RefNo | Title | Date |
CB/2/358 | Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Benjamin Thompson | 3 September 1787 |
CB/2/56 | Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Benjamin Thompson | 22 May 1787 |
CB/2/755 | Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Benjamin Thompson | 31 March 1786 |
CB/2/764 | Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Benjamin Thompson | 19 May 1786 |
MM/3/58 | Letter from Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, Munich, to Sir Joseph Banks | 20 April 1797 |
CB/2/750 | Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Benjamin Thompson | 7 February 1786 |
MM/11/22 | Instrument by Joseph Banks appointing Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, Deputy President of the Royal Society | 18 May 1799 |
MM/9/4 | Letter from Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, Munich, to Sir Joseph Banks | 6 July 1784 |
MM/9/6 | Letter from Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, Munich, to Cadel & Davies, Booksellers | 6 July 1797 |
MM/9/5 | Letter from Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, Munich, to Cadel & Davies, Booksellers | 20 January 1797 |
CB/2/347 | Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Benjamin Thompson | 17 August 1787 |
CB/1/3/52 | Letter from R Chenevix to Charles Blagden | 15 May 1808 |
CB/1/6/165 | Letter from Sir Benjamin Thompson, Berne to Charles Blagden, Royal Society, Somerset Place, London | 31 July 1803 |
CB/2/15 | Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Benjamin Thompson | 7 July 1786 |
CB/2/5 | Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Benjamin Thompson | 13 June 1786 |
CB/2/19 | Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Benjamin Thompson | 4 August 1786 |
CB/2/41 | Copy of a letter from Charles Blagden to Benjamin Thompson | 6 October 1786 |
CB/1/6/161 | Letter from Sir Benjamin Thompson, Pall Mall Court to Charles Blagden | 29 January 1781 |
CB/1/6/162 | Letter from Sir Benjamin Thompson, Vienna to Charles Blagden | 2 December 1783 |
CB/1/6/163 | Letter from Sir Benjamin Thompson, Verona to Charles Blagden | 26 July 1783 |
CB/4/11/1 | Papers concerning the Royal Institution and the Society of Antiquaries | 1799-1810 |
CB/1/6/164 | Letter from Sir Benjamin Thompson, Munich to Charles Blagden | 20 December 1797 |
MC/2/176 | Letter from William De Ville, 2 Savoy Street, Strand, to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 9 June 1835 |
L&P/12/71 | Paper, 'An enquiry concerning the nature of heat and the mode of its communication' by Benjamin Thompson | 1803 |
L&P/11/43 | Paper, 'An enquiry concerning the source of heat which is excited by friction' by Benjamin Thompson | 1797 |
L&P/11/26/1 | Paper, 'Experiments to determine the force of fired gunpowder' by Benjamin Thompson | 1796 |
L&P/8/178/1 | Paper, 'New experiments on heat' by Benjamin Thompson | 1786 |
L&P/9/23 | Letter, 'On the specific gravity, strength, diameter, cohesion of silk' from Benjamin Thompson to unknown author | 24 June 1786 |
L&P/8/178/2 | Plate, 'Various thermometers' by Benjamin Thompson | 1786 |
L&P/7/191/1 | Paper, 'New experiments on gunpowder' by Benjamin Thompson | 1780 |
L&P/8/178 | Paper, 'New experiments on heat' by Benjamin Thompson | 1786 |
L&P/10/72/1 | Letters, 'Account of a method of measuring the comparative intensities of the light emitted by luminous bodies' from Benjamin Thompson to Joseph Banks | 1 March 1793 |
L&P/9/29/1 | Letter, 'Experiments on the production of dephlogisticated air' from Benjamin Thompson to Joseph Banks | 1 September 1786 |
L&P/11/43/1 | Paper, 'An enquiry concerning the source of heat which is excited by friction' by Benjamin Thompson | 1797 |
L&P/9/29/2 | Plate, 'Experimental apparatus' by Benjamin Thompson | 1786 |
L&P/10/73 | Letter, 'Account of some experiments on coloured shadows' from Benjamin Thompson to Joseph Banks | 1 March 1793 |
L&P/11/26 | Paper, 'Experiments to determine the force of fired gunpowder' by Benjamin Thompson | 1796 |
L&P/11/98 | Paper, 'An inquiry concerning the weight ascribed to heat' by Benjamin Thompson | 1799 |
MM/18/31 | Letter from the National Portrait Gallery to WB Hardy | 25 April 1917 |
IM/000699 | Thompson, Benjamin, Count Rumford | nd |
MM/9/7 | Letter from Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, Dover, to Sir Joseph Banks | 21 September 1801 |
CB/1/6/160 | Letter from Sir Benjamin Thompson, Pall Mall Court to Charles Blagden | 17 January 1781 |
NLB/32/22 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to George Derby, Managing Editor, Messrs J T White & Company, Publishers, 5 &7 East 16th Street, New York [USA] | 13 December 1905 |
L&P/7/191/3 | Plate, 'Cross section of barrel' by Benjamin Thompson | 1780 |
L&P/7/191/4 | Plate, 'Apparatus for experiment' by Benjamin Thompson | 1780 |
L&P/7/191/2 | Plate, 'Cross section of screws' by Benjamin Thompson | 1780 |
EC/1779/04 | Thompson, Benjamin, Count Rumford: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
MM/11/54 | Letter from Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, London, to Sir Joseph Banks | 12 July 1796 |
MC/1/21 | Letter from Jacobus Josephus Winterl, Professor of Chemistry and Botany at the University of Hungary, to the Royal Society | 31 August 1803 |
MC/1/47 | Letter from Placidus Heinrich, professor in experimental physics, Regensburg, to Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society | 4 March 1816 |
MC/1/61 | Letter from William Lester, Eavestone, to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 1 February 1819 |
MC/1/212 | Letter from [Giovanni] Aldini, 23 Sherrard Street, Golden Square, to [Davies Gilbert], President of the Royal Society and to the Council | 24 May 1830 |
MC/2 | Volume 2 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1832-1838 |
MC/3 | Volume 3 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1839-1843 |
MC/3/76 | Letter from Arthur Trevelyan, Wallington, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to the Council of the Royal Society | 17 March 1840 |
MC/1 | Volume 1 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1800-1831 |
P/0111 | Portrait of Thompson, Benjamin; Count Rumford | |
AP/8/20/2 | Unpublished statement, 'Observations and explanations relative to the subject of a letter from the right honorable Sir Joseph Banks Esq Bart K B President of the Royal Society, to Mr Russell, chargé des affaires of the United States, at the Court of London, dated Soho Square, 6th Feby 1812' by [Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford] | 20 February 1812 |
AP/8/20/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'An enquiry concerning the source of the light which is manifested in the combustion of inflammable bodies' by Benjamin [Thompson] Count of Rumford | [1812] |
AP/6/5 | Unpublished paper, 'Mémoire physico chymique sur les principes du feu' by Dr Durade | 1 November 1798 |
L&P/11/63 | Letter, 'Enquiry concerning the chemical properties of light' from Benjamin Thompson to Joesph Banks | 1798 |
L&P/11/19 | Letter, 'Announcement of his decision to give £1000 to provide a medal' from Benjamin Thompson to Joseph Banks | 12 July 1796 |
L&P/7/191/5 | Plate, 'Figure illustrating experiment' by Benjamin Thompson | 1780 |
L&P/9/36 | Paper, 'Experiments made to determine the positive and relative quantities of moisture absorbed from the atmosphere by various substances under cimilar circumstances' by Benjamin Thompson | 1787 |
MC/10/90 | Letter from Wm [William] Ripley Nichols, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, to the Royal Society | 17 March 1874 |
MC/10 | Volume 10 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | July 1873-1876 |
L&P/12/65 | Paper, 'Account of the curious phenomenon observed on the glaciers of Chamouny; together with observations on the propogation of heat in fluids' by Benjamin Thompson | 1803 |
L&P/7/191 | Paper, 'New experiments on gunpowder' by Benjamin Thompson | 1780 |
L&P/9/29 | Paper, 'Experiments on the production of dephlogisticated air' by Benjamin Thompson | 1 September 1786 |
L&P/9/218 | Letter, 'Experiments on heat' from Benjamin Thompson to Joseph Banks | June 1787 |
L&P/10/72 | Paper, 'Account of a method of measuring the comparative intensities of the light emitted by luminous bodies' by Benjamin Thompson | 1 March 1793 |
AP/8/20 | Unpublished paper and statement, 'An enquiry concerning the source of the light which is manifested in the combustion of inflammable bodies' by Benjamin [Thompson] Count of Rumford | [1812] |
MC/23/390 | Letter from Henry D Roberts, Director, Public Library Museum and Fine Art Galleries, Brighton, to the Secretary, Royal Society, Burlington House, London | 3 November 1908 |