
Authorised form of nameBragg; Sir; William Lawrence (1890 - 1971)
Dates1890 - 1971
Date of birth31 March 1890
Date of death01/07/1971
MA (Camb); BA (Adelaide)
Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; Langworthy Professor of Physics, University of Manchester
Medals and prizes:
Nobel Prize (Physics) 1915
MC 1918; OBE 1918; Kt 1941; CH 1967
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election12/05/1921
RSActivityMedals and prizes:
Hughes Medal 1931; Royal Medal 1946; Copley Medal 1966;
Bakerian 1934; Rutherford 1960
RelationshipsSon of William Henry Bragg (FRS 1907)
Bulloch's Roll
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1979 vol 25 pp 75-143, plate, by Sir David Phillips
Peter Fellgett, 'A Reminiscence of the Cavendish Laboratory' in NR 1992 vol 46 pp 175-176
Michael M Woolfson, review of John M Thomas and Sir David Phillips, eds, Selections and Reflections: the Legacy of Sir Lawrence Bragg in NR 1992 vol 46 pp 196-198
J M Thomas, 'Bragg Reflections' in NR 1991 vol 45 pp 243-252
H Lipson, 'The Introduction of Fourier Methods Into Crystal-Structure Determination' in NR 1990 vol 44 pp 257-264
R V J, review of Gwendy Caroe, The Royal Institution: An Informal History in NR 1986-87 vol 41 pp 107-110
Sir Lawrence Bragg and G M Caroe, 'Sir William Bragg, FRS (1862-1942)' in NR 1962 vol 17 pp 169-182
F R N Nabarro, 'A scientist of the Commonwealth. Schonland, scientist and soldier, by B Austin' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 396-398
Sir Aaron Klug OM FRS, 'Address at the Service of Thanksgiving for the life of George Porter OM FRS' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 261-264
J S Rowlinson, 'A national treasure house. 'The common purposes of life: science and society at the Royal Institution of Great Britain' ed Frank A J L James ' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 105-106
D Blow and S Wallwork, 'Prehistory of the British Crystallographic Association' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 177-186
J M Thomas, 'A good lecture is a tour de force... 'Light is a messenger: the life and science of William Lawrence Bragg, by Graeme K Hunter' in NR 2005 vol 59 pp 207-208
W van der Kloot, 'Lawrence Bragg's role in the development of sound-ranging in World War I' in NR 2005 vol 59 pp 273-284
J M Thomas ' Picking winners: W H and W L Bragg at the Royal Institution' NR 2011 vol 65 pp 163-182, and correction at NR 2011 vol 65 p 317
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
PB/9/1/15Correspondence with Sir Lawrence Bragg1943. 1961-1966
IM/GA/AR/7247Bragg, Sir William Lawrencend
PB/6/2/5/11Correspondence with Sir Lawrence Bragg on university expansion1963
PB/7/2/4/15/1Papers on meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, attended by Blackett, December 1966. 1966
PB/8/10/4Correspondence with scientific colleagues, with recollections and information on Evan James Williams's work and personality.1945-1946
EC/1921/09Bragg, Sir William Lawrence: certificate of election to the Royal Society
MM/18/24BLetter from David Chilton Phillips, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford to Ronald Keay12 April 1979
MM/18/26Letter from William Lawrence Bragg to Ernest Rutherford5 May 1929
IM/GA/WRS/8323Bragg, Sir William Lawrencend
MM/18/24ALetter from Mark Oliphant to David Martin, Executive Secretary, Royal Society23 November 1971
MM/18/25Letter from William Lawrence Bragg to Ernest Rutherford3 June 1929
PB/1/33/1/1Nobel Prize1948
HWT/24/2/2Correspondence and papers regarding Royal Society policy subsequent to the Russian invasion of CzechoslovakiaAugust 1968 - December 1969
PB/1/33/5/1Order of Merit1967
IM/GA/Russell/10365Bragg, Sir William Lawrencend
PB/9/1/87Correspondence re Giuseppe Occhialini1943-1945
RR/67/159Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on two papers 'The diffraction of sound pulses I. Diffraction by a semi-infinite plane' and 'The diffraction of sound pulses II. Diffraction by an infinite wedge' by Frederick Gerard Friedlander to William Lawrence Bragg5 March 1940
RR/43/116Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The reflection of long X-rays' by C B O MohrJune 1931
PB/6/2/4/2Folder inscribed 'Royal Society Evidence to Trend Committee'1962
NLB/65/165Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Lawrence] Bragg, FRS4 September 1923
NLB/48/574Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [William Henry] Bragg, Fellow of the Royal Society28 July 1913
RR/35/120Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The metallic state' by William Hume-RotheryApril 1927
RR/34/134Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The crystal structure of meteoric iron as determined by X-ray analysis' by John Zachary Young[August 1926]
RR/37/156Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The crystal structures of 2:3:4-himethyl-aiabonolactons and its properties' by J YoungDecember 1928
RR/37/102Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The change in elastic properties on replacing the potassium atom of Rochelle salt by the ammonium group' by W MandellAugust 1928
RR/61/69Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'An X-ray study of ruthenium' by G W Brindley and P Ridley9 August 1937
RR/41/64Second referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Some investigations in Röntgen spectra. Part I.-X-ray spark lines' by G B DeodharJanuary 1931
NLB/67/222Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Lawrence] Bragg, FRS14 November 1924
RR/34/124Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'On the form and energy of crystalline sodium nitrate' by J Topping and Sydney Chapman[November 1926]
RR/35/34Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'A theoretical discussion of certain elastic constants of calcita and crystalling sodium nitrate' by by Sydney Chapman and A E LudlamMay 1927
RR/37/3Second referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The modes in which valency is exercised. Part II - The tetrahedral carbon atom' by Henry Edward ArmstrongMay 1928
RR/43/86Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The reflection and diffraction of X-rays' by Thomas Howall Laby and R T W Bingham1931
RR/36/84Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'On the electric moment of the sulphur complex' by A M Taylor and Eric Keightley Rideal[May 1927]
RR/37/103Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The determination of the piezo-electric moduli of ammonium seignette salt' by W MandellAugust 1928
RR/41/63Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Some investigations in Röntgen spectra. Part I.-X-ray spark lines' by G B DeodharDecember 1930
RR/42/86Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'A determination of the space groups of certain carbohydrates' by J Young and F W SpiersMarch 1930
RR/20/16Referee's report by Alfred Edwin Howard Tutton, on a paper 'The analysis of crystals by the X-ray spectrometer' by William Lawrence Bragg20 November 1913
RR/43/119Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The differential action of X-rays in relation to tissue growth and vitality. Part VI. —Tumour tissues' by Warnford MoppettDecember 1931
RR/43/142Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Effect of chemical combination on the X-ray spectra of copper' by E A Owen and T E WilliamsApril 1931
RR/48/6Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'On the purity and intensity of the radiation from an x-ray crystal monochromator' by G I Harper[July 1933]
RR/49/103Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'On experiments on the chorio-allantoic membrane of the chick egg with regard to the action of homogeneous x-ray irradiation' by E S Duthie6 January 1934
RR/50/22Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'X-Ray studies of the structure of hair, wool, and related fibres. II.- the molecular structure and elastic properties of hair keratin' by William Thomas Astbury and H J WoodsAugust 1933
RR/49/73Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'On the structure of thin silver films formed by evaporation in vacuo' by E R Cooper[July 1933]
RR/49/35Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'The effect of thermal agitation on atomic arrangement in alloys' by William Lawrence Bragg and Evan James Williams[January 1934]
RR/49/50Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'On the variation of the intensity of K and L series radiation with tube potential' by Eric Henry Stonely Burhop[December 1933]
RR/49/48Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'On the relative probability of the ionization of an atom in the K and L shells by electron impact' by Eric Henry Stonely Burhop[December 1933]
RR/55/31Second referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The function of hydrogen in intermolecular forces' by J D Bernal and H D Megaw15 July 1935
RR/55/30Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The function of hydrogen in intermolecular forces' by J D Bernal and H D MegawMarch 1925
RR/55/60Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'The effect of thermal agitaion on atomic arrangement in alloys—II' by William Lawrence Bragg and Evan James WilliamsJuly 1935
RR/37/2Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The modes in which valency is exercised. Part II - The tetrahedral carbon atom' by Henry Edward ArmstrongMay 1928
RR/53/143Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Applications of the Bloch theory to the study of alloys and of the properties of bismuth' by Harry Jones[August 1934]
RR/65/275Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The crystal structure of certain bridged palladium compounds' by Alan Arthur WellsMay 1938
RR/56/93Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Note on the oxygen afterglow' by Robert John Strutt, 4th Baron Rayleigh[March 1935]
RR/67/430Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'An investigation of the disintegration of boron by slow neutrons' by R S Wilson to William Lawrence BraggMay 1940
RR/63/1Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The exchange of energy between a platinum surface and helium atoms and its dependence upon the structure of the surface' by W B MannMarch 1937
RR/60/66Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The structure of resorcinol a quantitative X-ray investigation' by John Monteath RobertsonMay 1936
RR/61/68Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Atomic scattering factors of KC1 and copper for X-rays. (Comparison of experimental and theoretical values calculated with and without allowance for electron exchange). With a note from R W James' by G W Brindley and P RidleyAugust 1937
RR/72/77Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Distribution of solute atoms round a slow dislocation' by Alan Howard Cottrell and M A Jaswon1949
RR/67/339Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'A magnetic study of the two-phase iron-nickel alloys' by A T Pickles and W SucksmithApril 1940
RR/70/40Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'A dynamical model of a crystal structure' by William Lawrence Bragg and J F Nye16 January 1947
RR/66/136Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The thermal and electrical resistance of bismuth single crystals. The effects of temperature and magnetic fields' by George William Clarkson Kaye[January 1939]
RR/66/96Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Note on constitution of cyano derivates of gold' by Charles Stanley Gibson[1939]
RR/65/283Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'X-ray studies of the structure of hair, wool, and related fibres. IV. The molecular structure and elastic properties of the biological cells' by H J WoodsFebruary 1938
RR/67/56Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'The characteristics of thermal diffusion' by Sydney Chapman to William Lawrence Bragg1 October 1940
RR/66/235Second referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The crystal structure of di-n-propylmonocyanogold' by R F Phillips and Herbert Marcus Powell[1939]
RR/67/66Letter from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'Precipitation in the alloys of copper and silver' by Charles Sykes and W F Cox to William Lawrence Bragg6 February 1940
RR/67/108Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'Short period fluctuations in the characteristics of wireless echoes from the ionosphere' by Thomas Lydwell Eckersley and F T Farmer to William Lawrence Bragg13 August 1940
RR/67/366Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on two papers 'Phosphorescence and electron traps - I. The study of trap distributions' and Phosphorescence and electron traps II. The interpretation of long-period phosphorescence' by John Turton Randall and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins to William Lawrence Bragg11 November 1940
RR/67/255Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'The sound absorbing properties of some common outdoor materials' by George William Clarkson Kaye and E J Evans to William Lawrence Bragg8 February 1940
RR/67/250Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society on a paper 'The emission and transmission of X and gamma radiation' by George William Clarkson Kaye and W Binks to William Lawrence Bragg21 February 1940
RR/67/269Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Magnetic and other properties of the free electrons in graphite' Kariamanikkam Srinivasa Krishnan and N GanguliSeptember 1940
RR/67/390Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society on a paper 'Application of the coincidence method for measurements of short life periods' by Joseph Rotblat to William Lawrence Bragg17 September 1940
RR/68/87Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The structure of electro-deposited chromium' by William Hume-Rothery and Malcolm R J Wyllie[1941]
RR/68/220Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Thermal insulation at very low temperatures' by A H Cooke and R A Hull[1942]
RR/69/214Referee's report by William Lawence Bragg, on a paper 'Divergent-beam X-ray photography of crystals' by Kathleen Yardley Lonsdale1945
RR/67/33Memorandum by J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'Radio echoes and cosmic ray showers' by Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett and Alfred Charles Bernard Lovell to William Lawrence Bragg31 October 1940
RR/71/50Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'A dynamical model of a crystal structure. II' by William Lawrence Bragg and W M Lomer[1948]
RR/38/144Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The mode of formation of Neumann bands. Part III.–The movement from which the twinning results' by Samuel Walter Johnson Smith, A A Dee and J YoungOctober 1928
NLB/67/253Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Lawrence] Bragg, FRS21 November 1924
RR/34/42Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Some theoretical determinations of the structure of carbonate crystals.—I' by John Edward Lennard-Jones and Beryl M Dent[November 1926]
NLB/67/371Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [William Lawrence] Bragg, FRS10 December 1924
NLB/69/485Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [William Lawrence] Bragg, FRS1 May 1926
NLB/68/592Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Owen Willans] Richardson, FRS11 September 1925
MC/35/19Letter from [William Lawrence] Bragg, The University, Manchester, to [James Hopwood] Jeans2 February 1921
IM/GA/AR/7297Bragg, Sir William Lawrencend
RR/38/143Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The mode of formation of Neumann bands. Part II.–The evidence that the bands are twins' by Samuel Walter Johnson Smith, A A Dee and J YoungOctober 1928
RR/37/5Second referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The modes in which valency is exercised. Part I - The tetrahedral carbon atom' by Henry Edward Armstrong and William BarlowMay 1928
RR/39/25Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The magnetic and optical properties of the benzene ring in aromatic compounds' by S Bhagavantam[September 1929]
RR/46/95Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The biological action of homogeneous and heterogeneous X-rays' by C M Scott[November 1932]
RR/50/58Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The thermal expansions of certain crystals with layer lattices' by Megan D MegawMay 1933
RR/67/71Letter from William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Precipitation in the alloys of copper and silver' by Charles Sykes and W F Cox to J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society14 March 1940
RR/59/26Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'On the structure of some metallic deposits of a copper single crystal as determined by electron diffraction' by W Cochrane20 March 1936
RR/61/79Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The influence of the difference of orientation of two crystals on the mechanical effect of their boundary' by Bruce Chalmers19 June 1937
RR/34/86Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'A method of studying the behaviour of X-ray tubes' by R C Richards[May 1926]
NLB/66/610Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS5 June 1924
NLB/65/604Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rayleigh [Robert John Strutt], FRS27 November 1923
PB/1/33/2Correspondence concerning the Copley Medal of the Royal Society1956
RR/61/84Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'An extension of Bethe’s theory of order-disorder transitions in metallic alloys' by T S ChangMay 1937
RR/37/4Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The modes in which valency is exercised. Part I - The tetrahedral carbon atom' by Henry Edward Armstrong and William BarlowMay 1928
NLB/69/13Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [William Lawrence] Bragg, FRS11 December 1924
RR/34/120Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The distortion of iron crystals' by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor and Constance F Elam[August 1926]
RR/39/74Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The structure of the benzene ring in C6 (CH3)6' by Kathleen Lonsdale[February 1929]
RR/43/129Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The investigation of copper dioxide films by electron diffraction' by C A MurisonJanuary 1932
RR/26/75Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'On electro-crystalline properties as conditioned by atomic lattices' by Joseph Larmor[February 1921]
RR/26/108Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Magnetism and atomic structure.—II. The constitution of the hydrogen-palladium system and other similar systems' by A E Oxley30 November 1921
RR/30/89Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'On the calculation of certain crystal potential constants, and on the cubic crystal of least potential energy' by Janet E Jones and Albert Edward Ingham[November 1924]
RR/38/142Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The mode of formation of Neumann bands. Part I.–The mechanism of twinning in the body-centred cubic lattice' by Samuel Walter Johnson Smith, A A Dee and J YoungOctober 1928
RR/41/10Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'X-ray studies of the structure of hair, wool, and related fibres.- I. General' by W T Astbury and A StreetSeptember 1930
RR/42/87Second referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'A determination of the space groups of certain carbohydrates' by J Young and F W Spiers10 August 1930
RR/50/119Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Two types of diamond' by Robert Robertson, John Jacob Fox and A E
September 1933
RR/55/146Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'A new attack upon the problem of fatigue of metals, using X-ray methods of precision' by Herbert John Gough and W. A. Wood23 December 1935
RR/65/138Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'A high-temperature debye-scherrer camera, and its application to the study of the lattice spacing of silver' by William Hume-Rothery and Peter William ReynoldsMarch 1938
RR/66/234Referee's report by William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The crystal structure of di-n-propylmonocyanogold' by R F Phillips and Herbert Marcus Powell[June 1939]
RR/67/64Letter from Charles Sykes, on his paper with W F Cox 'Precipitation in the alloys of copper and silver' to William Lawrence Bragg31 January 1940
RR/67/65Letter from William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Precipitation in the alloys of copper and silver' by Charles Sykes and W F Cox to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton2 February 1940
RR/67/68Letter from William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'Precipitation in the alloys of copper and silver' by Charles Sykes and W F Cox to J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society17 February 1940
RR/67/69Letter from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'Precipitation in the alloys of copper and silver' by Charles Sykes and W F Cox to William Lawrence Bragg12 March 1940
RR/67/70Letter from Charles Sykes, on his paper with W F Cox 'Precipitation in the alloys of copper and silver' to William Lawrence Bragg13 March 1940
RR/67/314Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'Explosion waves and shock waves. VI. The disturbance produced by bursting diaphragms with compressed air' by William Payman and Wilfred Charles Furness Shepherd to William Lawrence Bragg5 April 1940
RR/67/344Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society on a paper 'On the salinity of the surface waters of the Irish Sea' by Joseph Proudman to William Lawrence Bragg6 November 1940
RR/73/88Referee's report by William Thomas Astbury, on a paper 'Polypeptide chain configurations in crystalline proteins' by William Lawrence Bragg, John Cowdery Kendrew and Max Ferdinand Perutz25 May 1950
RR/73/89Referee's report by John Monteath Robertson, on a paper 'Polypeptide chain configurations in crystalline proteins' by William Lawrence Bragg, John Cowdery Kendrew and Max Ferdinand Perutz1950
MS/603/1/128Letter from W L [William Lawrence] Bragg, Rockdunder, Wrington, near Bristol, to [Joseph] Larmor14 December 1921
MS/603/1/127Letter from W L [William Lawrence] Bragg, The University, Manchester, to [Joseph] Larmor10 May 1921
MC/28/25Letter from [William Henry] Bragg, Rosehurst, Grosvenor Road, Leeds, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]4 June 1913
MC/29/23Letter from [William Lawrence] Bragg, The University, Leeds, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]30 June 1914
RR/77/42Referee's report by William Thomas Astbury, on a paper 'The structure of haemoglobin' by William Lawrence Bragg and Max Ferdinand Perutz17 March 1952
MC/35Volume 35 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1921
RR/79/179Letter from Sir William Lawrence Bragg to D C Martin, on a paper 'The infra-red spectra of some optically active and meso synthetic polypeptides' by A Elliott, to David Christie Martin, the Royal Society28 July 1953
RR/79/180Referee's report by Sir William Lawrence Bragg, on a paper 'The infra-red spectra of some optically active and meso synthetic polypeptides' by A Elliott28 July 1953
RR/79/231Referee's report by John Desmond Bernal, on a paper 'The structure of haemoglobin. II' by William Lawrence Bragg, E R Howells and Max Ferdinand Perutz[November 1953]
RR/73/71Letter from William Lawrence Bragg, on four papers by William Keith Burton, Nicolás Cabrera and Frederick Charles Frank, to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society25 April 1950
RR/73/72Letter from William Lawrence Bragg, on four papers by William Keith Burton, Nicolás Cabrera and Frederick Charles Frank, to David Brunt, Secretary of the Royal Society10 May 1950
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