RefNo | Title | Date |
MS/377/1/157 | Lecture notes by John Tyndall | no date |
MS/769/112 | Letter from John Tyndall, Hind Head, to [Walter White] | 27 November ny |
EC/1852/13 | Tyndall, John: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
MS/377/1/155 | Lecture notes by John Tyndall | no date |
IM/004697 | Tyndall, John | |
MM/9/20 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to RT Lewis | c.1862 |
IM/004696 | Tyndall, John | nd |
MM/9/19 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to RT Lewis | 27 March 1862 |
MM/14/26 | 'Report of the Commission appointed to consider the subject of lighting picture galleries by gas' | 20 July 1859 |
P/0133 | Portrait of Tyndall, John | 1893-1894 |
IM/Maull/004689 | Tyndall, John | nd |
IM/004690 | Tyndall, John | nd |
IM/004694 | Tyndall, John | nd |
IM/004693 | Tyndall, John | nd |
RR/4/266 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the motions of camphor on the surface of water' by Charles Tomlinson | 15 March 1862 |
NLB/4/904 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor John Tyndall, Fellow of the Royal Society | 22 November 1890 |
NLB/3/1091 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor John Tyndall, Fellow of the Royal Society | 9 January 1890 |
NLB/6/832 | Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Harrison & Sons | 20 July 1892 |
NLB/7/357 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Tyndall, Fellow of the Royal Society | 27 January 1893 |
NLB/5/1092 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor John Tyndall, Fellow of the Royal Society | 4 January 1892 |
NLB/8/1002 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Monsieur Henri Taffe, 2, rue Adelaide, Nice, Alpes Maritimes, France | 9 February 1894 |
NLB/11/915 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mrs Tyndall, Hindhead House, Haslemere, Surrey | 4 November 1895 |
NLB/11/121 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Herrn Professor Dr Georg W A Kahlbaum, Basel, Switzerland | 25 April 1895 |
NLB/11/989 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mrs Tyndall, Hindhead House, Haslemere, Surrey | 13 November 1895 |
RR/3/268 | Referee's report by William Hopkins, on a paper 'On some physical properties of ice' by John Tyndall | 9 March 1858 |
RR/3/197 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the electric-conducting power of the metals' by Augustus Matthiessen | 20 February 1858 |
RR/2/249 | Referee's report by William Allen Miller, on a paper 'On molecular influences.—Part I. Transmission of heat through organic structures' by John Tyndall | 28 March 1853 |
RR/3/185 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the formation of continuous tabular masses of stony lava on steep slopes; with remarks on the mode of origin of Mount Etna, and the theory of craters of elevation' by Charles Lyell | 9 October 1858 |
RR/4/32 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the expansion of metals and alloys' by Frederick Crace Calvert and G C Lowe | 18 June 1860 |
RR/3/266 | Referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin on a paper 'Further researches on the polarity of the diamagnetic force' by John Tyndall | 20 February 1856 |
RR/3/269 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'On some physical properties of ice' by John Tyndall | 19 March 1858 |
PT/50/1/2 | Plate, two movable poles and cube of wood by John Tyndall | [1854] |
RR/4/181 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on an appendix of the paper 'On the theory of compound colours, and the relations of the colours of the spectrum' by James Clerk Maxwell | 10 May 1860 |
RR/3/267 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'On the structure and motion of glaciers' by John Tyndall and Thomas Henry Huxley | 16 March 1857 |
RR/4/272 | Referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin on a paper 'On the absorption and radiation of heat by gaseous matter - Second memoir' by John Tyndall | 19 April 1861 |
RR/7/497 | Referee's report by Alexander William Williamson, on a paper 'The optical deportment of the atmosphere in relation to the phenomena of putrefaction and infection' by John Tyndall | 19 May 1876 |
RR/7/79 | Referee's report by William Hallowes Miller, on a paper 'On the action of rays of high refrangibility upon gaseous matter' by John Tyndall | [1870] |
RR/5/275 | Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on the Bakerian Lecture 'Contributions to molecular physics.— Being the fifth memoir of researches on radiant heat' by John Tyndall | 23 March 1863 |
RR/6/306 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'Experimental researches in magnetism and electricity' by Henry Wilde | 19 May 1866 |
RR/6/303 | Referee's report by James Clerk Maxwell, on a paper 'Sixth memoir on radiation and absorption.— Influence of colour and mechanical condition on radiant heat' by John Tyndall | 22 February 1866 |
RR/3/110 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the stratifications and dark band in electrical discharges as observed in Torricellian vacua' by John Peter Gassiot | 25 May 1858 |
RR/7/350 | Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the atmosphere as a vehicle of sound' by John Tyndall | 2 March 1874 |
RR/7/351 | Referee's report by Robert Bellamy Clifton, on a paper 'On the atmosphere as a vehicle of sound' by John Tyndall | 17 March 1874 |
RR/7/78 | Referee's report by William Allen Miller, on a paper 'On the action of rays of high refrangibility upon gaseous matter' by John Tyndall | 24 February 1870 |
RR/7/496 | Referee's report by Thomas Henry Huxley, on a paper 'The optical deportment of the atmosphere in relation to the phenomena of putrefaction and infection' by John Tyndall | 10 April 1876 |
RR/9/66 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'Experimental researches on the propagation of heat by conduction in bone, brain-tissue, and skin' by J S Lombard | 23 May 1882 |
RR/9/95 | Referee's report by William Crookes, on a paper 'Action of free molecules on radiant heat, and its conversion thereby into sound' by John Tyndall | 28 February 1882 |
RR/10/13 | Letter from John Tyndall, to John William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh, regarding a paper [attributed] 'On radiation from dull and bright surfaces' by James Thomson Bottomley | 6 July 1887 |
RR/6/120 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'Results of observations of atmospheric electricity at Kew Observatory, and at King's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia' by Joseph David Everett | 26 March 1868 |
NLB/62/462 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Assistant Secretary of the British Association | 17 February 1922 |
RR/4/174 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the effect of the presence of metals and metalloids upon the electric conducting power of pure copper' by Augustus Matthiessen | 26 May 1860 |
RR/4/264 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the nature of the action of fired gunpowder' by Lynall Thomas | 17 January 1859 |
RR/4/270 | Referee's report by William Hopkins, on a paper 'On the veined structure of glaciers; with observations upon white ice-seams, air-bubbles and dirt-bands, and remarks upon glacier theories' by John Tyndall | 12 April 1859 |
MS/426/471 | Note of a letter from [the Secretaries of] the Royal Society; to various Fellows | 15 July 1852 |
IM/004692 | Tyndall, John | 1872 ? |
IM/004695 | Tyndall, John | 1999 |
MS/769/105 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to George Gabriel Stokes | 6 March 1883 |
P/0196 | Portrait of Tyndall, John | |
IM/004691 | Tyndall, John | nd |
NLB/3/916 | List of corrections in the addresses of Royal Society Fellows | 8 November 1889 |
NLB/11/871 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mrs Tyndall, Hindhead House, Haslemere | 22 October 1895 |
RR/2/248 | Second referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, on a paper 'On molecular influences.—Part I. Transmission of heat through organic structures' by John Tyndall | 22 March 1853 |
RR/3/270 | Referee's report by William Hopkins, on a paper 'On the physical phenomena of glaciers - Part I. Observations on the mer de glace' by John Tyndall | 26 October 1858 |
RR/4/268 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'On the physical phenomena of glaciers - Part I - Observations on the mer de glace' by John Tyndall | 28 October 1859 |
RR/6/302 | Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On Calorescence' by John Tyndall | 18 January 1866 |
RR/6/294 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On supersaturated saline solutions' by Charles Tomlinson | 16 October 1868 |
VF/38 | Portrait of John Tyndall by Adriano Cecioni | 06 April 1872 |
RR/4/271 | Referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin on an unnamed paper by John Tyndall | 3 April 1862 |
PT/58/2/4 | Plate, boxwood and brass apparatus used for testing effect of pressure on form of ice by unknown artist | [1857] |
RR/4/277 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On magnetic calms and earth-currents' by Charles Vincent Walker | 15 March 1862 |
PT/54/2 | Paper, 'Further researches on the polarity of the diamagnetic force' by John Tyndall | [1855] |
PT/70/6 | Paper, 'The Bakerian lecture. Researches on radiant heat' by John Tyndall | [1864] |
PT/63/6/6 | Plate, movable wooden box containing glass tube by [George Gore] | 11 January 1861 |
PT/48/1 | Paper, 'On the vibrations and tones produced by the contact of bodies having different temperatures' by John Tyndall | January 1854 |
MC/6/270 | Letter from John Tyndall to [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society] | 16 December 1862 |
PT/50/1/4 | Plate, prism suspended in field of force by John Tyndall | [1854] |
PT/46/6 | Paper, 'On molecular influences' by John Tyndall | [1852] |
RR/2/239 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the thermal effects of fluids in motion - Part II' by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin and James Prescott Joule | 31 October 1854 |
PT/63/1 | Paper, 'On the absorption and radiation of heat by gases and vapours and on the physical connexion of radiation, absorption and conduction' by John Tyndall | [1861] |
RR/2/250 | Referee's report by Charles Wheatstone, on a paper 'On the vibrations and tones produced by the contact of bodies having different temperatures' by John Tyndall | 9 February 1854 |
RR/2/252 | Referee's report by William Hallowes Miller, on the Bakerian Lecture 'On the nature of the force why which bodies are repelled from the poles of a magnet; to which is prefixed, an account of some experiments on molecular influences' by John Tyndall | 18 April 1855 |
PT/50/1/1 | Manuscript, 'On the nature of the force by which bodies are repelled from the poles of a magnet; to which is prefixed an account of some experiments on molecular influences' by John Tyndall | [1854] |
PT/50/1/3 | Plate, prisms suspended in fields of force by John Tyndall | [1854] |
RR/4/273 | Referee's report by William Thomson, on a paper 'On the absorption and radiation of heat by gaseous matter - Second memoir' by John Tyndall | [1861] |
PT/58/2/8 | Plate, trough used for testing ice lamination produced from mutual thrust of confluent glaciers by unknown artist | [1857] |
PT/58/2/6 | Plate, ice separated perpendicularly to lamination of glacier by unknown artist | [1857] |
PT/58/2 | Paper, 'On the structure and motion of glaciers' by John Tyndall and T H [Thomas Henry] Huxley | January 1857 |
PT/58/2/5 | Plate, boxwood used for testing the viscous flow of glaciers by unknown artist | [1857] |
PT/58/2/7 | Plate, wooden trough representing principal accidents of glacial valley by unknown artist | [1857] |
RR/4/180 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the theory of compound colours, and the relations of the colours of the spectrum' by James Clerk Maxwell | 24 May 1860 |
PT/58/2/3 | Plate, seasoned boxwood used for testing effect of pressure on form of ice by unknown artist | [1857] |
PT/58/2/1 | Manuscript, 'On the structure and motion of glaciers' by John Tyndall and T H [Thomas Henry] Huxley | January 1857 |
PT/58/2/2 | Plate, specimen of ice near Heisseplatte on Lower Grindelwald glacier by unknown artist | [1857] |
PT/58/2/12 | Plate, mud in trough representing a narrow gorge by unknown artist | [1857] |
PT/58/2/11 | Plate, trough representing a narrow gorge by unknown artist | [1857] |
PT/58/2/9 | Plate, trough representing glacier and upper basin of the Rhône by unknown artist | [1857] |
PT/58/2/10 | Plate, disposition of trough representing glacier and upper basin of the Rhône by unknown artist | [1857] |
RR/3/265 | Referee's report by James Prescott Joule, on a paper 'Further researches on the polarity of the diamagnetic force' by John Tyndall | 9 February 1856 |
PT/63/6/2 | Plate, bent flint-glass tubing by [George Gore] | 11 January 1861 |
PT/63/6/4 | Plate, small glass cup by [George Gore] | 11 January 1861 |
PT/63/6/5 | Plate, glass tube in cork fitted onto brass tube by [George Gore] | 11 January 1861 |
PT/63/6/3 | Plate, bent flint-glass tube filled with sulphuric acid by [George Gore] | 11 January 1861 |
PT/63/6/1 | Manuscript, 'On the properties of liquid carbonic acid' by [George Gore] | 11 January 1861 |
PT/63/6 | Paper, 'On the properties of liquid carbonic acid' by [George Gore] | 11 January 1861 |
PT/70/6/3 | Plate, heat lamp by [John Tyndall] | [1864] |
RR/4/215 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On muscular action from an electrical point of view' by Charles Bland Radcliffe | 25 May 1859 |
PT/70/6/1 | Manuscript, 'The Bakerian lecture. Researches on radiant heat' by John Tyndall | [1864] |
PT/70/6/5 | Plate, apparatus for examining diathermy of liquids by W Kieser | March 1864 |
PT/70/6/4 | Plate, series of apparatuses for examining diathermy of liquids by [John Tyndall] | [1864] |
PT/70/6/6 | Plate, heat lamp by W Kieser | March 1864 |
RR/5/273 | Referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, on a paper 'On the relation of radiant heat to aqueous vapour' by John Tyndall | 18 March 1863 |
RR/5/144 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the Influence of temperature on the electric conducting-power of thallium and iron' by Augustus Matthiessen and Carl Vogt | [1863] |
PT/70/6/7 | Plate, series of apparatuses for examining diathermy of liquids by W Kieser | March 1864 |
RR/5/274 | Referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, on a paper 'On the absorption and radiation of heat by gaseous and liquid matter.—Fourth memoir' by John Tyndall | 28 October 1863 |
RR/5/276 | Referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, on the Bakerian Lecture 'Contributions to molecular physics.— Being the fifth memoir of researches on radiant heat' by John Tyndall | 14 June 1864 |
RR/4/106 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on an unnamed paper by John Peter Gassiot | 27 April 1859 |
MS/769/106 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to Walter White | nd |
MS/769/107 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to [Walter White] | 22 January [1881] |
PT/75/8/7 | Diagram, Mer de Glace movements by [John Tyndall?] | [1858] |
PT/75/8/8 | Diagrams, movement of glaciers by [John Tyndall?] | [1858] |
MC/5/124 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to J P [John Peter] Gassiot | 18 November 1853 |
MC/5/123 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, Albermarle Street, to Samuel Hunter Christie, Secretary of the Royal Society | 15 November 1853 |
MC/5/125 | Letter from W [William] Hopkins, Cambridge, to the Royal Society | 23 November 1853 |
MC/5/275 | Letter from John Tyndall to Major General [Edward] Sabine, [Treasurer of the Royal Society] | 10 February 1857 |
PT/70/6/2 | Plate, apparatus for examining diathermy of liquids by [John Tyndall] | [1864] |
MS/769/109 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to [Walter White] | 18 February ny |
MC/6 | Volume 6 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1859-1863 |
RR/2/247 | Referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, on a paper 'On molecular influences.—Part I. Transmission of heat through organic structures' by John Tyndall | 15 June 1852 |
MC/6/307 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to Dr [William] Sharpey,Secretary of the Royal Society | 12 March 1863 |
MC/6/309 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to Dr [William] Sharpey,Secretary of the Royal Society | 18 March 1863 |
MC/7/323 | Letter from [J Tyndall] to T [Thomas] Archer Hirst | 26 April 1866 |
MS/257/5/14 | Letter from John Tyndall, Queenwood to Edward Sabine | 4 July 1852 |
MC/7 | Volume 7 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1864-1866 |
MC/8/145 | Letter from John Tyndall to Dr [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society] | 20 February 1868 |
MC/8/255 | Letter from Fredk [Frederick] Guthrie, Clifton College, Bristol, to Professor G G [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society | 15 October 1868 |
MC/8/346 | Letter from members of the Athenaeum Club to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 8 April 1869 |
MC/9/220 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society | 23 June 1871 |
MC/10/256 | Letter from J F [John Francis] Tennant, Royal Engineers, Roorkee Observatory, to Professor [John] Tyndall, President of the British Association | 13 May 1875 |
MC/9 | Volume 9 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1870-June 1873 |
MC/10/328 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution of Great Britain, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society] | 6 January 1876 |
P/0134 | Portrait of Tyndall, John | 1877 |
MC/10 | Volume 10 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | July 1873-1876 |
MC/11/81 | Letter from the Royal Society, Burlington House, to Dr [John] Tyndall | 15 June 1877 |
RR/3/198 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the thermo-electric series' by Augustus Matthiessen | 5 March 1858 |
RR/2/251 | Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'On the vibrations and tones produced by the contact of bodies having different temperatures' by John Tyndall | 15 February 1854 |
MS/257/5/17 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution to Edward Sabine | 8 February [1820-1893] |
MS/257/5/18 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution to Edward Sabine | 11 February [1820-1893] |
MC/11 | Volume 11 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1877-1879 |
RR/3/79 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On various phenomena of refraction through semi-lenses or prisms, producing anomalies in the illusion of stereoscopic images' by Antoine Jean Francois Claudet | 30 July 1856 |
MC/12/63 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution of Great Britain, to [William Spottiswoode], President of the Royal Society | 9 June 1880 |
MC/12/163 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution of Great Britain, to [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society] | 12 May 1881 |
MS/257/5/16 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution to Edward Sabine | 13 November 1864 |
RR/3/203 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the theory of internal resistance and internal friction in fluids; and on the theories of sound and of auscultation' by Robert Moon | 23 November 1858 |
MC/12 | Volume 12 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1880-1883 |
RR/5/149 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the influence of temperature on the electric conducting-power of alloys' by Augustus Matthiessen and Carl Vogt | 7 December 1863 |
RR/5/118 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the theory of the motion of glaciers' by William Hopkins | 27 June 1862 |
AP/42/2 | Unpublished paper, 'The intensification of sound through solid bodies by the interposition of water between them and the distal extremity of hearing tubes' by S [Somerville] Scott Alison | 1859 |
AP/42/2/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'The intensification of sound through solid bodies by the interposition of water between them and the distal extremity of hearing tubes' by S [Somerville] Scott Alison | 1859 |
RR/5/240 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'Numerical elements of Indian meteorology' by Hermann De Schlagintweit | 13 June 1865 |
MC/8 | Volume 8 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1867-1869 |
AP/60/12 | Unpublished letter, 'Artifically formed diamonds' from James Mactear to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 14 December 1879 |
MS/257/5/13 | Letter from John Tyndall, Queenwood to Edward Sabine | 29 February 1852 |
PP/3/3 | Paper, 'Note on terrestrial radiation' by John Tyndall | 1883 |
PP/2/38 | Paper, 'On the dark plane which is formed over a heated wire in dusty air' by Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt] | 1882 |
PP/3/14 | Paper, 'On a hitherto unobserved resemblance between carbonic acid and bisulphide of carbon' by John Tyndall | 1883 |
MS/257/5/15 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution to Edward Sabine | 2 December 1861 |
PP/2/2 | Letter, 'Note on General Duane's soundless zones' from John Tyndall to [George Gabriel] Stokes | 21 March 1882 |
PT/50/1 | Paper, 'On the nature of the force by which bodies are repelled from the poles of a magnet; to which is prefixed an account of some experiments on molecular influences' by John Tyndall | [1854] |
PT/64/i | Plate, figure by W H [William Henry] Wesley from 'On the absorption and radiation of heat by gaseous matter' by John Tyndall | [1862] |
RR/2/253 | Referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, on the Bakerian Lecture 'On the nature of the force why which bodies are repelled from the poles of a magnet; to which is prefixed, an account of some experiments on molecular influences' by John Tyndall | [1855] |
RR/3/154 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'Introductory research on the induction of magnetism by electrical currents' by James Prescott Joule | 6 July 1855 |
RR/3/155 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'Introductory research on the induction of magnetism by electrical currents' by James Prescott Joule | 25 July 1855 |
RR/3/157 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'Introductory research on the induction of magnetism by electrical currents' by James Prescott Joule | 4 January 1856 |
RR/3/193 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'Electro-physiological researches. Physical and chemical phenomena of muscular contraction.— Tenth series. Part I' by Carlo Matteucci | 30 July 1856 |
RR/4/104 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the stratifications in electrical discharges, as observed in torricellian and other vacua - second communication' by John Peter Gassiot | 23 March 1859 |
RR/4/170 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'Electro-physiological researches - Eleventh series. On the secondary electromotor power of nerves, and its application to the explanation of certain electrophysiological phenomena' by Carlo Matteucci | 24 October 1861 |
RR/4/269 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'On the veined structure of glaciers; with observations upon white ice-seams, air-bubbles and dirt-bands, and remarks upon glacier theories' by John Tyndall | 10 May 1859 |
RR/5/95 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On some new phenomena of residuary charge, and the law of exploding distance of electrical accumulation on coated glass' by William Snow Harris | 24 October 1861 |
RR/5/99 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'Further inquiries concerning the laws and operation of electrical force' by William Snow Harris | 21 November 1864 |
RR/6/301 | Referee's report by James Clerk Maxwell, on a paper 'On Calorescence' by John Tyndall | 1 January 1866 |
MC/24/195 | Letter from Louisa [Charlotte] Tyndall, Hind Head House, Haslemere, to A.B Kempe, [Treasurer of the Royal Society], Royal Society, Burlington House | 25 October 1909 |
MC/17 | Volume 17 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1897-1899 |
HS/23/348 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall | 22 November 1861 |
HS/17/410 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 3 December 1870? |
HS/17/407 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 30 May 1869 |
HS/17/389 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 21 November 1861 |
HS/17/411 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 28 April 1863? |
HS/17/393 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 16 March 1863 |
HS/17/400 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 26 May 1866 |
HS/17/408 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Clifton | 16 November 1869 |
HS/17/406a | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 29 May 1869 |
HS/17/399 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 7 February 1865 |
HS/17/387 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 20 March 1857 |
HS/17/385 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 2 March 1857 |
HS/17/412 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 3 December 1868 |
HS/17/399b | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at [Royal Institution?] | 1866?-2 |
HS/17/414 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 27? June 1869 |
HS/17/407a | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 1 June 1869 |
HS/17/382 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Queenwood College | 8 November 1851 |
HS/17/386 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 17 March 1857 |
HS/17/395 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 14 November 1864 |
HS/17/406 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 28 May 1869 |
HS/17/404 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 30 November 1868 |
HS/17/381 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Queenwood College | 8 November 1851 |
HS/17/396 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 16 November 1864 |
HS/17/388 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at [Royal Institution] | 24 July 1861 |
HS/17/403 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 27 November 1868 |
HS/17/390 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 23 November 1861 |
HS/17/402 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Griesbach | 11 July 1868 |
HS/17/401 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 30 October 1867 |
HS/17/405 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 1 December 1868 |
HS/17/383 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Queenwood College | 10 January 1852 |
HS/17/409 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 9 June 1870 |
HS/17/398 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 18 November 1864 |
HS/17/413 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 12 December 1868 |
HS/24/210 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 3 November 1867 |
HS/17/391 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 15 April 1862 |
HS/17/392a | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 5 January 1863 |
HS/17/392 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 4 January 1863 |
HS/17/405a | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 2 December 1868 |
HS/17/383a | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 27 July 1856 |
HS/17/397 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 17 November 1864 |
HS/17/384 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 30 July 1856 |
HS/24/157 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 28 May 1866 |
MS/769/108 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to Thomas Henry Huxley | 15 February 1877 |
HS/24/241 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 26 November 1868 |
HS/24/263 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 29 May 1869 |
HS/24/243 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 14 December 1868 |
HS/23/335 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 22 July 1861 |
HS/24/14 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 15 March 1863 |
HS/23/350 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 24 November 1861 |
HS/23/175 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 31 July 1856 |
HS/23/347 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 10 November 1861 |
HS/24/317 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 7 June 1870 |
MC/5 | Volume 5 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1851-1858 |
MS/769/115 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to Walter White | 21 December 1881 |
HS/24/66 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 13 November 1864 |
HS/17/390a | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 12 April 1862 |
HS/17/393a | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 18 July 1864 |
HS/17/394 | Letter, from John Tyndall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institution | 17 September 1864 |
HS/17/409a | Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 23 October 1870 |
HS/24/336 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 23 October 1870 |
MS/743/1/6 | Letter from John Tyndall, Queenwood, to Dr [John Hall] Gladstone | 17 August 1851 |
MS/743/1/89 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution of Great Britain, to [John Hall] Gladstone | 23 June 1876 |
MS/743/1/182 | Letter from John Tyndall, Queenwood, to [John Hall] Gladstone | No date |
MS/743/1/183 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution of Great Britain, to [John Hall] Gladstone | 18 November [no year] |
MS/769/113 | Letter from John Tyndall, Hind Head, to Walter White | 30 June ny |
MS/769/104 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to [Walter White] | 3 February 1883 |
MS/769/110 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to George Gabriel Stokes | 14 March ny |
MS/769/111 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to Walter White | 13 November [1862 wm] |
MS/769/114 | Letter from John Tyndall, Royal Institution, to [Walter White] | 6 December ny |
HS/17/399a | Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall | 3 March 1866 |
HS/17/398a | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 21 November 1864 |
HS/17/394a | Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall, dated at Collingwood | 13 November 1864 |
HS/19/160 | Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Tyndall | 13 December 1868 |