
Authorised form of nameMoray; Sir; Robert (1608 - 1673); army officer and politician
Other forms of surnameMurray
Dates1608 - 1673
Place of birthScotland, Europe
Date of birth1608
Place of deathWhitehall, London, England, Europe
Date of death4 July 1673
Westminster Abbey, London, England, Europe (6 July 1673)
OccupationCourtier; Soldier
Research fieldChemistry
Natural history
possibly St. Andrews or France
Served in the French military service under King Louis XIII as member of a Scottish regiment (c. 1633); promoted to Lieutenant Colonel by Cardinal Richelieu (c.1638); quartermaster-general of the Scots army in North England (1641); installed as one of first lay members of Edinburgh's lodge of freemasons (1641); returned to Britain (1643) but went back to France and fought at the battle of Rocroy (18 May 1643); Prisoner of War in Bavaria (1643-1645); Colonel of the Scots Regiment; Envoy to negotiate a treaty between France and Scotland; in Scotland with Charles II (1651); Privy Councillor (1651); Justice clerk (1651); arrested briefly on suspicion of plotting the assassination of Charles (1654); joined the King in exile in France and Cologne (1654-1656); friend of Alexander Bruce, 2nd Earl of Kincardine (FRS 1663); Lived at Maastricht, Holland (1657-166
Membership categoryFounder Fellow
Date of election28/11/1660
RSActivityRoyal Society roles:
VP 1672-1673
Committee and panels:
Committee to consider of Mr Buckland's proposition to plant potatoes through all the parts of England (1662) ; Committee for Correspondence (1664) ; Committee for Agriculture (1664-65) ; Mechanical Committee (1664) ; Committee to consider a way of determining the measure of a degree on the earth (1669)
RelationshipsParents: Sir Mungo Moray of Craigie, Perthshire and his wife, a daughter of George Halket of Pitfirran
Married: Sophia Lindsay
PublishedWorksRCN: 50143
OtherInfoOne of Moray's significant contributions lay in the observations of tidal phenomena. He first studied these whilst in hiding on the island of [Great] Bernera, in the Outer Hebrides on the West coast of Scotland, and they became the subject of papers at the Royal Society, including publications within the 'Philosophical Transactions'. Moray's military service was situated close to the end of the Thirty Years' War in Europe. He played an important role in Anglo-Scottish politics and was heavily involved in religious discussions and negotiations, in particular between Charles I and Scottish presbyterianism. In the early 1650s, he was additionally part of the Scottish underground royalist movement.
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Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB; ODNB
First Altname from DNB, second from DSB
Record gives date of election as 22 April 1663
David Stevenson (Ed) 'Letters of Sir Robert Moray to thre Earl of Kincardine 1657-1673' Ashgate, 2007
J H Leopold, 'Clockmaking in Britain and the Netherlands' in NR 1989 vol 43 pp 155-165
Laurel Brodsley, Sir Charles Frank and John W Steeds, 'Prince Rupert's Drops' in NR 1986-87 vol 41 pp 1-26
Kathleen H Ochs, 'The Royal Society of London's History of Trades Programme: An Early Episode in Applied Science' in NR 1984-85 vol 39 pp 129-158
Charles A Rivington, 'Early Printers to the Royal Society 1663-1708' in NR 1984-85 vol 39 pp 1-27
Michael Hunter, 'The Social Bias and Changing Fortunes of an Early Scientific Institution: An Analysis of the Membership of the Royal Society, 1660-1685' in NR 1976-7 vol 31 pp 9-114
Marie Boas Hall, 'The Royal Society's Role in the Diffusion of Information in the Seventeenth Century' in NR 1974-5 vol 29 pp 173-192
Margaret Deacon, 'Founders of Marine Science in Britain: the Work of the Early Fellows of the Royal Society' in NR 1965 vol 20 pp 28-50
Sir Harold Hartley, 'The Tercentenary of the Royal Society's Charter' in NR 1962 vol 17 pp 111-116
E S de Beer, 'King Charles II, Fundator et Patronus (1630-1685)' in NR 1960 vol 15 pp 39-45
D C Martin, 'Sir Robert Moray, FRS (1608?-1673)' in NR 1960 vol 15 pp 239-250
A J Youngson, 'Alexander Bruce, FRS, Second Earl of Kincardine (1629-1681)' in NR 1960 vol 15 pp 251-258
R Lewis, 'The publication of John Wilkins's Essay (1668): some contextual considerations' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp133-146
N J W Thrower, 'Samuel Pepys FRS (1633-1733) and The Royal Society' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 3-13
J Gribbin, 'The Fellowship', 2005, pp164-172
Charles Wemyss, 'Merchant and Citizen of Rotterdam: The Early Career of Sir William Bruce' in Architectural Heritage XVI (Journal of the Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland) 2005 pp14-30
'A 'very curious almanac': the gift of Sir Robert moray, FRS, 1668' in NR 2008 vol 62 pp301-314
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
IM/005415Moray, Sir Robertnd
IM/005325Moray, Sir Robertnd
DM/5/68'Transactions of the Committee for Correspondence'19 August 1664, 23 September 1664
RBC/1/43'Account of the Sounding of the depth of the Sea between Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight, with the Wooden Globe and Lead By my Lord Brouncker and Sir Robert Moray'nd
MM/3/119Copy of a letter from [Robert Moray] to the Duke of Tuscany17th century
RBC/2/18'The Measure of a Herring caught upon the Coast of Scotland' by Robert Moraynd
MM/3/120Copy of a letter from [Robert Moray] to Monmore22 July 1661
RBC/1/40'Experiments propounded by Sir Robert Moray and Recommended to Dr Power'1662
RBC/1/72'The way how Malt is made in Scotland By Sir Robert Moray'7 January 1663
RBC/1/61'An Account of an Echo By Sir Robert Moray'3 December 1662
EL/H1/56Extract of a letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray1666
RBC/2/43'To make small shott of different sizes communicated by his Highness Prince Rupert and brought in by Sir Robert Moray'nd
RBO/1/40'Account of the Sounding of the Depth of the Sea betweene Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight, with the wooden Globe and Lead By My Lord Brouncker and Sir Robert Moray'nd
RBC/1/14'An Account of Glass Dropps' by Robert Moray1661
RBC/1/7'The making of Ceruse'26 March 1661
RBC/2/10'Of the Minerall of Liege yielding both Brimstone and Vitrioll and the way of extracting them out of it used at Liege procured from thence' by Robert Moray10 January 1663
RBC/2/19'Of the way used upon the Coast of Coromandel of cooling of Drincks by exposing them to the Heat of the sun' by Robert Moray8 July 1664
MM/14/49Letter from Lord Elgin, Dunfermline, to William Douglas28 March 1930
RBO/2i/40Anatomical observations of the dissected body of de Balcaresnd
RBC/1/6'Relation concerning Bernacles' by Robert Moray8 March 1661
RBC/1/76'Sir Robert Moray's Story of Persons killed with Subterraneous Damps'14 January 1663
RBC/2/21'An Account englished out of French of an unusuall way of cutting the Stone of the bladder pratised by a French man in France Given in by Sir Robert Moray'1663
RBO/2ii/20'How the malt is made in Scotland' by Sir Robert Moray7 January 1663
RBO/2i/57'The measure of a Gyant-child borne in Scotland being 22 months old' by Robert Moray1 July 1663
CLP/15i/1/2Figure, barnacle by Robert Moray[1660]
RBO/2i/56'The Measure Of a Herring caught upon the Coasts of Scotland' by Robert Moray1 July 1663
DM/5/72E'Recommended to the Right Hon. the Earls of Kincardine' c.1663
DM/5/73E'Experiments and Matters recommended to Mr William Balle'1664
RBO/2i/61'An Account Englished out of French Of an unusual way of cutting the stone of the Bladder Practised by a French-man in France given in by Robert Moray'15 July 1663
RBO/2ii/24'Sir Robert Moray's Story of persons killed with Subterraneous damps'14 January 1663
MM/14/47Letter from J Drummond Robertson,Torquay, to William Douglas28 February 1930
RBC/2/56'Answers Returned by Sir Philiberto Vernatti Residing at Battavia in Java Major to certain Enquiries sent thither by order of the Society and Recommended by Sir Robert Moray'1664
CLP/6/13Paper, regarding details of an unusual spring in Chertsey in Surrey [England] by Robert Moray22 July 1663
MM/14/45Letter from Lord Elgin, Dunfermline, to David Douglas20 February 1879
MM/14/48Letter from MW Meikle, National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, to William Douglas19 March 1930
MM/14/51Copy of letter from William Douglas to the Earl of Elgin31 March 1930
MM/14/46Letter from TG Law, Edinburgh, to David Douglas5 January 1888
MM/14/50Letter from J Drummond Robertson., Torquay, to William Douglas30 March 1930
MM/14/52Letter from Alexander Miller, Edinburgh, to William Douglas30 April 1930
MM/14/53Letter from JA Vollgraff, Leyden, to the Royal Society28 September 1947
NLB/10/360Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Osmund Airy, Solihull, Birmingham13 November 1894
NLB/11/750Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to the Director, National Portrait Gallery, 20 Great George Street, S.W.1 October 1895
LBO/1/8Copy letter from Christian Huygens, the Hague, to Robert Moray30 December 1661
LBO/1/83Copy extract of a letter of Moray, to Robert Moray1 February 1665
CLP/19/7Paper, 'Directions for sea men bound for far voyages' by William Brouncker and Robert Moray[1662]
MS/246Robert Moray papers1657-1673
CLP/2/34/2Diagram, Rosneath bay by [Robert Moray][1662]
CLP/3i/57Paper, 'Account of the glass drops' by Robt [Robert] Moray[1661]
CLP/4i/7Paper, 'Of the way, used upon the coaste of Coromandelle, of cooling of drinks, by exposing them to the heat of the sun' by R [Robert] Moray8 July 1663
CLP/13/1/2Plate, cut-out of large herring by [Robert Moray?]May 1663
CLP/7i/10Paper, regarding observations of Wiltshire [England] by Robert Moray 1664
CLP/6/17Paper, 'Observations of Dr Robert Moray, Sir P [Paul] Neil and Dr [Christopher] Wren, made by them in their late excursion into the country' by Robert Moray[1664]
CLP/19/10Paper, 'Directions for observing the conjunction of Mercury with the Sun' by Robert Moray25 October 1664
RBO/1/6'Relation Concerning Bernacles' by Sir Robert Moray8 March 1661
CLP/19/83Paper, enquiries to be made of the East and West Indies concerning several relations of Hugh of Linschotanus by Henry Oldenburgc.17th century
CLP/2/34/3Musical score, echo of Rosneath bay by [Robert Moray][1662]
CLP/10iii/3Paper 'The way how malt is made' by Robert Moray[1663]
EL/M1/12Letter, from Robert Moray to Christian Huygens, dated at Oxford30 September 1665
RBC/1/22'The Description of the Island Hirta' brought in by Sir Rober Moray30 September 1661
RBO/2ii/8'Account of an Eccho by Sir Robert Moray'3 December 1662
DM/5/60Minute of a meeting of a Committee to be appointed 'to consider of Mr Buckland's proposition to plant potatoes through all the parts of England' 20 March 1662
CLP/3i/11Paper, 'To make small shot of different sizes' by Prince Rupert[1663]
MM/14/44Copy of letter from David Douglas to the Earl of Elgin17 February 1879
RBC/1/37'An Experiment of the Instrument for Sounding the Depths of the Sea without a Line or Cord made the 19th of March 1662 By the Lord Brouncker and Sir Robert Moray'1662
RBO/2i/58'Of the way used upon the Coast of Coromandell of cooling of Drinks by Exposing them to the heat of the sun' by Robert Moray8 July 1663
IM/005246Moray, Sir Robert1996
EL/W1/12Letter, from John Wallis to Robert MorayDecember
RBO/2ii/47'The measure of the parts of a Gyant Childe borne in Scotland Given in by Sir Robert Moray'1 July 1663
DM/5/77'Recommended to Sir Robert Moray'c.1660s
CLP/3i/4/1Manuscript, 'Marble paper' from J [John] Evelyn to Rob Murrey [Robert Moray]January 1662
CLP/2/34/1Manuscript, 'Account of an echo' by Sir R [Robert] Moray[1662]
CLP/8i/7/2Drawing, a comet in Croatia by Sir Robert Moray1663
DM/5/64Minutes of meetings of the Committee for Agriculture (endorsed as 'Transactions of the Georgicall Committee')October 1664-February 1665
DM/5/66Minutes of meetings of the Mechanicall Committee July-October 1664
DM/5/70Resolution signed by Henry Oldenburg, appointing a Committee of the Royal Society to consider a way of determining the measure of a degree on the earth21 October 1669
EL/W3/20Letter, from John Winthrop to Robert Moray, dated at Hartford, New England18 August 1668 - 26 August 1668
CLP/12i/4Paper, 'A description of Monsieur Raous' way of treating his patients for the stone' by R [Robert] Moray[1663]
CLP/9i/7Paper, a relation of persons killed in subterraneous damps by Robert Moray[1662]
RBC/2/45'Notes concerning Diving, and working under water from Mr Maule Brought in by Sir Robert Moray'1663
RBO/1/37'Experiments propounded by Sir Robert Moray and Recommended to Dr Power'nd
CLP/1/28/1Manuscript, 'Cassette extraordinaire et admirable pour les mathematiques' [Extraordinary and admirable cassette for mathematics] by unknown author to Robert Moray[17th century]
CLP/24/46Paper, 'Account of ye sounding of ye depth of ye sea between Portsmouth and ye Ile [Isle] of Wight with ye wooden globe and lead' by William Brounker and Sir Robert Moray17th century
CLP/12i/5Translation, 'An account, Englished out of French, of an unusuall way of cutting the stone of the bladder, practised by a French man in France' by Sir R [Robert] Moray15 July 1663
RBO/2ii/48'Of the way used upon the coast of Coromandell of Cooleing of Drinks by exposeing them to the heat of the Sunn' by Robert Moray8 July 1663
RBO/1/14'An Account of Glasse Drops by Sir Robert Moray'17 August 1661
CLP/10iii/19Paper, 'Heads of husbandry to be considered' by Sir R [Robert] Moray[1670s]
CLP/9i/9Paper, concerning the mineral of Liege which yields brimstone and vitriol and how to extract it by Robert Moray1663
CLP/13/1Paper, 'The measure of the parts of a gyant-child [giant child], born in Scotland' by Sir Robert Moray1 July 1663
CLP/12i/2Paper, 'Autopsia corporio dissecti nob. Comitis de Balcarres' by unknown author[1663]
EL/H1/17Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague20 December 1662
RBO/3/6a'Notes concerning Diving and working under water from Mr Maule; brought in by Sir Robert Moray'1664
EL/S1/27Letter, from George Sinclar to Robert Moray, dated at Glasgow13 August 1664
EL/H1/51Extract of a letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray1665
EL/W3/5Letter, from Christopher Wren to Robert Moray11 April 1665
EL/M1/8Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Salisbury9 September 1665
EL/H1/19Translated extract of a letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray1663
EL/M1/13Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Oxford30 September 1665
EL/M1/36aLetter, from Mr Muray to Robert Moray, dated at Mockjack Bay in Virginia1665
CLP/10i/2Paper, 'Observations on the humble and sensible plants in Mr Chiffin's garden in St James his parke' by Dr Clarke9 August 1661
EL/H1/11Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague14 July 1662
EL/P1/16Letter, from William Petty to Robert Moray, dated at Dublin29 November 1662
EL/H1/20Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at Paris1 June 1663
EL/H1/41Copy of a letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray1664
EL/S1/7Letter, from Samuel Sorbiere to Robert Moray, dated at Paris1661
EL/H1/16Extract of a letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray1662
EL/B1/109Letter, from William Balle to Robert Moray, dated at Mamhead, Devon15 September 1666
EL/H1/54Copy of a letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray1665
EL/H1/23Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at Paris18 November 1663
EL/H1/31Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague27 June 1664
EL/H1/25Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at Paris19 December 1663
EL/M1/9Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Salisbury16 September 1665
EL/H1/4Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague16 September 1661
EL/H1/46Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague27 February 1665
EL/R1/9Letter, from J Reay to Robert Moray5 March 1664
EL/P1/24Copy of a letter, from William Petty to Robert Moray, dated at Dublin1663
EL/S1/24Letter, from George Sinclar to Robert Moray, dated at Glasgow29 December 1662
EL/M1/37Letter, from M Muray to Robert Moray, dated at Mockjack Bay in Virginia12 June 1668
EL/M1/18Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Oxford5 November 1665
EL/H1/2Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray15 July 1661
EL/H1/28Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at Paris12 March 1664
CLP/3i/4/2Diagrams, method of making marbled paper by [John Evelyn]January 1662
CLP/1/28Paper, 'Cassette extraordinaire et admirable pour les mathematiques' [Extraordinary and admirable cassette for mathematics] by unknown author to Robert Moray[17th century]
EL/M1/15Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Oxford11 October 1665
CLP/1/28/2Diagrams, equiangular triangles by unknown artist[c17th Century]
EL/M1/19Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg12 November 1665
EL/H1/7Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague4 January 1662
EL/M1/6Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Salisbury22 August 1665
EL/M1/4Extract of a letter, from Robert Moray to [Christiaan] Huygens22 July 1665
EL/H1/43Copy of a letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray1665
EL/H1/32Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague18 July 1664
EL/H1/1Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague24 June 1661
EL/S1/26Letter, from George Sinclar to Robert Moray, dated at Glasgow29 December 1663
EL/P1/23Letter, from William Petty to Robert Moray, dated at Dublin25 February 1663
EL/W1/52Letter, from John Wallis to Robert Moray, dated at Oxford14 July 1668
EL/V/2Letter, from Vernatt to Robert Moray, dated at Passau17 January 1667
EL/H1/12Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moraynd
EL/M1/22Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg4 December 1665
EL/M1/25Letter, from Robert Moray to Christian Huygens, dated at Whitehall15 February 1669
EL/H1/22Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at Paris11 November 1663
EL/H1/53Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague24 December 1665
CLP/2/34Paper, 'Account of an echo' by Sir R [Robert] Moray[1662]
EL/H1/10Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague24 February 1662
EL/M1/5Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Hampton Court23 July 1665
EL/P1/17Copy of a letter, from William Petty to Robert Moray, dated at Dublin1662
EL/H1/59Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at Paris30 March 1669
EL/H1/34Translation of a letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray1664
EL/S1/8Letter, from Samuel Sorbiere to Robert Moray, dated at Paris15 December 1663
EL/V/1Letter, from [Filiberto] Vernatti to Robert Moray, dated at Batavia6 January 1664
EL/O1/18Letter, from Henry Oldenburg to Robert Moray7 November 1665
EL/M1/24Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg8 January 1666
EL/H1/27Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at Paris20 February 1664
EL/H1/45Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague6 February 1665
EL/H1/24Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at Paris9 December 1663
EL/H1/26Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at ParisJanuary 1664
EL/H1/15Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague1 December 1662
EL/H1/38Translation of a letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray1664
EL/H1/50Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague29 May 1665
EL/M1/16Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Oxford19 October 1665
EL/H1/14Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague18 August 1662
EL/H1/44Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague16 January 1665
EL/H1/48Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague27 March 1665
CLP/6/5Paper, 'Account of the sounding of the depth of the sea between Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight with the wooden globe and lead' by William Brouncker and Robert Moray1662
EL/M1/17Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg29 October 1665
EL/H1/36Extract of a letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague1664
EL/H1/55Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague9 April 1666
EL/P1/26Copy of a letter, from William Petty to Robert Moray1663
CLP/15i/1/1Manuscript, 'Relation concerning barnacles' by Robert Moray[1660]
CLP/15i/1Paper, 'Relation concerning barnacles' by Robert Moray[1660]
CLP/6/37/2Drawing, Engine for circulating water by Denis Papin1685
CLP/6/37Paper, regarding Denis Papin's experiment with forcing air out of a glass by Mr R A1685
CLP/7i/3Paper, 'Description of the isle of Hirta [Scotland]' by Robert Moray1661
CLP/8i/7Paper, regarding a comet witnessed in Croatia in January 1663 by Sir Robert Moray1663
EL/M1/21Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg27 November 1665
EL/H1/3Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague1 August 1661
EL/M1/32Extract of a letter, from Monsieur [Balthazar de] Monconys to Robert Moray1664
EL/H1/30Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at Calais12 June 1664
EL/M1/11Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Oxford28 September 1665
EL/O1/17Letter, from Henry Oldenburg to Robert Moray, dated at London7 October 1665
EL/OB/36aLetter, from Henry Oldenburg to Robert Moray, dated at London28 September 1665
CLP/6/37/1Manuscript, concerning Denis Papin's experiment with forcing air out of a glass by Mr R A1685
EL/H1/40Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague21 November 1664
EL/H1/49Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague10 April 1665
CLP/8i/7/1Manuscript, regarding a comet witnessed in Croatia in January 1663 by Sir Robert Moray1663
EL/H1/47Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague6 March 1665
EL/H1/8Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague3 February 1662
EL/H1/52Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague18 September 1665
CLP/3i/4Paper, 'Marble paper' from J [John] Evelyn to Rob Murrey [Robert Moray]January 1662
EL/M1/7Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Salisbury31 August 1665
CLP/6/32Paper, regarding an account of the current of the tides around Orcades [Orkney Islands] by Robert Moray[1672]
RBO/1/34'An Experiment of the Instrument for Sounding of Depths without a line or cord made the 19 of March 1662 By The Lord Brouncker and Sir Robert Moray'nd
RBO/2ii/51'An Account englished out of French of an unusuall way of Cutting the Stone of the Bladder practised by a Frenchman' given in by Robert Moray15 July 1663
RBO/3/5'To make small Shott of different sizes communicated by his Highnesse Prince Rupert and brought in by Sir Robert Moray'2 March 1663
EL/H1/5Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague4 November 1661
EL/H1/6Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague30 December 1661
EL/H1/9Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague10 February 1662
EL/H1/13Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague9 June 1662
EL/H1/18Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague2 February 1663
EL/H1/33Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague8 August 1664
EL/H1/35Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague29 August 1664
EL/H1/39Copy of a letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague1664
EL/H1/42Letter, from Christian Huygens to Robert Moray, dated at the Hague2 January 1665
EL/M1/10Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Oxford26 September 1665
EL/M1/14Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Oxford10 October 1665
EL/M1/20Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Oxford16 November 1665
EL/M1/23Letter, from Robert Moray to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Oxford15 December 1665
CLP/13/1/1Manuscript, 'The measure of the parts of a gyant-child [giant child], born in Scotland' by Sir Robert Moray1 July 1663
RBO/1/19'The Description of the Island Hirta Brought in by Sir Robert Moray'30 September 1661
RBO/1/7'The Making of Ceruse' brought in by Sir Robert Moray from Mr [Sir Philibert] Vernatti26 March 1661
RBO/2i/39'An Account of the Experiments and Observations made by Lord Brouncker, Sir Robert Moray, Mr Bruce and Mr Hooke upon the Thames'18 March 1662
RBO/2i/21'The way how Malt is made in Scotland' by Sir Robert Moray7 January 1662
RBO/2i/25'Sir Robert Moray's Story of persons killed with Subterraneous Damps'14 December 1662
RBO/2ii/40'Of the Minerall of Liege yielding both Brimstone and Vitriol and the way of extracting them out of it used at Liege' procured by Sir Robert Moray1663
MS/45Almanack with liturgical and astronomical calendars, together with illustrated monthly labours and figures of the zodiacc.1383-1400
RBO/2i/10'An Account of an Echo' by Robert Moray3 December 1662
RBO/3/17'Answers - Returned by Sir Philiberto Vernatti residing at Batavia [Jakarta, Indonesia] in Java Major to certain Enquiries sent thither by Order of the Society and recommended by Sir Robert Moray'1664
EL/M1/30Letter, from Monsieur [Balthazar de] Monconys to Robert Moray, dated at ParisAugust 1664
EL/M1/31Translated extract of a letter, from Monsieur [Balthazar de] Monconys to Robert Moray, dated at Paris1664
EL/M1/2Copy of a letter, from Robert Moray to Philiberto Vernatti, dated at Whitehall24 November 1662
EL/M1/3Copy of a letter, from Robert Moray to Philiberto Vernatti, dated at Whitehall21 April 1664
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