RefNo | Title | Date |
M/073 | Faraday, Michael | 1982 |
MM/14/41 | Letter from George and Jane Barnard, Liverpool Road, to Walter White, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society | 10 March 1879 |
IM/001363 | Faraday, Michael | nd |
MM/17/42 | Letter from Michael Faraday to MN Jacobi, Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg | 17 August 1839 |
MM/15/109 | Letter from Michael Faraday, Royal Institution, to HH Watson | 11 April 1839 |
MM/21/95 | Letter from John Gage to Michael Faraday | 14 June 1832 |
MM/14/63 | Letter from Michael Faraday, Royal Institution, to C R Weld | 21 August 1849 |
MM/6/4 | Letter from Charles Wheatstone, Conduit Street, to Michael Faraday | 2 June 1835 |
MM/17/49 | Letter from Michael Faraday | 19th century |
MM/14/29 | Memorandum by Michael Faraday | 14 December 1860 |
MM/15/5 | "On Spontaneous Nitrification", by CF Schoenbein, University of Bale | 6 November 1845 |
MM/14/26 | 'Report of the Commission appointed to consider the subject of lighting picture galleries by gas' | 20 July 1859 |
MM/14/1 | Sheets of notes by Michael Faraday, from a notebook headed 'Glass furnace note book Vol 2' | 1830 |
MM/14/7 | Eight bills and receipts relating to the work of Optical Glass Committee | 1828-1829 |
MM/14/42 | Letter from Jane Barnard, Liverpool Road, to Walter White, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society | 18 March 1879 |
MM/13/97 | Second report of the Excise Committee | February 1836 |
MM/13/96 | First report of the Excise Committee | February 1833 |
MM/13/122 | Letter from Michael Faraday, Royal Institution, to the Royal Society | 24 June 1850 |
DM/3/155 | John Pond, 'The Report of Mr Pond on Mr Faraday's Telescope' | 23 December 1830 |
DM/3/159 | Henry Kater, 'Telescope with Mr Faraday's Glass' | 24 March 1831 |
DM/3/17 | Letter from Michael Faraday, Royal Institution, to J F W Herschel, Secretary, Royal Society | 7 November 1825 |
DM/3/44 | Minutes of a meeting of a subcommittee of the Optical Glass Committee | 7 June 1827 |
IM/Maull/001360 | Faraday, Michael | nd |
IM/Maull/001361 | Faraday, Michael | nd |
MS/377/1/37 | Letter from Michael Faraday, Royal Institution of Great Britain, to [William Fletcher] Barrett | 5 October 1863 |
DM/3/160 | Report by the Barlow Telescope Committee | May 1831 |
MS/377/1/178 | Photograph of Michael Faraday by Ernest Edwards | 1863-1864 |
MM/13/89 | Minutes of meeting of the Excise Committee | 13 January 1835 |
MS/377/1/179 | Photograph of Michael Faraday by John Watkins | 1850 |
MS/377/1/177 | Photograph of Michael Faraday by John Watkins | 1863 |
MC/2/29 | Letter from Michael Faraday, Royal Institution, to John George Children, Secretary of the Royal Society | 12 March 1832 |
MM/10/178 | Memorandum from Michael Faraday | 12 March 1832 |
S/0049 | Relief sculpture of Faraday, Michael | |
MM/15/1 | Copy of "Further Experiments and Observations on Iodine", by Humphry Davy | 22 March 1814 |
IM/001364 | Faraday, Michael | nd |
IM/005334 | Faraday, Michael | 1995 |
IM/005726 | Faraday, Michael | nd |
IM/001362 | Faraday, Michael and Brande, William Thomas | nd |
MS/377/1/172 | Admission ticket to lectures at the Royal Institution of Great Britain | nd [19th century] |
S/0012 | Sculpture bust of Faraday, Michael | 1854 |
MC/2/6 | Letter from James Hudson, [Assistant Secretary of the] Royal Society, to the Royal Society | 16 January 1832 |
MS/123/5 | Letter from the Duke of Sussex to unknown recipient | 12 November 1832 |
S/0013 | Sculpture bust of Faraday, Michael | |
NLB/57/723 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Messrs Constable & Co Ltd; 10 Orange Street, WC 2 | 28 January 1920 |
RR/3/223 | Letter from Michael Faraday, on a paper 'On the magnetic induction of crystals' by Julius Plücker | 25 July 1857 |
MC/2/163 | Letter from Paul Cooper, Shepton Mallet, to John George Children, Secretary of the Royal Society | 10 March 1835 |
RR/2/214 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'On periodical laws discoverable in the mean effects of the larger magnetic disturbances' by Edward Sabine | 3 February 1851 |
RR/3/106 | Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Experimental relations of gold (and other metals) to light' by Michael Faraday | 28 May 1857 |
RR/3/105 | Referee's report by John Percy, on a paper 'Experimental relations of gold (and other metals) to light' by Michael Faraday | 14 May 1857 |
MS/401/2 | Lending book of the Royal Society Library | 4 June 1830- 1 November 1837 |
MS/426/559 | Copy letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer of the Royal Society; to [Michael] Faraday | 6 March 1856 |
RR/1/165 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on an unnamed paper by an unnamed author | 10 May 1830 |
PT/40/4i/3 | Plate, figures 11, 13, and 16 showing variation of magnetic needle at Hobarton and Toronto by Michael Faraday | [1850] |
MS/426/230 | Copy letter from C R W [Charles Richard Weld], the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to W. Wyon | 6 November 1846 |
MS/426/76 | Copy letter from [Samuel] Hunter Christie, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr. [Micheal] Faraday Esq., 21 Albemarle Street | 20 October 1843 |
MS/426/169 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to M [Michael] Faraday Esq | 3 December 1845 |
MS/426/425 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to M [Michael] Farady Esq | 4 June 1850 |
MC/2/172 | Letter from Macedonio Melloni, Paris, to John William Lubbock, [Treasurer of the Royal Society] | 29 May 1835 |
MS/426/562 | Copy letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer of the Royal Society; to Mr Bate | 14 March 1856 |
PT/40/2/2 | Plate, iron and copper air chamber by Michael Faraday | 2 August 1850 |
MS/426/508 | Copy letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer of the Royal Society; to Dr [Peter Mark] Roget | 17 February 1854 |
MM/13/115 | Letter from J Rouchetti, Hatton Garden, to Michael Faraday | 31 March 1835 |
IM/000541 | Brande, William Thomas | nd |
MC/6/226 | Letter from M [Michel] Gloesner, professor and director of physics at the University of Liège, Liège, to General [Edward] Sabine, President of the Royal Society | 15 May 1862 |
MM/13/85 | Minutes of meeting of the Excise Committee | 20 December 1832 |
MM/13/90 | Minutes of meeting of the Excise Committee | 13 January 1835 |
MM/13/91 | Minutes of meeting of the Excise Committee | 20 February 1836 |
IM/001365 | Faraday, Michael | nd |
NLB/15/885 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Silvanus Phillips Thompson, Fellow of the Royal Society | 8 January 1898 |
MS/373/1/1 | Letter from Michael Faraday, Royal Institution, to Sir James Clarke | 8 April 1848 |
PT/57/2 | Paper, 'Experimental relations of gold (and other metals) to light' by [Michael Faraday] | 22 November 1856 |
MC/2/14 | Letter from Michael Faraday, Royal Institution, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, [Secretary of the Royal Society] | 27 January 1832 |
MC/2/148 | Letter from William Whewell, Trinity College Cambridge, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society | 26 November 1834 |
MS/426/520 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to J [John] Wood Esq | 3 June 1854 |
MM/13/88 | Minutes of meeting of the Excise Committee | 29 January 1833 |
MM/13/92 | Minutes of meeting of the Excise Committee | 3 March 1836 |
MM/13/87 | Minutes of meeting of the Excise Committee | 22 January 1833 |
MM/13/86 | Minutes of meeting of the Excise Committee | 15 January 1833 |
MS/241 | Diploma and Certificates given to Michael Faraday by various academies and societies | 19th Century |
IM/001356 | Faraday, Michael | nd |
IM/001357 | Deputation to Michael Faraday | nd |
IM/001366 | Faraday, Michael and Daniell, John Frederic | nd |
PT/30/3 | Paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity - twenty first series' by M [Michael] Faraday | 22 December 1845 |
PT/35/1 | Paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity. Series 22nd' by M [Michael] Faraday | 23 September 1848 |
PT/29/11/2 | Plate, arrangements of frog legs for Matteucci's experiments by Fran Pierucci | [1845] |
PT/29/11/1 | Manuscript, 'Electro-physiological researches. 2nd Memoir. On the proper current of the frog' by Carlo Matteucci | 7 April 1845 |
PT/34/5 | Paper, 'On the heat disengaged during metallic substitutions' by Thomas Andrews | [1847] |
PT/15/29 | Paper, 'On a new compound of chlorine and carbon' by Richard Phillips and Michael Faraday | [1821] |
PT/16/19 | Paper, 'On the condensation of several gases into liquids' by M [Michael] Faraday | [1823] |
PT/18/10 | Paper, 'On the mutual action of sulphuric acid and naphthaline and on a new acid produced' by M [Michael] Faraday | 10 January 1826 |
PT/29/10 | Paper, 'Electro-physiological researches. The muscular current' by Carlo Matteucci | [1845] |
PT/21/2 | Note, from paper 'Experimental researches on electricity - third series' by Michael Faraday | 29 April 1833 |
PT/18/15 | Paper, 'On the existence of a limit to vaporization' by M [Michael] Faraday | 4 May 1826 |
PT/27/3/1 | Manuscript, 'Experimental researches in electricity, eighteenth series' by M [Michael] Faraday | 25 January 1843 |
PT/16/16 | Paper, 'Note on the condensation of muriatic acid gas into the liquid form' by Sir Humphry Davy | [1823] |
PT/23/2 | Paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity series XVI' by M [Michael] Faraday | 29 December 1839 |
PT/22/6/2 | Plate, figures 1-14 showing inductive capacity experiments by [Michael Faraday] | 29 March 1838 |
PT/20/4 | Paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity' by M [Michael] Faraday | November 1831 |
PT/21/1 | Paper, 'Experimental researches on electricity - third series' by Michael Faraday | 15 December 1832 |
PT/22/8 | Paper, 'Chemical account of the Cold Bokkeveld meteoric stone' by Michael Faraday in a letter to Sir J F W [John Frederick William] Herschel | 28 February 1839 |
PT/30/1 | Paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity - nineteenth series' by M [Michael] Faraday | 29 October 1845 |
PT/30/2/2 | Plate, equatorial direction between poles by Michael Faraday | [1845] |
PT/29/11/3 | Plate, figure 13 showing muscular pile by Fran Pierucci | [1845] |
PT/40/4/1 | Manuscript, 'Experimental researches in electricity. Twenty-fourth series' by Michael Faraday | 19 July 1850 |
PT/40/4i/4 | Plate, figures 1-6 showing spheres of oxygen in magnetic fields and tubes of sulphate of cobalt suspended in magnet fields by Michael Faraday | [1850] |
PT/29/11 | Paper, 'Electro-physiological researches. 2nd Memoir. On the proper current of the frog' by Carlo Matteucci | 7 April 1845 |
PT/29/5 | Paper, 'On the liquefaction and solidification of bodies generally existing as gases' by M [Michael] Faraday | 15 November 1844 |
MC/1/316 | Letter from [Michael] Faraday, Royal Institution, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society | 4 July 1831 |
PT/30/2/1 | Manuscript, 'Experimental researches in electricity - twentieth series' by M [Michael] Faraday | 27 November 1845 |
PT/30/2/3 | Plate, glass tube with aperture on one side by Michael Faraday | [1845] |
MC/1/341 | Letter from Michael Faraday, Royal Institution, to John George Children, Secretary of the Royal Society | 21 November 1831 |
PT/57/1/3 | Plate, gastrocnemius of frog on strip of gutta-percha by unknown artist | [1856] |
PT/43/2 | Paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity series 28th' by M [Michael] Faraday | 9 October 1851 |
PT/40/2/4 | Plate, cylinder of iron shaped into hourglass by Michael Faraday | 2 August 1850 |
RR/1/62 | Referee's report by Samuel Hunter Christie and John Bostock, on a paper 'Experimental researches in electricity' by Michael Faraday | 5 April 1832 |
PT/40/2/1 | Manuscript, 'Experimental researches in electricity. Twenty fifth series' by M [Michael] Faraday | 2 August 1850 |
MC/2 | Volume 2 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1832-1838 |
PT/40/4 | Paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity. Twenty-fourth series' by Michael Faraday | 19 July 1850 |
PT/40/2/7 | Plate, air bubble at angle of double pole by Michael Faraday | 2 August 1850 |
PT/40/2/5 | Plate, glass tube bent at right angle by Michael Faraday | 2 August 1850 |
PT/40/2/9 | Plate, bulb of oxygen by Michael Faraday | 2 August 1850 |
PT/37/6/2 | Plate, diagram of points of commutator change by Michael Faraday | 14 December 1849 |
PT/37/6/3 | Plate, 'Plan of the apparatus employed in Dr. Faraday’s researches, series XXIII' by Michael Faraday | 14 December 1849 |
PT/40/4i/5 | Plate, figures 7-9 showing variation of direction and effect of temperature on globes of air by Michael Faraday | [1850] |
PT/40/3 | Paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity. Twenty sixth series' by Michael Faraday | 14 September 1850 |
PT/40/1/3 | Plate, helix placements affecting surrounding magnetic forces by Michael Faraday | 16 November 1850 |
PT/40/2/3 | Plate, gauge to be used with air chamber by Michael Faraday | 2 August 1850 |
PT/40/4/2 | Plate, machine used in electrical experiments by Michael Faraday | 19 July 1850 |
PT/40/1/2 | Plate, disposition of magnetic force and direction by Michael Faraday | 16 November 1850 |
PT/40/1/4 | Plate, diamagnetic disposition of forces of helix in relation to needle by Michael Faraday | 16 November 1850 |
PT/40/1/1 | Manuscript, 'Experimental researches in electricity. Twenty seventh series' by M [Michael] Faraday | 16 November 1850 |
PT/40/4i/6 | Plate, figures 10-12 showing variation of direction of the magnetic needle in Toronto and Hoberton [Hobarton] by Michael Faraday | [1850] |
MC/2/60 | Letter from Michael Faraday, Royal Institution, to John George Children, Secretary of the Royal Society | 23 October 1832 |
PT/52/8/2 | Plate, ['Degrees of torsion force'] by Michael Faraday | 9 October 1855 |
RR/2/215 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'On periodical laws discoverable in the mean effects of the larger magnetic disturbance.—No. II' by Edward Sabine | 15 May 1851 |
PT/52/8/1 | Manuscript, 'Experimental researches in electricity, series XXX' by M [Michael] Faraday | 9 October 1855 |
MC/2/147 | Letter from George Peacock, Trinity College Cambridge, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society | 26 November 1834 |
PT/52/8 | Paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity, series XXX' by M [Michael] Faraday | 9 October 1855 |
PT/57/1/2 | Plate, wide-mouthed bottle with copper wires and thermometer by unknown artist | [1856] |
PT/57/1/4 | Plate, transverse section of frog thigh muscle by unknown artist | [1856] |
PT/73/15/5 | Diagrams, apparatuses used in experiments on magnetic electricity by [Michael Faraday?] | [1832] |
PT/29/11/5 | Plate, figures 7-12 showing piles made out of frog legs and muscles by Fran Pierucci | [1845] |
MC/2/306 | Letter from Michael Faraday, Royal Institution, to Samuel Hunter Christie, Secretary of the Royal Society | 14 November 1838 |
RR/1/49 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'On a new combination of chlorine and nitrous gas' by Edmund Davy | 15 April 1851 |
PT/16/15 | Paper, 'On fluid chlorine' by M [Michael] Faraday | [1823] |
MC/1 | Volume 1 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1800-1831 |
PT/74/1/2 | Diagrams, components of volta-electrometer by unknown artist | [1833] |
RR/1/98 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'Du son et de l'ectricite' by Louis Charles Sellier | 18 August 1836 |
PT/74/1/1 | Diagrams, components of volta-electrometer by unknown artist | [1833] |
PT/22/6/3 | Plate, figures 15-29 showing inductive capacity experiments by [Michael Faraday] | 29 March 1838 |
PT/20/5 | Paper, 'Experimental researches on electricity - second series' by M [Michael] Faraday | 21 December 1831 |
PT/74/1/29 | Diagrams, apparatuses of metal plates by unknown artist | [1834] |
PT/74/1/28 | Diagrams, instruments used in experiments on voltaic piles by unknown artist | [1834] |
PT/22/6 | Paper, 'Supplementary note to experimental researches in electricity' by Michael Faraday | 29 March 1838 |
PT/19/3 | Paper, 'On a peculiar class of acoustical figures - and on certain forms assumed by groups of particles upon vibrating elastic surfaces' by M [Michael] Faraday | 21 March 1831 |
PT/34/15/3 | Plate, figure 9 showing arteries, veins, and electrodes used in Baxter's experiments by Henry Foster Baxter | [1848] |
PT/73/15/3 | Diagrams, apparatuses used in experiments on magnetic electricity by [Michael Faraday?] | [1831] |
PT/73/16/4 | Diagrams, instruments used in electrochemical experiments by [Michael Faraday] | [1833] |
PT/22/6/1 | Manuscript, 'Supplementary note to experimental researches in electricity' by Michael Faraday | 29 March 1838 |
PT/74/4/5 | Diagrams, voltaic combinations by unknown artist | [1837] |
PT/74/7/1 | Diagrams, instruments used in experiments on power source of voltaic pile by [Michael Faraday?] | [1840] |
AP/19/9 | Unpublished paper, 'Note on the preceding remarks by Mr [John] Davy' by Mr [Michael] Faraday | 9 January 1835 |
PT/27/3 | Paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity, eighteenth series' by M [Michael] Faraday | 25 January 1843 |
PT/32/11 | Paper, 'Electro-physiological researches - 5th series - 1st part - Upon induced contractions' by Signor Carlo Matteucci | December 1846 |
PT/40/4i/1 | Tables, from 'Experimental researches in electricity. Twenty sixth series' by Michael Faraday | [1850] |
MC/5/176 | Letter from [Friedrich] Wöhler, Göttingen, to [Michael] Faraday | 12 August 1854 |
MC/5/311 | Letter from M [Michael] Faraday to C R [Charles Richard] Weld, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society] | 16 February 1857 |
PT/28/1 | Paper, 'On the thermal changes accompanying basic substitutions' by Thomas Andrews | [1843] |
PT/27/3/2 | Plate, water and steam friction apparatus by Michael Faraday | 25 January 1843 |
MC/6 | Volume 6 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1859-1863 |
MC/6/261 | Letter from M [Michael] Faraday, Royal Institution, to General E [Edward] Sabine, President of the Royal Society | 15 November 1862 |
PT/29/11/4 | Plate, figure 14 showing arrangement of two frogs for Matteucci's experiments in contractions by Fran Pierucci | [1845] |
PT/30/2 | Paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity - twentieth series' by M [Michael] Faraday | 27 November 1845 |
PT/40/1 | Paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity. Twenty seventh series' by M [Michael] Faraday | 16 November 1850 |
PT/32/13 | Paper, 'Electro-physiological researches, 7th and last series' by Signor Carlo Matteucci | February 1847 |
PT/40/2/6 | Plate, soap bubble adhered to side of tube by Michael Faraday | 2 August 1850 |
PT/40/2/8 | Plate, flint glass tube divided into two chambers by Michael Faraday | 2 August 1850 |
PT/40/4i/2 | Plate, figures 14-15 showing magnetic and astronomical poles of the earth and the sun's path by Michael Faraday | [1850] |
RR/1bis/24 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'Experiments on the gas voltaic battery, with a view of ascertaining the rationale of its action, and on its application to eudiometry' by William Robert Grove | 29 May 1843 |
RR/2/155 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on two papers 'Electro-Physiological researches. —eighth series' and 'Electro-Physiological resarches. on induced contraction.-Ninth series' by Carlo Matteucci | 9 February 1850 |
AP/19/11/2 | Unpublished letter, 'An account of the water of the well Zem Zem with a qualitative analysis of the same by Professor [Michael] Faraday' from Michael Faraday to the Royal Society | 3 April 1835 |
AP/19/11 | Unpublished letter, 'An account of the water of the well Zem Zem with a qualitative analysis of the same by Professor [Michael] Faraday' from John Davidson to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 1835 |
AP/19/11/1 | Unpublished letter, 'An account of the water of the well Zem Zem with a qualitative analysis of the same by Professor [Michael] Faraday' from John Davidson to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 13 May 1835 |
AP/19/8 | Unpublished paper, 'Remarks on certain statements of Mr [Michael] Faraday contained in the fourth and fifth series of his "Experimental Results in Electricity"' by John Davy | 4 November 1834 |
AP/15/25 | Unpublished paper, 'On the law which connects the various magneto-electric phenomena lately discovered by Dr [Michael] Faraday' by William Ritchie | [1832] |
AP/33/21 | Unpublished paper, 'Description and purpose of the glass plate which bears the inscription "Interferenz-Spectrum. Longitudo et celeritas undularum lucis relativa cum in aere tum in vitro"' by Friedrich Adolph Nobert | March 1851 |
AP/23/4 | Unpublished letter, 'On the visibility of certain rays beyond the ordinary red rays of the solar spectrum' from J T Cooper to Michael Faraday | 1 May 1839 |
AP/23/8 | Paper, 'An account of experiments made with the view of ascertaining the possibility of obtaining a spark before the current of the voltaic battery is completed' by J P [John Peter] Gassiot | 25 August 1839 - 19 November 1839 |
AP/23/8/1 | Manuscript, 'An account of experiments made with the view of ascertaining the possibility of obtaining a spark before the current of the voltaic battery is completed' by J P [John Peter] Gassiot | 25 August 1839 |
RR/2/89 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'On induced and other magnetic forces' by William Snow Harris | 19 August 1851 |
AP/24/7/1 | Unpublished paper, 'Modifications of the electric fluid with demonstrative proof of the identity of the galvanic and ordinary electricities by analogical decomposition of water: Paper 1' by John Goodman | 22 October 1840 |
AP/27/21 | Unpublished letter, 'On ozone' from C F [Christina Friedrich] Schoenbein to Michael Faraday | 22 March 1845 |
AP/28/26 | Unpublished paper, 'On the connexion of radiant heat with electricity and magnetism' by Élie Wartmann | 13 April 1846 |
PT/34/15/1 | Manuscript, 'An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining whether any, and what signs of current electricity are manifested during the organic process of secretion in living animals; being an attempt to apply some of the discoveries of Faraday to physiology' by H F [Henry Foster] Baxter | [1848] |
PT/34/15 | Paper, 'An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining whether any, and what signs of current electricity are manifested during the organic process of secretion in living animals; being an attempt to apply some of the discoveries of Faraday to physiology' by H F [Henry Foster] Baxter | [1848] |
PT/15/6 | Paper, 'On the new compounds of chlorine and carbon, and on a new compound of iodine, carbon, and hydrogen' by Mr [Michael] Faraday | [1820] |
PT/31/5 | Paper, 'Electro-physiological researches. The physiological action of the electric current. Fourth memoir' by Charles [Carlo] Matteucci | 22 March 1846 |
PT/35/1i | Paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity. Twenty second series (continued)' by M [Michael] Faraday | 20 October 1848 |
AP/29/9 | Unpublished letter, 'On the reabsorption of the mixed gases in a voltameter' from M H [Moritz Hermann] Jacobi to Michael Faraday | 19 January 1847 |
AP/24/7 | Unpublished papers, 'Modifications of the electric fluid with demonstrative proof of the identity of the galvanic and ordinary electricities by analogical decomposition of water' by John Goodman | 22 October 1840 - 18 November 1840 |
PT/19/4 | Appendix, 'On the forms and state assumed by fluids in contact with vibrating elastic surfaces' by M [Michael] Faraday | 30 July 1831 |
PT/34/15/2 | Plate, figures 1-8 showing arrangement of galvanometer, mercurial cup, and electrodes by Henry Foster Baxter | [1848] |
PT/57/1/1 | Manuscript, 'Electro-physiological researches. Physical and chemical phenomena of muscular contraction. Tenth series' by Sir Carlo Matteucci | April 1856 |
AP/27/22 | Unpublished letter, 'On a new bleaching principle produced by the slow combustion of the vapour ether in atmospheric air, and by the rapid combustion of bodies in a jet of hydrogen gas' from C F [Christian Friedrich] Schoenbein to Michael Faraday | 18 January 1845 |
AP/23/44 | Unpublished paper, 'Researches on electro-chemical equivalents, and on a supported discrepancy between some of them and the atomic weight of the same bodies, as deduced from the theory of isomorphism' by P [Philip James] Yorke | 1840 |
RR/2/83 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'On the electro-chemical polarity of gases' by William Robert Grove | 10 April 1852 |
AP/39/2 | Paper, 'On the existence of silver in sea-water' by Frederick Field | 16 August 1856 |
RR/3/103 | Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'Experimental researches in electricity - thirtieth series' by Michael Faraday | 11 December 1856 |
AP/59/2 | Unpublished paper, 'On magneto-electric induction in liquid and gaseous conductors. Part I - Production of induced currents in electrolytes' by J A [John Ambrose] Fleming | 1877 |
AP/59/2/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'On magneto-electric induction in liquid and gaseous conductors. Part I - Production of induced currents in electrolytes' by J A [John Ambrose] Fleming | 1877 |
PT/43/11 | Paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity. Twenty ninth series' by M [Michael] Faraday | 20 December 1851 |
PP/10/17 | Paper, 'On the limiting distance of speech by telephone' by W H [William Henry] Preece | 1887 |
RR/2/66 | Referee's report by William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, on a paper 'Experimental researches in electricity' [28th or 29th series] by Michael Faraday | 3 May 1852 |
PP/17/39 | Paper, 'On the theory of electrodynamics' by Joseph Larmor | 1891 |
PT/37/6/1 | Paper, 'Experimental researches on electricity. Twenty third series' by M [Michael] Faraday | 14 December 1849 |
RR/1/5 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'On the disruptive discharge of accumulated electricity, and the proximate cause of lightning' by Isham Baggs | 26 February 1848 |
PT/23/5 | Letter, 'Second letter on the electrolysis of secondary compounds' by J [John] Frederic Daniell to Michael Faraday | 29 April 1840 |
PT/26/7 | Letter, 'Sixth letter on voltaic combinations' from J [John] Frederic Daniell to Michael Faraday | 12 April 1842 |
PT/32/12 | Paper, 'Electro-physiological researches. 6th series. Laws of the electric discharge of the torpedo - and of other electric fishes - theory of the production of electricity in these animals' by Signor C [Carlo] Matteucci | January 1847 |
PT/37/6 | Paper, 'Experimental researches on electricity. Twenty third series' by M [Michael] Faraday | 14 December 1849 |
PT/40/2 | Paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity. Twenty fifth series' by M [Michael] Faraday | 2 August 1850 |
PT/40/4i | Figures and tables, from 'Experimental researches in electricity. Twenty sixth series' by Michael Faraday | [1850] |
PT/57/1 | Paper, 'Electro-physiological researches. Physical and chemical phenomena of muscular contraction. Tenth series' by Sir Carlo Matteucci | April 1856 |
RR/1/221 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'On the production of ozone by chemical means. By Professor Shoenbein, in a letter to Michael Faraday, Esq., D. C. L., F. R. S.' by C F Schoenbein | 6 April 1846 |
RR/1/222 | Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the production of ozone by chemical means. By Professor Shoenbein, in a letter to Michael Faraday, Esq., D. C. L., F. R. S.' by C F Schoenbein | 27 October 1846 |
RR/1/228 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'On the cause of the reduction of metals from solutions of their salts by the voltaic circuit' by Alfred Smee | 4 April 1843 |
RR/2/91 | Response by Michael Faraday to referee's report by Humphrey Lloyd, on a paper 'On induced and other magnetic forces' by William Snow Harris | 13 January 1852 |
RR/3/154 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'Introductory research on the induction of magnetism by electrical currents' by James Prescott Joule | 6 July 1855 |
RR/3/158 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'Introductory research on the induction of magnetism by electrical currents' by James Prescott Joule | 7 January 1856 |
PT/73/15/4 | Diagrams, apparatuses used in experiments on magnetic electricity by [Michael Faraday?] | December 1831 - January 1832 |
EC/1823/15 | Faraday, Michael: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
MC/17 | Volume 17 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1897-1899 |
P/0040 | Portrait of Faraday, Michael | |
P/0147 | Deputation to Michael Faraday | c1857 |
HS/23/102 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday | 12 March 1851 |
HS/7/198 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Hampton Court | 29 July 1861 |
HS/7/188 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 17 March 1846 |
HS/7/171 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday, dated at Devonshire St. | 27 May 1826 |
HS/7/170 | Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday, dated at Devonshire St. | 26 May 1826 |
HS/7/172 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 30 May 1826 |
HS/7/190 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 11 February 1848 |
HS/7/195 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 14 November 1851 |
HS/7/182 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 18 January 1840 |
HS/7/174 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at 56 Devonshire St. | 8 September 1825 |
HS/7/193 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 8 April 1851 |
HS/7/196 | Copy letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 12 November 1852 |
HS/7/179 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 10 November 1832 |
HS/7/192 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 12 March 1851 |
HS/7/181 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 14 February 1839 |
HS/7/167 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 4 October 1825 |
HS/7/183 | Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday, dated at Collingwood | 9 November 1845 |
HS/7/189 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 27 March 1846 |
HS/7/197 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 8 November 1852 |
HS/7/194 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 15 April 1851 |
HS/7/185 | Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday, dated at Collingwood | 20 December 1845 |
HS/23/127 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday, dated at Harley St. | 10 November 1852 |
HS/21/261 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday, dated at Slough | 3 October 1838 |
HS/22/240 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday, dated at Collingwood | 9 June 1845 |
HS/21/121 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday, dated at Slough | 11 November 1832 |
HS/25/14/8 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday | undated |
DM/3/26 | Letter from Michael Faraday, Royal Institution, to J F W Herschel, Secretary, Royal Society | 25 April 1826 |
HS/26/41 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday | 26 October 1828 |
HS/26/33 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 3 November 1827 |
HS/22/265 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday, dated at Collingwood | 22 January 1846 |
HS/26/35 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday, dated at [Devonshire Place] | 9 November 1827 |
HS/26/34 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday, dated at Devonshire Place | 6 November 1827 |
HS/26/39 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday, dated at Kensington | 6 June 1828 |
HS/25/14/9 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday | 1832-11-9 or earlie |
HS/7/191 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 8 February 1851 |
HS/7/177 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 24 July 1828 |
MC/5 | Volume 5 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1851-1858 |
HS/7/168 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 14 November 1825 |
HS/7/169 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 26 May 1826 |
HS/7/173 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Niton, I.o.W. | 16 August 1826 |
HS/7/175 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 21 August 1827 |
HS/7/176 | Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday, dated at Slough | 21 July 1828 |
HS/7/178 | Letter, from ALS 2pp to Michael Faraday, dated at which George Dollond reports is good. Proposes making a furnace at the Royal Institution. Does JH have any objections?" | 25 November 1828 |
HS/7/180 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 9 October 1838 |
HS/7/184 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Brighton | 13 November 1845 |
HS/7/186 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 22 December 1845 |
HS/7/187 | Letter, from Michael Faraday to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 15 January 1846 |
MS/743/1/37 | Letter from Michael Faraday, Royal Institution of Great Britain, to John Hall Gladstone | 21 November 1859 |
MS/743/1/35 | Letter from Michael Faraday, Royal Institution of Great Britain, to [John Hall] Gladstone | 2 July 1859 |
MS/957/112 | Letter from M [Michael] Faraday, Royal Institution of Great Britain, to 'My dear Sir' [Edward Kater] | 28 February 1861 |
HS/7/166 | Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday, dated at Slough | 13 September 1825 |
HS/23/336 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Michael Faraday, dated at Collingwood | 24 July 1861 |
ACS/1/3/5/11 | Letter from [Percy Fitzpatrick] Rowell, Secretary, The Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, Victoria Embankment, London, W. C. 2., to [Alan Archibald Campbell] Swinton, F. R. S., 66 Victoria Street, S. W. | 22July 1925 |