
Authorised form of nameStokes; Sir; George Gabriel (1819 - 1903); physicist
Dates1819 - 1903
Place of birthSkreen, County Sligo, Ireland
Date of birth13 August 1819
Place of deathCambridge, England
Date of death01/02/1903
Mill Road cemetery, Cambridge, England (5 February 1903)
Research fieldGeodesy
Fluid mechanics
Applied mathematics
Trinity College, Cambridge (MA)
Fellow, Pembroke College, Cambridge; Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, University of Cambridge (1849-1903); lectureship in physics at the Government School of Mines in London (1854-1860).
Bt 1889
Smith's Prize 1841
Pour le Mérite 1879
International membership of NAS 1883
Actonian Prize 1886
Cambridge Philosophical Society (President 1859–1861)
British Association for the Advancement of Science (President 1869)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election05/06/1851
Age at election32
ProposerRobert Willis; William Hopkins; William Whewell; Baden Powell; George Peacock; William Clark; John Hymers; Adam Sedgwick; J C Adams Adams; John Bishop; William Henry Sykes; Charles Brooke; Charles Wheatstone
RSActivityRoyal Society roles:
Sec 1854-1885; PRS 1885-1890; VP 1890-1892; Council 1853-1892; Editor of the Royal Society's scientific journals; scientific adviser to the Indian geodetic survey, the Meteorological Council, and the Solar Physics Observatory.
Medals and prizes:
Rumford Medal 1852; Copley Medal 1893
RelationshipsParents: Gabriel Stokes (1762–1834), rector of Skreen and vicar-general of Killala, and Elizabeth, daughter of John Haughton, rector of Kilrea, co. Londonderry.
Spouse: Mary Susanna (1823/4–1899), daughter of Irish astronomer (John) Thomas Romney Robinson (1793–1882) and his first wife, Eliza Isabelle Rambaut (d. 1839), of Huguenot descent (4 July 1857).
Children: Susanna Elizabeth (died in infancy); Dora Susanna (died in infancy); William George Gabriel; Arthur Romney; Isabella Lucy.
PublishedWorksRCN 21697
RCN R65267
RCN R65268
RCN 55414
OtherInfoRemembered for his studies of the behaviour of viscous fluids and the law of viscosity.
Explained fluorescence and coined the word.
Known for his hydrodynamical formuale,the ‘Navier–Stokes equations’.
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Stokes P0126.jpg

Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
Proc Roy Soc 1905 vol 75 pp 199-216, plate, signed by H
Frank A J L James, 'The Conservation of Energy, Theories of Absorption and Resonating Molecules, 1851-1854: G G Stokes, A J Angstrom and W Thomson' in NR 1983-84 vol 38 pp 79-107
Marie Boas Hall, 'The Royal Society in Thomas Henry Huxley's Time' in NR 1983-84 vol 38 pp 153-158
W V Farrar, 'Edward Schunck, FRS. A Pioneer of Natural Product Chemistry' in NR 1976-7 vol 31 pp 273-296
John R Levene, 'Sir George Biddell Airy, FRS (1801-1892) and the Discovery and Correction of Astigmatism' in NR 1966 vol 21 pp 180-199
Alex D D Craik, 'James Ivory's last papers on the 'Figure of the Earth' (with biographical additions) in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 187-204
J S Rowlinson, 'The work of Thomas Andrews and James Thomson on the liquefaction of gases' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 143-159
W Hayes, 'Physics as well as poetry. Physicists of Ireland, edited by M McCartney and A Whitaker' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 245-246
R Iliffe and J Young, 'Report. Newton on the net: first and prospective fruits of a Royal Society grant' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 83-88
P Fara, 'Lucasian Professors. From Newton to Hawking: a history of Cambridge University's Lucasian professors of mathematics, ed K C Knox and R Noakes' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 312-313
G Ferrari and A McConnell, 'Robert Mallet and the 'Great Neapolitan earthquake' of 1857 in NR 2005 vol 59 pp 45-64
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
MS/743/1/76Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London, to John Hall Gladstone16 June 1871
MC/5/178Letter from S [Samuel] Hunter Christie to Colonel [Edward] Sabine, Treasurer of the Royal Society10 October 1854
MM/17/128Letter from George Gabriel Stokes to Herbert Rix6 September 1882
MC/10/374Letter from N Macphail, 73 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]27 March 1876
MM/21/64Letter from George Gabriel Stokes to Herbert N Flewker7 July 1890
MS/377/1/130Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, 4 Windsan Terrace to William Fletcher Barrett 26 September 1884
MS/377/1/129Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to William Fletcher Barrett11 March 1882
EC/1851/13Stokes, Sir George Gabriel: certificate of election to the Royal Society
MC/10/367Letter from Robert Mallet, Offices, 7 Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, London, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society13 March 1876
RR/9/270Letter from George Gore, on his paper 'On 'transfer-resistance' in electrolytic and voltaic cells' to the George Gabriel Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society4 January 1886
MM/14/156Letter from Donald MacFarlane, Glasgow, to George Gabriel Stokes9 January 1872
MM/16/48Letter from Henry Toynbee, Meteorological Office, to George Gabriel Stokes9 September 1878
MS/377/1/127Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Observatory, Armagh, to William Fletcher Barrett11 September 1880
MS/843/21Letter from George Gabriel Stokes to William Sharpey27 October 1864
IM/004414Stokes, Sir George Gabriel1892
MC/5/262Letter from T R [Thomas Romney] Robinson, Observatory Armagh, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society26 October 1856
MM/19/84Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Secretary, Royal Society to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society15 July 1863
MM/19/116Notes on the Huyghens object glassc.1855
MM/17/72Letter from George Gabriel Stokes to Herbert Rix, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society11 December 1894
MM/17/2Letter from George Gabriel Stokes to HE Roscoe17 October 1892
MM/14/153Letter from CW Thompson, Belfast, to George Gabriel Stokes15 Feb
MC/10/380Letter from Robert H [Henry] Scott, Honorary Secretary of the Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society3 April 1876
MM/14/154Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Cambridge, to August Dupre 18 May 1868
MM/15/8Letter from GJ Romanes to George Gabriel Stokes20 June 1881
MM/17/73Letter from George Gabriel Stokes to Herbert Rix, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society15 December 1894
MS/766/6Letter from George Gabriel Stokes to [William Sharpey]c1868
MM/15/28Draft of a letter or memorandum about the Meteorological Office 19th century
MM/14/161Letter from John Spiller, Highbury New Park, to George Gabriel Stokes10 December 1872
MM/16/50Letter from Henry Toynbee, Meteorological Office, to George Gabriel Stokes18 September 1878
MM/14/155Letter from Warren de la Rue, 110 Bunhill Row, to George Gabriel Stokes1 June 1868
MM/16/157Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Royal Society, to Sir John Herschel10 October 1856
MM/19/82Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Secretary, Royal Society to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society16 July 1863
MM/16/47Letter from Henry Toynbee, Meteorological Office, to George Gabriel Stokes14 August 1878
MM/19/80Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Secretary, Royal Society to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society4 June 1864
MM/17/1Letter from George Gabriel Stokes to HE Roscoe17 October 1892
MM/19/81Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Secretary, Royal Society to William Sharpey, Secretary, Royal Society9 November 1868
MM/17/74Letter from George Gabriel Stokes to Robert Harrison, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society4 May 1899
MM/12/88Report of the Standards Office Committee, signed by G B Airy, AR Clarke and George Gabriel Stokesc.1882
MM/19/114Letter from Warren de la Rue to George Gabriel Stokes, Secretary, Royal Society19 February 1855
MM/14/162Letter from August Dupre, Westminster Hospital, to George Gabriel Stokes12 December 1872
MS/373/1/9Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Thomas Edward Thorpe6 December 1879
IM/004412Stokes, Sir George Gabrielnd
MS/377/1/126Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to William Fletcher Barrett27 July 1875
MS/377/1/128Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to William Fletcher Barrett30 January 1882
MS/377/1/125Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to William Fletcher Barrett15 July 1867
MC/10/194Letter from David Ferrier, 16 Upper Berkeley Street, Portman Square, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society12 January 1875
MM/15/69Letter from J A Broun to George Gabriel Stokes4 June 1877
MM/15/67Letter from AE Fridell, National Photo Mezzo Tint Gallery, to George Gabriel Stokes4 July 1873
MS/743/1/75Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, The Atheneum, to John Hall Gladstone15 June 1871
MM/16/49Letter from Henry Toynbee, Meteorological Office, to George Gabriel Stokes13 September 1878
MM/14/157Letter from A C L G Gunther, British Museum, to George Gabriel Stokes24 March 1871
MC/9/81Letter from A Le Sueur, Melbourne Observatory, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society21 May 1870
MM/14/163Letter from William Benjamin Carpenter, University of London, to George Gabriel Stokes20 January 1872
IM/004409Stokes, Sir George Gabrielnd
IM/Maull/004410Stokes, Sir George Gabriel1890
MC/11/55Letter from Baron Coleridge, 1 Sussex Square, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]4 May 1877
NLB/66/899Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to R. D. German, Esq. Cardiff11 September 1924
RR/5/100Telegram from William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, on a paper 'Further inquiries concerning the laws and operation of electrical force' by William Snow Harris to George Gabriel Stokes22 December 1864
NLB/1/136Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to the Secretary to the Admiralty24 June 1886
NLB/4/424Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society28 May 1890
NLB/2/29Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society10 December 1887
NLB/1/178Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to Sir Reginald Earle Welby10 August 1886
NLB/2/98Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society14 January 1888
NLB/1/49Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to Anselmo Ferreira Pinto Basto, Consul General for Portugal, Linsfield Cottage, Cambridge2 January 1886
NLB/1/519Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society18 July 1887
NLB/2/35Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, Principal of the Royal Society14 December 1887
NLB/1/77Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to the Secretary of Admiralty 24 February 1886
NLB/1/100Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to the Secretary of the Admiralty1 April 1886
NLB/1/128Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to Walter Joseph Sendall, Governor-in-Chief of the Windward Islands12 June 1886
NLB/1/135Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to the Permanent Under Secretary of State for War, the War Office24 June 1886
NLB/1/141Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to the Secretary of Admiralty 26 June 1886
NLB/1/159Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to the Secretary to the Admiralty15 July 1886
NLB/2/232Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society6 March 1888
NLB/4/48Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes 27 January 1890
NLB/2/994Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society23 January 1889
NLB/1/608Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society5 October 1887
NLB/2/596Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, Glasthute Lodge, Kingston, Ireland22 September 1888
NLB/4/52Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes28 January 1890
NLB/4/613Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society22 July 1890
NLB/4/586Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society16 July 1890
NLB/4/108Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to F Howard Collins12 February 1890
NLB/4/40Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society25 January 1890
NLB/2/764Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, Member of Parliament1 November 1888
NLB/4/256Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society28 March 1890
NLB/4/276Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society9 April 1890
NLB/4/461Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes6 June 1890
NLB/4/953Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society5 December 1890
NLB/2/1031Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, [President of the Royal Society]4 February 1889
NLB/4/472Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes9 June 1890
NLB/2/986Copy letter from [Herbert Rix], to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society21 January 1889
NLB/4/761Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society17 October 1890
NLB/3/256Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society24 April 1889
NLB/3/201Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society10 April 1889
NLB/4/858Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society13 November 1890
NLB/4/940Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society3 December 1890
NLB/3/645Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society29 July 1889
NLB/3/617Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society24 July 1889
NLB/4/912Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society24 November 1890
NLB/3/571Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society15 July 1889
NLB/3/612Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society23 July 1889
NLB/3/793Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society9 October 1889
NLB/3/769Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society5 October 1889
NLB/3/899Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society7 November 1889
NLB/3/880Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society1 November 1889
NLB/6/427Copy letter from Michael Foster, to the Secretary, Royal Astronomical Society11 May 1892
NLB/3/986Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society2 December 1889
NLB/3/938Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society18 November 1889
NLB/7/856Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Reverend G E Watts, Kensworth Vicarage, Dunstable10 May 1893
NLB/5/156Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society6 April 1891
NLB/5/760Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society7 October 1891
NLB/7/96Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes28 November 1892
NLB/7/829Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society5 May 1893
NLB/5/725Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society28 September 1891
NLB/5/1004Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society4 December 1891
NLB/5/1193Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society25 January 1892
NLB/10/552Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society15 December 1894
NLB/10/152Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society9 October 1894
NLB/11/13Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society3 April 1895
NLB/8/472Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Sir Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society2 November 1893
NLB/8/474Copy letter from Michael Foster, to the Honorable Sir C W Fremantle2 November 1893
NLB/10/278Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society5 November 1894
NLB/8/740Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society15 December 1893
NLB/10/510Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt]7 December 1894
NLB/10/666Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society15 January 1895
NLB/10/438Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society24 November 1894
NLB/10/522Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society10 December 1894
NLB/10/549Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society14 December 1894
NLB/10/689Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Horace Lamb, Fellow of the Royal Society21 January 1895
NLB/10/700Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society22 January 1895
NLB/10/691Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society21 January 1895
NLB/10/750Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to William Turner Thiselton-Dyer 30 January 1895
NLB/9/464Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society22 May 1894
NLB/11/504Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Lord Kelvin [William Thomson], Fellow of the Royal Society15 July 1895
NLB/11/501Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt], Secretary, Royal Society13 July 1895
NLB/11/676Copy letter from A H White, to Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt], Secretary, Royal Society11 September 1895
RR/15/158Second letter from William Dobinson Halliburton, on a paper 'The electric response of inorganic substances. Preliminary notice' by Jagadis Chunder Bose to Robert Frederick William Harrison10 June 1901
RR/15/161Referee's report by the Secretaries of the Royal Society, on a paper 'The electric response of inorganic substances. Preliminary notice' by Jagadis Chunder BoseJune 1901
RR/15/156Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'The electric response of inorganic substances. Preliminary notice' by Jagadis Chunder Bose6 June 1901
NLB/2New Letter Book volume 2, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration30 November 1887-9 February 1889
NLB/21/320Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society27 October 1900
NLB/4New Letter Book volume 4, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration14 January 1890-12 February 1891
NLB/16/500Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir G G Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society22 April 1898
NLB/23/2/76Copy telegram from Sir Michael Foster, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield, Cambridge6 June 1901
NLB/19/733Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society7 December 1899
NLB/18/759Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Professor [A] Michelson9 May 1899
NLB/22/278Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir [George Gabriel] Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society3 April 1901
NLB/15/175Copy telegram from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Lord [Joseph] Lister, Sir John Evans, Sir Edward Frankland, Lord Kelvin [William Thomson], Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, Sir George Stokes, Lord Rayleigh, William Turner Thiselton-Dyer, Sir William Huggins, and Robert Bellamy Clifton, Fellows of the Royal Society[8 July 1897]
NLB/18/770Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George G Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society10 May 1899
NLB/19/26Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society5 June 1899
NLB/18/246Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir G G Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge11 February 1899
NLB/19/729Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society4 December 1899
NLB/18/385Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to J W Clark, Registry of the University, Cambridge2 March 1899
NLB/18/662Copy letter from [Arthur William] Rucker, to [Professor J A] Ewing, Cambridge[18 April 1899]
NLB/19/482Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society12 October 1899
NLB/19/693Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society 24 November 1899
NLB/19/808Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society1 January 1900
NLB/20/134Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society9 February 1900
NLB/20/203Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to the Registrar of the University of Cambridge22 February 1900
NLB/20/454Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society27 April 1900
NLB/20/312Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society20 March 1900
NLB/20/347Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Charles Godfrey29 March 1900
NLB/20/730Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society26 June 1900
NLB/20/652Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society10 June 1900
NLB/21/250Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society10 October 1900
NLB/20/596Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society28 May 1900
NLB/22/359Copy letter from Arthur [William] Rucker, to Sir [George Gabriel] Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society30 April 1901
RR/14/162Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the application of fourier's double integrals to optical problems' by Charles Godfreynd [February 1900]
NLB/23/2/302Copy letter sent from Sir William Huggins, to the Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge12 February 1903
NLB/23/1/722Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society10 January 1902
NLB/24/190Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Lensfield, Cambridge19 March 1902
MC/11/450Letter from J D [Joseph David] Everett, Malone Road, Belfast, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society9 December 1879
MC/8/388Letter from E J [Edward James] Stone, Royal Observatory Greenwich, London, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society26 June 1869
MC/10/253Letter from James Wm [William] Colvile, 8 Rutland Gate, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]1 May 1875
MC/10/133Letter from Alfred Rich C [Richard Cecil] Selwyn, Geological Survey of Canada, Museum and Office, 76 St Gabriel Street, Montreal, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society25 June 1874
MC/19/469Letter from Mrs Laurence Humphrey Lensfield, Cambridge, to the Royal Society15 August 1904
MC/10/217Letter from Saml [Samuel] Haughton, Trinity College Dublin, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]7 February 1875
MS/427/2Copy letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lieut Gen. [Henry Frederick] Ponsonby6 November 1879
NLB/10New Letter Book volume 10, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration17 August 1894-1 April 1895
MC/10/65Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Burlington House, London, to [William Spottiswoode], Treasurer of the Royal Society30 January 1874
RR/7/464Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on an unnamed paper by J Redman25 July 1876
RR/2/26Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Researches on the geometrical properties of elliptic integrals' by James Booth3 May 1852
RR/3/83Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the theory of the gyroscope' by Reverend William Cook1857
RR/3/106Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Experimental relations of gold (and other metals) to light' by Michael Faraday28 May 1857
RR/3/6Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Account of experiments undertaken in the Harton Colliery for the purpose of determining the mean density of the earth' by George Biddell Airy13 March 1856
RR/7/55 Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the mathematical theory of stream-lines, especially those with four foci and upwards' by William John Macquorn Rankine1870
RR/4/116Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the properties of electro-deposited antimony (concluded)' by George Gore1 July 1862
RR/7/26Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the pre-carboniferous flora of Northeastern America' by Dawson15 November 1870
MC/13/99Letter from Henry C [Charles] Burdett, 39 Gloucester Road, Regent's Park, to [Michael Foster and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society13 October 1884
MS/928/2/154Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 8 November 1890
MS/928/2/168Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 25 December 1897
MS/928/2/153Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 7 November 1890
MS/928/2/163Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 29 November 1897
MS/928/2/159Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 3-4 December 1890
MS/928/2/162Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 26-27 November 1897
RR/4/263Referee's report by James Clerk Maxwell, on a paper 'On the long spectrum of electric light' by George Gabriel Stokes8 July 1862
MS/928/2/160Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 6 December 1890
MS/928/2/169Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 27 December 1897
RR/5/243Letter from John Wood, to George Gabriel Stoke, regarding an unknown paper30 December 1864
MS/928/2/161Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 3 November 1897
MS/928/2/158Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 2 December 1890
RR/7/121Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the uniform flow of a liquid' by Henry Moseley1871
MS/928/2/166Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 6 December 1897
RR/1/234Referee's report by John Frederick William Herschel, on two unnamed papers by George Gabriel Stokes and Baden Powell[c.1848]
RR/5/156Third letter from Robert McDonnell, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the amyloid substance of the liver, and its ultimate destination in the animal economy' by Robert McDonnell2 July [1864]
MS/928/2/165Figure, section of a sound bore, from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 4 December 1897
MS/928/2/170Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 27 December 1897
MS/928/2/173Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 30 March 1900
MS/928/2/171Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 20 March 1900
RR/7/69Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Certain supra-annual cycles of temperature in the earth's surface crust' to Charles Piazzi Smyth22 December 1870
RR/5/275Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on the Bakerian Lecture 'Contributions to molecular physics.— Being the fifth memoir of researches on radiant heat' by John Tyndall23 March 1863
MC/12/353Letter from Walter F [Francis] Tiffin, Salisbury, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]8 September 1883
RR/7/114Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the chemical activity of nitrates' by Edmund James Mills to the author21 February 1871
MC/13/82Letter from Horace Lamb, The University, Adelaide, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]28 July 1884
RR/6/219Letter from John Peter Gassiot, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Some experiments with the great induction coil at the Royal Polytechnic' by John Henry Pepper21 July 1869
RR/8/242Letter from Richard Owen, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the ova of the Echidna hystrix' by Richard Owen9 September 1880
RR/6/240Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On waves in liquids' by William John Macquorn Rankine27 June 1868
RR/6/223Letter from John Marshall, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the muscular arrangements of the bladder and prostate, and the manner in which the ureters and urethra are closed' by James Bell Pettigrew7 September 1866
RR/7/153Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Corrections to the computed lengths of waves of light published in the Philosophical Transactions of the year 1868' by George Biddell Airy23 January 1872
RR/7/350Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the atmosphere as a vehicle of sound' by John Tyndall2 March 1874
RR/7/110Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'An experimental inquiry into the constitution of blood and the nutrition of muscular tissue' by William Marcet to the author12 December 1871
RR/6/228Letter from James Bell Pettigrew, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the distribution of the fibres in the muscular tunics of the stomach in man and other mammalia' by James Bell Pettigrew19 June 1868
RR/6/253Letter from Henry Enfield Roscoe, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the chemical intensity of total daylight at Kew and Pará, 1865,1866, and 1867' by Henry Enfield Roscoe12 August 1867
RR/6/28Letter from Jacob Augustus Lockhart Clarke, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the structure of the cerebral hemispheres' by William Henry Broadbent17 August 1869
RR/6/313Letter from Frederick Guthrie, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the thermal resistance of liquids' by Frederick Guthrie23 June 1869
RR/9/169Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'A new theory of tidal evolution' by James Nolan15 August 1883
RR/8/151Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on the Bakerian Lecture 'On the illumination of lines of molecular pressure, and the trajectory of molecules' by William Crookes15 January 1879
RR/10/12Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on an untraced paper by Mr Blake19 March 1887
RR/8/59Third letter from George John Romanes, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Further observations on the locomotor system of medusae' by George John Romanes10 June 1877
RR/8/212Second letter from Thomas Edward Thorpe, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'A magnetic survey of the fortieth parallel in North America between the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Salt Lake Utah' by Thomas Edward Thorpe3 December 1879
RR/8/202Letter from George West Royston-Pigott, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Microscopical researches in high power definition' by George West Royston-Pigott4 November 1879
RR/8/136Letter from Thomas Henry Huxley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Contributions to the anatomy of the central nervous system vertebrate animals' by Alfred Sanders18 July 1878
MC/10/125Letter from George Gore, Edgbaston, Birmingham, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society16 June 1874
RR/8/248Second letter from William Kitchen Parker, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper [attributed] 'On the structure and development of the skull in sturgeons (Acipenser ruthenus and A. sturio)' by William Kitchen Parker30 July 1880
RR/9/402Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a supplement to a paper 'On the clark cell as a standard of electro-motive force' by John William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh11 January 1886
RR/11/161bisReferee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the colour of the leaves of plants and their Autumnal changes' by Arthur Hill Hassall13 July 1892
RR/8/214Letter from George Gabriel Stoke, to Dr Wagner, regarding an untraced paper by Dr Wagnernd [1879]
AP/58/4/5Unpublished letter, regarding 'On a secular variation in the rainfall in connection with the secular variation in the amount of sun-spots' from John Allan Broun to George Gabriel Stokes8 January 1877
RR/10/216Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Contributions to the chemistry of chlorophyll. No. III' by Henry Edward Schunck3 July 1888
RR/8/203Second letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to George West Royston-Pigott, regarding a paper 'Microscopical researches in high power definition' by George West Royston-Pigott7 November 1879
RR/8/235Letter from John William Mallet, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Revision of the atomic weight of aluminum' by John William Mallet6 July 1880
RR/8/208Letter from William Spottiswoode, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the sensitive state of electrical discharges through rarefied gases' by William Spottiswoode and John Fletcher Moulton, Baron Moulton28 June 1879
RR/9/267Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On 'transfer-resistance' in electrolytic and voltaic cells' by George Gore to the author11 July 1885
RR/8/349Letter from William Henry Dallinger, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On Trichophyton tonsurans (the fungus of ringworm)' by George Thin12 November 1881
RR/9/233Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Evidence of a large extinct monotreme (Echidna Ramsayi, Ow.) from the Wellington Breccia Cave, New South Wales' by Richard Owen to the author16 May 1884
RR/8/303Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to W Galloway, regarding a paper 'On the influence of coal-dust in colliery explosions. No. III' by W Galloway30 January 1882
RR/9/240Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the electro-chemical equivalent of silver, and on the absolute electromotive force of clark cells' by John William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh and Eleanor Mildred Sidgwick5 August 1884
RR/9/232Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Description of parts of a human skeleton from a pleistocene (palaeolithic) bed, Tilbury, Essex' by Richard Owen to the author22 March 1884
RR/10/117Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Colour photometry.—Part II. The measurement of reflected colours' by William De Wiveleslie Abney and Edward Robert Festing5 July 1888
RR/9/133Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the relations of particular structural features' to David Douglas Cunningham7 July 1883
RR/9/202Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Conditions of chemical change in gases: hydrogen, carbonic oxide, and oxygen' by Harold Baily Dixon15 August 1884
MS/928/2/172Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 23 March 1900
MS/928/2/157Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 14 November 1890
RR/7/20Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the proof of the law of errors of observations' by Morgan William Crofton to the author21 January 1870
RR/12/209Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to Herbert Rix, regarding a paper 'On the dynamical theory of incompressible viscous fluids and the determination of the criterion' by Osborne Reynolds5 December 1894
MC/12/205Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to [William] Spottiswoode, [President of the Royal Society]11 October 1881
RR/13/82Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Experiments on fluid viscosity' by A Mallock3 August 1895
RR/12/259Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'The action of light on bacteria.—III' by Harry Marshall Ward16 April 1894
RR/12/258Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, regarding a paper 'The action of light on bacteria.—III' by Harry Marshall Ward16 April 1894
RR/6/25Letter from George Biddell Airy, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the corrections of Bouvard’s elements of Jupiter and Saturn (Paris, 1821)' by Hugh Breen9 June 1869
RR/13/174Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the change of absorption produced by fluorescence' by John Burke13 July 1897
MC/9/426Letter from Robert H [Henry] Scott, Meteorological Office, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]31 October 1872
RR/8/140Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the spectra of metalloids— Spectrum of Oxygen' by Arthur Schusternd [1878]
RR/5/212Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the exact form of waves near the surface of deep water' by William John Macquorn Rankine18 March 1863
RR/2/231Referee's report by William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse, on a paper 'On the change of refrangibility of light. No. II' by George Gabriel Stokes28 July 1853
RR/7/56Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the mathematical theory of stream-lines, especially those with four foci and upwards' by William John Macquorn Rankine19 January 1871
RR/6/47Letter from Henry Benjamin Wheatley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Description of Parkeria and Loftusia, two gigantic types of arenaceous foraminifera' by William Benjamin Carpenter and Henry Bowman Brady7 August 1869
RR/6/87Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the measurement of the luminous intensity of light' by William Crookesnd [1869]
RR/8/100Letter from George Carey Foster, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Measurements of electrical constants. No. II. On the specific inductive capacities of certain dielectrics. Part I' by J E H Gordon4 August 1878
RR/6/224Letter from James Bell Pettigrew, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the muscular arrangements of the bladder and prostate, and the manner in which the ureters and urethra are closed' by James Bell Pettigrew19 September 1866
RR/8/227Letter from Balfour Stewart, to George Gabriel Stoke, regarding a paper 'On actinometrical observations, made in India at Mussooree and Dehra in October and November, 1879' by John Baboneau Nickterlien Hennessey26 October 1880
RR/8/293Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to William Grylls Adams, regarding a paper 'Effects of stress on the thermoelectric quality of metals. Part I' by James Alfred Ewing14 April 1882
RR/14/112Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'The colour sensations in terms of luminosity' by William De Wiveleslie Abneynd [June 1899]
RR/3/124Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Elementary considerations on the subject of rotatory motion' by William Gravatt1856
RR/7/41Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the mechanical performance of logical inference' by William Stanley Jevons1870
RR/4/262Referee's report by Charles Wheatstone, on a paper 'On the long spectrum of electric light' by George Gabriel Stokes16 July 1862
RR/9/45Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'The prehensores of male butterflies of the genera Ornithoptera and Papilo' by Philip Henry Gosse to the author24 February 1882
RR/10/8Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on an untraced paper 'On the absorption of light by the atmosphere' by William de Wiveleslie Abneynd [1887]
RR/12/382Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the magnetic rotation of the plane of polarization of light in liquids.—Part I. Carbon bisulphide and water' by J W Rodger and William Watson16 July 1895
RR/11/132Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Researches on turacin, an animal pigment containing copper.-II' by Arthur Herbert Church7 May 1892
MC/8/238Letter from Alexander Prior, 25 Portland Place, Dublin, to the Secretary of the Royal Society5 August 1868
RR/5/198Third letter from Jonathan Frederick Pollock, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On Fermat's theorem of the polygonal numbers. —Second communication' by Jonathan Frederick Pollock10 April 1865
RR/8/135Letter from Alfred Sanders, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Contributions to the anatomy of the central nervous system vertebrate animals' by Alfred Sanders7 July 1878
RR/8/79Copy of a letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to John Casey, regarding a paper 'On the equations of circles. (Second memoir.)' by John Casey1 July 1878
RR/8/321Letter from William Mitchinson Hicks, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On toroidal functions' by William Mitchinson Hicks21 July 1881
RR/8/299Third letter from W Galloway, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the influence of coal-dust in colliery explosions. No. III' by W Galloway19 November 1881
MS/426/344Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes Esq15 November 1848
MC/10/163Letter from Alexn J [Alexander John] Ellis, 25 Argll Road, Kensington, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society28 October 1874
RR/4/5Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the spectrum of carbon' by John Attfield1 July 1862
MS/426/451Note of a letter from [the Secretaries of] the Royal Society; to various individuals20 June 1851
MM/10/17Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Cambridge, to RH Scott8 June 1879
IM/Maull/004413Stokes, Sir George Gabrielnd
IM/004408Stokes, Sir George Gabriel2002
MM/16/32Letter from William Thomson, 1st Lord Kelvin, Glasgow University, to George Gabriel Stokes15 April 1882
MC/5/257Letter from G B [George Biddell] Airy, Royal Observatory Greenwich, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society19 August 1856
MM/16/57Letter from James Clerk Maxwell, Glenlair, to George Gabriel Stokes2 September 1879
MM/14/158Letter from DT Ansted, 33 Brunswick Square, to George Gabriel Stokes5 April 1871
MM/15/7Letter from Walter E Smith to George Gabriel Stokes, with reply1880
MM/14/160Letter from A Macalister, Trinity College Dublin, to William Sharpey2 January 1871
MM/16/54Letter from T H Huxley, Marlborough Place, to George Gabriel Stokes14 July 1881
MC/9/434Letter from J [James] Bell Pettigrew, 57 Queen Street, Edinburgh, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society13 November 1872
IM/Maull/004411Stokes, Sir George Gabrielnd
MC/14/354Letter from [John James] Hornby, The Lodge, Eton College, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes14 November 1888
MC/9/405Letter from J T [James Thomas] Walker, 17 Queensberry Place, South Kensington, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society29 August 1872
NLB/1/368Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to the Secretary, the Treasury25 January 1887
NLB/1/727Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, John Evans, Michael Foster, and Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt], to the Marquess of Salisbury, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil17 November 1887
NLB/2/56Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society 21 December 1887
NLB/1/174Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to R D Awdry, Admiralty17 September 1886
NLB/2/44Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to the Right Honorable Henry Matthews, MP [Member of Parliament]17 December 1887
NLB/2/247Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society10 March 1888
NLB/1/160Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to the Under Secretary of State, the Colonial Office15 July 1886
PT/58/4Paper, 'Photochemical researches' by Professor [Robert Wilhelm] Bunsen and H E [Henry Enfield] Roscoe[1856]
NLB/1/127Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to the Under Secretary of State, the Colonial Office11 June 1886
NLB/1/332Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to Sir Reginald Earle Welby28 December 1886
NLB/1/387Copy letter from George Gabiel Stokes, to Frank Mowatt4 February 1887
NLB/2/584Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society, Glasthule Lodge, Kingstown [Ireland]18 September 1888
NLB/4/918Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society25 November 1890
NLB/3/491Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society24 June 1889
NLB/10/751Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster29 January 1895
NLB/3New Letter Book volume 3, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration11 February 1889-13 January 1890
NLB/14/430Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Professor [James] Dewar, [Fellow of the Royal Society]10 March 1897
NLB/15/165Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Lord Kelvin [William Thomson], Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt], Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, and Sir Edward Frankland, Fellows of the Royal Society7 July 1897
NLB/19/703Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Fellow of the Royal Society27 November 1899
PT/47/5/1Manuscript, 'On the change of refrangibility of light. No 2.' by G G [George Gabriel] Stokes[1853]
MS/928/2/167Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 22 December 1897
MS/928/2/164Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 29 November 1897
RR/5/132Letter from Thomas Penyngton Kirkman, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the theory of the polyedra' by Thomas Penyngton Kirkman24 September 1863
RR/7/120Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the uniform flow of a liquid' by Henry Moseley29 June 1871
RR/6/147Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes [attributed], on a paper 'On the spectra of some of the fixed stars' by William Huggins and William Allen Millernd [1864]
RR/6/302Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On Calorescence' by John Tyndall18 January 1866
RR/8/73Letter from William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the increase in resistance to the passage of an electric current produced on certain wires by stretching' by Herbert Tomlinson30 April 1877
RR/8/330Second letter from J S Lombard, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Experimental researches on the propagation of heat by conduction in bone, brain-tissue, and skin' by J S Lombard13 September 1881
RR/9/259Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On radiant matter spectroscopy.—Part II. Samarium' by William Crookes26 August 1884
RR/8/339Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'The wave of translation and the work it does as the carrier wave of sound' by John Scott Russell19 July 1881
MS/928/2/155Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 11 November 1890
MS/928/2/156Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Charles Vernon Boys 12 November 1890
RR/11/164Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the colouration of leaves of plants' by Arthur Hill Hassall25 November 1892
RR/7/134Referee's report by William Hallowes Miller, on a paper 'On the measurement of the chemical intensity of total daylight made at Catania during the total eclipse of Dec. 22nd, 1870' by Henry Enfield Roscoe and Thomas Edward Thorpe12 July 1871
RR/7/378Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on two papers 'On the tides of the Arctic Seas. - Part IV. On the tides of Northumberland sound, at the Northern outlet Wellington channel' and 'On the tides of the arctic seas. - Part V. On the tides of refuge cove, wellington channel' by Samuel Haughton2 February 1875
RR/8/102Letter from James Clerk Maxwell, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Measurements of electrical constants. No. II. On the specific inductive capacities of certain dielectrics. Part I' by J E H Gordon12 August 1878
RR/6/282Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the physical constitution of the sun and stars' by George Johnstone Stoneynd [1867]
RR/12/398Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'An instrument for cutting, grinding, and polishing section-plates and prisms of mineral or other crystals accurately in the desired directions' by Alfred Edwin Howard Tutton12 February 1895
MS/426/672Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes 30 July 1859
MC/6/227Letter from William Crookes, 20 Mornington Road, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]24 May 1862
MM/10/22Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Cambridge, to RH Scott 13 April 1884
PP/4/35Paper, 'On the mean diurnal variation of magnetic declination, from hourly observations at Fort Rae [Canada]' by H P Dawson1884
NLB/3/501Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to Sir Henry Isaacs, the Right Honorable Lord Mayor, Mansion House, E.C.26 June 1889
PT/70/10/4Plate, telescope with plano-convex cylindrical lens by unknown artist1864
RR/5/79Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Researches on the refraction, dispersion, and sensitiveness of liquids' by John Hall Gladstone and T P Dale29 April 1863
RR/5/203Second letter from Arthur Cayley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On Fermat's theorem of the polygonal numbers. —Second communication' by Jonathan Frederick Pollock4 May [1863]
PT/70/10Paper, 'On the spectra of some of the nebulae' by William HugginsSeptember 1864
RR/6/103Letter from Warren De La Rue, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Researches on solar physics. Heliographical positions and areas of sun-spots observed with the Kew photoheliograph during the years 1862 and 1863' by Warren De La Rue, Balfour Stewart and Benjamin Loewy5 December 1868
RR/6/204Letter from Philip Lutley Sclater, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On fossil remains of equines from central and South America referable to Equus conversidens, Ow., Equus tan, Ow., and Equus arcidens, Ow' by Richard Owen23 March 1869
RR/6/295Letter from Charles Tomlinson, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On supersaturated saline solutions' by Charles Tomlinson10 December 1868
RR/6/281Letter from William Sharpey, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the physical constitution of the sun and stars' by George Johnstone Stoney10 August 1867
RR/8/20Letter from John Ambrose Fleming, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On magneto-electric induction in liquids and gases.—Part I. production of induced currents in electrolytes' by John Ambrose Fleming12 November 1877
RR/8/104Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to H B Wheatley, regarding a paper 'Measurements of electrical constants. No. II. On the specific inductive capacities of certain dielectrics. Part I' by J E H Gordon24 August 1878
RR/8/103Letter from J E H Gordon, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Measurements of electrical constants. No. II. On the specific inductive capacities of certain dielectrics. Part I' by J E H Gordon17 August 1878
RR/8/194Letter from William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On certain dimensional properties of matter in the gaseous state. - Part I. Experimental researches on thermal transpiration of gases through porous plates and on the laws of transpiration and impulsion, including an experimental proof that gas is not a continuous plenum. - Part II. On an extension of the dynamical theory of gas, which includes the stresses, tangential and normal, caused by a varying condition of gas, and affords an explanation of the phenomena of transpiration and impulsion' by Osborne Reynolds3 September 1879
RR/8/244Second letter from Richard Owen, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding two papers 'On the ova of the Echidna hystrix' and 'Description of some remains of the gigantic land-lizard (Megalania prisca, Owen), from Australia.—Part II' by Richard Owen17 September 1880
RR/8/261Letter from William Thomson, Lord Kelvin to George Gabriel Stokes9 November 1880
RR/8/356Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Experimental determination of the velocity of white and of coloured light' by James Young and George Forbes19 July 1881
RR/12/207Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the dynamical theory of incompressible viscous fluids and the determination of the criterion' by Osborne Reynolds31 October 1894
RR/8/192Second letter from Osborne Reynolds, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On certain dimensional properties of matter in the gaseous state. - Part I. Experimental researches on thermal transpiration of gases through porous plates and on the laws of transpiration and impulsion, including an experimental proof that gas is not a continuous plenum. - Part II. On an extension of the dynamical theory of gas, which includes the stresses, tangential and normal, caused by a varying condition of gas, and affords an explanation of the phenomena of transpiration and impulsion' by Osborne Reynolds18 August 1879
RR/9/23Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Report of an examination of the meteorites of Cranbourne, in Australia; of Rowton, in Shropshire; and of Middlesbrough, in Yorkshire' by Walter Flight to the author17 March 1882
RR/6/165Letter from an Joseph Norman Lockyer, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Spectroscopic observations of the sun.—No. II' by Joseph Norman Lockyer10 February 1869
MC/10/424Letter from A [Albert] Bruce Joy, 16 Pembridge Gardens, Bayswater, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]14 July 1876
MC/12/91Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Observatory, Armagh, Ireland, to [William] Spottiswoode, [President of the Royal Society]4 September 1880
MC/11/154Letter from James P [Prescott] Joule, 12 Wardle Road Sale, Manchester, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]16 January 1878
MC/12/92Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Observatory, Armagh, Ireland, to [Herbert] Rix, [Clerk of the Royal Society]6 September 1880
P/0126Portrait of Stokes, Sir George1891
MC/10/231Letter from John Allan Broun, 4 Abercorn Place, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society22 March 1875
RR/3/104Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes on a paper, 'Experimental researches in electricity - thirtieth series' by Michael Faraday20 December 1855
AP/31/18Unpublished appendix, 'Supplement to a paper on the theory of certain bands seen in the spectrum' by George Gabriel Stokes1848
MC/10/188Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to [William] Spottiswoode, [Treasurer of the Royal Society]1 January 1875
PT/47/5Paper, 'On the change of refrangibility of light. No 2.' by G G [George Gabriel] Stokes[1853]
RR/3/261Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Elements of a mathematical theory of elasticity' by William Thomson18 July 1856
RR/3/81Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the phenomenon of relief of the image formed on the ground glass of the camera obscura' by Antoine Jean Francois Claudet30 November 1857
PT/47/5/2Plate, figures 1-2 showing spectra viewed through blue glass and ammonium sulphate of copper by George Gabriel Stokes[1853]
RR/2/254Referee's report by William Hallowes Miller and George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On a general law of density in saturated vapours' by John James Waterston30 October 1851
RR/3/224Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the magnetic induction of crystals' by Julius Plücker19 December 1857
PT/58/5Paper, 'Photochemical researches. Section II' by Professor [Robert Wilhelm] Bunsen and H E [Henry Enfield] Roscoe[1856]
MC/12/185Letter from Robert H [Henry] Scott, Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]27 June 1881
PT/58/15/3Plate, ray of light passing through glass plates by unknown artist[1857]
PT/66/3/3Plate, principal lines of aluminium, zinc, and cadmium by [George Gabriel Stokes][1862]
PT/58/15/2Plate, light falling perpendicular to surface of medium by unknown artist[1857]
PT/64/15Paper, 'On the properties of electro-deposited antimony. Concluded' by G [George] Gore23 May 1862
PT/66/3/1Manuscript, 'On the long spectrum of electric light' by G G [George Gabriel] Stokes[1862]
PT/60/4/5Plate, figures I and IV showing paper with slits and graph of chromatic relations by unknown artist[1860]
PT/60/4/4Plate, figures I-IV showing paper with slits and graphs of standard colour values and chromatic relations by unknown artist[1860]
PT/65/5Paper, 'On the differential coefficients and determinants of lines and their application to analytical mechanics' by A Cohen[1862]
PT/60/4/2Plate, 'Instrument for making definite mixtures of the colours of the spectrum' by James Clerk Maxwell[1860]
PT/62/4Paper, 'On the Indian arc of meridian' by [John Henry Pratt]19 July 1860
PT/60/4/1Manuscript, 'On the theory of compound colours, and the relations of the colours of the spectrum' by J [James] Clerk Maxwell[1860]
RR/4/267Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the motions of camphor on the surface of water' by Charles Tomlinson11 March 1862
PT/62/4/2Plate, diagram of curvature of Indian arc by [John Henry Pratt]19 July 1860
PT/62/iLetter, regarding missing papers from Chas [Charles] E [Gyde?] to W White16 April 1862
PT/62/4/1Manuscript, 'On the Indian arc of meridian' by [John Henry Pratt]19 July 1860
PT/66/3Paper, 'On the long spectrum of electric light' by G G [George Gabriel] Stokes[1862]
PT/64/15/1Manuscript, 'On the properties of electro-deposited antimony. Concluded' by G [George] Gore23 May 1862
PT/66/3/2Plate, bands of absorption in solutions of alkaloids and glucosides by [George Gabriel Stokes][1862]
RR/5/253Copy of a letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to William Spottiswoode, regarding a paper 'On the equations of rotation of a solid body about a fixed point' by William Spottiswoode30 July 1863
RR/5/202Letter from Arthur Cayley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On Fermat's theorem of the polygonal numbers. —Second communication' by Jonathan Frederick Pollock3 April [1863]
PT/70/10/3Plate, spectra of Jupiter, sky, and β cygni by unknown artist1864
PT/70/10/1Manuscript, 'On the spectra of some of the nebulae' by William HugginsSeptember 1864
PT/68/8Paper, 'On thallium' by William Crookes[1863]
RR/5/115Letter from Humphrey Lloyd, on a paper 'On the synchronous distribution of temperature over the earth's surface' by Henry Hennessy to George Gabriel Stokes25 June 1864
PT/69/7Letter, 'Supplement to a paper on the differential equations of dynamics' by George Boole7 February 1863
RR/5/39Letter from Arthur Cayley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On certain developable surfaces' by Arthur Cayley30 January 1863
PT/65/6Paper, 'A supplement to two papers published in the Transactions of the Royal Society on the science connected with human mortality the one published in 1820 and the other in 1825' by B [Benjamin] Gompertz[1861]
PT/58/15/1Manuscript, 'Photochemical researches. 3rd communication' by R [Robert Wilhelm] Bunsen and H E [Henry Enfield] Roscoe20 May 1857
RR/5/254Letter from William Spottiswoode, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the equations of rotation of a solid body about a fixed point' by William Spottiswoode3 August 1863
MC/6/113Letter from J [Joseph] Hamel, member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at St Petersburg, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society15 November 1860
RR/5/80Letter from Benjamin Gompertz, on a paper 'A supplement to two papers published in the Transactions of the Royal Society, "On the science connected with human mortality;" the one published in 1820, and the other in 1825' by Benjamin Gompertz to George Gabriel Stokes21 December 1862
PT/64/15/2Plate, active bar with silver studs in extremities by [George Gore]23 May 1862
PT/60/4/3Plate, figures 1-7 showing apparatus, mirrors, prisms, and observations of spectra and intensity by unknown artist[1860]
PT/70/10/2Plate, telescope with plano-convex cylindrical lens by unknown artist1864
MC/5/239Letter from G B [George Biddell] Airy, Royal Observatory Greenwich, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]26 April 1856
MC/5/258Letter from John Phillips, Assistant General Secretary at the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, to [George Gabriel Stokes and William Sharpey], the Secretaries of the Royal Society1 September 1856
MC/5/261Letter from H [Henry] James, Ordnance Map Office, Southampton, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]15 October 1856
MC/5/300Letter from John Phillips, Assistant General Secretary, British Association for the Advancement of Science, St Mary's Lodge, York, to [William Sharpey and George Gabriel Stokes], the Secretaries of the Royal Society26 September 1857
MC/5/354Letter from Roderick [Impey] Murchison, 15 Whitehall Place, to Prof [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society15 July 1858
MC/5/374Letter from Eaton Hodgkinson, 44 Drayton Grove, Brompton, to [William Sharpey and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society25 November 1858
MC/10/430Letter from W B [William Branwhite] Clarke, Branthwaite, North Shore, Sydney, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, London22 July 1876
MC/11/174Letter from J R [John Robert] Sawyer, Director of Works, Autotype Works, Brownlow Road, Ealing Dene, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Cambridge28 February 1878
MS/426/675Report on the calculating machine recently constructed by W Donkin; to the Registrar General[1 September 1859]
MC/6/131Letter from Warren de la Rue, Royal Astronomical Society, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society15 April 1861
MC/10/402Letter from J Y [John Young] Buchanan, London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society4 June 1876
MC/6/201Letter from A [Arthur] Cayley, 2 Stone Buildings [Lincoln's Inn], to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]12 February 1862
MC/6/202Letter from A C [Arthur Cayley] to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]13 February 1862
MC/6/221Letter from Charles M Willich, University [?] Life Office, 24 Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House21 April 1862
MC/6Volume 6 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1859-1863
MC/6/249Letter from Johs v [Johannes von] Gumpach, 42 Hauteville, Guernsey, to George G [Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society1 October 1862
MC/6/254Letter from Johs v [Johannes von] Gumpach, 42 Hauteville, Guernsey, to George G [Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society27 October 1862
PT/45/2Paper, 'On the change of refrangibility of light' by G G [George Gabriel] Stokes[1852]
MC/6/262Letter from Johs v [Johannes von] Gumpach, 42 Hauteville, Guernsey, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society22 November 1862
MC/6/302Letter from J P [John Peter] Gassiot, Clapham Common, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society19 February 1863
MC/6/306Letter from [Henry Charles] Fleeming Jenkin, 6 Duke Street, Adelphi, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge27 February 1863
MC/6/333Letter from Rod I [Roderick Impey] Murchison, President of the Royal Geographcial Society, Apartments of the Geographical Society, to [William Sharpey and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society17 June 1863
MC/6/311Letter from Robert Mallet, Offices, 11 Bridge Street, Westminster, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House26 March 1863
MC/6/359Letter from [Henry] Stebbing, St James's Parsonage, Hampstead Road, to [Sir Edward Sabine, William Sharpey, and George Gabriel Stokes], the President and the Secretaries of the Royal Society, and to the Council31 October 1853
MC/6/352Letter from G B [George Biddell] Airy, Royal Observatory, Greenwich, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society13 October 1863
MC/7/20Letter from Frederick Purdy, secretary to the Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 12 St James's Square, to William Sharpey and Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretaries of the Royal Society16 February 1864
MC/10/404Letter from James Croll, Geological Survey, Edinburgh, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]5 June 1876
MC/7/105Letter from Benjamin G Perl [?], Kennington Terrace, Vauxhall, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society29 June 1864
MC/7/102Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], to General [Edward] Sabine, [President of the Royal Society]22 June 1864
MC/7/317Letter from G B [George Biddell] Airy, Royal Observatory Greenwich, London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society31 March 1866
MC/7/139Letter from Joseph Jopling, 6 Vassall Terrace, Campden Grove, Kensington, to [William Sharpey and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society15 November 1864
MC/7/153Letter from S [Samuel] Smiles, West Bank, Blackheath, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]16 December 1864
MC/7/199Letter from Lionel S [Smith] Beale, 6 Grosvenor Street, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]24 March 1865
MC/7/245Letter from P J Parsell [?], Secretary of the Mechanics' Institute, Clonmel, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], London4 August 1865
MC/7/247Letter from H [Hermann] de Schlagintweit, Jaegersburg, Station Forchheim, to the Royal Society10 August 1865
MC/8/186Letter from J F W [John Frederick William] Herschel, Bangalore, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society4 May 1868
MC/7/314Letter from John Phillips, University Museum Oxford, to [William Sharpey and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society27 March 1866
MC/7/310Letter from Archb [Archibald] Smith, [?], to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]1 March 1866
MC/7/350Letter from Henry Cole, Secretary and Executive Commissioner, Paris Universal Exhibition South Kensington, to [William Sharpey and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society4 August 1866
MC/8/380Letter from William Shanks, Houghton-le-Spring, Durham, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society12 June 1869
MC/7/387Letter from R C [Richard Christopher] Carrington, Isleworth, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society17 December 1866
MC/7Volume 7 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1864-1866
MC/8/46Letter from Henry E [Enfield] Roscoe, Owens College, Manchester, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]13 May 1867
MC/8/159Letter from J W [Joseph William] Dunning, Honorary Secretary of the Entomological Society, 12 Bedford Row, London, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society23 March 1868
MC/8/158Letter from W [William] Boyd Dawkins, Upminster, Romford, Essex, to G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society22 March 1868
MC/8/165Letter from W [William] Boyd Dawkins, Upminster, Romford, to G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society1 April 1868
MC/8/162Letter from Warren de la Rue, 110 Bunhill Row, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]31 March 1868
MC/8/175Letter from Wm [William] Lassell, Ray Lodge, Maidenhead, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes17 April 1868
MC/8/201Letter from J [?], 12 Earl's Court Square, Kensington, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society29 May 1868
MC/8/185Letter from G B [George Biddell] Airy, Royal Observatory Greenwich, London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society4 May 1868
MC/8/234Letter from G B [George Biddell] Airy, Royal Observatory Greenwich, London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society21 July 1868
MC/8/259Letter from Hy W [Henry Wentworth Dyke] Acland, Oxford, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]19 October 1868
MC/8/262Letter from G B [George Biddell] Airy, Royal Observatory Greenwich, London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society28 October 1868
MC/8/268Letter from B Loewy, 17 Shaftesbury Villas, Richmond, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]10 November 1868
MC/8/260Letter from Geo [George] Griffith, Assistant General Secretary of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Harrow, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society21 October 1868
MC/8/255Letter from Fredk [Frederick] Guthrie, Clifton College, Bristol, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society15 October 1868
MC/8/282Letter from W [William] Boyd Dawkins, Upminster, Romford, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge12 December 1868
MC/8/300Letter from A S [Alexander Stewart] Herschel, 4 Chesham Street, Belgrave Square, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]19 January 1869
MC/8/320Letter from A [Arthur] Cayley, Cambridge, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]17 February 1869
MC/8/311Letter from Warren de la Rue, 139 Marina Parade, Brighton, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society2 February 1869
MC/8/324Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Cambridge, to Dr [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society]22 February 1869
MC/8/335Letter from Robert H [Henry] Scott, Meteorological Department, 2 Parliament Street, London, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society]12 March 1869
MC/11/4Letter from G B [George Biddell] Airy, Playford, near Ipswich, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society13 January 1877
MC/11/384Letter from J D [Joseph David] Everett, Malone Road, Belfast, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]16 June 1879
AP/40/20/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the surface which is the envelope of planes through the points of an ellipsoid at right angles to the radius vectors from the centre' by Arthur Cayley1858
RR/5/13Letter from William Sharpey, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the structure and formation of the so-called apolar, unipolar, and bipolar nerve-cells of the frog' by Lionel Smith Beale10 August 1863
RR/5/106Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the reflexion of polarized light from polished surfaces, transparent and metallic' by Samuel Haughton30 June 1862
RR/5/204Fourth letter from Jonathan Frederick Pollock, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On Fermat's theorem of the polygonal numbers. —Second communication' by Jonathan Frederick Pollock11 November 1863
RR/5/211Letter from William Sharpey, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Theoretical considerations on the conditions under which the (drift) deposits containing the remains of extinct mammalia and flint implements were accumulated, and on their geological age. - On the Loess of the valleys of the South of England, and of the Somme and the Seine' by Joseph Prestwich15 August 1863
RR/5/263Letter from William Sharpey, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'An account of experiments on the change of the elastic force of a constant volume of atmospheric air, between 32° F. and 212° F., and also on the temperature of the melting-point of mercury' by Balfour Stewart25 July 1863
RR/8/50Second letter from William Carmichael McIntosh, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the structure of Magelona' by William Carmichael McIntosh19 May 1877
RR/8/80Report to the Committee from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the equations of circles. (Second memoir.)' by John Casey7 October 1878
RR/8/101Letter from Robert Bellamy Clifton, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Measurements of electrical constants. No. II. On the specific inductive capacities of certain dielectrics. Part I' by J E H Gordon7 August 1878
RR/8/126Letter from Edward Lawton Moss, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Observations on arctic sea-water and ice' by Edward Lawton Moss3 July 1878
RR/8/149Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the thermal conductivity of water' by James Thomson Bottomley20 May 1879
RR/8/193Third letter from Osborne Reynolds, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On certain dimensional properties of matter in the gaseous state. - Part I. Experimental researches on thermal transpiration of gases through porous plates and on the laws of transpiration and impulsion, including an experimental proof that gas is not a continuous plenum. - Part II. On an extension of the dynamical theory of gas, which includes the stresses, tangential and normal, caused by a varying condition of gas, and affords an explanation of the phenomena of transpiration and impulsion' by Osborne Reynolds21 August 1879
RR/8/190Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to James Clerk Maxwell, regarding a paper 'On certain dimensional properties of matter in the gaseous state. - Part I. Experimental researches on thermal transpiration of gases through porous plates and on the laws of transpiration and impulsion, including an experimental proof that gas is not a continuous plenum. - Part II. On an extension of the dynamical theory of gas, which includes the stresses, tangential and normal, caused by a varying condition of gas, and affords an explanation of the phenomena of transpiration and impulsion' by Osborne Reynolds3 June 1879
RR/8/249Letter from Thomas Henry Huxley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper [attributed] 'On the structure and development of the skull in sturgeons (Acipenser ruthenus and A. sturio)' by William Kitchen Parker30 July 1880
RR/8/269Letter from Joseph Dalton Hooker, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XI' by William Crawford Williamson28 September 1880
RR/8/294Letter from William Grylls Adams, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Effects of stress on the thermoelectric quality of metals. Part I' by James Alfred Ewing4 May 1882
RR/8/329Letter from J S Lombard, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Experimental researches on the propagation of heat by conduction in bone, brain-tissue, and skin' by J S Lombard6 September 1881
MC/8/333Letter from John K [Kells] Ingram, Secretary of the Council of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, to [William Sharpey and George Gabriel Stokes], Honorary Secretaries of the Royal Society9 March 1869
MC/8/381Letter from W [William] Shanks, Houghton-le-Spring, Durham, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]14 June 1869
MC/8/389Letter from Hugh Breen, 28 Vansittart Street, New Cross, Deptford, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society1 July 1869
MC/8/456Letter from A [Arthur] Cayley, Cambridge, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]24 November 1869
MC/9/9Letter from Hugh Breen, 18 Vansittart Street, New Cross, Deptford, to Dr [William] Sharpey and Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretaries of the Royal Society12 January 1870
MC/9/14Letter from John Cleland, Vicarscroft, Galway, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society24 January 1870
MC/9/24Letter from George Bentham, President of the Linnean Society, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]3 February 1870
MC/9/30Letter from Willm B [William Benjamin] Carpenter, University of London, Burlington House, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]15 February 1870
MC/9/95Letter from G B [George Biddell] Airy, Royal Observatory Greenwich, London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society11 June 1870
RR/2/48Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the attraction of ellipsoids considered geometrically' by Matthew Collins5 August 1854
MC/9/122Letter from S Bolzain [?], professor of natural philosophy at the University of Kazan in Russia, Liverpool, to Professor G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, London20 September 1870
MC/9/140Letter from Alfred Newton, Royal Society, Burlington House, London, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]November 1870
MC/9/138Letter from Fredr [Frederick] Guthrie, Royal School of Mines, Jermyn Street, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society17 November 1870
MC/9/217Letter from W [William] Macquorn Rankine, Admiralty, London, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]19 June 1871
MC/9/204Letter from C F [Cromwell Fleetwood] Varley, 1 & 2 Great Winchester Street Buildings, London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society17 May 1871
MC/9/228Copy letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], to S Holmes29 June 1871
MC/9/203Letter from James Booth, The Vicarage, Stone, Aylesbury, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society15 May 1871
MC/9/220Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society23 June 1871
MC/9/231Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Cambridge, to W [Walter] White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]30 June 1871
MC/9/216Letter from William B [Benjamin] Carpenter, University of London, Burlington Gardens, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]15 June 1871
MC/9/227Letter from Willm B [William Benjamin] Carpenter, University of London, Burlington Gardens, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]28 June 1871
MC/9/258Letter from Thomas Thomson, Secretary of the Eclipse Committee, British Association for the Advancement of Science, 22 Albemarle Street, London, to General Sir E [Edward] Sabine, President of the Royal Society29 September 1871
MC/9/283Letter from Henry Stebbing, University College London Hospital, to [William Sharpey and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society16 November 1871
MC/9/288Letter from Richard Owen, British Museum, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society23 November 1871
MC/9/319Letter from Warren de la Rue, The Observatory, Cranford, Middlesex, to Dr [William] Sharpey and Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretaries of the Royal Society]30 January 1872
MC/9/325Letter from W N [Walter Noel] Hartley, King's College, to Professor G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House9 February 1872
MC/9/349Letter from Alexr J [Alexander John] Ellis, 25 Argyll Road, Kensington, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society21 March 1872
MC/9/364Letter from George Rolleston, Oxford, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society17 April 1872
MS/421/1Register of Papers submitted to the Royal Society, 1854-18851853-1885
MC/10/257Letter from James Wm [William] Colvile, 8 Rutland Gate, to Walter White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]10 May 1875
MC/10/269Letter from Wm [William] Archer, St Brendan's Grosvenor-Road East, Rathmines, Dublin, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society15 June 1875
MC/9/382Letter from John Allen Brown, 34 Reinsburgstrasse, Stuttgart, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society3 June 1872
MC/9/388Letter from Herman Merivale, India Office, London, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]8 June 1872
MC/9/419Letter from G B [George Biddell] Airy, Astronomer Royal and [President of the Royal Society], Royal Observatory Greenwich, London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society19 October 1872
MC/9/428Letter from Thos [Thomas] Barber, 17 Stoney Croft Terrace, Sandstone Road, Green Lane, West Derby, Liverpool, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]2 November 1872
MC/9/429Letter from J [John] Gwyn Jeffreys, 25 Devonshire Place, Portland Place, to [William Sharpey and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society6 November 1872
MC/9/461Letter from Syd [Sydney] Smirke, Tunbridge Wells, to G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]21 December 1872
MC/9/445Letter from Fredk [Frederick] Currey, Secretary of the Linnean Society, 3 New Square, Lincolns Inn, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society10 December 1872
MC/9/463Letter from Sydney Smirke, Royal Academy, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society24 December 1872
MC/9/473Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Cambridge, to [William] Spottiswoode, [Treasurer of the Royal Society]10 January 1873
MC/9/472Letter from Elias Bremridge, Secretary and Registrar of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 17 Bloomsbury Square, London, to [William Sharpey and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society9 January 1873
MC/9/480Letter from W [William] Spottiswoode, [Treasurer of the Royal Society], Her Majesty's Printing Office, London, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]23 January 1873
MC/9/482Letter from C [Charles] William Siemens, 3 Great George Street, Westminster, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]29 January 1873
MC/9/451Letter from H [Heinrich] Debus, Guy's Hospital, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society14 December 1872
MC/9/515Letter from B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, Brockham Warren, Reigate, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]9 March 1873
MC/9/576Letter from F J [Frederick Joseph] Bramwell, 37 Great George Street, Westminster, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society14 June 1873
MC/9/579Letter from William Aitken, Woolston, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]14 June 1873
MC/9/584Letter from J A [James Augustus] Grant, 7 Park Square West, London, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society18 June 1873
MC/10/216Letter from Robert Mallet, Offices, 7 Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, London, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society6 February 1875
MC/10/17Letter from Rob L J [Robert Lewis John] Ellery, Observatory Melbourne, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, London9 September 1873
MC/10/60Letter from W [William] Shanks, Houghton-le-Spring, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society23 January 1874
MC/9Volume 9 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1870-June 1873
MC/10/8Letter from J F [John Francis] Tennant, Lieutenant-Colonel Royal Engineers, Roorkee, North West Provinces, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society23 September 1873
MC/10/41Letter from C [Charles] William Siemens, 3 Palace Houses, Kensington Gardens, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society22 November 1873
MC/10/42Letter from F W Madden, 38 Oxford Road, Kilburn, to Professor G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]28 November 1873
MC/10/62Letter from R [Robert] Ball, 47 Wellington Place, Clyde Road, Dublin, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]25 January 1874
MC/10/13Letter from Henry M Vane, Secretary of the Charity Commission, 8 York Street, St James's Square, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Burlington House22 August 1873
MC/10/46Letter from Henry M Vane, Secretary of the Charity Commission, 8 York Street, St James's Square, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Burlington House9 December 1873
MC/10/64Letter from J D [Joseph David] Everett, Malone Road, Belfast, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]26 January 1874
MC/10/18Letter from William Shanks, Houghton-le-Spring, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society10 September 1873
MC/10/51Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Cambridge, to [Joseph Dalton Hooker], President of the Royal Society and to the Council17 December 1873
MC/10/57Letter from Willm B [William Benjamin] Carpenter, University of London, Burlington Gardens, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]7 January 1874
AP/37/35/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On a simple geometrical construction, giving a very approximate quadrature of the circle' by Charles M Willich1855
MC/10/84Letter from J W [John William] Dawson, McGill University Montreal, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]12 March 1874
MC/10/115Letter from Robert Mallet, Offices, 7 Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, London, to G G [George Gbariel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, London1 June 1874
MC/10/118Letter from Henry B [Bowman] Brady, Mosley Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society6 June 1874
MC/10/128Letter from J B [John Burdon] Sanderson, University College London, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society18 June 1874
MC/10/173Letter from Rob [Robert] Mallet, Offices, 7 Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, London, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society30 November 1874
MC/10/201Letter from Robert H [Henry] Scott, Meteorological Office, 116 Victoria Street, London, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society23 January 1875
MC/10/206Letter from John Allan Broun, 4 Abercorn Place, London, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society25 January 1875
MC/10/207Letter from John Allan Broun, 4 Abercorn Place, London, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society25 January 1875
MC/10/169Letter from Nichs [Nicholas] Whitley, Honorary Secretary of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, Penarth, Truro, to [George Gabriel Stokes and Thomas Henry Huxley], Secretaries of the Royal Society21 November 1874
MC/10/267Letter from Henry Y D [Young Darracott] Scott, Ealing, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society9 June 1875
MC/10/211Letter from Fredr Jno [Frederick John] Evans, hydrographer, Admiralty, to Professor G G [George Gabriel Stokes], Secretary of the Royal Society29 January 1875
MC/10/270Letter from G B [George Biddell] Airy, Royal Observatory Greenwich, London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]30 June 1875
AP/38/34Unpublished paper, 'On the existence of multiple proportion in the quantities of heat produced by the chemical combination of oxygen with other bodies' by Thomas Woods1856
MC/10/290Letter from J [Joseph] Norman Lockyer, Royal Commission on Scientific Instruction and the Advancement of Science, 5 Alexandra Road, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]12 October 1875
MC/10/298Letter from L A Beamish, Ashgrove, Queenstown, County Cork, to [George Gabriel Stokes and Thomas Henry Huxley], Secretaries of the Royal Society30 October 1875
MC/10/307Letter from Norman MacLeod, South Kensington Museum, London, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society, Burlington House27 November 1875
MC/10/315Letter from P G Tait, 38 George Square, Edinburgh, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]11 December 1875
MC/10/316Letter from Algernon Turnor, 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]11 December 1875
MC/10/310Letter from N Macphail, The Royal Heraldic Offices, 73 & 79 Saint Vincent Street and 7 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], London1 December 1875
MC/10/329Letter from Moses Haim Montefiore, East Cliff Lodge, Ramsgate, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society8 January 1876
MC/10/328Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution of Great Britain, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]6 January 1876
MC/10/353Letter from Algernon Turnor, 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]15 February 1876
MC/10/345Letter from John Allan Broun, 4 Abercorn Place, London, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]4 February 1876
MC/10/321Letter from Charles V [Vincent] Walker, Fernside, Red Hill, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]17 December 1875
MC/10/324Letter from Robert H [Henry] Scott, Director of the Meteorological Office, 116 Victoria Street, London, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society23 December 1875
MC/10/355Letter from Chas [Charles] Chambers, Colabra Observatory, Bombay, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society17 February 1876
MC/10/362Letter from H W [Henry William] Chisholm, 7 Old Palace Yard, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]6 March 1876
MC/10/364Letter from J E [Juliana Elizabeth] Selwyn, Cambridge, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]11 March 1876
MC/10/366Letter from F [Francois] de Chaumont, Fort Pitt House, Rochester, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society12 March 1876
MC/10/369Letter from William Huggins, Upper Tulse Hill, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society14 March 1876
MC/10/370Letter from F [Francois] de Chaumont, Fort Pitt House, Rochester, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society16 March 1876
MC/10/368Letter from James Thomson, Ashfield House, University Avenue, Glasgow, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]13 March 1876
MC/10/372Letter from N Macphail, 73 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]22 March 1876
MC/10/393Letter from Thomas Key, 7 Old Square, Lincolns Inn, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]15 May 1876
MC/10/407Letter from Robt B [Robert Baldwin] Hayward, The Park, Harrow, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society9 June 1876
MC/10/395Letter from B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, Brockham Warren, Reigate, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]17 May 1876
MC/10/440Letter from C [Charles] Meldrum, Observatory Mauritius, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society17 August 1876
MC/10/449Letter from C [Charles] Wyville Thomson, 20 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]15 September 1876
MC/10/461Letter from John Watney, Clerk to the Gresham Committee, Mercers Hall, London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, Linsfield Road, Cambridge15 November 1876
MC/10/470Letter from B [Balfour] Stewart, Lady Barn Villa, Fallowfield, Manchester, Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]9 December 1876
MC/10Volume 10 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal SocietyJuly 1873-1876
MC/11/8Letter from H W [Henry William] Chisholm, Standards Department, 7 Old Palace Yard, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]21 January 1877
MC/11/22Letter from Charles Chambers, Royal Society, Burlington House, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society28 February 1877
MC/10/229Letter from Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, to [George Gabriel Stokes and Thomas Henry Huxley], Secretaries of the Royal Society11 March 1875
MC/11/32Letter from G B [George Biddell] Airy, Royal Observatory Greenwich, London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]22 March 1877
PT/58/15/4Plate, apparatus for finding coefficient of extinction for chlorine and hydrogen
by F Veith
MC/11/76Letter from Wm [William] Roberts, 89 Mosley Street, Manchester, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society11 June 1877
MC/11/3Letter from Robert Mallet, Enmore, The Grove, Clapham Road, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, London9 January 1877
MC/11/74Letter from W C [William Carmichael] McIntosh, Murthly, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society9 June 1877
MC/11/62Letter from W G [William Grylls] Adams, King's College, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]17 May 1877
MC/11/64Letter from R B [Robert Bellamy] Clifton, Portland Lodge, Park Town, Oxford, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]22 May 1877
MC/11/54Letter from Robert H [Henry] Scott, 11 Victoria Street, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society30 April 1877
MC/11/83Letter from James Thomson, East Knowe, Brodick, Arran, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]19 June 1877
MC/11/147Letter from C Bruce Allen, 274 Strand, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society8 January 1878
AP/58/4Unpublished paper, 'On a secular variation in the rainfall in connection with the secular variation in the amount of sun-spots' by C [Charles] Meldrum1876-1877
MC/11/117Letter from W C [William Carmichael] McIntosh, Edinburgh, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society31 October 1877
MC/11/112Letter from W C [William Carmichael] McIntosh, Edinburgh, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society31 October 1877
MC/11/114Letter from Edward Hull, Geological Survey of Ireland, Office, 114 Hume-Street, Dublin, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]5 November 1877
MC/11/133Letter from G C [George Charles] Wallich, Surgeon-Major Retired List, HM Indian Army, Scientific Club, 7 Savile Row, to [George Gabriel Stokes and Thomas Henry Huxley], Secretaries of the Royal Society9 December 1877
MC/11/145Letter from C Bruce Allen, 274 Strand, to [George Gabriel Stokes and Thomas Henry Huxley], Secretaries of the Royal Society3 January 1878
MC/11/163Letter from W [William] Spottiswoode, [Treasurer of the Royal Society], Burlington House, London, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]29 January 1878
MC/11/138Letter from Richard Owen, British Museum, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society21 December 1877
MC/11/140Letter from Geo J [George John] Romanes, 18 Cornwall Terrace, Regents Park, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]26 December 1877
PT/58/15Paper, 'Photochemical researches. 3rd communication' by R [Robert Wilhelm] Bunsen and H E [Henry Enfield] Roscoe20 May 1857
PT/34/14Paper, 'On the theory of certain bands seen in the spectrum' by G G [George Gabriel] Stokes[1848]
AP/58/4/4Unpublished letter, regarding 'On a secular variation in the rainfall in connection with the secular variation in the amount of sun-spots' from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes to the referees of Charles Meldrum's paper[1876]
MC/11/170Letter from C Bruce Allen, 274 Strand, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]9 February 1878
MC/11/175Letter from C [Charles] William Siemens, President of the Society of Telegraph Engineers, 4 Broad Sanctuary, London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington HouseFebruary 1878
MC/11/198Copy letter from G B [George Biddell] Airy, Royal Observatory Greenwich, London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]6 April 1878
MC/11/189Letter from B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, Hotel d'Italie, La Spezzia, Italy, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]21 March 1878
MC/11/194Letter from J J [John Jeremiah] Bigsby, 89 Gloucester Place, [Portman] Square, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society30 March 1878
MC/11/181Letter from Norman MacLeod, Science and Art Department, London, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society, Burlington House9 March 1878
MC/11/209Letter from George Forbes, Scientific Club, 7 Savile Row, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]4 May 1878
MC/11/214Letter from P G [Peter Guthrie] Tait, 38 George Square, Edinburgh, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]11 May 1878
MC/11/211Letter from Henry E [Enfield] Roscoe, Victoria Park, Manchester, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]7 May 1878
MC/11/199Copy letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society to Lord Lindsay, President of the Astronomical Society 6 April 1878
RR/2/203Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the theory of waves' by Andrew John Robertson12 January 1853
MC/11/221Letter from G J [George James] Symons, 62 Camden Square, London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society11 June 1878
MC/11/298Letter from Edmund Gill, Linn Villa, Sutton Hill, Surrey, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society23 January 1879
MC/11/263Letter from J F [James Francis] Tennant, Colonel Royal Engineers, HM Mint, Calcutta, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society1 November 1878
MC/11/267Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to [Walter] White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]13 November 1878
MC/11/300Letter from John [?] Ellis, The Park, Nottingham, to G G [George Gabriel Stokes], Secretary of the Royal Society29 January 1879
MC/11/320Letter from T E [Thomas Edward] Thorpe, Yorkshire College, Leeds, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]24 March 1879
MC/11/349Letter from T E [Thomas Edward] Thorpe, Headingley near Leeds, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society26 April 1879
MC/11/327Letter from T [Thomas] Mellard Reade, Canning Chambers, 4 South John Street, Liverpool, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society5 April 1879
MC/11/346Letter from Augustus W [Wollaston] Franks, 103 Victoria Street, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]25 April 1879
MC/11/350Letter from Robert Mallet, Enmore, The Grove, Clapham Road, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society28 April 1879
MC/11/317Letter from Joseph Radford, Secretary and Librarian, St Margaret and St John Westminster, Free Public Library, 23 Great Smith Street, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society6 March 1879
MC/11/318Letter from William Thomson, The University Glasgow, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society10 March 1879
MC/11/365Letter from C Bruce Allen, 6 Great Queen Street, Westminster, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society26 May 1879
MC/11/386Letter from George Matthey, Cheyne House, Cheyne Walk, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]18 June 1879
MC/11/375Letter from W [William] Galloway, Dinas, Pontypridd, South Wales, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society11 June 1879
MC/11/383Letter from Thomas Wright, St Margarets Terrace, Cheltenham, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society16 June 1879
MC/11/379Letter from F [Francois] de Chaumont, Woolston Lawn, Southampton, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society14 June 1879
MC/11/385Letter from Alex [Alexander] Crum Brown, University of Edinburgh, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society, Burlington House, London16 June 1879
AP/36/19Letter, regarding compounds of iodine and strychnine from William Bird Herapath to George Gabriel Stokes20 June 1855
MC/11/390Copy letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Burlington House, London, to the Royal Society20 June 1879
MC/11/362Letter from G J [George James] Symons, Secretary of the Meteorological Society, 30 Great George Street, Westminster, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society19 May 1879
MC/11/373Letter from G H [George Howard] Darwin, Trinity College, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]5 June 1879
MC/11/374Letter from H E [Henry Enfield] Roscoe, The Owens College, Manchester, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]9 June 1879
AP/37/22Unpublished extract of a letter, 'On the theory of the electric telegraph' from William Thomson to Gabriel George Stokes28 October 1854
MC/12/40Letter from P G [Peter Guthrie] Tait, Royal Society of Edinburgh, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society21 April 1880
AP/38/14Letter, regarding corrections to a paper by Thomas Woods from James P [Prescott] Joule to George Gabriel Stokes 21 February 1856
MC/11/414Letter from W L [Walter Lawry] Buller, Hunter Street, Wellington, New Zealand, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, London30 August 1879
MC/11/417Copy letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, Observatory Armagh, to The Hon R H [Robert Henry] Meade, Assistant UnderSecretary of State for the Colonies9 September 1879
MC/11/415Letter from W T [William Turner] Thiselton Dyer, Royal Gardens, Kew, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society1 September 1879
MC/11/431Letter from C [Charles] Niven, 45 Sunday's Well Road, Cork, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]4 November 1879
MC/11/455Letter from Walter W [Waters] Reeves, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Microscopial Society, King's College, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society31 December 1879
MC/11/447Letter from Wm [William] Pengelly, Lamorna, Torquay, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society, London28 November 1879
AP/37/35Unpublished paper, 'On a simple geometrical construction, giving a very approximate quadrature of the circle' by Charles M Willich1855
AP/38/13Letter, 'On the mathematical theory of the stability of earthwork and masonry' from W J [William John] Macquorn Rankine to George Gabriel Stokes18 February 1856
AP/38/13/1Manuscript, 'On the mathematical theory of the stability of earthwork and masonry' from W J [William John] Macquorn Rankine to George Gabriel Stokes18 February 1856
MC/11Volume 11 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1877-1879
MC/12/9Letter from G D [George Downing] Liveing, Royal Institution, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]22 January 1880
MC/12/15Letter from Lord Northbrook, 4 Hamilton Place, Piccadilly, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society10 February 1880
RR/3/159Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the thermal effects of compressing fluids' by James Prescott Joule27 December 1857
MC/12/26Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to [Thomas Henry] Huxley, [Secretary of the Royal Society]25 March 1880
MC/12/3Letter from W C [William Crawford] Williamson, Fallowfield, Manchester, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]9 January 1880
AP/38/27Letter, 'On the detection of strychnia by the formation of iodostrychnine' from William Bird Herapath to George Gabriel Stokes7 June 1856
MC/12/36Letter from T E [Thomas Edward] Thorpe, The Yorkshire College, Leeds, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society10 April 1880
MC/12/38Letter from R [Robert] Angus Smith, Local Government Board Whitehall, Manchester, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society15 April 1880
MC/12/55Letter from John Attfield, 17 Bloomsbury Square, London, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society5 June 1880
AP/37/11Paper, 'On the determination of the dew-point by means of the wet and dry bulb thermometers' by A Noble10 September 1855
MC/12/60Letter from J [James] Emerson Reynolds, Trinity College Dublin, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, London8 June 1880
AP/40/16Letter, regarding the physical properties of ice from William Thomson to [George Gabriel] Stokes21 January 1858
MC/12/53Letter from John Rae, 4 Addison Gardens, Kensington, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society4 June 1880
AP/38/3Unpublished paper, 'On the existence of multiple proportion in the quantities of heat, or equivalent alteration of internal space of bodies, caused by definite changes of state as produced by chemical combination or otherwise' by Thomas WoodsNovember 1855
MC/12/56Letter from T [Thomas] Clifford-Allbutt, Lyddon House, Leeds, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]5 June 1880
MC/12/83Letter from Frederick McCoy, University Melbourne, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, London22 July 1880
MC/12/76Letter from Henry F [Francis] Blanford, Simla, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society6 July 1880
AP/39/10Paper, 'On the photography of the Moon' by William Crookes1856
MC/12/106Letter from E W [Edgar Wales] Bass, Professor and Librarian, Library, US Military Academy, West Point, New York, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House, London, England1 November 1880
MC/12/107Letter from J [James] Emerson Reynolds, Trinity College, Dublin, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society, London1 November 1880
MC/12/132Copy letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to M Cloris Baudet22 December 1880
MC/12/139Letter from William Thomson, The University, Glasgow, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]11 January 1881
MC/12/163Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution of Great Britain, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]12 May 1881
MC/12/177Letter from H W [Henry William] Watson, The Rectory, Berkeswell, Coventry, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]12 June 1881
MC/12/164Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to [Walter] White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]26 May 1881
MC/12/173Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to [Thomas Henry] Huxley, [Secretary of the Royal Society]9 June 1881
AP/40/11Paper, 'On the action of nitrous acid on aniline' by A [Augustus] Matthiessen1858
MC/12/228Letter from W V [William Venables] Harcourt, Secretary of State Home Department, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]18 December 1881
MC/12/230Letter from Henry Fawcett, 18 Brookside, Cambridge, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]24 January 1882
MC/12/239Letter from A J [Anthony John] Mundella, Education Department, Whitehall, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society11 March 1882
MC/12/238Letter from J F D [John Fretcheville Dykes] Donnelly, Science and Art Department, London, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]11 March 1882
MC/12/244Letter from J G [Joseph Gouge] Greenwood, The Owens College, Manchester, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]31 March 1882
AP/41/1Unpublished paper, 'Adaptation of the human eye to varying distances' by Charles Archer1858
MC/12/254Letter from F [Francis] Darwin, Down, Beckenham, to G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society11 June 1882
MC/12/256Letter from R H [Robert Harry] Inglis Palgrave, Great Yarmouth, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]12 June 1882
RR/4/53Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the relations between the elastic force of aqueous vapour, at ordinary temperatures, and its motive force in producing currents of air in vertical tubes' by W D Chowne1860
MC/12/277Letter from R S [Robert Stirling] Newall, Ferndene, Gateshead, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]13 October 1882
MC/12/283Copy letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Science and Art Department, South Kensington, to the Secretary of HM Treasury29 November 1882
MC/12/292Copy letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House, London, to the Secretary of the Treasury23 December 1882
RR/4/149Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the theory of the polyedra' by Thomas Penynton Kirkman2 June 1862
MC/12/291Letter from J [Joseph] Chamberlain, Highbury, Moor Green, Birmingham, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]22 December 1882
AP/40/20Unpublished paper, 'On the surface which is the envelope of planes through the points of an ellipsoid at right angles to the radius vectors from the centre' by Arthur Cayley1858
MC/12/313Letter from Colonel V D [Vivian Dering] Majendie, HM Chief Inspector of Explosives, Home Office, to Professor G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House, London13 March 1883
MC/12/315Letter from Colonel V D [Vivian Dering] Majendie, HM Chief Inspector of Explosives, Home Office, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House, London19 March 1883
AP/40/10Paper, 'Mémoire sur les limites de la pression dans les machines travaillant à la détente du maximum d'effet; et sur l'influence des espaces libres dans les machines à un seul cylindre' [Paper on thermodynamics and single-cylinder engines] by Mahistre10 October 1857
MC/12/309Letter from Henry E [Enfield] Roscoe, Manchester, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]25 February 1883
RR/5/4Letter from George Biddel Airy, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the strains in the Interior of beams' by George Biddell Airy22 February 1863
MC/12/336Letter from E [Edmond] Frémy, Director of the National Museum of Natural History, Paris, to [William Spottiswoode], President of the Royal Society12 June 1883
MC/12/334Letter from Charles E [Edwards] Groves, Kennington Green, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]9 June 1883
MC/12/347Letter from J E T [James Edward Tierney] Aitchison, Simla, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, London12 July 1883
MC/12/348Letter from David Gill, Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, London13 July 1883
MC/12/326Letter from Edmund B [Beecher] Wilson, Zoological Station, Naples, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, Cambridge25 April 1883
MC/12/361Letter from T G [Thomas George] Bonney, 23 Denning Road, Hampstead, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society31 October 1883
MC/6/210Letter from J F W [John Frederick William] Herschel, Collingwood, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society3 March 1862
MC/12Volume 12 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1880-1883
MC/13/58Letter from C Ray Woods, Science and Art Department, South Kensington, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]10 June 1884
MC/13/27Letter from G F Duncombe, Science and Art Department London, to [George Gabriel Stokes and Michael Foster], Secretaries of the Royal Society8 March 1884
MC/13/29Letter from J H [John Henry] Lefroy to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society14 March 1884
MC/13/33Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to [Thomas Henry] Huxley, [President of the Royal Society]21 March 1884
MC/13/60Letter from [Isaac] Bayley Balfour, Glasgow University, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]14 June 1884
MC/13/62Letter from Charles Warren, Chatham, to G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society14 June 1884
MC/13/67Letter from W N [Walter Noel] Hartley, Royal College of Science for Ireland, Stephen's Green, Dublin, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society, London16 June 1884
MC/13/69Letter from John G [Gray] McKendrick, University of Glasgow, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society17 June 1884
MC/13/53Letter from G M [George Mathews] Whipple, acting Secretary, Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society31 May 1884
MC/13/55Letter from R [Roland] Trimen, South Africa Museum, Cape Town, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society3 June 1884
MC/13/63Letter from W H [Wilfred Hudleston] Hudleston, Oatlands Park, Weybridge, to [Michael Foster and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society14 June 1884
MC/13/68Letter from A S [Alexander Stewart] Herschel, The University of Durham, College of Science, Newcastle on Tyne, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society17 June 1884
MC/13/66Letter from Josh [Joseph] Baxendell, 14 Liverpool Road, Birkdale, Southport, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society16 June 1884
AP/44/16Unpublished paper, 'On the relative speed of the electric wave through submarine cables of different lengths; and a unit of speed for comparing electric cables' by C F [Cromwell Fleetwood] Varley1862
MC/13/83Letter from E [Edwin] Ray Lankester, Honorary Secretary of the Marine Biological Association, 11 Wellington Mansions, North Bank, to [Michael Foster and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society2 August 1884
AP/44/16/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the relative speed of the electric wave through submarine cables of different lengths; and a unit of speed for comparing electric cables' by C F [Cromwell Fleetwood] Varley1862
MC/13/90Letter from G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society], 4 Windsor Terrace, Malahide, to [Herbert] Rix, [Clerk of the Royal Society]4 September 1884
MC/13/111Letter from Joseph Baxendell, 14 Liverpool Road, Birkdale, Southport, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society2 December 1884
MC/13/120Letter from W H M [William Henry Mahoney] Christie, Royal Observatory, Greenwich, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]17 December 1884
MC/13Volume 13 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1884
RR/5/60Letter from William Howship Dickinson, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the functions of the cerebellum' by William Howship Dickinson11 April 1864
RR/5/61Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the functions of the cerebellum' by William Howship Dickinson13 April 1864
AP/46/5Unpublished paper, 'On magnesium' by T L [Thomas Lamb] Phipson1864
MC/12/342Letter from Leonard Courtney, Treasury Chambers, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]29 June 1883
MC/12/358Letter from Robert H [Henry] Scott, Meteorological Office, 116 Victoria Street, London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]25 October 1883
MC/11/444Letter from Wm [William] Pengelly, Lamorna, Torquay, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society, London25 November 1879
MS/427/53Copy letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Under Secretary of State for India4 September 1880
MC/12/209Letter from Colonel J F D [John Fretcheville Dykes] Donnelly, Science and Art Department, London, to [Thomas Henry Huxley and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society, Burlington House21 October 1881
RR/5/245Letter from Maxwell Simpson, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the synthesis of tribasic acids' by Maxwell Simpson3 July 1865
RR/5/82Letter from Arthur Cayley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Second part of the supplement to the two papers on mortality published in the Philosophical Transactions in 1820 and 1825' by Benjamin Gompertz8 December 1864
RR/6/86Letter from John Cleland, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'An inquiry into the variations of the human skull, particularly the antero-posterior direction' by John Cleland6 October 1869
AP/44/15/4Unpublished letter, regarding 'On the motions of camphor on the surface of water' from William Allen Miller to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes12 February 1862
RR/6/44Letter from William Benjamin Carpenter, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Researches on the structure, physiology, and development of Antedon (comatula, Lamk.) rosaceus. -Part I' by William Benjamin Carpenter20 August 1866
RR/6/195Letter from Thomas Henry Huxley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the genera heterophyllia, battersbyia, palæcyclus, and asterosmilia; the anatomy of their species, and their position in the classification of sclerodermic zoantharia' by Peter Martin Duncan21 October 1867
AP/40/4Unpublished appendix, 'Further notice respecting the optical and chemical characters of the iodo-sulphates of cinchona alkaloids' by William Herapath Bird14 June 1857
AP/40/3Unpublished paper, 'Researches on cinchona alkaloids: critical examination of the ordinary methods employed for the discrimination of the cinchona alkaloids, quinine, quinidin, quinicine, and cinchonine, cinchonidin, cinchonicine, together with the optical and chemical characters of their iodo sulphates, upon which new methods are founded' by William Bird Herapath1855-1857
AP/51/7Supprting data, 'On the behaviour of thermometers in a vacuum' by Benjamin Loewy1869
RR/6/277Referee's report by George Biddell Airy, on a paper 'On the communication of vibration from a vibrating body to a surrounding gas' by George Gabriel Stokes16 July 1868
RR/6/278Referee's report by James Clerk Maxwell, on a paper 'On the communication of vibration from a vibrating body to a surrounding gas' by George Gabriel Stokes28 July 1868
PP/6/22Paper, 'Abstract of some results with respect to doubly periodic elliptic functions of the second and third kinds' by John Griffiths1885
RR/8/57Letter from George John Romanes, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Further observations on the locomotor system of medusae' by George John Romanes5 May 1877
RR/8/58Second letter from George John Romanes, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Further observations on the locomotor system of medusae' by George John Romanes7 May 1877
MC/9/546Letter from Chas [Charles] Chambers, Kolaba Observatory, Bombay, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society5 May 1873
RR/7/292Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the mathematical expression of observations of complex periodical phenomena; and on planetary influence on the earth's magnetism' by Charles Chambers and Frederick Chambers to the authors 18 February 1874
MC/8Volume 8 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1867-1869
RR/8/121Letter from J S Lombard, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Experimental researches on the temperature of the head' by J S Lombard16 July 1878
RR/8/122Second letter from J S Lombard, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Experimental researches on the temperature of the head' by J S Lombard26 July 1878
RR/8/49Letter from William Carmichael McIntosh, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the structure of Magelona' by William Carmichael McIntosh24 April 1877
RR/8/23Letter from Albert Günther, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Description of the living and extinct races of gigantic land-tortoises.—Parts III. and IV. The races of the aldabra group and mascarene islands' by Albert Günther26 March 1877
AP/59/2Unpublished paper, 'On magneto-electric induction in liquid and gaseous conductors. Part I - Production of induced currents in electrolytes' by J A [John Ambrose] Fleming1877
AP/59/2/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On magneto-electric induction in liquid and gaseous conductors. Part I - Production of induced currents in electrolytes' by J A [John Ambrose] Fleming1877
AP/60/15/4Unpublished letter, regarding 'Extension of the value of E to 735 places of decimals; and of log 2, log 3 and log 5 to 310 decimals' from W [William] Shanks to George Gabriel Stokes25 September 1878
AP/60/15/3Unpublished letter, regarding 'Extension of the value of E to 735 places of decimals; and of log 2, log 3 and log 5 to 310 decimals' from W [William] Shanks to George Gabriel Stokes4 May 1878
RR/8/297Letter from W Galloway, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the influence of coal-dust in colliery explosions. No. III' by W Galloway1 November 1881
RR/8/300Fourth letter from W Galloway, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the influence of coal-dust in colliery explosions. No. III' by W Galloway26 November 1881
RR/8/298Second letter from W Galloway, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the influence of coal-dust in colliery explosions. No. III' by W Galloway16 November 1881
AP/61/3/4Unpublished letter, regarding 'Effects of stress on the thermoelectric quality of metals. Part I' from [George Gabriel] Stokes to unknown recipient13 November 1885
RR/9/268Letter from George Gore, on his paper 'On 'transfer-resistance' in electrolytic and voltaic cells' to George Gabriel Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society12 September 1885
RR/6/304Letter from Henry Enfield Roscoe, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the chemical intensity of total daylight at Kew and Pará, 1865,1866, and 1867' by Henry Enfield Roscoe17 August 1867
RR/10/71Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Report of the observations of the total solar eclipse of August 29, 1886, made at the Island of Carriacou' by Stephen Joseph Perry and Lieutenant J Masterman20 August 1887
AP/60/15Unpublished paper, 'Extension of the value of E to 735 places of decimals; and of log 2, log 3 and log 5 to 310 decimals' by W [William] Shanks1878
AP/69/9Unpublished paper, 'On the metallurgy of lead' by J B [James Ballantyne] Hannay1893
RR/11/267Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the metallurgy of lead' by J H Hannay to the Secretary of the Royal Society14 April 1893
MC/14/147Letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, to the Royal Society27 August 1886
AP/70/13Unpublished paper, 'The asymmetrical probability curve' by F Y [Francis Ysidro] Edgeworth18 December 1894
RR/12/378Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the dynamical theory of incompressible viscous fluids and the determination of the criterion' by Osborne Reynoldsnd [1895]
RR/15/59Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Lines of Induction in a Magnetic Field' by Henry Selby Hele-Shaw and Alfred Hay7 July 1900
AP/69/9/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the metallurgy of lead' by J B [James Ballantyne] Hannay1893
PP/1/25/2Figures, experimental apparatus and results by J B [James Ballantyne] Hannay1881
PP/2/10Paper, 'Researches on spectrum photography in relation to new methods of quantitative chemical analysis' by W N [Walter Noel] Hartley1882
PP/2/23Paper, 'On the causes of glacier-motion' by W R [Walter Raleigh] Browne1882
PP/2/23/1Manuscript, 'On the causes of glacier-motion' by W R [Walter Raleigh] Browne1882
PP/2/23/2Unpublished letter, regarding 'On the causes of glacier-motion' from John Rae to George Gabriel Stokes22 October 1881
PP/4/20Paper, 'On a new method of generating electricity' by J A Kendall1883
PP/2/35Paper, 'On the refraction of plane polarised light at the surface of a uniaxal crystal. II' by RT [Richard Tetley] Glazebrook1882
PP/3/25Paper, 'Examination of the meteorite which fell on the 16th February, 1883, at Alfianello, in the district of Verolannova, in the province of Brescia, Italy' by Walter Flight1883
PP/3/4/2Diagram, experimental equipment by John Conroy1882
PP/4/22Paper, 'Determination of the vertical and lateral pressures of granular substances' by Isaac Roberts1883
PP/4/22/1Manuscript, 'Determination of the vertical and lateral pressures of granular substances' by Isaac Roberts1883
PP/3/28Paper, 'On line spectra of boron and silicon' by W N [Walter Noel] Hartley1883
PP/4/41Paper, 'Remarks on the atomic weight of beryllium' by W N [Walter Noel] Hartley1884
PP/4/13Paper, 'Report on the circumpolar expedition to Fort Rae [Canada]' by H P Dawson1883
PP/4/17Paper, 'On the amount of light reflected by metallic surfaces' by John Conroy1883
PP/5/6Paper, 'Some experiments on metallic reflection. V. On the amount of light reflected by metallic surfaces. III' by John Conroy1884
PP/4/35/1Manuscript, 'On the mean diurnal variation of magnetic declination, from hourly observations at Fort Rae [Canada]' by H P Dawson1884
PP/4/22/2Diagram, 'Weighing machine for testing lateral pressure of granular substances' by Isaac Roberts1883
PP/4/25Paper, 'Supplementary note on the constitution of chlorophyll' by [Henry] Edward Schunck1884
PP/4/35/2Diagrams, 'Mean diurnal variation of declination, from hourly observations at Fort Rae [Canada]' by H P Dawson20 February 1884
PP/5/4Paper, 'Experimental research on the electromotive force from difference of potential during diffusion in tidal streams' by [Thomas] Andrews1884
PP/6/14Paper, 'On some physical properties of ice and on the motion of glaciers, with special reference to the late Canon Moseley's objections to gravitation theories' by Coutts Trotter1884
PP/6/19Paper, 'On a remarkable phenomenon of crystalline reflection' by G G [George Gabriel] Stokes1885
PP/7/5Letter, regarding the solar eclipse of 9 September 1885 from James Hector to George Gabriel Stokes12 September 1885
PP/6/35Paper, 'The action of tidal streams on metals during diffusion of salt and fresh water. Experimental research, part II, (gravimetric)' by Thomas Andrews1885
PP/8/11Paper, 'On the polarisation of light by reflection from the surface of a crystal of Iceland spar' by John Conroy[1885-1886]
PP/10/2Paper, 'Preliminary note on the continuity of the liquid and gaseous states of matter' by William Ramsay and Sydney Young1886
PP/12/8Paper, 'The electro-chemical effect on magnetising iron. Part II' by Thomas Andrews1888
PP/15/13Paper, 'The liquation of gold and platinum alloys' by Edward Matthey1890
PP/17/7Paper, 'The passive state of iron and steel. Part II' by Thomas Andrews1890
PP/18/22/1Manuscript, 'On certain ternary alloys. Part V. Determination of various critical curves, and their tie-lines and limiting points' by Charles Romley Alder Wright1891
PP/17/7/1Manuscript, 'The passive state of iron and steel. Part II' by Thomas Andrews1890
PP/20/27Paper, 'Further researches in connexion with the metallurgy of bismuth' by Edward Matthey1892
PP/17/12Paper, 'On certain ternary alloys. Part IV: On a method of graphical representation (suggested by Sir G G [George Gabriel] Stokes) of the way in which certain fused mixtures of three metals divide them selves into two different ternary Alloys; with further experiments suggested thereby' by C R [Charles Romley] Alder Wright, C Thompson and J T Leon1891
PP/18/22Paper, 'On certain ternary alloys. Part V. Determination of various critical curves, and their tie-lines and limiting points' by Charles Romley Alder Wright1891
RR/2/5Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the computation of the effect of the attraction of mountain-masses, as disturbing the apparent astronomical latitude of stations in geodetic surveys' by George Biddell Airy30 January 1855
PP/11/8Paper, 'Further contributions to the metallurgy of bismuth' by Edward Matthey1887
PP/17/4Paper, 'Further contributions to the metallurgy of bismuth' by Edward Matthey1890
PP/2/2Letter, 'Note on General Duane's soundless zones' from John Tyndall to [George Gabriel] Stokes21 March 1882
PP/2/9Paper, 'On the cause of the light border frequently noticed in photographs just outside the outline of a dark body seen against the sky; with some introductory remarks on phosphorescence' by G G [George Gabriel] Stokes1882
PP/3/4Paper, 'On the amount of light reflected by metallic surfaces' by John Conroy1882
PP/15/13/1Manuscript, 'The liquation of gold and platinum alloys' by Edward Matthey1890
PP/17/12/1Manuscript, 'On certain ternary alloys. Part IV: On a method of graphical representation (suggested by Sir G G [George Gabriel] Stokes) of the way in which certain fused mixtures of three metals divide them selves into two different ternary Alloys; with further experiments suggested thereby' by C R [Charles Romley] Alder Wright, C Thompson and J T Leon1891
RR/5/85Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the molecular mobility of gases' by Thomas Graham[1863]
RR/5/97Letter from William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On some new phenomena of residuary charge, and the law of exploding distance of electrical accumulation on coated glass' by William Snow Harris29 October 1861
RR/5/129Letter from Joseph Henry Gilbert, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the amyloid substance of the liver, and its ultimate destination in the animal economy' by Robert McDonnell29 June 1863
RR/5/154Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to Robert McDonnell, regarding a paper 'On the amyloid substance of the liver, and its ultimate destination in the animal economy' by Robert McDonnell26 June 1863
RR/6/135Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the refraction-equivalents of the elements' by John Hall Gladstone15 December 1869
RR/6/211Letter from Richard Owen, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding two papers 'On remains of a large extinct lama (Palauchenia magna, Owen) from quaternary deposits in the Valley of Mexico' and 'On the molar teeth, lower jaw, of Macrauchenia patachonica, Ow' by Richard Owen28 September 1869
RR/6/287Letter from Henry B Wheatley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding two papers 'On Holtenia, a genus of vitreous sponges' by Charles Thomas Wyville Thomson and 'On Palaeocoryne, a genus of tubularine hydrozoa from the Carboniferous formation' by Peter Martin Duncan and H M Jenkins3 September 1869
RR/6/276Letter from Charles William Siemens, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On uniform rotation' by Charles William Siemens17 October 1866
RR/6/311Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Photo-chemical researches.—Part V. On the direct measurement of the chemical action of sunlight' by Robert Wilhelm Bunsen and Henry Enfield Roscoe13 January 1863
RR/8/4Letter from Robert Holford Macdowall Bosanquet, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the Hindoo [Hindu] division of the octave, with some additions to the theory of the higher orders' by Robert Holford Macdowall Bosanquet23 April [1877]
RR/8/65Letter from Robert Bellamy Clifton, to Mr White, regarding two papers 'On some hitherto undescribed optical properties of doubly refracting crystals.—Preliminary notice' by Henry Clifton Sorby, and 'On the foci of lines seen through a crystalline plate' by George Gabriel Stokes10 August 1877
RR/8/128Third letter from Edward Lawton Moss, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Observations on arctic sea-water and ice' by Edward Lawton Moss22 July 1878
RR/8/195Second letter from William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On certain dimensional properties of matter in the gaseous state. - Part I. Experimental researches on thermal transpiration of gases through porous plates and on the laws of transpiration and impulsion, including an experimental proof that gas is not a continuous plenum. - Part II. On an extension of the dynamical theory of gas, which includes the stresses, tangential and normal, caused by a varying condition of gas, and affords an explanation of the phenomena of transpiration and impulsion' by Osborne Reynolds10 September 1879
RR/8/191Letter from Osborne Reynolds, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On certain dimensional properties of matter in the gaseous state. - Part I. Experimental researches on thermal transpiration of gases through porous plates and on the laws of transpiration and impulsion, including an experimental proof that gas is not a continuous plenum. - Part II. On an extension of the dynamical theory of gas, which includes the stresses, tangential and normal, caused by a varying condition of gas, and affords an explanation of the phenomena of transpiration and impulsion' by Osborne Reynolds22 July 1879
RR/8/201Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to George West Royston-Pigott, regarding a paper 'Microscopical researches in high power definition' by George West Royston-Pigott31 October 1879
RR/8/281Letter from Arthur Cayley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On toroidal functions' by William Mitchinson Hicks, and two untraced papers by James Whitbread Lee Glaisher24 June 1881
PT/60/4Paper, 'On the theory of compound colours, and the relations of the colours of the spectrum' by J [James] Clerk Maxwell[1860]
RR/2/25Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Researches on the geometrical properties of elliptic integrals' by James Booth31 March 1852
RR/2/35Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Further experiments on light' by Henry Lord Brougham8 June 1852
RR/2/198Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the geometrical representation of the expansive action of heat, and the theory of thermo-dynamic engines' by William John Macquorn Rankine29 April 1854
RR/2/230Referee's report by John Frederick William Herschel, on a paper 'On the change of refrangibility of light' by George Gabriel Stokes21 June 1852
RR/5/3Letter from George Biddel Airy, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the diurnal inequalities of terrestrial magnetism, as deduced from observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from 1841 to 1857' by George Biddell Airy16 June 1863
RR/5/14Second letter from William Sharpey, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the structure and formation of the so-called apolar, unipolar, and bipolar nerve-cells of the frog' by Lionel Smith Beale11 August 1863
RR/5/68Letter by Henry John Stephen Smith, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Introductory memoir on plane stigmatics' by Alexander John Ellis15 September 1865
RR/5/105Report by Samuel Haughton, on his paper 'On the reflexion of polarized light from polished surfaces, transparent and metallic' [1862]
RR/5/114Letter from Humphrey Lloyd, on a paper 'On the simultaneous distribution of heat throughout superficial parts of the earth' by Henry Hennessy to George Gabriel Stokes19 November 1862
RR/5/125Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to Samuel Haughton, regarding a paper 'On the reflexion of polarized light from polished surfaces, transparent and metallic' by Samuel Haughton24 July 1862
RR/5/153Letter from Robert McDonnell, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the amyloid substance of the liver, and its ultimate destination in the animal economy' by Robert McDonnell25 October 1863
RR/5/155Second letter from Robert McDonnell, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the amyloid substance of the liver, and its ultimate destination in the animal economy' by Robert McDonnell19 October [1863]
RR/5/195Letter from Jonathan Frederick Pollock, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On Fermat's theorem of the polygonal numbers. —Second communication' by Jonathan Frederick Pollock17 January 1863
RR/5/197Second letter from Jonathan Frederick Pollock, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On Fermat's theorem of the polygonal numbers. —Second communication' by Jonathan Frederick Pollock12 April 1865
RR/5/260Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'An account of experiments on the change of the elastic force of a constant volume of atmospheric air, between 32° F. and 212° F., and also on the temperature of the melting-point of mercury' by Balfour Stewart20 July 1863
RR/6/13Letter from George Biddell Airy, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the diurnal and annual inequalities of terrestrial magnetism, as deduced from observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from 1858 to 1863; being a continuation of a communication on the diurnal inequalities from 1841 to 1857, printed in the Philosophical Transactions, 1863. With a note on the lunodiurnal and other lunar inequalities, as deduced from observations extending from 1848 to 1863' by George Biddell Airy6 May 1869
RR/6/108Letter from Peter Martin Duncan, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On Palaeocoryne, a genus of tubularine hydrozoa from the Carboniferous formation' by Peter Martin Duncan and H M Jenkins6 September 1869
RR/6/121Letter from Joseph David Everett, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Results of observations of atmospheric electricity at Kew Observatory, and at King's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia' by Joseph David Everett18 May 1868
RR/6/140Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the laws of connexion between the conditions of a chemical change and its amount' by Augustus George Vernon Harcourt and William Esson27 September 1866
RR/6/152Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Further observations on the spectra of some the stars and nebulae, with an attempt to determine therefrom whether these bodies are moving towards or from the earth, also observations on the spectra of the sun and of comet II., 1868' by William Hugginsnd [1868]
RR/6/196Letter from Peter Martin Duncan, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the genera heterophyllia, battersbyia, palæcyclus, and asterosmilia; the anatomy of their species, and their position in the classification of sclerodermic zoantharia' by Peter Martin Duncan25 July 1867
RR/6/221Letter from William Sharpey, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the muscular arrangements of the bladder and prostate, and the manner in which the ureters and urethra are closed' by James Bell Pettigrew21 August 1866
RR/6/222Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to Edward Sabine, regarding a paper 'On the muscular arrangements of the bladder and prostate, and the manner in which the ureters and urethra are closed' by James Bell Pettigrew22 August 1866
RR/6/254Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to William Allen Miller, regarding a paper 'On the chemical intensity of total daylight at Kew and Pará, 1865,1866, and 1867' by Henry Enfield Roscoe1 August 1867
RR/6/262Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to William Allen Miller, regarding a paper 'Contributions to terrestrial magnetism.—No. XI' by Edward Sabine17 July 1868
RR/6/310Letter from William Sharpey, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On a group of varieties of the muscles of the human neck, shoulder, and chest, with their transitional forms and homologies in the mammalia' by John Wood6 August 1869
RR/6/314Second letter from Frederick Guthrie, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the thermal resistance of liquids' by Frederick Guthrie3 August 1869
RR/6/316Letter from William Ellis, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the relation between the diurnal range of magnetic declination and horizontal force, as observed at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, during the years 1841 to 1877, and the period of solar spot frequency' by William Ellis28 February 1880
RR/8/2Letter from Alexander John Ellis, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the Hindoo [Hindu] division of the octave, with some additions to the theory of the higher orders' by Robert Holford Macdowall Bosanquet9 April 1877
RR/8/5Second letter from Robert Holford Macdowall Bosanquet, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the Hindoo [Hindu] division of the octave, with some additions to the theory of the higher orders' by Robert Holford Macdowall Bosanquet28 April [1877]
RR/8/95Letter from Richard Tetley Glazebrook, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'An experimental determination of the values of the velocities of normal propagation of plane waves in different directions in a biaxal crystal, and a comparison of the results with theory' by Richard Tetley Glazebrook28 June 1878
RR/8/97Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'An experimental determination of the values of the velocities of normal propagation of plane waves in different directions in a biaxal crystal, and a comparison of the results with theory' by Richard Tetley Glazebrooknd [1878]
RR/8/114Letter from Robert Bellamy Clifton, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Researches in spectrum analysis in connection with the spectrum of the sun' by Joseph Norman Lockyer11 March 1878
RR/8/120Letter from Arthur Gamgee, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Experimental researches on the temperature of the head' by J S Lombard15 June 1878
RR/8/127Second letter from Edward Lawton Moss, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Observations on arctic sea-water and ice' by Edward Lawton Moss10 July 1878
RR/8/132Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On a method of using the balance with great delicacy, and on its employment to determine the mean density of the Earth' by John Henry Poynting30 October 1878
RR/8/152Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Contributions to molecular physics in high vacua. Magnetic deflection of molecular trajectory. - Laws of magnetic rotation in high and low vacua. - Phosphorogenic properties of molecular discharge' by William Crookes22 April 1879
RR/8/167Letter from Joseph Henry Gilbert, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Agricultural, botanical, and chemical results of experiments on the mixed herbage of permanent meadow, conducted for more than twenty years in succession on the same land.—Part I' by John Bennet Lawes and Joseph Henry Gilbert18 November 1879
RR/8/180Letter from John Stenhouse, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'An account of experiments on the influence of colloids upon crystalline form, and on movements observed in mixtures of colloids with crystalloids' by William Miller Ord12 July 1879
RR/8/185Letter from Joseph Prestwich, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the origin of the parallel roads of Lochaber and their bearing on other phenomena of the glacial period' by Joseph Prestwich11 September 1879
RR/8/196Fourth letter from Osborne Reynolds, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On certain dimensional properties of matter in the gaseous state. - Part I. Experimental researches on thermal transpiration of gases through porous plates and on the laws of transpiration and impulsion, including an experimental proof that gas is not a continuous plenum. - Part II. On an extension of the dynamical theory of gas, which includes the stresses, tangential and normal, caused by a varying condition of gas, and affords an explanation of the phenomena of transpiration and impulsion' by Osborne Reynolds23 October 1879
RR/8/211Letter from Thomas Edward Thorpe, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'A magnetic survey of the fortieth parallel in North America between the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Salt Lake Utah' by Thomas Edward Thorpe1 December 1879
RR/8/247Letter from William Kitchen Parker, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper [attributed] 'On the structure and development of the skull in sturgeons (Acipenser ruthenus and A. sturio)' by William Kitchen Parker26 July 1880
RR/8/267Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to William Crawford Williamson, regarding a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XI' by William Crawford Williamson30 October 1880
RR/8/268Letter from William Crawford Williamson, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-measures.—Part XI' by William Crawford Williamson31 October 1881
RR/8/291Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to James Alfred Ewing, regarding a paper 'Effects of stress on the thermoelectric quality of metals. Part I' by James Alfred Ewing12 December 1881
RR/8/292Letter from James Alfred Ewing, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Effects of stress on the thermoelectric quality of metals. Part I' by James Alfred Ewing11 February 1882
RR/9/22Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Report of an examination of the meteorites of Cranbourne, in Australia; of Rowton, in Shropshire; and of Middlesbrough, in Yorkshire' by Walter Flight to the author14 March 1882
RR/9/184Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes on a paper 'An experimental investigation of the circumstances which determine whether the motion of water shall be direct or sinuous, and of the law of resistance in parallel channels' by Osborne Reynolds19 April 1883
RR/9/269Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On 'transfer-resistance' in electrolytic and voltaic cells' by George Gore to John Wiliam Strutt, Lord Rayleigh13 December 1885
RR/9/282Memorandum by George Gabriel Stokes, Thomas Henry Huxley, Michael Foster and John Evans, on a paper 'On beds of sponge-remains in the lower and upper greensand of the South of England' by George Jennings Hinde 1885
RR/12/210Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, regarding a paper 'On the dynamical theory of incompressible viscous fluids and the determination of the criterion' by Osborne Reynolds30 January 1895
RR/15/281Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On a suggested relation between the refractive indices of pure metals and their molecular constants' by W Williams17 April 1901
MC/14/45Letter from [Robert Grant], The Observatory, Glasgow, to [George Gabriel] Stokes8 June 1885
MC/14/66Letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, Meteorological Office, London, to [Thomas Henry] Huxley15 July 1885
RR/5/264Letter from Balfour Stewart, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding two papers 'Researches on solar physics. Heliographical positions and areas of sun-spots observed with the Kew photoheliograph during the years 1862 and 1863' and 'Researches on solar physics.—No. II. The positions and areas of the spots observed at Kew during the years 1864, 1865, 1866, also the spotted area the sun's visible disk from the commencement of 1832 up to May 1868' by Warren De La Rue, Balfour Stewart and Benjamin Loewy5 July 1865
RR/6/209Letter from Henry Benjamin Wheatley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding three papers 'On Holtenia, a genus of vitreous sponges' by Charles Thomas Wyville Thomson, 'The physiological action of atropine, digitaline, and aconitine on the heart and blood-vessels of the frog' by Frederic B Nunneley and 'Description of Parkeria and Loftusia, two gigantic types of arenaceous foraminifera' by William Benjamin Carpenter and Henry Bowman Brady1 September 1869
RR/8/64Referee's report by Robert Bellamy Clifton, on two papers 'On some hitherto undescribed optical properties of doubly refracting crystals.—Preliminary notice' by Henry Clifton Sorby, and 'On the foci of lines seen through a crystalline plate' by George Gabriel Stokes8 August 1877
RR/8/240Letter from Walter White, to George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Description of some remains of the gigantic land-lizard (Megalania prisca, Owen), from Australia.—Part II' by Richard Owen28 July 1880
RR/12/256Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on two papers 'An instrument for grinding section-plates and prisms of crystals of artificial preparations accurately in the desired directions' and 'An Instrument of precision for producing monochromatic light of any desired wave-length, and its use in the investigation of the optical properties of crystals' by Alfred Edwin Howard Tutton12 April 1894
PT/75/8/32Graph, 'Diagram showing the chemical action effected by the different parts of the solar spectrum' by H E [Henry Enfield] Roscoe[1859]
PP/1/25Paper, 'On the limit of the liquid state' by J B [James Ballantyne] Hannay1881
PP/8/27Paper, 'On the working of the harmonic analyser at the meteorological office' by Robert Henry Scott and Richard H Curtis1886
MC/15/1Letter from Ferdinand von Mueller, Melbourne, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, President of the Royal Society1 January 1889
MC/14/245Letter from the Under Secretary of State, Home Office, to [George Gabriel Stokes]30 June 1887
MC/15/49Letter from George Salmon, Provost's House, Trinity College, Dublin, to George [Gabriel Stokes]1 November 1889
MC/14/239Letter from David Gill, Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, to George Gabriel Stokes27 June 1887
MC/14/281Letter from Robert Walker, Librarian, University of Aberdeen, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society5 January 1888
PP/23/18/1Manuscript, 'On the liquation of silver-copper alloys' by Edward Matthey1894
PP/23/18Paper, 'On the liquation of silver-copper alloys' by Edward Matthey1894
MC/15/56Letter from Stanislao Cannizzaro, Senato Del Regno, Rome, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, President of the Royal Society26 December 1889
MS/426/774Copy leter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Oswald] Heer, Zurich22 July 1862
MS/426/788Copy letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Johannes] von Gumpach Esq, Guernsey30 October 1862
MS/426/803Copy letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr Bowerbank28 March 1863
MS/426/802Copy letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes; to Dr Bowerbank28 March 1863
MS/426/783Copy letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Johannes] von Gumpach Esq, Guernsey23 October 1862
PP/1/25/1Manuscript, 'On the limit of the liquid state' by J B [James Ballantyne] Hannay1881
PP/3/4/1Manuscript, 'On the amount of light reflected by metallic surfaces' by John Conroy1882
PP/8/27/1Manuscript, 'On the working of the harmonic analyser at the meteorological office' by Robert Henry Scott and Richard H Curtis1886
MC/14/62Letter from Andrew Wilson Baird, Her Majesty's Mint, Calcutta, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society10 July 1885
MC/15/243Letter from [?], Dyreham, Bushey, Hertfordshire, to John Evans2 December 1891
MS/426/832Copy letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Astronomer Royal15 October 1863
MC/15/82Letter from [Peter Guthrie] Tait, 38 George Square, Edinburgh, to [George Gabriel] Stokes11 June 1890
MC/14/64Letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to [Thomas Henry] Huxley13 July 1885
MC/14/3Letter from [Henry Enfield] Roscoe, Manchester, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes9 January 1885
MC/14/21Letter from [Franz Arthur Friedrich] Schuster, Manchester, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes14 February 1885
MC/16/66Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to Michael Foster, Senior Secretary of the Royal Society3 November 1893
MC/14/65Letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to [Thomas Henry] Huxley15 July 1885
MC/14/76Letter from Edward Divers, Imperial College Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society7 August 1885
MC/14/350Letter from [?], Board of Trade (Harbour Department), London, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, 7 Queens Parade, Bath10 October 1888
MC/15/142Letter from Henry Edward Armstrong, Chemical Society, Burlington House, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes4 February 1891
MC/15/260Letter from A de Volborth, to [George] Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society, Burlington House3 March 1892
MC/14/348Copy of a letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, 7 Queen's Parade, Bath, to Sir Michael E Hicks-Beach3 October 1888
MC/14/19Letter from [Franz Arthur Friedrich] Schuster, Manchester, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes11 February 1885
MC/14/117Letter from [Stephen Joseph] Perry, Stonyhurst Observatory, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes17 March 1866
MC/14/56Letter from [Henry] Newell Martin, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society 27 June 1885
NLB/1/33Copy letter from George Gabriel Stokes, to Sir Reginald Earle Welby18 December 1885
MC/13/61Letter from Arthur W [William] Rücker, Claremont, Leeds, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society14 June 1884
MC/14Volume 14 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1885-1888
MC/14/20Letter from Sydney Webb, Trinity House, London, to [George Gabriel] Stokes13 February 1885
MC/14/189Letter from [John William] Dawson, McGill University, Montreal, to George Gabriel Stokes, President, The Royal Society17 February 1887
MC/14/221Letter from Ellis Lever, Bowdon, Cheshire, to Professor George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society7 June 1887
MC/14/222Letter from John Williamson Dawson, McGill College, Montreal, to George Gabriel Stokes9 June 1887
MC/14/244Letter from [William Henry Mahoney] Christie, Royal Observatory, Greenwich, to George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society29 June 1887
MC/14/311Letter from Sir Julian Pauncefote, Foreign Office, Downing Street, to George Gabriel Stokes, President of the Royal Society31 March 1888
MC/15Volume 15 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1889-1892
AP/61/3Unpublished paper, 'Effects of stress on the thermoelectric quality of metals. Part I' by J A [James Alfred] Ewing1881-1885
AP/60/15/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Extension of the value of E to 735 places of decimals; and of log 2, log 3 and log 5 to 310 decimals' by W [William] Shanks25 September 1878
MC/23/342Letter from SF Pells, St Mary's, New Church Road, Hove, to Robert Harrison, [Royal Society]27 May 1908
MC/19/790A H Tabrum, 17 Gordon Road, Stoke Newington, to the Librarian of the Royal Society12 November 1904
MC/19/632Letter from Eveleen Myers, Leckhampton House, Cambridge, to the Royal Society18 July 1904
MC/19/787Letter from Arthur Stokes, to the Royal Society28 August 1904
MC/17Volume 17 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1897-1899
MC/20/417Letter from Arthur H Labrum, 54 Prince George Road, Stoke Newington, to Sir William Huggins, President of the Royal Society24 May 1903
MC/19Volume 19 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1904
MC/12/235Letter from Frank Rede Fowke, Secretary of the Solar Physics Committee, Science and Art Department, London, to [Michael Foster and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society26 February 1882
HS/25/10/2Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at 32 Harley St.17 April 1852
MS/426/475Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Herschel 8 November 1852
HS/9/479Letter, [William] Hopkins to [George Gabriel Stokes], dated at Cambridge26 November 1862
HS/17/77Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Torquay8 September 1869
HS/17/47Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society20 June 1862
HS/25/10/15Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood19 November 1866
HS/25/10/4Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at London10 June 1854
HS/25/10/8Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes10 March 1855
HS/17/69Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge18 November 1867
HS/17/41Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at London27 January 1860
HS/17/56Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society12 May 1864
HS/17/28Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Pembroke College, Cambridge4 November 1852
HS/17/60Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cambridge6 June 1865
HS/17/54Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society4 February 1864
HS/17/74Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society14 January 1869
HS/17/79Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Armagh8 October 1870
HS/17/30Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Pembroke College, Cambridge3 January 1853
HS/17/44Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society14 March 1861
HS/17/38Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society10 November 1859
HS/17/57Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society22 December 1864
HS/17/53Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge7 December 1863
HS/17/36Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Laurel Lodge, Barnet15 July 1856
HS/17/45Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society22 March 1861
HS/17/61Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society16 June 1865
HS/17/37Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge23 May 1859
HS/17/76Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Torquay2 September 1869
HS/17/55Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society4 February 1864
HS/17/72Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society1 December 1868
HS/17/46Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge6 August 1861
HS/17/73Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society10 December 1868
HS/25/10/12Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood9 November 1856
HS/17/27Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Pembroke College Cambridge6 April 1852
HS/17/48Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge23 December 1862
HS/17/39Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Athenaeum10 November 1859
HS/17/75Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge20 July 1869
HS/17/31Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Laurel Lodge, Barnet27 June 1856
HS/17/70Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge4 September 1868
HS/17/68Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge13 May 1867
HS/17/62Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge27 February 1866
HS/17/49Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cambridge24 December 1862
HS/17/33Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Laurel Lodge, Barnet8 July 1856
HS/17/63Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge2 March 1866
HS/17/40Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Lensfield Cottage,Cambridge12 November 1859
HS/17/71Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society6 November 1868
HS/17/58Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge14 January 1865
HS/17/43Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Lensfield Cottage Cambridge13 November 1860
HS/17/50Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society20 February 1863
HS/17/59Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge1 June 1865
HS/17/52Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society5 March 1863
HS/25/10/6Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at 35 Bedford Place30 January 1855
HS/25/10/3Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at 32 Harley St.4 January 1853
HS/24/145Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood4 March 1866
HS/25/10/11Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood12 October 1856
HS/25/10/5Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at London27 August 1854
HS/17/29Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Pembroke College, Cambridge9 November 1852
HS/17/34Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Laurel Lodge, Barnet9 July 1856
HS/17/32Letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood1 July 1856
HS/17/65Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at London26 March 1866
HS/17/42Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Society15 June 1860
HS/25/10/14Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood1 November 1857
HS/25/10Copies of Sir John Herschel's letters to George Gabriel Stokes, from 13 November 1849 to 19 July 18671873
HS/25/10/7Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at 35 Bedford Place7 March 1855
RR/12/268Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'Experimental investigation on the effective temperature of the Sun. Experiments made at Daramona, Streete, Co. Westmeath' by William Edward Wilson and J P Gray13 February 1894
RR/8/45Letter from Joseph Norman Lockyer, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Researches in spectrum-analysis in connexion with the spectrum of the sun.— No. V' by Joseph Norman Lockyer23 October 1877
MC/5Volume 5 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1851-1858
ACS/1/1/222Letter from [Joseph] Larmor, to [Alan Archibald Campbell] Swinton24 March 1922
HS/17/35Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood14 July 1856
HS/17/64Copy of draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood4 March 1866
HS/17/66Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood5 May 1867
HS/17/67Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood9 May 1867
HS/17/78Letter, from George Gabriel Stokes to Sir John Herschel, dated at Armagh28 September 1870
HS/24/197Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood5 May 1867
HS/24/199Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood9 May 1867
HS/25/10/13Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood14 November 1856
ACS/1/1/363Letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to [Alan Archibald] Campbell Swinton [Esquire]17 August 1899
ACS/1/1/362Letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to [Alan Archibald] Campbell Swinton, 66 Victoria [Street], London, S. W.23 May 1896
MS/743/1/78Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Cambridge, to John Hall Gladstone6 April 1872
MS/743/1/80Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge, to [John Hall] Gladstone26 July 1872
MS/743/1/87Letter from George Gabriel Stokes, Athenaeum Club and Cambridge, to [John Hall] Gladstone26-29 November 1875
IM/005231Royal Society Officers circa 1895-19001895-1900
M/210Stokes, George Gabriel
RR/6/31Referee's report by Edward Frankland, on a paper 'On a certain excretion of carbonic acid by living plants' by J Broughton3 April 1869
ACS/1/1/221Letter from [Joseph] Larmor, Cambridge, to [Alan Archibald Campbell] Swinton26 February 1922
HS/19/157Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood24 February 1866
HS/17/51Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood2 March 1863
HS/25/10/16Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gabriel Stokes, dated at Collingwood19 July 1867
MS/421/2Duplicate Register of Papers submitted to the Royal Society, 1853-18621853-1862
MS/401/3Lending book of the Royal Society Library1 September 1853-8 September 1869
MS/401/4Lending book of the Royal Society Library1 January 1870-31 December 1891
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