
Authorised form of nameMortimer; Cromwell (c 1699 - 1752)
Datesc 1699 - 1752
Place of birthEssex, England
Date of birthc 1699
Place of deathThe family estate of Toppingo Hall, Hatfield Peverel, Essex
Date of death07 January 1752
Leyden: MD (1724). Cambridge: MD (Com Reg 1728)
Practised in London; Assistant to Sir Hans Sloane (FRS 1685) (1729-1740)
FRCP (1729); FSA (1734); Spalding Society (1737); Academie Royale des Sciences
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election27/06/1728
ProposerFrancis Clifton
Claude Amyand
Sir Hans Sloane
RSActivityRoyal Society roles:
Sec 1730-1752 ; Editor Phil. Trans.: 1729-1752
RelationshipsSon of John Mortimer (FRS 1705) and his third wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Sanders of Derbyshire; ?cousin of Samuel Sanders (FRS 1720)
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; Venn; Innes Smith
A D C Simpson, 'Newton's Telescope and the Cataloguing of the Royal Society's Repository' in NR 1983-84 vol 38 pp 187-214
J A Chaldecott, 'Cromwell Mortimer, FRS (c. 1698-1752) and the Invention of the Metalline Thermometer for Measuring High Temperatures' in NR 1969 vol 24 pp 113-135
H G Lyons, 'Two Hundred Years Ago: 1739' in NR 1939 vol 2 pp 34-42
P Fontes da Costa, 'The Culture of Curiosity at The Royal Society in the first half of the eighteenth century', NR 2002 vo l56 pp 147-166
Obituary, Gentleman's Magazine (1752), p44; obituary, London Magazine (1752), p44
W Ramsey, P Daniels, E G Ramsey, 'The Limehouse Porcelain Factory - its output, antecedents, and the influence of the Royal Society of London on the evolution of English porcelain based on composition and technology. ' Published Inverscafgill, New Zealand, January 2013
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
EL/C3/27Letter, from Gaspero Cerati to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Florence31 May 1737
L&P/2/23Letter, 'Observations at Pekin [Beijing] of a comet' from Anton Gogeisl to Cromwell Mortimer9 November 1748
L&P/2/167Letter, 'Of a uterine excrescence' from J Burton to Cromwell Mortimer28 March 1750
L&P/1/360Letter, 'Refers to the death of Sir H Sloane and to a meeting with Lieberkuhn' from Gasparo Cerati to Cromwell Mortimer1 January 1745
EL/C3/37Letter, from Antonio Cocchi to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Florence26 October 1737
L&P/1/97Letter, 'On barometers' [English translation] from Samuel Christian Hollman to Cromell Mortimer1 September 1742
L&P/1/94Letter, 'Concerning the vegetating of melon seeds 42 years old' from Martin Triewald to Cromwell Mortimer16 December 1741
EL/D1/95Letter, from Paul Dudley to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Roxburg12 April 1733
EL/H4/15Letter, from Francis Joseph Hunauld to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris12 November 1733
L&P/1/338Letter, 'On the translation of the Phil Trans into French and of the explorers of Peru, M M Godin & Bougere' from Sauveur Francois Morand to Cromwell Mortimer29 November 1744
EL/B3/28Letter, from Charles Balguy to Cromwell Mortimer29 August 1734
RBO/21/50'An observation of the lights seen in the Air on March 18 1738-9 at London by Doctor Mortimer'1739
MM/4/52Draft of letter from Cromwell Mortimer, London, to Owen Brigstocke9 November 1731
EL/T/86Letter, from [Christian Andreas] Teuber to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Halberstadt30 January 1735
L&P/1/71Letter, accompanying gift of books from Dean Copping, on behalf of the Dublin Society to Cromwell Mortimer15 February 1742
EL/L6/46Letter, from Antony Leprotti to Cromwell Mortimer23 July 1735
EL/R2/39Letter, from Ludovicus a Ripa to Cromwell Mortimer1734
EL/H4/8Letter, from Hall to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at the Inner Temple4 June 1733
EL/G2/32Letter, from Stephen Gray to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Charterhouse9 June 1735
EL/S2/103Letter, from Bezaleel Sherman to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Keldon31 January 1737
EL/S2/102Letter, from Bezaleel Sherman to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Keldon7 March 1736
L&P/2/136Letter, 'Of the Morbus strangularitorius' from John Starr to Cromwell Mortimer10 January 1749
EL/L6/47Translation of a letter, from Antony Leprotti to Cromwell Mortimer1735
EL/M3/1Letter, from Cromwell Mortimer to Monsieur [Bernard Forest de] Belidor4 March 1731
L&P/1/100Paper, 'A description of the human bladder' by William Douglas to Cromwell Mortimer[1742]
EL/G1/65Letter, from Stephen Gray to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Charterhouse28 January 1735
MM/20/22Letter from Charles Francois de Cisternay to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society[8 August 1736]
EL/D2/62Letter, from Peter Desault to Cromwell Mortimer1735
MM/20/6Letter from Richard Hill to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society8 March 1735/6
MM/20/11Letter from John Machin to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society21 March 1742/3
MM/20/14Letter from James Mynde to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society9 April 1744
MM/20/15Letter from Roger Pickering to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society10 May 1744
MM/20/5Letter from Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society describing a machine "called by the Dutch a Camel used to carry their large Ships over the Shallows"[10 February 1736/7]
MM/20/43Letter from de Bussy to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society19 June 1743
MM/20/40Letter from Wollebius to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society4 July 1738
MM/20/20Letter from Charles Francois de Cisternay to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society23 March 1736
MM/20/12Letter from John Machin to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society17 November 1743
RBO/19/11'A Continuation of an Account of an Essay towards a Natural History of Carolina and the Bahama Islands by Mark Catesby with some extracts out of the sixth Set' by Cromwell Mortimer1734
RBO/17/34Account of 'water of locusts' by Dr Stuart to Cromwell Mortimer1732
MM/20/17Letter from George Shelvocke to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society11 May 1744
MM/20/8Letter from John Huxham to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society8 June 1739
MM/20/7Letter from Zabdiel Boylston to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society17 December 1737
MM/20/25Letter from Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society28 May 1733
MM/20/21Letter from Charles Francois de Cisternay to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society6 August 1736
MM/20/23Letter from Jean Jacques d'Ortus de Mairan to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society9 May 1736
MM/20/41Letter from Jean Paul Grandjean de Fouchy to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society12 March 1740
MM/20/24Letter from Jean Jacques d'Ortus de Mairan to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society18 March 1741
MM/20/26Letter from Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society18 November 1737
MM/20/27Letter from Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society[18 February 1738]
MM/20/28Letter from Christian Bernhard Albinus to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society3 August 1723
MM/20/3Letter from Charles Fagge to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society2 August 1731
MM/20/19Letter from William Ross to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society28 September 1744
MM/20/18Letter from Barlow to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society[15 May 1744]
MM/20/33Letter from Johann Friedrich Weidler to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society2 February 1738
MM/20/36Letter from Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society27 December 1740
MM/20/13Letter from William Barlow to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society25 November 1743
MM/20/38Letter from Guiseppe Lorenzo Bruni to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society11 October 1743
MM/20/39Letter from Petrus Filenius to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society3 November 1736
MM/20/16Letter from William Barlow to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society11 May 1744
MM/20/34Letter from Francis Maria Zanotti to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society9 December 1737
MM/20/31Letter from Johann Friedrich Weidler to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society17/28 October 1736
MM/20/30Letter from Johann Eberhard to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society 4 October 1736
MM/20/9'Remarks on a Letter from Mr Profesor Celsius to Dr Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society, dated at Upsal March 14 1738 [by Mr Professor Filenius, translated from the Latin]'c.18th century
RBO/15/74'Of the late extraordinary Tides' in a letter from William Stukeley to Cromwell Mortimer1731
RSL/1/17Letter from J Gray, Canterbury, to Dr Cromwell Mortimer22 June 1737
L&P/1/327Letter, 'Observations on the purity of Mr Lowndes new salt' from Cromwell Mortimer to Martin Folkes5 December 1744
L&P/2/186Letter, 'Of his obstetric instruments' from J Burton to Cromwell Mortimer16 February 1751
EL/Z/17Letter, from Francis Maria Zanotti to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bologna1 June 1740
L&P/2/165/1Paper, 'Description of a fish without scales shown to the R.S. [Royal Society] by Ralph Bigland' from Cromwell Mortimer to the Royal Society1750
RBO/16/51'Of the Electricity of Water' in a letter from Stephen Gray, Charterhouse, to Cromwell Mortimer1731
L&P/1/96Letter, 'On barometers' from Samuel Christian Hollman to Cromell Mortimer[1742]
L&P/1/250Letter, 'With a book on geography by Nicolaus Struyck' from John May to Cromwell Mortimer31 July 1743
L&P/1/116Letter, 'Of Saltpetre' from Philip Henry Zollman to Cromwell Mortimer17 June 1742
L&P/1/393/1Letter, 'Of cutting for the stone' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat to Cromwell Mortimer1745
L&P/1/255Letter, 'Of West Indian insects' from Roger Pickering to Cromwell Mortimer2 February 1743
L&P/1/93Letter, 'Concerning exchange of transactions with the Royal Society of Sweden' from Martin Triewald to Cromwell Mortimer12 October 1741
L&P/1/134Letter, 'On the number of inhabitants of Holland' from Willam Kersseboom to Cromwell Mortimer18 September 1742
L&P/1/371Letter, 'Of a dropsical case' from Louis Jean Thieuillier to Cromwell Mortimer21 November 1743
L&P/1/135/1Letter, 'On the constellation Aries' from Ebenezer Latham to Cromwell Mortimer8 July 1742
EL/F2/33Letter, from De Fouchy to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris17 February 1739
L&P/2/438Letter, 'On various medical and other subjects' from Daniel Dumaresq to Cromwell Mortimer11 October 1751
L&P/1/312Letter, 'Of an egg' by John Green to Cromwell Mortimer13 October 1744
L&P/1/64Letter, 'Criticism of a paper on springs by Dr Park' from George Hadley to Cromwell Mortimer27 February 1742
L&P/1/409Paper, 'Of the qudruped, the Persian ox' by Cromwell Mortimer1745
L&P/2/227Letter, 'Offers himself as a correspondent in Bohemia' from Joseph Staplin to Cromwell Mortimer11 April 1751
L&P/1/84Letter, 'Concerning the case of the woman who continues to speak without a tongue; the case of Margaret Cutting' from Edward Milward to Cromwell Mortimer26 April 1742
L&P/1/423Letter, 'Of a fiery meteor, seen July 14, 1745' [with note from Comwell Mortimer] from G Costard to John Catlin14 July 1745
L&P/1/296Letter, 'Of the transit of Mercury' from Thomas Clap to Cromwell Mortimer1744
L&P/1/157Letter, 'Of his paper des sens and his machine' from Claude Nicholas Le Cat to Cromwell Mortimer25 November 1742
L&P/1/461Letter, 'Acknowledgment of his election' from Henri Francois Le Dran to Cromwell Mortimer25 November 1745
L&P/2/109Letter, 'Of Herculaneum' from William Freeman to Cromwell Mortimer11 September 1750
L&P/2/231Letter, 'Lime-water on vegetation' from Charles Alstone to Cromwell Mortimer17 March 1749
L&P/2/105Letter, 'Of colour and refrangibility of light' from unknown author to Cromwell Mortimer21 July 1750
L&P/1/210Letter, 'Of a calculus of great size, voided by a woman' from R Pearsall to Cromwell Mortimer11 May 1743
L&P/1/242Letter, 'A draught of the octant which Dr Sharp desired him to send' from David Hastings to Cromwell Mortimer31 October 1743
L&P/1/427Letter, 'Of the death of his father Aloysius' from Francis Xavierius Raphael de Meneses to Cromwell Mortimer 1745
L&P/2/236Letter, 'Of a curious peach tree' from Georg Matthias Bose to Cromwell Mortimer11 February 1751
L&P/2/96Letter, 'Avis aux astronomes' from N L de la Caille to Cromwell Mortimer21 January 1751
L&P/2/63Paper, 'Of the earthquake of March 8' by Cromwell Mortimer 8 March 1750
L&P/2/19Letter, 'An astronomical problem' from Taubert to Cromwell Mortimer28 November 1749
L&P/2/106Letter, 'Of certain amulets of slaty coal (Kimmeridge)' from Richard Pococke to Cromwell Mortimer28 February 1751
L&P/2/211Letter, 'Of a piece of slate' from John Huxham to Cromwell Mortimer19 May 1751
L&P/2/182Letter, 'Of three new instruments' from Claude Nicholas Le Cat to Cromwell MortimerOctober 1749
L&P/2/208Letter, 'On his election as FRS [Fellow of the Royal Society]' from Cesar Francois Cassini de Thury to Cromwell Mortimer23 April 1751
L&P/2/86Letter, 'Of Mrs Stephens medicines' from Claude Joseph Geoffroy to Cromwell Mortimer12 June 1750
L&P/1/233Letter, 'An abstract of a Book of Greenland' from Hans Egedius to Cromwell Mortimer1743
L&P/2/187Letter, 'On the inoxa' from Picot de Premeuil to Cromwell Mortimer26 July 1749
L&P/2/185Letter, 'Of the sea porcupine caterpillar' from F G Roederer to Cromwell Mortimer21 August 1749
L&P/2/359Letter, 'Of various Chinese plants and seeds' from Pierre d'Incarville to Cromwell Mortimer15 November 1751
L&P/1/95Letter, 'On polyi taken out of the hearts of sailors' from John Huxham to Cromwell Mortimer23 April 1742
L&P/2/154Letter, 'Of Dr Burton's obstetric instruments' from [J D] to Cromwell Mortimer20 June 1750
L&P/1/308Letter, 'The comet of 1744' from Thomas Clap to Cromwell Mortimer1 April 1744
L&P/1/11Letter, 'Of a passage in Plutarch relating to optics' from John Green to Cromwell Mortimer04 October 1741
L&P/1/132Letter, 'Of an extraordinary dropsy' from Thomas Short to Cromwell Mortimer2 August 1742
L&P/1/289Letter, 'As to an astronomical discovery - a new method of calculating eclipses' from Christian Louis Gersten to Cromwell Mortimer3 March 1744
L&P/2/160Letter, 'On his election as FRS [Fellow of the Royal Society]; speaks of the literarary honour done to him by the R.S. [Royal Society] admitting him their body' from Antoine Joseph de Sallier d'Argenville to Cromwell Mortimer1 June 1750
CLP/4ii/7Paper, observations of a halo surrounding the sun by unknown author11 August 1732
CLP/7ii/18Letter, regarding poles of the diurnal motion in a celestial globe from John Senex to Cromwell Mortimer20 April 1739
EL/G1/64Letter, from Stephen Gray to Dr [Cromwell] Mortimer, dated at Norton Court19 May 1733
EL/R1/86Letter, from J Rogers to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Leeds13 October 1733
RBO/20/31'A further Account with the Description of the Mosaic Pavement formerly in the Temple of Fortune at Praeneste [Palestrina]' by Cromwell Mortimer1737
MM/20/32Letter from Johann Friedrich Weidler to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society1 January 1737
L&P/1/41Letter, 'Concerning the writer's book criticising a treatise' from Johann Andreas von Segner to Cromwell Mortimer1 September 1741
EL/R1/85Letter, from J Rogers to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Leeds11 August 1733
L&P/1/224Letter, 'Of mushrooms' from Roger Pickering to Cromwell Mortimer3 October 1743
EL/C3/9Translation of a letter, from Andreas Celsius to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Uppsala1738
EL/F2/44Extract of a letter, from M [Charles Francois de Cisternay] Du Fay to Cromwell Mortimer1737
EL/G1/63Letter, from Stephen Gray to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Charterhouse6 February 1733
EL/H4/29Letter, from John Huxham to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Plymouth30 March 1739
L&P/1/12Paper slip, concerning John Hadley by Cromwell Mortimer[1741]
RBO/16/56'The Anatomy of a Female Beaver, and an account of Castor found in her' by Cromwell Mortimer1731
RBO/20/20'The Description of a Machine called by the Dutch a Kameel or Camel, used to carry their large Ships over the Shallows' by Cromwell Mortimer1736
MM/20/42Letter from Etienne Simon de Gamaches to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society25 May 1740
MM/20/37Letter from Thomas le Seur and Francois Jacquier to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society9 January 1741
MM/20/35Letter from Francis Maria Zanotti to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society1 June 1740
EL/B2/93Letter, from Bernard Forest de Belidor to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at La Fere28 April 1734
EL/Z/16Translation of a letter, from Francis Maria Zanotti to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bologna1737
CLP/8ii/62Paper, regarding observations of a comet seen at Madras [Chennai] and at Lisbon by M Sartorine and G R [Giles Richard] Vanbrugh1737
L&P/1/429Paper, 'Of a cow-distemper near London' by Cromwell Mortimer1745
EL/B2/96Letter, from Bernard Forest de Belidor to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at La Fere16 March 1735
CLP/12ii/55Paper, regarding the dissolving of a stone with a plant by Michael Birmingham18 May 1738
MM/20/10Letter from David Hartley to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society2 August 1742
MM/20/51Newspaper cuttings on the Royal Society1732-1739, 1820
CLP/11ii/14Paper, 'Examen and observations of a bituminous earth' by Sir Hans Sloane[1729]
CLP/2/39aTranslation, 'A proposal for the measurement of the earth in Russia' by [Joseph Nicholas] de l'Isle[1737]
EL/B3/21Translation of a letter, from Herman Boerhaave to Cromwell Mortimer1734
EL/C3/24Letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris15 September 1737
EL/T/89Letter, from Carlo Taglini to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Pisa24 July 1733
CLP/12ii/43/2Plate, spermatic veins and arteries by C M [Cromwell Mortimer][1728]
CLP/11ii/23Paper, 'Experiments made upon ambergris for Hans Sloane' by [Cromwell Mortimer?][1731]
CLP/12ii/43/1Manuscript, 'An account of some uncommon anastomoses of the spermatic vessells [vessels] in a woman' by Cromwell Mortimer[1728]
CLP/12ii/47/2Diagram, lead-filled cells in humerus by [Cromwell Mortimer][1720s]
EL/O2/184Letter, from William Oliver to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bath18 October 1736
EL/H3/134Letter, from Stephen Hales to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Teddington17 May 1735
EL/B3/61Translation of a letter, from John Matthew Barthius to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Ratisbon1737
EL/F2/41Letter, from Henry Forth to Cromwell Mortimer17 January 1737
L&P/2/165Paper, 'Description of a fish without scales shown to the R.S. [Royal Society] by Ralph Bigland' from Cromwell Mortimer to the Royal Society1750
EL/C2/73Letter, from Nicolaus Cyrillus to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Naples1733
CLP/12ii/61Proposal, 'Prize. Proposed by the Academy of Surgery for the year 1742' by Michael Bermingham[1740]
L&P/2/200Paper, 'Concerning Mr Bright, the fat man of Maldon, co. Essex' from J Coe to Cromwell Mortimer16 April 1751
L&P/2/33Paper, 'Of geography among the Chinese, and of paper money current in China' by Antoine Gaubil9 November 1748
EL/R2/43Letter, from Paolo Rolli to Cromwell Mortimer23 June 1731
L&P/1/36Letter, 'Of a balance swing or pressing steelyard' from Timothy Sheldrake to Cromwell Mortimer19 January 1741
EL/B2/90Translation of a letter, from Bernard Forest de Belidor to Dr [Cromwell] Mortimer1731
EL/W4/2Letter, from Granville Wheler to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Otterden Place21 November 1737
EL/S2/99Letter, from Conrad Sprengell to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bloomsbury26 February 1738
EL/F2/36Copy of a letter, from H[enry] Forth to Cromwell Mortimer1738
EL/P2/14Letter, from Noel Pluche to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris13 August 1732
L&P/2/150Letter, 'Of the Northern Lights seen 15 Feb 1749/50' from John Huxham to Cromwell Mortimer18 April 1750
L&P/1/413Letter, 'Of the heat in animals' from Cromwell Mortimer to Martin Folkes20 June 1745
EL/C3/39Letter, from [Peter] Collinson to Cromwell Mortimernd
EL/M3/10Letter, from J Muller to Cromwell Mortimer17 March 1734
L&P/1/140Letter, 'On a case of extraordinary anstinence' from Robert Campbell to Cromwell Mortimer1 December 1742
EL/G1/59Letter, from Stephen Gray to Cromwell Mortimer1729
L&P/2/248Letter, 'Of hernias' from Claude Nicholas Le Cat to Cromwell Mortimer3 April 1750
EL/S2/91Letter, from J[ohann] A[ndreas von] Segner to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Gottingen3 March 1738
L&P/1/370Letter, 'Of a disorder of the liver (cyst)' from Charles Ferguson to Cromwell Mortimer10 March 1745
EL/S2/93Translation of a letter, from John Andrew Segner to Cromwell Mortimer1738
EL/C3/38Translation of a letter, from Antonio Cocchi to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Florence1737
EL/W3/161Translation of a letter, from Paul Werlhof to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Hanover1736
EL/H4/13Letter, from John Hamilton to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Chancery Lane20 December 1633
EL/C3/25Translation of a letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1737
EL/H4/24Letter, from John Hadley to Cromwell Mortimer7 October 1731
EL/C3/6Translation of a letter, from Claude Nicholas le Cat to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Rouen1740
EL/G1/62Letter, from Stephen Gray to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Charterhouse15 October 1732
EL/C3/17Letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Tornea20 February 1736
EL/F2/39Letter, from Martin Folkes to Cromwell Mortimer27 October 1737
EL/W3/160Letter, from Paul Werlhof to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Hanover3 June 1736
L&P/1/243Letter, 'Two remarkable medical observations' from Henry Banyer to Cromwell Mortimer6 June 1743
EL/F2/42Letter, from Henry Forth to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Darlington5 March 1737
EL/F2/43Extract of a letter, from M [Charles Francois de Cisternay] Du Fay to Cromwell Mortimer1737
EL/G2/22Summary of letters from Monsieur [Louis] Godin to Cromwell MortimerJanuary - February 1734
EL/D2/58Translation of a letter, from Paolo Matthia Doria to Cromwell Mortimer1732
EL/C2/93Note extracted from a letter, from Andreas Celsius to Cromwell MortimerApril 1736
EL/G2/24Translation of a letter, from Celestino Galiani to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Naples1735
EL/B3/44Extract of a letter, from William Burton to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Windsor24 May 1734
EL/C3/33Translation of an extract of a letter, from Andreas Celsius to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at the mountain of Korpicula1736
L&P/1/311Letter, 'Of ancient inscriptions at Rochester and Risingham' from Christopher Hunter to Cromwell Mortimer8 November 1744
EL/M3/4Translation of a letter, from Cromwell Mortimer to Monsieur [Bernard Forest de] Belidor, dated at London1731
EL/C3/22Translation of an extract of a letter, from Andreas Celsius to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Stockholm24 May 1736
EL/F2/45Extract of a letter, from M [Charles Francois de Cisternay] Du Fay to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1737
EL/D2/73Letter, from John Desaguliers to Cromwell Mortimer29 October 1733
EL/S2/74Letter, from Conrad Sprengell to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bloomsbury Square13 March 1732
EL/W3/155Letter, from Thomas Wallis to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Stamford15 March 1733
EL/E/12Letter, from Mr Ellis and Matilda Ellis to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at London25 May 1733
EL/C3/35Letter, from Martin Clare to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Soho Square12 April 1737
EL/C3/10Translation of an extract of a letter, from Andreas Celsius to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Uppsala2 October 1739
EL/F2/22Letter, from M Pigault to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Calais27 January 1736
EL/W4/1Letter, from Granville Wheler to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Otterden Place19 December 1737
EL/F2/38Extract of a letter, from Cromwell Mortimer to [Charles Francois de Cisternay] Du Fay1737
EL/G2/31Account of some electrical experiments by Stephen Gray, transcribed by Cromwell Mortimer14 February 1736
EL/G1/60Letter, from Stephen Gray to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Charterhouse20 January 1732
EL/N2/15Letter, from Abbe Nollet to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1733
EL/C3/31Translation of part of a letter, from Andreas Celsius to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Uppsala1 March 1738
EL/D2/56Letter, from Paolo Matthia Doria to Cromwell Mortimer1731
L&P/2/104Letter, 'Of the variation of the magnetic needle' from Petrus Wargentin to Cromwell Mortimer1 May 1750
EL/S2/98Letter, from Conrad Sprengell to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bloomsbury12 July 1738
EL/D2/57Letter, from Paolo Matthia Doria to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Naples28 November 1732
EL/W4/11aTranslation of a letter, from Johann Weidler to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Wittemberg1737
EL/T/90Translation of a letter, from Carlo Taglini to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Pisa1733
EL/F2/24Letter, from Stephen de Fourmont to Cromwell Mortimer1735
EL/D2/55Translation of a letter, from Paolo Matthia Doria to Cromwell Mortimer1731
EL/B2/94Translation of a letter, from Bernard Forest de Belidor to Dr [Cromwell] Mortimer, dated at La Fere1734
EL/M3/18Letter, from G[erhard] F[riedrich] Muller to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at St Petersburg30 June 1733
EL/T/93Letter, from Christopher Trew to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Nuremburg1736
L&P/2/153Letter, 'Catalogue from Peking [Beijing] of plants' from Pierre D'Incarville to Cromwell Mortimer11 November 1748
EL/C2/89Letter, from John Crivelli to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Venice15 May 1734
EL/D2/75Letter, from John Desaguliers to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Kew13 December 1737
EL/D2/68Letter, from Paul Dudley to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bolton24 December 1736
EL/F2/28Translation of a letter, from [Charles Francois de Cisternay] Du Fay to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1738
EL/D1/70Letter, from William Derham to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Upminster27 March 1732
EL/I2/30Letter, from Joseph de Lisle to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris15 March 1740
EL/C2/90Translation of a letter, from John Crivelli to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Venice1734
EL/P2/15Letter, from Noel Pluche to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris10 February 1735
EL/B3/51Translation of a letter, from Herman Boerhaave to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Leyden10 May 1737
EL/F2/27Letter, from [Charles Francois de Cisternay] Du Fay to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris30 March 1738
EL/C3/2Letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris13 December 1737
EL/C2/72Translation of a letter, from Nicolaus Cyrillus to Cromwell Mortimer1732
EL/C3/23Translation of a letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1738
EL/B3/56Translation of part of a letter, from Herman Boerhaave to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Leyden8 September 1738
EL/D2/63Letter, from John Gabriel Doppelmayer to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Nuremburg16 April 1734
EL/M3/46Translation of a letter, from Morand to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1738
EL/G2/38Letter, from Henry Newman to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bartlet Buildings19 March 1735
EL/H4/26Letter, from J[ames] Handley to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at St Albans29 November 1731
EL/M3/6Letter, from T Madden to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Dublin29 April 1731
EL/F2/23Translated extract of a letter, from M [Charles Francois de Cisternay] du Fay to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1736
EL/N2/19Translation of a letter, from Abbe Nollet to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1737
EL/C3/28Letter, from Francois de la Croix to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Versailles16 April 1736
EL/A/65Letter, from Joseph Atwell to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Exeter24 July 1734
EL/C3/18Translation of a letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Tornea1786
EL/R2/40Translation of a letter, from Ludovicus a Ripa to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Padova1734
EL/W3/152Translation of a letter, from Christian Wolff to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Marburg1732
EL/W4/11Letter, from Johann Weidler to Cromwell Mortimer25 October 1736
EL/C3/29Translation of a letter, from Francois de la Croix to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Versailles1736
CLP/11ii/19Letter, regarding effects of laurel water on dogs from R Porter to Cromwell Mortimer 11 January 1731
CLP/12ii/47/1Manuscript extracts, 'An account of the skeleton of a man, the bones of which were filled with lead' by Mr Weaver [John Weever] and letter on the subject from Edmund Waller to Cromwell Mortimer[1720s][c. 1631]
CLP/12ii/47Extracts, 'An account of the skeleton of a man, the bones of which were filled with lead' by Mr Weaver [John Weever] and letter on the subject from Edmund Waller to Cromwell Mortimer[1720s][c. 1631]
EL/W3/151Letter, from Christian Wolff to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Marburg4 September 1732
RBO/19/69'A continuation of an Account of Mr Catesby's Essay towards a Natural History of Carolina and the Bahama Islands: with some Extracts out of the seventh Sett' by Cromwell Mortimer1736
RBO/18/7'Further account of Experiments relating to Electrical Attraction' in a letter to Cromwell Mortimer to Stephen Gray, Charterhouse1732
RBO/15/68'An account of a 'Capricornus' found in solid Wood' by Cromwell Mortimer1730
RBO/16/58'An account of a Company of curious Persons sent by the King of Poland into Africa, in order to enquire into the natural history of those parts' by Cromwell Mortimer1731
RBO/19/9'A narration of the Experiments made June 1 1734 at the Buffaloe Tavern Bloomsbury on a Man who suffer'd himself to be bit by a Viper or common Adder and on other Animals likewise bitten by the same and other vipers drawn up by Cromwell Mortimer'1734
RBO/21/28'Doctor Mortimer's Appendix to his Narration of experiments of the Vipers Bite, and its Cure (by Olive Oil) with some Remarks on the Cure of the bite of a mad Dog by Dampier's Remedy [the Pulvis Antilyssus Pharm.]1738
RBO/18/48'Continuation of an account of Mr Mark Catesby's Essay towards a Natural History of Carolina and the Bahama Islands with some Extracts out of the fifth Sett' by Cromwell Mortimer1733
L&P/1/114Letter, 'Concerning a former paper of a comet' from Hugh Stackhouse to Cromwell Mortimer26 June 1742
L&P/1/54/1Letters, 'On snow' from Leonard Stocke to Cromwell Mortimer29 June 1741
L&P/2/53aLetter, 'Of the earthquake in London of March 8 1749/50' from Martin Clare to Cromwell Mortimer8 March 1750
L&P/1/54Paper, 'On snow' from Leonard Stocke to Cromwell Mortimer29 June 1741
L&P/2/33/1Letter, 'Of geography among the Chinese, and of paper money current in China' from Antoine Gaubil to Cromwell Mortimer9 November 1748
L&P/2/255Letter, 'Of a fistulous hernia' from Claude Nicholas Le Cat to Cromwell Mortimer1752
EL/B3/20Letter, from Herman Boerhaave to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Leyden17 February 1734
EL/C3/32Translation of a letter, from Gaspero Cerati to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Florence1736
L&P/2/247/1Letter, 'Mentions sending to R.S. [Royal Society] two vols in Chinese, one of logarithms, one of lunar & solar Newtonian tables; also new astronomical tables for 1746-7' from Augustin Hallerstein to Cromwell Mortimer18 September 1750
L&P/1/339Letter, 'Of the suddenness of congelation; of kindling bodies by electricity; of a micrometer adjusted to Scarlet's microscope' from Samuel Christian Hollman to Cromwell Mortimer1744
EL/H4/28Letter, from John Hamilton to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Chancery Lane26 October 1738
L&P/2/9Letter, 'On election as FRS and on the subject of no. 8 [L&P/2/7]' from Francois Le Dran to Cromwell Mortimer20 September 1749
CLP/18ii/39Paper, Calculation of the velocity of the air moved by the newly-invented centrifugal bellows by J T [John Theophilus] Desaguliers1736
L&P/1/201Letter, 'Bibliotheca Ericerana; being a list of the works printed or in MS written by members of the de Meneses family, Counts of Ericerana, beginning with a book by Didacus de Meneses published in 1628 and including 144 other works' from Francis Xavier Meneses to Cromwell Mortimer 1743
EL/L6/45Letter, from Smart Lethieullier to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bond Street12 July 1734
EL/G2/23Letter, from Celestino Galiani to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Naples1735
EL/M3/61Translation of a letter, from Monsieur Morand to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1739
EL/B3/30Letter, from John Belchier to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Stocks Market1730s
EL/G1/61Letter, from Stephen Gray to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Charterhouse7 June 1732
EL/D2/76John Gabriel Doppelmayer, dated at Nuremburg, to Cromwell Mortimer2 September 1740
EL/D2/65Letter, from John Gabriel Doppelmayer to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Nuremberg20 July 1734
EL/D2/66Translation of a letter, from John Gabriel Doppelmayer to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Nuremberg1734
EL/S2/105Letter, from Thomas Steward to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bury St Edmund1 November 1738
EL/M3/59Letter, from Pierre Maupertuis to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris25 May 1738
EL/W4/14Translation of a letter, from Johann Weidler to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Wittemberg1736
EL/C3/11Letter, from Claude Nicholas le Cat to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1 September 1738
EL/C2/74Letter, from Nicolaus Cyrillus to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Naples1732
EL/C3/13Translation of a letter, from Claude Nicholas le Cat to Cromwell Mortimer and letter of recommendation from Morand, dated at Paris dated at Rouen1739
EL/B3/29Account of preserved dead bodies from part of a letter from Charles Balguy to Cromwell Mortimer1734
EL/C3/26Translation of a letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1737
EL/M3/60Translation of a letter, from Pierre Maupertuis to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1738
CLP/16/53/1Letter, regarding a chimney piece from John [Mordaunt] Cope to Alexander Stuart25 February 1734
L&P/1/448Letter, '4 enclosures, 1 being no. of Commercium Literarium' from Christopher Jacob Trew to Cromwell Mortimer1 October 1745
CLP/22ii/42Paper, 'Account of Mr. Mark Catesby's Essay towards the Naturall History of Carolina and the Bahama Islands, with some extracts out of the first three sets' by Cromwell Mortimer1730
CLP/16/54/2Figures, stamp and imprint by Cromwell Mortimer[1738]
CLP/11ii/18Paper, 'Some experiments concerning the poisonous quality of the simple water distilled distilled from the laurel-cerasus, or common laurel, made upon dogs, at Toppingo Hall in Essex' by Cromwell Mortimer 24 August 1731
CLP/22ii/80Paper, 'Abstract of inaugural dissertation published at Wittemburg in 1735 by Abraham Vater concerning the cure of the viper's bite using salad oil' by Cromwell Mortimer[1738]
CLP/16/54/1Manuscript, regarding a description of an antique metal stamp by Cromwell Mortimer[1738]
CLP/16/54Paper, regarding a description of an antique metal stamp by Cromwell Mortimer[1738]
CLP/12ii/43Paper, 'An account of some uncommon anastomoses of the spermatic vessells [vessels] in a woman' by Cromwell Mortimer[1728]
CLP/2/29Paper, 'An account of Mr James Christoper Le Blon's principles of printing in imitation of painting and of weaveing tapestry in the same manner as brocades' by Cromwell Mortimer[1731]
RBO/14/46'An account of the Treatise intitled: F E Bruckmanni M D etc historia naturalis curiosa lapidis' by Cromwell Mortimer1728
RBO/15/31'A Description of the aforesaid ancient Curiosities with some Conjectures on them' by Cromwell Mortimer1730
RBO/16/3'An account of the Gold Mines in Brazil belonging to the King of Portugal communicated in a letter to Cromwell Mortimer by Jacob de Castro Sarmento1731
RBO/16/38'Some Experiments concerning the poisonous quality of the simple Water distill'd from the Lauro-cerasus or common Laurel made upon Dogs at Toppingo Hall in Essex' by Cromwell Mortimer1731
RBO/19/25'A Discourse concerning the usefullness of Thermometers in Chemical experiments...' by Cromwell Mortimer1735
L&P/1/98Letter, 'Catalogue of plants in Suabia' from Balthasar Erhardt to Cromwell Mortimer13 June 1741
CLP/2/39Paper, 'Projet de la mesure de la terre en Russie' ['Proposal for the measurement of the earth in Russia'] by Joseph Nicholas de l'Isle[1737]
CLP/14ii/48Paper, 'A narration of the experiments made June 1 1734 before several members of the Royal Society, and others, on a man who suffer'd himself to be bit by a viper or common adder, and on other animals likewise bitten by the same and other vipers' by Cromwell MortimerJune 1734
RBO/13/53'An account of some uncommon Anastomoses of the Spermatic Vessels in a Woman observ'd by Cromwell Mortimer'1728
RBO/13/60Dr Mortimer's account of a Book intituled Fossils of all Kinds .... ' by John Woodward 1728
RBO/14/98'An account of the Sceleton [skeleton] of a Man the Bones of which were fill'd with Lead, extracted out of Mr Weaver's ancient funeral Monuments in Britain and the Isles adjacent...'1729
RBO/14/120'An account of a Book intitled: an Essay on Ways and means for enclosing following planting etc Scotland' by Cromwell Mortimer1730
RBO/15/37'An account of Mr Mark Catesby's Essay towards the natural history of Carolina and the Bahama Islands' by Cromwell Mortimer1730
RBO/15/81'An account of M Le Blon's Principles of printing in imitation of painting and weaving Tapestry in the same way as Brocades are done' by Cromwell Mortimer1731
RBO/16/2Concerning a hazelstick swallowed by a horse which came out of his side after some time1731
RBO/16/17An account of a treatise by M A Cappeller on the natural history of Mount Pilatus in Switzerland, taken from the Latin by Cromwell Mortimer1731
RBO/16/60'An account of a Person who for two years could not swallow any Liquid' communicated by Theophilus Lobb to Cromwell Mortimer1731
RBO/17/3'Some observations on a Case lately published in Philosophical Transactions by Dr Stewart communicated to Dr Mortimer'1731
RBO/17/19Account of a woman who died of 'hydrops ovarii' when she was 33 years old from John Belchier, surgeon, to Cromwell Mortimer1732
RBO/20/35'An Account of what further Electrical Experiments Mr Wheler hath made since May 11 1737 at the Royal Society's house London' by Cromwell Mortimer1737
RBO/20/40'A continuation of an Account of an Essay towards a Natural History of Carolina and the Bahama Islands by Mark Catesby'1737
RBO/21/9'Concerning the Cure of the Bite of a Viper by Salad Oil' by Abraham Vater1737
EL/B2/91Letter, from Bernard Forest de Belidor to Dr [Cromwell] Mortimer, dated at La Fere24 October 1733
EL/B2/92Translation of a letter, from Bernard Forest de Belidor to Dr [Cromwell] Mortimer, dated at La Fere1733
EL/B3/23Letter, from Thomas Baxter to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Crathorn in Yorkshire4 December 1731
EL/B3/48Letter, from Theophilus Sigefridus Bayer to Cromwell Mortimer24 August 1737
EL/B3/49Translation of a letter, from Theophilus Sigefridus Bayer to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at St Petersburg24 August 1737
EL/C3/1Translation of a letter, from Andreas Celsius to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Tornea1737
EL/C3/30Translation of a letter, from Andreas Celsius to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Tornea1737
EL/C3/36Translation of a letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1737
EL/D2/64Translation of a letter, from John Gabriel Doppelmayer to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Nuremburg1734
EL/D2/71Letter, from John Desaguliers to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Channel Row8 November 1735
EL/E/11Letter, from John Elton to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at London15 July 1732
EL/I2/29Translation of a letter, from Joseph de Lisle to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at St Petersburg1737
EL/N2/18Letter, from Reverend Tim Neve to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Peterborough29 January 1736
EL/M3/2Copy of a letter, from Cromwell Mortimer to Monsieur [Bernard Forest de] Belidor, dated at London4 March 1731
EL/M3/3Translation of a letter, from Cromwell Mortimer to Monsieur [Bernard Forest de] Belidor, dated at London1731
EL/T/94Translation of a letter, from Christopher Trew to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Nuremburg1736
EL/W4/3Translation of a letter, from Johann Weidler to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Wittemberg1738
EL/W4/8Translation of a letter, from Johann Weidler to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Wittemberg1736
L&P/2/21Letter, 'A letter dated Petersburg with a premium offered by the Imperial Academy of Sciences of Petersburg' from Christian Nicolas de Winsheim to Cromwell Mortimer16 December 1749
EL/P2/22Paper, a Discourse upon the Surface of the Earth, as Delineated in a Specimen of a Philosophico-Geographicall Chart of East Kent by Christopher Packe to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Canterbury15 November 1736
CLP/22ii/69Paper, ' A Continuation of an account of an essay towards a Natural History of Carolina & the Bahama Islands by Mark Catesby FRS with some extracts out of the eighth set' by Cromwell Mortimer1737
CLP/22ii/76Paper, 'A Continuation of an account of an essay towards a Natural History of Carolina & the Bahama Islands by Mark Catesby FRS with some extracts out of the 9th set' by Cromwell Mortimer1740
EL/B3/22Letter from Herman Boerhaave to Cromwell Mortimer17 February 1734
EL/B3/25Letter, from Charles Balguy, to Cromwell Mortimer17 October 1730
EL/C2/75Translation of a letter, from Nicolaus Cyrillus to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Naples1733
EL/C2/71Letter, from Nicolaus Cyrillus to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Naples1732
EL/N2/17Letter, from Edward Nourse to Cromwell Mortimer18 January 1737
EL/M3/8Letter, from de Mairau to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris25 February 1735
EL/M3/9Translation of a letter, from de Mairau to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1735
EL/M3/48Letter, from Monsieur [René Antoine Ferchault] de Reaumur to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1738
EL/F2/31Translation of a letter, from Jean Paul Grandjean de Fouchy to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1740
EL/C3/12Letter, from Claude Nicholas le Cat to Cromwell Mortimer and letter of recommendation from Morand, dated at Paris dated at Rouen 11 July 1739
EL/B3/60Letter, from John Matthew Barthius to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Ratisbon12 December 1737
EL/I2/18Letter, from Jacob Jattica to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris12 May 1736
EL/I2/19Translation of a letter, from Jacob Jattica to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1736
EL/B3/82Translation of a letter, from Monsieur Bussy to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Fontainebleau10 November 1739
EL/B3/46Letter, from Littleton Brown to Cromwell Mortimer9 August 1736
EL/L6/51Letter, from Ebenezer Latham to Cromwell Mortimer14 April 1738
EL/S2/73Letter, from Conrad Sprengell to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bloomsbury Square5 July 1731
EL/S2/71Extract of a letter, from Conrad Sprengell to Cromwell Mortimer20 January 1731
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