], London SE, to [Robert] Harrison, Assistant Secretary, [Royal Society]8 July 1908
MC/24/117Letter from [William Henry] Preece, Gothic Lodge, Wimbledon Common, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Soicety]11 February 1909
MC/17Volume 17 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1897-1899
ACS/1/1/319Letter from [William Henry] Preece, to Mr [Alan Archibald Campbell] Swinton, 66 Victoria [Street], London, S. W.20 March 1895
MC/21/507Letter from William Henry Preece, 8 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, to the Secretary of the Royal Society8 May 1906
ACS/1/1/320Letter from [William Henry] Preece, to Mr [Alan Archibald Campbell] Swinton, 66 Victoria [Street], London, S. W.16 January 1897
MC/23/85Letter from [Sir William Henry] Preece, 8 Queen Anne's Gate, London, to [Robert] Harrison, The Royal Society21 December 1908
MC/21Volume 21 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1906
MC/23Volume 23 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1908
ACS/1/1/322Letter from [William Henry] Preece, Penrhos, Carnarvon, to [Alan Archibald] Campbell Swinton20 April 1913
MS/743/1/103Letter from William Henry Preece, Post Office, London, to [John Hall Gladstone]12 October 1882
ACS/1/2/1/356Letter from [Alan Archibald Campbell] Swinton, to Rupert Carpenter [Esquire]21 January 1921
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