
Authorised form of nameSherrington; Sir; Charles Scott (1857 - 1952); physiologist
Dates1857 - 1952
Place of birthIslingon, London, England
Date of birth27 November 1857
Place of deathOlinda, 12 Grassington Road, Eastbourne, Sussex, England
Date of death04/03/1952
Research fieldBacteriology
Ipswich School (1871-1876); Caius College, Cambridge; St Thomas's Hospital, London. MB (1885, Camb); MD (1892)
Lecturer on Physiology, St Thomas's Hospital, London; Professor of Physiology, University of Liverpool (1895-1913); Waynflete Professor of Physiology, University of Oxford (1913-1935).
Nobel Prize (Physiology or Medicine) 1932
GBE 1922; OM 1924
MRCS (1884); LRCP (1886) ; FRCP (1912)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election01/06/1893
Age at election36
ProposerHenry Charlton Bastian; George Murray Humphrey; William Marcet; George John Romanes; John Syer Bristowe; Frederick William Pavy
William Richard Gowers; John Newport Langley; Walter Holbrook Gaskell; Arthur Gamgee; Alexander Macalister; Samuel Wilks; Victor Horsley; David Ferrier; John Scott Burdon-Sanderson; Charles Smart Roy; Edward Emanuel Klein
RSActivityRoyal Society roles:
PRS 1920-1925; VP 1917-1918, 1925-1926
Medals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1905; Copley Medal 1927
Croonian 1897; Ferrier 1929
RelationshipsParents: Norton Sherrington, who died while his children were young, and Anne Brookes Sherrington (d. 1907), of Great Yarmouth, who remarried Dr Caleb Rose of Ipswich.
Spouse: Ethel Mary, daughter of John Ely Wright of Preston Manor, Suffolk (died 13 May 1933).
Children: One son.
PublishedWorksRCN R63413
RCN 20477
RCN 12831
RCN 9860
RCN R63415
RCN R63417
RCN 34889
RCN 20475
RCN R63412
RCN 20476
RCN 11024
RCN 12166
RCN 12834
OtherInfoStudied 'decerebrate rigidity'.
Coined the term "synapse" to describe the connection between two neurons.
Royal Society Obituary or MemoirClick to view (may be contained within a meeting notice, presidential address or list of death notices)
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Sherrington P0117.jpg

Bulloch's Roll; DSB; School
Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society 1952-1953 vol 8 pp 241-270, plate, by E G T Liddell
H M Sinclair, 'Sherrington and Industrial Fatigue' in NR 1984-85 vol 39 pp 91-104
Sir John Eccles, 'Letters From C S Sherrington, FRS, to Angelo Ruffini Between 1896 and 1903' in NR 1975-6 vol 30 pp 69-88
C E R Sherrington, 'Charles Scott Sherrington (1857-1952)' in NR 1975-6 vol 30 pp 45-63
A V Hill, 'Jewels in My Acquaintance with C S Sherrington, FRS' in NR 1975-6 vol 30 pp 65-68
Sir John Eccles, 'Two Hitherto Unrecognized Publications by Sir Charles Sherrington, OM, FRS' in NR 1968 vol 23 pp 86-100
Wilder Penfield, 'Sir Charles Sherrington, OM, FRS (1857-1952): An Appreciation' in NR 1962 vol 17 pp 163-168, plate
Lord Adrian, 'Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, OM, 1857-1952' in NR 1956-57 vol 12 pp 211-215, plate
J C Eccles, 'Some Aspects of Sherrington's Contribution to Neurophysiology' in NR 1956-57 vol 12 pp 216-225
Anon, 'The President's Broadcast on 6 March 1952 on Sir Charles Sherrington (1857-1952)' in NR 1953 vol 10 pp 6-7
Alexander G Bearn, 'Fading icon', review of Michael Bliss, 'William Osler: a life in medicine' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 268-271
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
NLB/18/739Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [Professor C S] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool[2 May 1899]
MM/18/55Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit2 November 1934
EC/1893/11Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott: certificate of election to the Royal Society
IM/004150Sherrington, Sir Charles Scottnd
MM/18/77Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit28 October 1947
MM/16/108Letter from Charles S Sherrington, Ocford, to Henry Head23 September 1918
GLB/65/61/22Black and white photograph of Sir Charles Sherrington with "Tommy," the first horse in Britain to be immunized against diphtheria20th century
MM/18/78Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit8 November 1947
MM/18/50Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit11 October 1930
MM/18/70Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit19 February 1947
MM/18/65Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit2 February 1946
MM/18/56Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit18 November 1935
MM/18/79Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit27 November 1947
MM/18/60Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit25 December 1937
MM/18/73Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit4 May 1947
MM/18/82Letter from Robert S Woodworth to Ragnar Granit27 January 1954
MM/18/58Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit9 January 1937
MM/18/67Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit9 May 1946
MM/18/52Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit6 April 1933
MM/18/49Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit19 April 1930
MM/18/30Letter from Charles S Sherrington to Ronald Winckworth, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society30 July 1936
MM/18/53Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit and Mrs Granit5 July 1933
MM/18/61Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit22 April 1938
MM/18/63Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit18 November 1939
MM/18/51Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit23 September 1931
MM/18/68Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit9 May 1946
MM/9/40Letter from CS Sherrington, Eastbourne, to Sir Hartley Percival15 November 1947
MM/9/41Letter from CS Sherrington, Eastbourne, to Sir Hartley Percival9 January 1948
MM/18/66Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit3 May 1946
MM/18/72Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit21 April 1947
MM/18/71Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit6 April 1947
MM/18/74Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit26 July 1947
MM/18/57Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit28 November 1936
MM/18/76Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit26 October 1947
MM/18/75Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit27 September 1947
MS/377/1/119Postcard from Charles Scott Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, to William Fletcher Barrett, Kingstown, Ireland [redirected] 16 April 1906
MM/18/54Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit15 July 1934
MM/18/62Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit31 December 1938
MM/18/64Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit22 December 1943
MM/18/80Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit12 December 1948
MM/18/48Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit12 March 1929
MM/18/59Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit26 June 1937
MM/22/35Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington, Physiological Department, St Thomas's Hospital, to Herbert Rix20 April 1893
MM/22/17Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington, Burlington House, to Lady Kempe2 May1922
MC/20/383Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison23 December 1904
NLB/26/127Copy telegram from Royal Society to, Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society, University College Liverpool[January 1903]
IM/004151Sherrington, Sir Charles Scottnd
IM/GA/WS/1366Sherrington, Sir Charles Scottnd
NLB/7/510Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to an unknown correspondent3 March 1893
NLB/7/504Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington3 March 1893
CD/19/19Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society, to Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society26 June 1923
P/0117Portrait of Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott1927
NLB/7/567Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Morgan & Kidd, Kew Foot Road, Richmond, S.W.15 March 1893
NLB/4/46Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Charles Scott Sherrington, 75 Lamb Palace Road27 January 1890
NLB/4/553Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington8 July 1890
NLB/21/140Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Harrison & Sons17 August 1900
NLB/7/349Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Harrison & Sons25 January 1893
NLB/7/707Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to the Cambridge Engraving Company12 April 1893
NLB/7/347Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington25 January 1893
NLB/7/503Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, 27 St George's Square, S.W.3 March 1893
NLB/15/545Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons26 October 1897
NLB/34/883Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society21 March 1907
NLB/7/766Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington21 April 1893
NLB/7/513Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr Collings, 172 Strand3 March 1893
NLB/7/592Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to the Cambridge Engraving Company18 March 1893
NLB/7/618Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr Collings, 172 Strand23 March 1893
NLB/7/633Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to The Cambridge Engraving Company25 March 1893
NLB/7/585Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster18 March 1893
NLB/7/700Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Morgan & Kidd, Kew Foot Road, Richmond, S.W.12 April 1893
NLB/7/708Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr Collings, 172 Strand12 April 1893
NLB/7/675Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington8 April 1893
NLB/7/695Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington11 April 1893
NLB/8/683Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society8 December 1893
NLB/8/583Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Harrison & Sons17 November 1893
NLB/9/191Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Harrison & Sons12 April 1894
NLB/8/1022Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Edkins & Company, 286 High Holborn, W.C.12 February 1894
NLB/8/748Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society16 December 1893
NLB/8/1141Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, [Fellow of the Royal Society]5 March 1894
NLB/8/1098Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society, 27 St George's Square, S.W.24 February 1894
NLB/10/788Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Harrison & Sons6 February 1895
NLB/9/524Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to W T Nash, 36 The Avenue, Bedford Park, Chiswick31 May 1894
NLB/8/1154Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society7 March 1894
NLB/10/790Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society 6 February 1895
NLB/10/869Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society22 February 1895
NLB/9/312Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society 27 April 1894
NLB/9/231Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society19 April 1894
NLB/9/243Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society20 April 1894
NLB/9/484Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society28 May 1894
NLB/9/415Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society17 May 1894
NLB/9/424Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society17 May 1894
NLB/11/820Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons10 October 1895
NLB/9/654Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to W T Nash, 36 The Avenue, Bedford Park, Chiswick23 June 1894
NLB/11/656Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society27 August 1895
NLB/11/764Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Robarts, Lubbock & Company2 October 1895
NLB/11/815Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool10 October 1895
NLB/9/58Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society19 March 1894
NLB/9/940Copy letter from Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt], to Dr A G Levy28 July 1894
NLB/13/450Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society14 September 1896
NLB/13/561Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society7 October 1896
NLB/14/77Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society23 December 1896
NLB/13/551Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer, Fellow of the Royal Society6 October 1892
NLB/13/634Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society22 October 1896
NLB/14/215Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons23 January 1897
NLB/13/704Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society7 November 1896
NLB/14/213Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Mr Collings23 January 1897
NLB/13/730Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society12 November 1896
NLB/12/30Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, [Fellow of the Royal Society]21 November 1895
NLB/13/833Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society4 December 1896
NLB/14/220Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society25 January 1897
NLB/25/654Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, University College, Liverpool [3 December 1902]
NLB/14/7Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Edward Albert Schafer, Fellow of the Royal Society9 December 1896
NLB/14/80Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Frederick Walker Mott, Fellow of the Royal Society, 84 Wimpole Street, Cavendish Square, W.23 December 1896
NLB/14/214Copy letter from Theodore E James, to the Direct Photo-Engraving Company23 January 1897
NLB/14/75Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Frederick Walker Mott, Fellow of the Royal Society22 December 1896
RR/15/136Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The influence of lymph on blood coagulability' by Almroth Edward Wright21 November 1900
RR/15/221Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on the Croonian Lecture 'Studies in visual sensation' by Conwy Lloyd Morgan30 March 1901
NLB/14/811Copy telegram from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Charles Scott Sherrington, [Fellow of the Royal Society], 16 Grove Park, Liverpoolnd [c 24 May 1897]
NLB/14/496Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society19 March 1897
NLB/14/99Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Frederick Walker Mott, Fellow of the Royal Society5 January 1897
NLB/14/156Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, [Fellow of the Royal Society]14 January 1897
NLB/14/173Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Dr Frederick Walker Mott, Fellow of the Royal Society18 January 1897
NLB/14/174Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor Arthur William Rucker, Secretary, Royal Society16 January 1897
NLB/14/253Copy of notes on Professor Charles Scott Sherrington's paper, ['Experiments in Examination of the Peripheral Distribution of the Fibres of the Posterior Roots of some Spinal Nerves'][3 February 1897]
NLB/14/291Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society10 February 1897
NLB/14/292Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society10 February 1897
NLB/67/47Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, OM. President of the Royal Society9 October 1924
NLB/16/265Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor C S Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool3 March 1898
NLB/14/551Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Charles Scott Sherrington, [Fellow of the Royal Society]27 March 1897
NLB/14/546Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Charles Scott Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool[27 March 1897]
NLB/14/618Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society9 April 1897
RR/16/42Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The Islets of Langerhans in the Pancreas' by Henry Hallett Dale29 January 1904
NLB/14/697Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society29 April 1897
NLB/14/815Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer, Fellow of the Royal Society25 May 1897
NLB/17/272Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society28 September 1898
NLB/14/860Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physiology Committee28 May 1897
RR/16/65Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'A comparative study of the grey and white matter of the motor-cell groups; and the spinal-accessory nerve in the spinal cord of the porpoise, (Phocoena communis)' by D Hepburn and D WaterstonJuly 1903
RR/15/364Second referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The colour-physiology of higher crustaceae' by Frederick Keeble and Frederick William GambleJune 1902
RR/16/344Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The distribution of chloride in nerve cells & fibres' by Professor Archibald Byron Macallum and Miss M L Menten10 August 1905
RR/17/205Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Localisation of function in the lemur’s brain' by Frederick Walker Mott and William Dobinson Halliburton[December 1907]
NLB/15/515Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to M Prendergast Parker, 10 Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street, E.C. 20 October 1897
RR/16/324Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Ovalation and degeneration of ova in the rabbit' by Walter HeapeApril 1905
RR/17/47Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Observations on the labyrinth of certain animals' by Albert A Gray[March 1906]
MM/22/1Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Gavin de Beer9 December 1946
NLB/16/655Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Mr Charles Baker, 24 High Holborn, W.C.17 May 1898
NLB/15/394Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons16 September 1897
NLB/15/155Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society7 July 1897
NLB/15/500Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Prendergast Parker, 10 Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street, E.C.18 October 1897
NLB/16/647Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society14 May 1898
NLB/15/498Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society16 October 1897
NLB/16/580Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society3 May 1898
NLB/15/472Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer, Fellow of the Royal Society11 October 1897
NLB/15/884Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, [Fellow of the Royal Society]7 January 1898
NLB/16/382Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor C S Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society 24 March 1898
NLB/38/598Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society7 October 1908
NLB/17/647Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Dr Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer, [Fellow of the Royal Society][December 1898]
NLB/19/148Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Victor Alexander Haden Horsley, Fellow of the Royal Society28 June 1899
NLB/18/367Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Halliburton, Fellow of the Royal Society28 February 1899
NLB/19/680Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society22 November 1899
NLB/20/258Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Messrs Harrison & Sons, St Martins Lane8 March 1900
NLB/20/185Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society19 February 1900
NLB/20/232Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society2 March 1900
NLB/20/249Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Rubert William Boyce, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Pathology School, University College, Liverpool6 March 1900
NLB/21/21Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Messrs Harrison & Sons17 July 1900
NLB/20/548Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society21 May 1900
NLB/20/264Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society8 March 1900
NLB/23/1/214Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society11 October 1901
NLB/21/217Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society2 October 1900
NLB/22/371Copy telegram from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [Sir Charles Scott] Sherrington, University College, Liverpool[May 1901]
NLB/22/817Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool25 July 1901
NLB/23/2/264Copy letter from unknown correspondent, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society2 December 1902
NLB/22/289Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society4 April 1901
NLB/22/374Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool3 May 1901
NLB/21/454Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society20 November 1900
NLB/22/810Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, [Fellow of the Royal Society]23 July 1901
NLB/23/1/49Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society30 August 1901
NLB/23/1/41Copy letter from A H White, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society28 August 1901
NLB/23/1/594Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society9 December 1901
NLB/23/1/362Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, [Fellow of the Royal Society]1 November 1901
NLB/23/1/459Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society15 November 1901
NLB/26/248Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society17 February 1903
NLB/23/1/351Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal SOciety29 October 1901
NLB/23/1/478Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society18 November 1901
NLB/23/1/481Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society19 November 1901
NLB/23/1/532Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society26 November 1901
NLB/30/62Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society21 January 1905
NLB/23/1/599Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society10 December 1901
NLB/24/44Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society20 February 1902
NLB/26/71Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society23 January 1903
NLB/25/94Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society7 August 1902
NLB/25/458Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society, and E E Laslett7 November 1902
NLB/25/240Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society1 October 1902
NLB/26/844Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society10 June 1903
NLB/25/832Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society8 January 1903
NLB/26/155Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society2 February 1903
NLB/27/230Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society23 July 1903
NLB/26/412Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society16 March 1903
NLB/26/577Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society22 April 1903
NLB/26/816Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society3 June 1903
NLB/30/356Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, [Fellow of the Royal Society]11 March 1905
NLB/32/627Copy letter from [Theodore E James], to Professor [John Newport] Langley, [Fellow of the Royal Society] 25 April 1906
NLB/27/646Copy letter from Michael Foster to Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society 9 November 1903
NLB/30/485Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, [Fellow of the Royal Society]31 March 1905
NLB/30/571Copy memoranda regrading the cause of Sleeping Sickness, signed by J Rose Bradford, David Bruce, E Ray Lankester, M Foster, J Lister, Ronald Ross, J Burdon-Sanderson, C S Sherrington, and Dr F W Mott, [Fellows of the Royal Society][April 1905]
MC/20/382Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, to Sir Archibald Geikie4 November 1905
NLB/32/81Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society22 December 1905
NLB/31/580Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society13 October 1905
NLB/31/701Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington and Professor John Henry Poynting, Fellows of the Royal Society2 November 1905
NLB/31/748Copy letter from Robert Frederick William Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society8 November 1905
MC/21/574Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, [Robert William Frederick] Harrison11 February 1906
NLB/32/494Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society20 March 1906
NLB/33/343Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society8 August 1906
NLB/32/886Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Newport Langley, Fellow of the Royal Society12 June 1906
NLB/34/558Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society7 February 1907
NLB/39/799Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society19 March 1909
NLB/33/864Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, [Fellow of the Royal Society]14 November 1906
NLB/36/8Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, [Fellow of the Royal Society]23 July 1907
NLB/34/39Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society20 November 1906
NLB/34/459Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society 24 January 1907
NLB/34/133Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society3 December 1906
NLB/34/193Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society11 December 1906
NLB/34/724Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society2 March 1907
NLB/36/768Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Messrs Robarts Lubbock & Company12 December 1907
MC/31/196Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 9 Chadlington Road, Oxford, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]15 January 1916
NLB/36/596Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society19 November 1907
NLB/37/342Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Proffessor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society4 March 1908
NLB/37/545Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society3 April 1908
NLB/36/864Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Sidney Martin, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physiology Sectional Committee6 January 1908
NLB/37/566Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor S [Sidney Harris Cox] Martin, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physiology Sectional Committee7 April 1908
NLB/37/900Copy Letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society1 June 1908
NLB/37/738Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society6 May 1908
NLB/39/33Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society16 November 1908
NLB/39/99Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington26 November 1908
NLB/39/156Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Messrs Chatham Pexton, 48 Gray's Inn Road, WC2 December 1908
NLB/39/409Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Harrison & Sons20 January 1909
NLB/39/417Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles S [Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society20 January 1909
NLB/37/152Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Harrison & Sons3 February 1908
NLB/39/396Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society15 January 1909
NLB/39/482Copy letter from The Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society26 January 1909
NLB/40/38Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C S Sherrington FRS 26 March 1909
NLB/40/246Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr F [Frederick] W [Walker] Mott FRS 7 May 1909
NLB/40/194Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS 30 April 1909
NLB/40/452Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS 9 June 1909
NLB/41/331Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society23 November 1909
NLB/42/155Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington, FRS 14 April 1910
NLB/42/440Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS 14 June 1910
NLB/42/245Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, Secretary RS [Secretary of the Royal Society] to Sir H Llewellyn Smith, KBC, Permanent Secretary, Marine Department of the Board of Trade, 7 Whitehall Gardens, SW29 April 1910
NLB/41/215Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society2 November 1909
NLB/42/334Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS, 16 Grove Parj, Liverpool24 May 1910
NLB/42/413Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS 8 June 1910
NLB/41/811Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society28 February 1910
NLB/42/668Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS 29 July 1910
NLB/45/384Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool27 February 1912
NLB/44/262Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS 1 June 1911
NLB/44/285Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS 8 June 1911
NLB/44/539Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS 31 July 1911
NLB/43/664Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society7 March 1911
MC/35/149Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London, to [Francis Alexander] Towle27 February 1921
NLB/54/888Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Chairman of the Physiology Committee and FRS29 October 1917
NLB/45/518Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS20 March 1912
MC/29/238Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 9 Chadlington Road, Oxford, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]16 October 1914
NLB/47/532Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS17 February 1913
NLB/47/509Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor [Charles Scott] SherringtonFebruary 1913
NLB/47/594Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS28 February 1913
NLB/47/625Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS6 March 1913
NLB/47/822Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS18 April 1913
NLB/50/697Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [Charles Scott Sherrington], Fellow of the Royal Society14 October 1914
NLB/48/408Copy telegram from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [Charles Scott] Sherrington, [Fellow of the Royal Society], 16 Grove Park, Liverpool[1913]
NLB/48/409Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society1 July 1913
NLB/50/196Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society22 May 1914
NLB/51/102Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to Professor Chalres Scott Sherrington FRS11 December 1914
NLB/50/470Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society14 July 1914
NLB/55/799Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, FRS27 September 1918
NLB/52/510Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Almroth Edward Wright, FRS; 39 Boulevard Dannon, Boulogne4 January 1916
RR/17/347Referee's report by Frederick Walker Mott, on a paper 'Reciprocal innervation of antagonistic muscles - XII note' by Charles Scott Sherrington6 September 1908
RR/17/328Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Complete survey of the cell lamination of the cerebral cortex of the lemur' by Frederick Walker Mott and Agnes M Kelley3 April 1908
NLB/54/284Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Chairman of the Physiology Committee and FRS21 March 1917
NLB/54/262Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Chairman of the Physiology Committee and FRS16 March 1917
RR/20/81Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Experiments on the restoration of paralysed muscles by means of nerve anastomosis. Part II - Anastomosis of the nerves supplying limb muscles' by Robert KennedyDecember 1913
NLB/54/701Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Chairman of the Physiology Committee and FRS14 August 1917
NLB/54/429Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Chairman of the Physiology FRS11 May 1917
NLB/23/1Copy letters sent from Royal Society administrative staff and officers2 August 1901-12 February 1902
NLB/54/639Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Chairman of the Physiology Committee and FRS10 July 1917
NLB/56/137Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, FRS29 November 1918
NLB/54/538Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Chairman of the Physiology Committee and FRS12 June 1917
NLB/54/661Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Chairman of the Physiology Committee and FRS19 July 1917
NLB/54/889Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Chairman of the Physiology Committee and FRS29 October 1917
NLB/54/835Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Chairman of the Physiology Committee and FRS15 October 1917
NLB/56/88Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, FRS15 November 1918
NLB/55/856Copy letter from [Dr.] Arthur Schuster, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, FRS16 October 1918
NLB/56/252Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, FRS23 December 1918
RR/27/4Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The irradiation of conditioned reflexes' by G V AnrepDecember 1922
NLB/58/167Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, FRS22 March 1920
RR/18/129Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Observations on colour perceptions' by F W Edridge-Green[April 1911
NLB/59/923Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, FRS1 December 1920
NLB/57/262Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor CS [Charles Scott] Sherrington, FRSAugust 1919
RR/41/2Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The effects of injury on mammalian nerve fibres' by Edgar Douglad Adrian15 June 1930
RR/13/30Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'On the granular leucocytes' by G. Lovell Gulland 25 November 1895
RR/19/45Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Colour adaptation' by F W Edridge-Green[October 1912]
RR/12/153Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Sur les champignon du paludisme [malaria]' by Konbassoff27 March 1895
RR/10/380Referee's report by Gerald Francis Yeo, on a paper 'On out-lying nerve-cells in the mammalian spinal-cord' by Charles Scott Sherrington25 February 1890
NLB/60/703Copy letter from Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society; to Rear Admiral Sir Lionel Halsey17 March 1921
NLB/64/114Copy letter from Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society; to Sir Herbert [Bradwardine] Jackson, FRS2 February 1923
NLB/59/855Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, FRS22 November 1920
NLB/58/430Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, FRS5 May 1920
RR/37/113Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Myograms yielded by faradic stimulation of the cerebellar nuclei' by Frederick Robert Miller and N B LaughtonJuly 1928
NLB/62/31Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society19 November 1921
RR/13/25Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The electromotive properties of the electrical organ of Malapterurus electricus' by Francis Gotch and George James Bruch1896
NLB/61/746Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society21 October 1921
NLB/61/353Copy letter from Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society; to [Edwin Alderman,] the President of the University of Virginia23 June 1921
RR/13/130Referee's report by Frederick Walker Mott, on a paper 'Experiments in examination of the peripheral distribution the fibres of the posterior roots of some spinal nerves. -Part II' by Charles Scott Sherrington18 January 1897
RR/13/128Referee's report by John Newport Langley, on a paper 'Experiments in examination of the peripheral distribution the fibres of the posterior roots of some spinal nerves. -Part II' by Charles Scott Sherrington7 December 1896
RR/20/106Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Negative after-images and successive contrast with pure spectral colours' by Alfred William Porter and F W Edridge-GreenJuly 1913
NLB/61/288Copy letter from Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society; to Dr. Henry Head, FRS16 June 1921
NLB/60/557Copy letter from Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society; to Major W. A. Odling24 February 1921
RR/47/33Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The theory of vision' by F W Edridge-GreenSeptember 1932
NLB/59/833Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, FRS19 November 1920
RR/22/73Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The spread of the excitatory process in the vertebrate heart. Parts I-V' by Thomas LewisAugust 1915
NLB/60/178Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society18 December 1920
NLB/60/70Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Profesor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society8 December 1920
NLB/60/142Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society14 December 1920
NLB/60/211Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society24 December 1920
NLB/65/424Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS31 October 1923
NLB/60/265Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society8 January 1921
NLB/65/608Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington [President of the Royal Society], GBE, FRS28 November 1923
NLB/64/921Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Under-Secretary of State, Foreign Office, S.W.111 July 1923
NLB/60/533Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society19 February 1921
NLB/62/293Copy letter from Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society; to Colonel J. W. Kirk19 January 1922
NLB/64/639Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; Sir Ernest Rutherford, FRS18 May 1923
NLB/62/59Copy letter from Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society; to the Danish Minister24 November 1921
NLB/62/60Copy letter from Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society; to the Swiss Minister24 November 1921
RR/25/7Referee's report by Henry Head, on a paper 'Brevity, frequency of rhythm, and amount of reflex nervous discharge, as indicated by reflex contraction' by N B Dreyer and Charles Scott Sherrington12 June 1918
NLB/57/465Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; Professor CS [Charles Scott] Sherrington, FRS11 November 1919
NLB/62/421Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society13 February 1922
MC/36/92Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 9 Chadlington Road, Oxford, to [Francis Alexander] Towle2 May 1922
NLB/62/355Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society31 January 1922
NLB/68/27Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS30 April 1925
NLB/69/934Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Sherrington,O. M., G. B. E., FRS19 November 1926
NLB/62/742Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society25 April 1922
NLB/64/401Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society28 March 1923
NLB/63/38Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to W.O. Matthews Esq., 23 Scott Street, Toronto16 June 1922
NLB/63/238Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to The Secretary, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16 Old Queen Street, S.W.1.20 July 1922
NLB/64/383Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society24 March 1923
NLB/67/204Copy letter of a notice sent to 'The Times'; 'The Morning Post'; 'The Daily Telegraph'; 'Nature'; the Press Association13 November 1924
NLB/64/156Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society12 February 1923
IM/GA/Russell/004149Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott1922
CD/3/13Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, to Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, OM, President of the Royal Society3 April 1925
NLB/63/280Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Sherrington, FRS03 August 1922
RR/12/143Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'On the coelomic fluid of Lumbricus terrestris in reference to a protective mechanism' by Lim Boon Keng22 September 1893
NLB/63/314Copy letter from Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society; to the Yorkshire Philosophical Societyundated
NLB/64/809Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Walter Fletcher FRS21 June 1923
NLB/63/701Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to The Therapueutic Foods Co., 19 Roundwood Road, Willesden,
04 December 1922
NLB/65/96Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society31 July 1923
NLB/64/808Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Archibald [Edward] Garrod, FRS21 June 1923
NLB/64/646Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to W.E.Llewellyn Esq. The Admiralty, Whitehall, S.W.123 May 1923
CD/64/12Letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society, to Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society8 December 1920
NLB/65/115Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor P. H. Mitchell; Brown University, Windsor, Connecticut, USA2 August 1923
NLB/65/113Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, GBE, FRS2 August 1923
NLB/64/693Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to W. Whelan Esq., Bootle, Liverpool4 June 1923
NLB/67/923Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, OM, President of the Royal Society8 April 1925
NLB/65/368Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington [President of the Royal Society], GBE, FRS20 October 1923
RR/35/24Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The relation of the magnitudes of remaining reflex shortening in two antagonistic muscles during compound stimulation' by Thomas Graham BrownAugust 1927
NLB/65/878Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Captain [Ernest John Collis] Chapman; British Empire Cancer Campaign, 19 Berkeley Street, London, W.1.21 January 1924
NLB/65/847Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Royal College of Surgeons of England17 January 1924
NLB/67/431Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, OM, GBE, President of the Royal Society18 December 1924
NLB/65/868Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society19 January 1924
NLB/64/762Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Archibald [Edward] Garrod, K.C.M.G, FRS15 June 1923
NLB/64/913Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Godfrey] Locker Lampson, M.P; Berkeley Street, W.19 July 1923
NLB/64/795Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Walter Fletcher, FRS19 June 1923
NLB/65/80Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Rose] Bradford, FRS25 July 1923
NLB/64/753Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society;to Godfrey [Lampson Tennyson] Locker-Lampson Esq.14 June 1923
NLB/64/552Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Sherrington, G.B.E., PRS04 May 1923
NLB/67/215Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS14 November 1924
NLB/67/94Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS20 October 1924
NLB/65/845Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, FRS17 January 1924
NLB/66/257Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Sherrington, President of the Royal Society28 March 1924
NLB/66/200Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS13 March 1924
NLB/66/198Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Sidney Frederic] Harmer, K.B.E, FRS13 March 1924
NLB/67/214Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS13 November 1924
NLB/67/393Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, OM, President of the Royal Society15 December 1924
NLB/67/334Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Sherrington, OM, President of the Royal Society5 December 1924
NLB/67/604Copy letter from [Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to the Editor of 'Nature'29 January 1925
NLB/66/338Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Sherrington, President of the Royal Society.11 April 1924
NLB/67/816Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, OM, GBE, President of the Royal Society13 March 1925
NLB/67/592Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS26 January 1925
NLB/66/682Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary; Royal Society of Arts. 19 June 1924
NLB/67/761Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, OM, GBE, President of the Royal Society2 March 1925
NLB/66/786Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Humphry Rollerston, Royal College of Physicians8 July 1924
NLB/68/393Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS9 July 1925
NLB/70/233Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, OM, FRS11 January 1927
NLB/68/521Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS25 July 1925
RR/14/8Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Experimental observation on the early degenerative changes in the sensory end organs of muscles' by F E Batten8 March 1898
NLB/68/923Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Rector; Imperial College of Science and Technology, South Kensington, S.W.1 December 1925
NLB/68/567Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS10 August 1925
NLB/70/927Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, OM, GBE, FRS8 November 1927
NLB/72/124Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, OM, GBE, FRS8 April 1929
NLB/70/510Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, OM, GBE, FRS28 April 1927
NLB/71/303Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Sherrington, O. M., G.B.E, FRS23 March 1928
NLB/58/565Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, FRS21 May 1920
NLB/71/634Copy Letter from P. D. Rogers, Office Staff of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Sherrington, O. M., G.B.E, FRS14 September 1928
NLB/71/722Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Sherrington, O. M., G.B.E, FRS12 October 1928
NLB/71/911Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Sherrington, O. M., G.B.E, FRS6 December 1928
NLB/72/881Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, CM, CBE, FRS16 June 1930
NLB/72/767Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Sherrington, OM, GBE, FRS9 April 1930
NLB/67/903Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, OM, President of the Royal Society3 April 1925
MS/427/436Copy letter from [Michael] Foster, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affrairs [Stafford Henry Northcote, 1st Earl of Iddesleigh]25 June 1885
CD/66/6Letter regarding the Conference with Sir Frank Heath; to Sir David Prain; Sir Richard Glazebrook; Sir Charles Sherrington; Dr [James Hopwood] Jeans; and Sir [William Bate] Hardy28 February 1925
CMB/40/2/1Minutes, meeting of the Peru High Altitude Committee27 October 1921
MM/18/69Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington to Ragnar Granit11 January 1947
NLB/60/716Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society18 March 1921
IM/004152Sherrington, Sir Charles ScottMarch 1950
NLB/7/522Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society6 March 1893
NLB/7/645Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michacel Foster28 March 1893
NLB/9/238Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society20 April 1894
NLB/12/231Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society9 January 1896
NLB/12/891Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society23 May 1896
RR/15/360Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The colour-physiology of higher crustaceae' by Frederick Keeble and Frederick William GambleOctober 1902
RR/16/307Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Two cases of trichromic vision' by F W Edridge-Green12 February 1905
RR/16/310Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'An investigation into the structure of the lumbo-sacral-coccygeal cord of the macaque monkey (macacus sinicus)' by Mabel Purefoy FitzgeraldOctober 1905
RR/17/122Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'On the distribution of the different arteries supplying the human brain' by Charles E Beevor29 July 1907
NLB/21/301Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society25 October 1900
NLB/35/106Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Charles Sherrington, [Fellow of the Royal Society]17 April 1907
NLB/34/740Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society5 March 1907
NLB/45/549Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS26 March 1912
RR/18/28Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The blood volume of mammals as determined by experiments upon rabbits, guinea-pigs, and mice; and its relationship to the body weight and to the surface area expressed in formula' by Georges Dreyer and William Ray May 1910
RR/22/75Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The spread of the excitatory process in the vertebrate heart. Parts I-V' by Thomas LewisOctober 1915
NLB/54/562Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Chairman of the Physiology Committee and FRS20 June 1917
NLB/54/805Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Chairman of the Physiology Committee and FRS4 October 1917
NLB/61/52Copy letter from [William Bate Hardy,] Secertary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society3 May 1921
RR/35/23Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Absence of a linear relationship between graded simple reflex flexions and the relaxations thereof evoked by a constant extension-producing stimulus' by Thomas Graham BrownAugust 1927
RR/10/381Referee's report by John Newport Langley, on a paper 'On out-lying nerve-cells in the mammalian spinal-cord' by Charles Scott Sherrington3 March 1890
RR/13/259Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The origin and destination of certain afferent and efferent tracts in the medulla oblongata' by J S Risien Russell20 May 1897
RR/12/219Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Degenerations consequent on experimental lesions of the cerebellum' by J S Risien Russell5 November 1894
RR/13/131Report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on his paper 'Experiments in examination of the peripheral distribution the fibres of the posterior roots of some spinal nerves. -Part II' 1896
RR/12/165Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The pathology of the oedema which accompanies passive congestion' by Walter Sydney Lazarus-Barlow14 April 1894
RR/12/36Referee's report by Gerald Francis Yeo, on a paper 'Experiments in examination of the peripheral distribution of the fibres of the posterior roots of some spinal nerves' by Charles Scott Sherrington29 December 1892
RR/12/356Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington and John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, on a paper 'On the changes in movement and sensation produced by hemisection of the spinal cord in the cat' by Charles Devereux Marshall21 May 1895
RR/46/66Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Certain functions of the midbrain in pigeons' by Grigore T Popa and Florica Popa[January 1933]
RR/17/170Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'On the occurrence of post-tetanic tremor in several types of muscle' by David Fraser Harris[March 1907]
NLB/66/201Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frank Edward] Smith, Esq., FRS13 March 1924
NLB/67/637Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS4 February 1925
NLB/66/341Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Sherrington, G.B.E, President of the Royal Society; Solent Cliffs Hotel, Bournemouth.11 April 1924
NLB/66/822Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS19 July 1924
NLB/69/506Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Sherrington, O.M., G.B.E., FRS18 May 1926
NLB/71/565Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir William [Henry] Bragg, K.B.E, FRS [also send to Sir Henry Lyons, Sir Charles Sherrington and Sir John Farmer].6 July 1928
CD/19/14Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, to Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, President of the Royal Society25 June 1923
CD/30/30Letter from Charles Walker, to Charles Scott Sherrington25 November 1906
NLB/64/640Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Theodore William Richard, Foreign Member, R.S.23 May 1923
NLB/17/615Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society25 November 1898
MC/16/340Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, to [Michael] Foster27 October 1896
NLB/30/501Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Lord Joseph Lister, Dr Frederick Walker Mott, Sir Michael Foster, Dr Klein, Major Ronald Ross, Sir John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, Professor Charles Scott Sherrington4 April 1905
MDA/C/1/1Correspondence relating to the Arundel Library Fund1923-1924
MDA/C/1/2Correspondence relating to the Arundel Library Fund1925
NLB/35/339Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society17 May 1907
NLB/54New Letter Book volume 54, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration10 January 1917-2 November 1917
IM/004153Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott
NLB/57New Letter Book volume 57, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration27 June 1919-27 February 1920
AP/76/6Unpublished paper, 'On changes observable in the liver cells during digestion and their relation to hepatic secretion' by E [Edmond] Wace Carlier1905
RR/12/37Referee's report by John Newport Langley, on a paper 'Experiments in examination of the peripheral distribution of the fibres of the posterior roots of some spinal nerves' by Charles Scott Sherrington30 January 1893
RR/12/102Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Record of experiments illustrative of the symptomatology and degenerations following lesions of the cerebellum and its peduncles and related structures in monkeys' by David Ferrier and W Aldren Turner6 January 1894
RR/13/157Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'On the formation and structure of dental enamel' by J Leon Williams 1 February 1896
RR/13/129Referee's report by John Newport Langley, on a paper 'Experiments in examination of the peripheral distribution the fibres of the posterior roots of some spinal nerves. -Part II' by Charles Scott Sherrington [COPY]7 December 1896
RR/50/56Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The adaptation of parapharyngeal hypophysectomy to the guinea-pig and hedgehog' by M K McPhail and Alan Sterling ParkesAugust 1933
AP/75/2/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Observations on the morphology of the Blastomycetes found in carcinomata' by Keith W [Waldegrave] Monsarrat1899
AP/76/6/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On changes observable in the liver cells during digestion and their relation to hepatic secretion' by E [Edmond] Wace Carlier1905
RR/13/87Joint referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington and Frederick Walker Mott, on a paper 'Investigations into the segmental representation of movements in the lumbar region of the mammalian spinal cord. —Excitation of the spinal cord, and direct excitation of the spinal nerve roots' by W Page MayDecember 1896
PP/9/1Paper, 'Preliminary report on the pathology of Cholera Asiatica (as observed in Spain, 1885)' by Charles Smart Roy, J Graham Brown and Charles Scott Sherrington1886
PP/9/1/2Figures, mucous membrane of small intestine by Charles Smart Roy, J Graham Brown and Charles Scott Sherrington1886
PP/20/32Paper, 'Note on the knee-jerk and the correlation of action of antagonistic muscles' by Charles Scott Sherrington1893
PP/19/4Paper, 'Note on the functional and structural arrangement of efferent fibres in the nerve-roots of the lumbo-sacral plexus. (Preliminary communication)' by Charles Scott Sherrington1892
PP/21/11Paper, 'Further experimental note on the correlation of action of antagonistic muscles' by Charles Scott Sherrington1893
RR/15/40Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'A trichomic case of colour blindness' by Frederick Eldridge-Green26 April 1901
PP/10/57Paper, 'Note on the anatomy of Asiatic cholera as exemplified in cases occurring in Italy in 1886' by C S [Charles Scott] Sherrington1887
RR/12/62Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'A contribution to the study of I., some of the decussating tracts of the mid- and inter-brain, and II., of the pyramidal system in the mesencephalon and bulb' by Rubert William Boyce5 November 1894
RR/12/216Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Experimental researches into the functions of the cerebellum' by J S Risien Russell30 January 1894
RR/13/21Letter from Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'On a special action of the serum of highly immunised animals, and its use for diagnostic and other purposes' by Herbert E Durham to Michael Foster1 February 1896
RR/15/185Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Observations on the visual purple of the retina' by F W Edridge Green7 December 1901
RR/19/96Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Subacute and acute inflammatory reactions produced in the spinal cord by infection of its lymph nodes' by D Orr and R G Rows27 June 1912
RR/19/146Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The effects of stimulation and extirpation of the labyrinth of the ear, and their relation to the motor system' by J Gordon Wilson and F H Pike[July 1912]
RR/24/69Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Some aspects of animal colouration from the point of view of colour vision' by J C Motham and Frederick William Edridge-Green[June 1917]
RR/25/30Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Recherches anatomo-cliniques sur les névromes d'amputations douloureux. Nouvelles contributions à l'étude de la régénération nerveuse et du neurotropisme' by G Marinesco[December 1918]
RR/31/64Referee's report by Edgar Douglas Adrian, 1st Baron Adrian of Cambridge, on a paper 'Further observations on myotatic reflexes' by Edward George Tandy Liddell and Charles Scott Sherrington18 November 1924
RR/32/86Referee's report by Edgar Douglas Adrian, on a paper 'Recruitment and some other features of reflex inhibition' by Edward George Tandy Liddell and Charles Scott Sherrington1 February 1925
RR/35/25Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Absence of a linear relationship between the reflex flexor shortenings evoked by a graded series of flexion-producing stimuli and the “inhibitory" lengthenings of a constant extension reflex evoked by the same stimuli' by Thomas Graham BrownAugust 1927
RR/39/15Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'Physiological and anatomical evidence for the existence of nerve tracts connecting the hypothalamus with spinal sympathetic centres' by J Beattie, G R Brow and C N H Long2 February 1930
RR/45/63Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'An experimental study of thalamic connections in the rat' by W E Le Gross Clarck8 June 1932
RR/53/25Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The thalamic connections of the parietal and frontal lobes of the brain in the monkey' by Wilfrid Edward Le Gros Clark and R H Boggon[July 1934]
MC/14/58Letter from [Thomas Villiers] Lister, Foreign Office, to the Secretary of the Royal Society29 June 1885
MC/14/324Letter from [John Newport] Langley, Trinity College, Cambridge, to the Royal Society16 May 1888
PP/23/10Paper, 'Note on some changes in the blood of the general circulation consequent upon certain inflammations of an acute local character' by C S [Charles Scott] Sherrington1893
PP/9/1/1Manuscript, 'Preliminary report on the pathology of Cholera Asiatica (as observed in Spain, 1885)' by Charles Smart Roy, J Graham Brown and Charles Scott Sherrington1886
MC/16/194Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 27 St George's Square, to Professor [Michael] Foster24 February 1895
MC/16/177Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, to [Michael] Foster, Secretary of the Royal Society5 February 1895
MC/16/339Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, to Professor [Michael] Foster27 October 1896
MC/14Volume 14 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1885-1888
MC/16Volume 16 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1893-1896
AP/75/2Unpublished paper, 'Observations on the morphology of the Blastomycetes found in carcinomata' by Keith W [Waldegrave] Monsarrat1899
AP/78/8Unpublished paper, 'The action of radiation from radium bromide upon the skin of the ear of the rabbit' by J O [John Oglethorpe] Wakelin Barratt1910
MC/23/431Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool S, to Mr White, [Royal Society]25 December 1907
MC/23/430Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool S, to Sir Archibald Geikie, Secretary, Royal Society20 October 1908
MC/23/429Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The University of Liverpool, School of Physiology, Thompson Yates Laboratories, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]30 May 1908
MC/23/427Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The University of Liverpool, School of Physiology, Thompson Yates Laboratories, to Sir Archibald Geikie, Royal Society29 January 1908
NLB/37/131Copy letter from Archibald Geikie to Professor Sherrington30 January 1908
MC/24/164Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The University, Liverpool, School of Physiology: Thompson Yates Laboratories, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]1 May 1909
MC/24/162Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The University, Liverpool, School of Physiology: Thompson Yates Laboratories, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]17 January 1909
MC/24/161Royal Society Memorandum, Reference: Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Subject: International Brain Commission15 January 1909
MC/24/163Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The University of Liverpool, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]24 March 1909
NLB/40/229Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor C [Charles] S [Scott] Sherrington FRS4 May 1909
MC/23/428Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool S, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]30 January 1908
MC/25/234Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The University of Liverpool, School of Physiology, Thompson Yates Laboratories, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]27 July1910
MC/26/173Letter from [Frederick Walter] Mott, 25 Nottingham Place, W, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]27 April 1911
MC/26/247Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The University of Liverpool, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]4 March 1911
MC/26/249Letter from Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The University of Liverpool, School of Physiology, Thompson Yates Laboratories, to the [Secretaries], Royal Society28 December 1911
MC/26/248Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The University, Liverpool, School of Physiology, Thompson Yates Laboratories, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]5 June 1911
MC/20/377Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, to Sir Archibald Geikie10 March 1905
MC/27/324Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The Univeristy of Liverpool, to The Secretaries, Royal Society29 December 1912
MC/20/379Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, to Sir Archibald Geikie5 April 1905
MC/20/380Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison11 April 1905
MC/20/376Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, School of Physiology: Thompson Yates Laboratories, The Univeristy, Liverpool, to the Secretaries of the Royal Society18 February 1905
MC/20/375Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison2 January 1905
MC/20/378Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison21 March 1905
MC/20/381Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison15 April 1905
MC/20/384Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison28 December 1904
MC/28/258Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 18 Grove Park, Liverpool S, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]21 December 1913
MC/28/256Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 18 Grove Park, Liverpool S, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]15 February 1913
MC/28/257Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, School of Physiology Thompson Yates Laboratories, The University of Liverpool, to [Robert] Harrison, [Assistant Secretary], Royal Society20 December 1913
MC/39Volume 39 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1925
MC/29/237Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, School of Physiology, Thompson Yates Laboratories, The University of Liverpool, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]3 January 1914
NLB/32/569Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor John Newport Langley, Fellow of the Royal Society6 April 1906
MC/30/185Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 9 Chadlington Road, Oxford, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]6 November 1915
MC/30/186Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 9 Chadlington Road, Oxford, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]2 December 1915
MC/31/13Letter from [William Maddock] Bayliss, Honorary Secretary of the Physiological Society, Institute of Physiology, University College, Gower Street, London, W.C, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]3 December 1916
MC/21/575Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, [Robert William Frederick] Harrison14 March 1906
NLB/32/270Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society12 February 1906
MC/32/248Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 9 Chadlington Road, Oxford, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]14 October 1917
MC/32/244Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 9 Chadlington Road, Oxford, to [Arthur] Schuster, [Royal Society]25 January 1917
MC/37/63Letter from [John Scott] Haldane, Cherwell, Oxford, to [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Royal Society20 October 1923
MC/32/247Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 9 Chadlington Road, Oxford, to [William Bate] Hardy, [Royal Society]16 June 1917
NLB/54/32Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Chairman of the Physiology Committee and FRS26 January 1917
MC/22/416Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, to Sir Archibald Geikie1 March 1907
MC/32/245Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 9 Chadlington Road, Oxford, to [Arthur] Schuster, [Royal Society]17 April 1917
MC/32/246Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 9 Chadlington Road, Oxford, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]13 May 1917
MC/22/415Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool, to Sir Archibald Geikie6 February 1907
MC/35Volume 35 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1921
ACS/1/1/357Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 9 Chadlington Road, Oxford, to [Alan Archibald Campbell] Swinton6 January 1922
MC/22/417Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, School of Physiology: Thompson Yates Laboratories, The University of Liverpool, to Sir Archibald Geikie11 June 1907
MC/38/103Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Oxford, to [William Bate] Hardy29 March 1924
MC/39/98Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 9 Chadlington Road, Oxford, to [William Bate] Hardy28 September 1925
MC/39/65Letter from [Edwin] Ray Lankester, 44 Oakley Street, Chelsea, to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society13 June [1925]
MC/37/56Letter from [Frank] Gill, European Chief Engineer, International Western Electric Company, Incorporated European General Offices, Connaught House, Aldwych, London, W.C.2., to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, President, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W28 May 1923
MC/37/55Letter from [Frank] Gill, European Chief Engineer, International Western Electric Company, Incorporated European General Offices, Connaught House, Aldwych, London, W.C.2., to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, President, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1 May 1923
MC/35/72Letter from J C Graham, 20 Eldon Road, London, to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington4 May 1921
MC/35/148Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London, to [William Bate] Hardy17 January 1921
MC/36/49Letter from [Sidney Frederic] Harmer, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, to Professor C S Sherrington, President of the Royal Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly7 July 1922
MC/38/108Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Oxford, to [Francis Alexander] Towle20 [October] 1924
MC/38/48Letter from Walter Johnson, 5 Berber Road, Wandsworth Common, to Charles [Scott] Sherrington3 May 1923
MC/38/106Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Solent Cliffs, Bournemouth, to [William Bate] Hardy12 April 1924
MC/38/96Letter from Aston Webb, President of the Royal Academy of Arts, Piccadilly, London, to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington24 November 1924
MC/38/105Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, Solent Cliffs, Bournemouth, to [William Bate] Hardy8 April 1924
MC/38/97Letter from W Lamb, Secretary of the Royal Academy of Arts, Piccadilly, London, to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington2 December 1924
MC/38/109Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The Royal Society, Burlington House, Lonodn, to [Francis Alexander] Towle11 December 1924
MC/38Volume 38 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1924
MC/24/160Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, 16 Grove Park, Liverpool S, to [John Rose] Bradford, [Royal Society]4 January 1909
MC/39/99Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London, to Sir William [Bate] Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society30 September 1925
MC/36Volume 36 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1922
MC/22Volume 22 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1907
MC/20Volume 20 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1905
MC/21Volume 21 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1906
MC/37/13Letter from [Thomas] Vickers, Secretary, The British Cast Iron Research Association, Central Houswe, New Street, Birmingham, to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, President, Royal Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W.11 March 1923
MC/23/426Letter from [Charles Scott] Sherrington, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London, W, to Sir Archibald Geikie, Royal Society25 January 1908
MC/26/82Letter from Gustav Fischer, Verlagsbuchhandlung, Jena, to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, [Royal Society]26 May 1911
ACS/1/2/1/532Letter from [Alan Archibald Campbell] Swinton, to Ole11 March 1921
ACS/1/2/1/535Letter from [Alan Archibald Campbell] Swinton, to Professor [Charles Scott] Sherrington, [Predient of the Royal Society], 9 Chadlington Road, Oxford14 March 1921
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