Authorised form of name | Bawden; Sir; Frederick Charles (1908 - 1972); plant pathologist |
Dates | 1908 - 1972 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | North Tawton, Devon, England |
Date of birth | 18/08/1908 |
Place of death | Rothamsted |
Date of death | 08/02/1972 |
Research field | Plant pathology |
Biochemical virology |
Activity | Honours: Kt 1967
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 17/03/1949 |
Age at election | 40 |
RSActivity | Royal Society roles: Treasurer 1968-1972; VP 1968-1972 Lectures: Leeuwenhoek 1959 |
PublishedWorks | 'Plant Diseases' 1948 Nelson, London; |
Source | Sources: DSB vol 17 pp 58-61 AssocMaterial: CSAC 37/1/76. Papers deposited in the Royal Society Library Obituaries: Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1973 vol 19 pp 19-63, plate, by N W Pirie References: Sir Alan Hodgkin, 'Address at the Memorial Service for Sir Frederick Bawden, Treas.RS, at the Church of St James, Piccadilly on 16 March 1972' in NR 1972-3 vol 27 pp 177-180, plate |
Code | NA8120 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1949/03 | Bawden, Sir Frederick Charles: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
IM/GA/WS/3482 | Bawden, Sir Frederick Charles | nd |
IM/GA/GRS/6731 | Bawden, Sir Frederick Charles | 1967 |
FB | Papers of Sir Frederick Charles Bawden FRS, plant pathologist | 1936-1973 |
RR/45/87 | Referee's report by Frederick Tom Brooks, on a paper 'A study on the histological changes resulting from certain virus infections of the potato' by Frederick Charles Bawden | [March 1932] |
RR/52/35 | Referee's report by Edwin John Butler, on a paper 'Studies on a virus causing foliar necrosis of the potato' by Frederick Charles Bawden | September 1934 |
RR/55/25 | Referee's report by John Charles Grant Ledingham, on a paper 'The relationship between the serological reactions and the infectivity of potato virus 'X'' by Frederick Charles Bawden | June 1935 |
HWT/20/42 | Correspondence and papers regarding EMBO fellowships, RSEP fellowships, Parliamentary Grant in aid, German and Norwegian awards, invitation to P Aigrain to visit London as guest of Royal Society | November - December 1968 |
RR/46/88 | Second referee's report by Frederick Tom Brooks, on a paper 'An analysis of some necrotic virus diseases of the potato' by Redcliffe Nathan Salaman and Frederick Charles Bawden | [March 1932] |
RR/61/36 | Referee's report by Frederick George Donnan, on a paper 'The Isolation and some properties of liquid crystalline substances from solanaceous plants infected with three strains of tobacco mosaic virus' by Frederick Charles Bawden and Norman Wingate Pirie | April 1937 |
IM/000447 | Borman, Frank | c 1969 |
IM/000448 | Borman, Frank | c 1969 |
RR/46/87 | Referee's report by Frederick Tom Brooks, on a paper 'An analysis of some necrotic virus diseases of the potato' by Redcliffe Nathan Salaman and Frederick Charles Bawden | [March 1932] |
RR/61/37 | Referee's report by Redcliffe Nathan Salaman, on a paper 'The Isolation and some properties of liquid crystalline substances from solanaceous plants infected with three strains of tobacco mosaic virus' by Frederick Charles Bawden and Norman Wingate Pirie | May 1937 |