
Authorised form of nameDarwin; Charles Robert (1809 - 1882); naturalist
Dates1809 - 1882
Place of birth'The Mount', Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England
Date of birth09 or 12 February 1809
Place of deathDown, Kent
Date of death19 April 1882
Westminster Abbey
Research fieldNatural history
School at Shrewbury; Edinburgh University (medicine); Christ's College, Cambridge. BA (1831); MA
Naturalist to HMS Beagle (1831-1836), including visit to New Zealand (1835); published 'The origin of species' (1859) and other works
Hon RSNZ (1871)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election24/01/1839
RSActivityRoyal Society roles:
VP 1854-1856
Medals and prizes:
Copley Medal 1864; Royal Medal 1853
RelationshipsSon of Robert Waring Darwin (FRS 1788) and his wife Susannah, daughter of Josiah Wedgwood (FRS 1783); grandson of Erasmus Darwin (FRS 1761); married (1839) Emma Wedgwood, his cousin; their sons included George Howard Darwin (FRS 1879), Francis Darwin (FRS 1882) and Horace Darwin (FRS 1903)
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
Proc Roy Soc 1888 vol 44 pp i-xxv signed by T H H
W B Turrill, 'Joseph Dalton Hooker, FRS (1817-1911)' in NR 1959 vol 14 pp 109-120
Sir Gavin de Beer, 'Mendel, Darwin, and Fisher: Addendum' in NR 1966 vol 21 pp 64-71
Sir Gavin de Beer, 'Mendel, Darwin, and Fisher (1865-1965)' in NR 1964 vol 19 pp 192-226
Sir Gavin de Beer, ed, 'Some Unpublished Letters of Charles Darwin' in NR 1959 vol 14 pp 12-66, plate
Sir Edward Salisbury, 'Epilogue' in NR 1959 vol 14 pp 139-141
Sir Edward Bailey, 'Charles Lyell, FRS (1797-1875)' in NR 1959 vol 14 pp 121-138
Nora Barlow, 'Erasmus Darwin, FRS (1731-1802)' in NR 1959 vol 14 pp 85-98
John Thomas, 'Josiah Wedgwood's Portrait Medallions of Fellows of the Royal Society' in NR 1963 vol 18 pp 45-53, plate
H J Habakkuk, 'Thomas Robert Malthus, FRS (1766-1834)' in NR 1959 vol 14 pp 99-108
Fred Somkin, 'The Contributions of Sir John Lubbock, FRS to the Origin of Species: Some Annotations to Darwin' in NR 1962 vol 17 pp 183-191
C F A Pantin, 'Alfred Russel Wallace, FRS, and His Essays of 1858 and 1855' in NR 1959 vol 14 pp 67-84
J W Haas, 'The Reverend Dr William Henry Dallinger, FRS (1839-1909)' in NR 2000 vol 54 pp 53-65
John Hedley Brooke, 'Wise men nowadays think otherwise': John Ray, natural theology and the meanings of anthropocentrism' in NR 2000 vol 54 pp 199-213
Gregory Estes, K Thalia Grant and Peter R Grant, 'Darwin in the Galapagos: his footsteps through the Archipelago' in NR 2000 vol 54 pp 343-368
Alan Grafen, 'Darwin in 1862', review of The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, volume 10, 1862, ed. Frederick Burkhardt et al., in NR 1999 vol 53 pp 175-176
Brian J Ford, 'Shining Through the Centuries: John Ray's Life and Legacy. A Report of the Meeting "John Ray and his Successors"' in NR 2000 vol 54 pp 5-22
D A B Young, 'Darwin's Illness and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus' in NR 1997 vol 51 pp 77-86, plate
David C Watt, 'Lionel Penrose, FRS (1898-1972) and Eugenics: Part One' in NR 1998 vol 52 pp 137-151
Desmond King-Hele, 'The 1997 Wilkins Lecture: Erasmus Darwin, the Lunaticks and Evolution' in NR 1998 vol 52 pp 153-180
Milo Keynes, 'The Personality of Isaac Newton' in NR 1995 vol 49 pp 1-56
Richard D Keynes, 'Darwin's Bulldog', review of Adrian Desmond, Huxley: The Devil's Disciple in NR 1995 vol 49 pp 345-347
Richard D Keynes, 'From the Beagle to Down House', review of Charles Darwin's Letters. A Selection 1825-1859, ed. Frederick Burkhardt, in NR 1997 vol 51 pp 149-150
Richard D Keynes, 'The Evolution of a Theory', review of Janet Browne, Charles Darwin Voyaging in NR 1996 vol 50 pp 129-136, plate
Milo Keynes, 'The Portland Vase: Sir William Hamilton, Josiah Wedgwood and the Darwins' in NR 1998 vol 52 pp 237-259, plate
Joan Mason, 'Women in Science: Breaking Out of the Circle', essay review in NR 1992 vol 46 pp 177-182
John Postgate, 'Evolution in Perspective', review of Peter J Bowler, Charles Darwin - the Man and his Influence in NR 1993 vol 47 pp 320-321
John Postgate, review of Adrian Desmond and James Moore, Darwin in NR 1992 vol 46 pp 327-328
Krishna R Dronamraju, 'On Some Aspects of the Life and Work of John Burdon Sanderson Haldane, FRS, in India' in NR 1986-87 vol 41 pp 211-237
Peter J Bowler, 'Charles Darwin: Imprimature!', essay review in NR 1990 vol 44 pp 125-131
Peter J Bowler, 'The Species Theory Evolves', review of Frederick Burkhardt and Sydney Smith, eds, The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Vols 4, 5, 6 in NR 1991 vol 45 pp 262-265
A E Gunther, 'J E Gray, Charles Darwin, and the Cirripedes, 1846-1851' in NR 1979-80 vol 34 pp 53-63
A E Gunther, 'The Darwin Letters at Shrewsbury School' in NR 1975-6 vol 30 pp 25-43
James R Moore, 'On the Education of Darwin's Sons: The Correspondence Between Charles Darwin and the Reverend G V Reed, 1857-1864' in NR 1977-8 vol 32 pp 51-70
L Harrison Matthews, 'Samuel Stutchbury and Darwin's Cirripedes' in NR 1981-82 vol 36 pp 261-266
M J Bartholomew, 'The Award of the Copley Medal to Charles Darwin' in NR 1975-6 vol 30 pp 209-218
R B Freeman, 'Darwin's Negro Bird-Stuffer' in NR 1978-9 vol 33 pp 83-86
Sir Gavin de Beer, ed., 'The Darwin Letters at Shrewsbury School' in NR 1968 vol 23 pp 68-85
William Mills, 'Darwin and the Iceberg Theory' in NR 1983-84 vol 38 pp 109-127
Vanity Fair 30 September 1871
A Cohen, 'Roland Trimen and the merope harem' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 205-218
Graeme Gooday, 'A Victorian scientist and engineer', review of Gillian Cookson and Colin Hempstead, 'Fleeming Jenkin and the birth of electrical engineering' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 265-266
Patricia Fara, 'Darwin's origin of inspiration', review of Edna Healey, 'Emma Darwin: the inspirational wife of a genius' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 267-268
R W Home, 'The Royal Society and the Empire: the colonial and Commonwealth Fellowship. Part 1. 1731-1847' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 307-332
J Corden, 'Web of Science History' project in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 383-388
N J W Thrower, 'Samuel Pepys FRS (1633-1733) and The Royal Society' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 3-13
R W Home, 'The Royal Society and the Empire: the colonial and Commonwealth Fellowship. Part 2. After 1847' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 47-84
S Conway Morris, 'When the penny dropped. Charles Darwin: the power of place' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 250-251
J Browne, 'Darwin on Darwin. Charles Darwin's The Life of Erasmus Darwin, ed D King-Hele' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 346 - 348
D Carr Agnew, 'Robert Fitzroy and the myth of 'Marsden Square': Transatlantic rivalries in early marine meteorology' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 21-46
T Quinn, 'From Darwin and Wallace to the discovery of Invar' in NR 2005 vol 59 pp 121-123
M Bulmer, 'The theory of natural selection of Alfred Russel Wallace FRS' in NR 2005 vol 59 pp 125-136
J van Wyhe, 'The complete work of Charles Darwin online' in NR 2006 vol 60 pp 87-91
T Quinn, 'The Palace of Westminster frescoes, Kelvin's secretary and the Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine', in NR 2006 vol 60 pp 135-137
K Moore, 'An unpublished letter by Charles Darwin in the Royal Society's archives', in NR 2006 vol 60 pp 193-197
F Orrego and C Quintana, 'Darwin's illness: a final diagnosis' in NR 2007 vol 61 pp 23-29
J van Wyhe and A Basman, 'The launch and reception of Darwin online' in NR 2007 vol 61 pp 63-65
J van Wyhe, 'Mind the gap: did Darwin avoid publishing his theory for many years?' in NR 2007 vol 61 pp 177-205
B Lightman 'The many lives of Charles Darwin: early biographies and the definitive evolutionist' NR, 2010, vol 64, pp339-358
J Ollerton, G Chancellor and J van Wyhe 'John Tweedie and Chrles Darwin in Buenos Ares' in NR 2012 vol 66, number 2, pages 111-206;
Charles H Smith, 'Wallace, Darwin and Ternate 1858', in NR 2014 vol 68 no 2, pp 165-170
B Jenkins 'Henry Cheek and transformism: new light on Charles Darwin's Edinburgh background' in Notes adn Records, vol 69, Issue 2, 20 June 2015

DSB gives birth date as 09 February 1809
Online resources:
The complete work of Darwin online:
Darwin correspondence project:
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
A/0217Darwin, Charles2003
IM/005699Darwin, Charles Robert2002
IM/001056Darwin, Charles Robertnd
IM/001062Darwin, Charles Robert1999
IM/001055Darwin, Charles Robertnd
IM/001057Darwin, Charles RobertJanuary 1868
M/061Darwin, Charles Robert
NLB/4/515Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Captain Leonard Darwin, Fellow of The Royal Society24 June 1890
NLB/6/1160Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, Fellow of the Royal Society3 November 1892
NLB/10/261Copy letter from Lord Rayleigh [John Wiliam Strutt], to the Right Honourable Thomas Henry Huxley, Fellow of the Royal Society 1 November 1894
MDA/A/22/59'The centenary of the publication of Charles Darwin's journal and remarks 1832-1863' by Albert C Sewardc1939
NLB/20/320Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to William E Darwin, Ridgmount, Basset, Southampton22 March 1900
NLB/37/728Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to The Secretaries The Linnean Society5 May 1908
RR/3/147Referee's report by Charles Robert Darwin, on a paper 'An account of some recent researches near Cairo, undertaken with the view of throwing light upon the geological history of the alluvial land of Egypt' by Leonard Horner22 March 1858
RR/3/40Referee's report by Charles Robert Darwin on a paper 'Researches on the foraminifera, part II' by William Benjamin Carpenter18 July 1856
MS/257/2/4Letter from Charles Robert Darwin, Down, Farnborough Kent to Edward Sabine28 June [1809-1882]
RR/8/107Referee's report by Charles Darwin, on a paper 'Notes on Physical Geology' by Samuel Haughton28 April 1878
RR/2/111Referee's report by Charles Robert Darwin, on a paper 'An account of some recent researches near Cairo, undertaken with the view of throwing light upon the geological history of the alluvial land of Egypt' by Leonard Horner19 March 1855
MS/427/198Copy letter from [Michael] Foster, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Italian Ambassador26 May 1882
MS/427/206Copy letter from [Michael] Foster, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Thomas Villiers] Lister Esq. Foreign Office17 June 1882
MOB/050Portable mountain barometerc.1831
IM/001060Darwin, Charles Robert2001
IM/001059Darwin, Charles Robert2001
MS/427/197Copy letter from [Michael] Foster, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr. [Alphonse] le Gros26 May 1882
MM/4/39Letter from Charles Darwin to the Royal Society16 March 1857
S/0060Cameo of Darwin, Charles Robert
MS/843/5Letter from Charles Robert Darwin, Down, Bromley, Kent, to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie26 April [1859]
RR/1/46Referee's report by Adam Sedgwick, on a paper 'Observations on the parallel roads of Glen Roy, and other parts of Lochaber in Scotland, with an attempt to prove that they are of marine origin' by Charles Robert Darwin26 March 1839
IM/001061Darwin, Charles Robertnd
IM/005698Darwin, Charles Robertnd
EC/1839/05Darwin, Charles Robert: certificate of election to the Royal Society
S/0006Sculpture bust of Darwin, Charles Robert1898
P/0180Portrait of Darwin, Charles Robert1874
P/0031Portrait of Darwin, Charles Robert1912
VF/09Portrait of Charles Robert Darwin by James Jacques Tissot30 September 1871
PT/56/6Paper, 'An account of the two methods of reproduction in Daphnia and of the structure of the ephippium' by John Lubbock[1856]
MS/257/2/3Letter from Charles Robert Darwin, Magdelen Hall to James Clark Ross19th century
RR/2/225Referee's report by Charles Robert Darwin, on a paper 'On the arrangement of the foliation and cleavage of the rocks of the north of Scotland' by Daniel Sharpe16 March 1852
MS/257/2/5Letter from Charles Robert Darwin, Bromley, Kent to Edward Sabine23 April [1856]
MS/257/2/6Letter from Charles Robert Darwin, Down, Bromley, Kent to Edward Sabine4 December [1864]
MS/257/2/7Letter from Charles Robert Darwin, Down, Farnborough Kent to [Edward Sabine]31 January [1809-1882]
AP/38/7Letter, 'On the vitality of the ova of the Salmonidae of different ages' from John Davy to Charles Darwin10 January 1856
AP/55/1Unpublished paper, 'On leaf-arrangement' by Hubert Airy31 December 1872
AP/56/1Unpublished paper, 'On leaf arrangement' by Hubert Airy20 March 1874
AP/56/1/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On leaf arrangement' by Hubert Airy20 March 1874
AP/58/7Unpublished paper, 'On the leaf-arrangement of crowberry [Empetrum nigrum]' by Hubert Airy1 May 1876
AP/58/7/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the leaf-arrangement of crowberry [Empetrum nigrum]' by Hubert Airy1 May 1876
AP/55/1/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On leaf-arrangement' by Hubert Airy31 December 1872
MS/257/2/2Letter from Charles Robert Darwin, Down, Farnborough Kent to James Clark Ross31 December 1847
MS/257/2/8Letter from Charles Robert Darwin, Down, Farnborough Kent to [Edward Sabine] 5 February [109-1882]
RR/3/38Referee's report by Charles Robert Darwin, on a paper 'Researches on the foraminifera' by William Benjamin Carpenter18 August 1855
RR/3/41Referee's report by Charles Robert Darwin, on a paper 'Researches on the foraminifera' by William Benjamin Carpenter28 September 1858
RR/3/255Referee's report by Charles Robert Darwin on a paper, 'Astronomical experiment on the peak of teneriffe, carried out under the sanction of the lords commissioners of the admiralty' by Charles Piazzi Smyth5 March 1858
RR/8/183Referee's report by Charles Darwin, on a paper 'On the origin of the parallel roads of Lochaber and their bearing on other phenomena of the glacial period' by Joseph Prestwich28 May 1879
MC/14Volume 14 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1885-1888
MC/14/212Letter from [William Turner] Thiselton-Dyer, Royal Gardens, Kew, to Michael Foster, The Royal Society9 May 1887
AP/59/1Unpublished paper, 'On the protrusion of protoplasmic filaments from the glandular hairs on the leaves of the common teasel (Dipsacus sylvestris)' by Francis Darwin1877
MC/17Volume 17 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1897-1899
S/0025Maquette of Darwin, Charles Robert2001
HS/6/16Letter, from Charles Robert Darwin to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Lodge, Malvern13 June 1849
HS/6/10Letter, from Charles Robert Darwin to Sir John Herschel, dated at 36 Gt Marlborough St.2 November 1838
HS/6/11Letter, from Charles Robert Darwin to Sir John Herschel, dated at Down, Farnborough4 February 1848
HS/6/12Letter, from Charles Robert Darwin to Sir John Herschel, dated at Down, Farnborough11 May 1848
HS/6/13Letter, from Charles Robert Darwin to Sir John Herschel, dated at Down, Farnborough6 June 1848
HS/6/14Letter, from Charles Robert Darwin to Sir John Herschel, dated at Down, Farnborough21 March 1848
HS/6/15Letter, from Charles Robert Darwin to Sir John Herschel, dated at Down, Farnborough7 May 1848
HS/6/17Letter, from Charles Robert Darwin to Sir John Herschel, dated at Down23 May 1861
S/0042Model of HMS Beagle1998
MS/401/1Lending book of the Royal Society Library5 April 1825-1 September 1853
MS/401/3Lending book of the Royal Society Library1 September 1853-8 September 1869
MS/401/4Lending book of the Royal Society Library1 January 1870-31 December 1891
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