
Authorised form of nameBrougham; Henry Peter (1778 - 1868); Baron Brougham and Vaux; statesman
Dates1778 - 1868
Place of birthNo. 19 St Andrew's Square in Edinburgh's New Town, Scotland
Date of birth19 September 1778
Place of deathHis chateau at Cannes, France
Date of death07 May 1868
DatesAndPlacesBirth: 19 St Andrew's Square, Edinburgh
Burial: cemetry at Cannes, France
High School and University of Edinburgh; LLD (1834, King's College, Aberdeen, 1834)
Barrister; Attorney General; MP for Camelford (1810-1812); MP for Winchelsea (1816-1830); MP for Knaresborough, Yorkshire (1830); Lord Chancellor (1830).
Freemason, initated 1799, Lodge Fortrose No 108, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, (Ross and Cromarty) while on a yachting excursion on a ship, known locally as the 'Mad Brigg' while 21 years of age.
Baron 1830
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election03/03/1803
Age at election25
ProposerWilliam Wright; William George Maton; Webb Seymour; Patrick Brydone; Archibald Alison
RelationshipsParents: Henry Brougham (1742–1810), a modest Westmorland squire, and Eleanor (1750–1839), the daughter of the Revd James Syme and niece of William Robertson, the historian.
Silbings: William Brougham (1795–1886), second Baron Brougham and Vaux.
Spouse: Mary Anne Eden (1786-1865), eldest daughter of Thomas Eden, 4th son of Sir Robert Eden, 3rd Bart of West Auckland, widow of John Spalding.
Children: Two daughters, Eleanor died an infant and the other aged 18, unmarried.
PublishedWorksRCN 16838
OtherInfoProminent role in passing the Reform Act 1832 and Slavery Abolition Act 1833.
Played a crucial part the establishment of London University in 1826.
Holds the House of Commons record for non-stop speaking at six hours.
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Brougham H P, IM Maull 00589.jpg

Bulloch's Roll; DNB
Sir Kenneth Hutchison, 'The Royal Society and the Foundation of the British Gas Industry' in NR 1984-85 vol 39 pp 245-270
Alex D D Craik, 'James Ivory's last papers on the 'Figure of the Earth' (with biographical additions) in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 187-204
Library and Museum of Freemasonry, 'Freemasons and the Royal Society: Alphabetical List of Fellows of the Royal Society who were Freemasons' 2010 page 12
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
PT/37/11i/5Plate, unpublished figure showing bending light rays by Henry Peter Brougham[1849]
MM/16/155Letter from Thomas Bell, Royal Society, to Sir John Herschel25 October 1852
MC/6/167Letter from James Booth, The Vicarage Stone, Aylesbury, to [Walter] White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]2 August 1861
IM/Maull/000589Brougham, Henry Peter, Baron Brougham and Vauxnd
DM/1/27Letter from P M Roget, Royal Society, to Lord Brougham, the Lord Chancellor18 March 1831
CB/1/2/194Draft of a letter from Charles Blagden to Mr Millerc1796
CB/1/2/191Letter from Henry Brougham (later Baron Brougham and Vaux), Edinburgh to Charles Blagden, London26 July 1795
CB/1/2/195Letter from Henry Brougham (later Baron Brougham and Vaux), Edinburgh to Charles Blagden, Royal Society, Somerset Place, London29 October 1795
CB/1/2/193Draft of a letter from Charles Blagden to Henry Brougham (later Baron Brougham and Vaux) 22 February 1796
IM/000590Brougham, Henry Peter, Baron Brougham and Vauxnd
AP/33/7/3Unpublished figures, experiments on light 2 by Henry Peter Brougham1852
AP/33/7/2Unpublished figures, experiments on light 1 by Henry Peter Brougham1852
L&P/11/61/1Paper, 'General theorums, chiefly Porisms in the higher geometry' by Henry Brougham1798
L&P/10/142/2Plate, 'Figures of reflections of light' by Henry Brougham1796
L&P/11/61/2Plate, 'Geometrical figures' by Henry Brougham1798
MS/426/209Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord [Henry Peter] Brougham 11 June 1846
L&P/10/142/1Paper, 'Experiments and observations on the inflection, reflection and colours of light' by Henry Brougham1796
MS/426/125Copy letter from [John William] Lubbock, Treasurer of the Royal Society; to C. Few Esq.17 March 1845
MS/426/418Copy letter from Thos [Thomas] Bell, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord [Henry] Brongham, Cannes12 April 1850
MS/426/576Copy letter from W [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord [Henry] Brougham19 December 1856
MS/426/579Copy letter from W [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord [Henry] Brougham16 January 1857
CB/1/2/196Letter from Henry Brougham (later Baron Brougham and Vaux), 7 George Street, Edinburgh to Charles Blagden, Royal Society, Somerset Place, London17 February 1796
MS/426/412Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord [Henry] Brongham 2 April 1850
EC/1802/12Brougham, Henry Peter, Baron Brougham and Vaux: certificate of election to the Royal Society
CB/1/2/192Letter from Henry Brougham (later Baron Brougham and Vaux), Edinburgh to Charles Blagden, London15 September 1795
PT/6/1iPaper, 'On the attractions of an extensive class of spheroids' by J [James] Ivory[1811]
PT/8/10/1Manuscript, 'A new method of deducing a first approximation to the orbit of a comet from three geocentric observations' by James Ivory[1814]
PT/8/10/2Plate, diagrams showing direction of comet and movement of earth by [James Ivory][1814]
PT/37/11i/2Plate, unpublished figure showing an apparatus for observing light rays by Henry Peter Brougham[1849]
PT/37/11i/4Plate, unpublished figure showing light interference by Henry Peter Brougham[1849]
PT/37/11/1Manuscript, 'Experiments and observations upon the properties of light' by Lord [Henry Peter] Brougham[1849]
PT/37/11/4Plate, figures 8 and 10-11 showing deflected light rays and hyperbolic flexion by Henry Peter Brougham[1849]
PT/37/11/3Plate, figures 14-19 showing deflected light rays and spheres of flexion by Henry Peter Brougham[1849]
PT/37/11i/3Plate, unpublished figures showing arrangement of plates for observing light deflection by Henry Peter Brougham[1849]
PT/37/11i/1Manuscript, 'Supplement to Ld Brgham's [Lord Brougham's] paper' by Henry Peter Brougham[1850]
PT/37/11/2Plate, figures 1-7 and 9 showing instrument for observing deflexion by Henry Peter Brougham[1849]
RR/2/37Referee's report by John Frederick William Herschel, on a paper 'Further experiments on light' by Henry Lord Brougham1 November 1852
AP/34/4/7Unpublished letter, regarding 'Further experiments and observations on the properties of light' from Henry Peter Brougham to the Royal Society15 June 1853
MC/6Volume 6 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1859-1863
PT/37/11Paper, 'Experiments and observations upon the properties of light' by Lord [Henry Peter] Brougham[1849]
AP/13/27/5Unpublished diagram, 'Cabins of the ship New York' by W ChristopherJuly 1827
AP/13/27/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Account of the accident to the packet-ship New York from lightning' by Stewart TraillJuly 1827
AP/13/27/3Unpublished diagrams, magnetic state of ship compasses by Stewart TraillJuly 1827
AP/13/27/2Unpublished diagram, iron band on ship mast by Stewart TraillJuly 1827
AP/13/27/4Unpublished diagram, main mast and rigging by Stewart TraillJuly 1827
MM/16/156Rough draft of a report by George Gabriel Stokes and G B Airy on a paper by Lord Brougham1 November 1852
PT/8/10Paper, 'A new method of deducing a first approximation to the orbit of a comet from three geocentric observations' by James Ivory[1814]
AP/33/7/4Unpublished figures, experiments on light 3 by Henry Peter Brougham1852
AP/34/4/4Unpublished figure, 'Fringes' by Henry Peter Brougham1853
AP/34/4/5Unpublished figure, 'Fringes' by Henry Peter Brougham1853
AP/34/4/6Unpublished figure, experimental apparatus by Henry Peter Brougham1853
AP/34/4Unpublished paper, 'Further experiments and observations on the properties of light' by Henry Peter Brougham1853
AP/34/4/3Unpublished figures, regarding observations on the properties of light by Henry Peter Brougham1853
AP/34/4/2Unpublished figure, visible light spectrum by Henry Peter Brougham1853
L&P/11/61Paper, 'General theorums, chiefly Porisms in the higher geometry' by Henry Brougham1798
AP/34/4/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Further experiments and observations on the properties of light' by Henry Peter Brougham1853
RR/2/38Letter from Benjamin Collins Brodie, on a paper 'Further experiments on light' by Henry Lord Brougham to The Royal Society23 November 1853
L&P/10/142Paper, 'Experiments and observations on the inflection, reflection and colours of light' by Henry Brougham1796
AP/13/27Unpublished paper, 'Account of the accident to the packet-ship New York from lightning' by Stewart TraillJuly 1827
AP/33/7/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Further experiments on light' by Henry Peter Brougham1852
PT/37/11iPaper, 'Supplement to Ld Brgham's [Lord Brougham's] paper' by Henry Peter Brougham[1850]
PT/6/1Paper, 'On the grounds of the method which Laplace has given in the second chapter of the third book of his Mécanique Céleste for computing the attractions of spheroids of every description' by James Ivory[1811]
RR/2/35Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Further experiments on light' by Henry Lord Brougham8 June 1852
RR/2/36Referee's report by George Biddell Airy, on a paper 'Further experiments on light' by Henry Lord Brougham17 June 1852
AP/33/7Unpublished paper, 'Further experiments on light' by Henry Peter Brougham1852
HS/4/303Letter, from Henry Peter Brougham to Sir John Herschel, dated at Hill St.30 June 1827
HS/4/308Letter, from Henry Peter Brougham to Sir John Herschel, dated at Grafton St.1850
HS/4/306Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Peter Brougham1 July 1827
HS/4/305Letter, from Henry Peter Brougham to Sir John Herschel, dated at Hill St.July 1827
HS/4/304Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Peter Brougham, dated at Slough1 July 1827
HS/4/307Letter, from Henry Peter Brougham to Sir John Herschel, dated at Grafton St.2 March 1854
HS/20/259Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Peter Brougham, dated at Slough1 July 1827
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