Description | List of exhibits at the Royal Society's conversazione at Burlington House, arranged by room. Headed 'Burlington House. April 24th 1869'. Inscribed in red pencil verso; '1869 April'. Items and exhibitors were as follows:
Linnaean Library.
Drawings by various ancient masters, from the Royal Collection, exhibited by permission of H.M. The Queen. New electric lamp in which both carbons move without clock-work. New magneto-machine, exhibiting quantity, intensity and induction effects, without changing the armature. New polarizing saccharometer, proposed by Dr. Dupre. Spectroscope in which the dispersion may be instantly doubled, or trebled, without changing any of the adjustments. Seven drawings of Jupiter. Exhibited by Mr. J. [John] Browning. Hemming and Lockyer's new form of spectroscope, Capt. Albini's patent self-registering ship's compass. Exhibited by Messrs. Elliott Brothers. Electrical resistance thermometer for the measurement of deep-sea temperatures. Sounding line containing electrical conductors and sheathed with copper to reduce the frictional resistance through water. Specimens of submarine cables to be laid in the Black Sea for the Indo-European Telegraph. Constructed and exhibited by Mr. C. W. [Charles William] Siemens. New stetho-sphygmograph for indicating simultaneously the movements of the pulse and heart, and breathing. Invented and exhibited by Dr. Hawkesley. Drawings of Javanese fruits and flowers by Madame B. H. [Berthe Hoola] Van Nooten. Exhibited by Mr. A. Grote. Oil paintings: game birds and freshwater fishes of Great Britain, by H. L. [Henry Leonidas] Rolfe. Exhibited by Mr. H. Lee. Bust (in plaster) and portrait of Richard Lander, discoverer of the outfall of the Niger. Lent by the Royal Geographical Society.
Linnaean Meeting Room
Wier's atmospheric telegraph, to show by coloured lights the position of the helm of a ship by night. Its application for signalling by a white light. Atmospheric register giving the number of revolutions of a steam-engine. Exhibited by Messrs. Wier. Model of a sand-pump - model of Davies's patent self-acting steam striker for forging all kinds of Smith's work. Exhibited by Mr. H. Maynard. Model of Howard's patent safety boiler. Exhibited by the Makers. Eckhold's omnimeter; an instrument for measuring bases of triangulations; distances, either inclined or horizontal, and altitudes and angles. Exhibited by Mr. C. [Charles] Eckhold.
Sewing machine and punkah, worked by pneumatic power. Iron telegraph-pole, with new method of insulation. Model of iron mast, in which the necessity for butt-joints is obviated. Magnetic trigger for firing torpedoes automatically. Metallic black paint for guns. Invented and exhibited by Mr. F. N. [Frederic Newton] Gisborne. The Fisher fuse for torpedoes and blasting purposes. Horsley's safety nitro-glycerine and blasting-powder, with iron plate showing effect of an explosion. Exhibited by Mr. F. N. [Frederic Newton] Gisborne. Polarizing kaleidoscope: invented by J. [John] Huggins, Norwich. Exhibited by Mr. James Duncan. Ethnographic illustrations - Malay, Hindoo, &c. Exhibited by Mr. J. H Lamprey. Cities and landscapes in Peru, from the New Geographical Atlas. Lent by the Royal Geographical Society. Litho-photographs: a skull, flowers from Nature, fossils, autographs, diagrams, map, copies of engravings &c. Exhibited by Mr. [Carl] Von Bouell, Lithophotographic Institute.
Models of the Volage, Glatton, Hotspur, and Inconstant, al of the Royal Navy. Model of the newest form of turret ship, 4400 tons. Model of a ship built for the Ottoman Government. Designed by Mr. E. J. [Edward James] Reed, Chief Constructor, and exhibited by the Admiralty. Model of the Captain, armour-plated twin-screw turret ship, 4272 tons; built by Messrs. Laird Brothers, from the designs of Captain [Cowper Phipps] Coles. Models of the De Stier and Krokodil, built for the Netherlands' Government. Exhibited by Messrs. Laird Brothers. Rifled breech-loading arms of the British Service. (1) Sharpe's breech-loading carbine introduced in September 1856. (2) Green's breech-loading carbine, issued for trial in 1857. (3) Terry's breech-loading carbine, introduced 1859. (4) Westley Richards' breech-loading carbine, introduced April 1861. (5) Snider converted cavalry carbine, introduced May 1867. (6) Snider converted Enfield musket introduced September 1866. (7) Martini-Henry breech-loading musket, as recommended for introduction, February 1869, by a Special Committee on Small Arms, and now about to be issued on trial. (8) A section, exhibiting the essential parts of the breech mechanism of the Martini-Henry rifle. (9) Case of cartridges for the foregoing. Exhibited by permission of the Secretary of State for War [Edward Cardwell]. Specimen of Nepalese art - embroidered belt with massive silver chains for carrying a Kookree. From the Museum of Artillery, Woolwich. Gunnery: longitudinal section of Whitworth's polygonal rifling. Cross section of the same. Cross section of rifling by studs. Longitudinal section of Whitworth's small bore (adopted by the War Department). Specimens of polygonal projectiles castr ready for firing. Specimen of a perfectly formed polygonal projectile, having the longest flight. Specimen of 9-inch 300lb shell (planed in 7½ minutes). Exhibited by Mr. J. [Joseph] Whitworth.
Specimens of gigantic arenaceous foraminifera, showing microscopic structure. Exhibited by Dr. [William Benjamin] Carpenter. Microscope, invented by W. [William] Crookes; with a new arrangement of the binocular spectrum, giving a larger field and increased dispersion. Various spectral phenomena will be shown with this instrument. Exhibited by C. [Charles] Collins, maker. Microscopes. Exhibited by Messrs. Powell and Lealand. Universal tank microscope. Exhibited by Mr. T. [Thomas] Ross. Two diagrams of the Transit of Venus (1882). Map of Africa showing the locality whence the last news was received from Dr. Livingstone. Lent by the Royal Geographical Society. Deep-sea soundings (200 fathoms) from the Gulf Stream. Coloured drawings. Exhibited by Capt. [William] Chimmo.
Reflecting telescope: silvered glass reflector constructed on Foucault's principle by M. Martin. Exhibited by Mr. [William] Ladd. Pocket spectroscope for showing bands in minerals. Invented and exhibited by Mr. W. [William] Ladd. Stereoscopic view of the Great Melbourne Telescope, and the building in which it is to be placed. Taken by Mr. [Albert] Le Sueur. Exhibited by Mr. W. [Warren] De La Rue. Self-recording rain-gauge: invented by Mr. [Robert] Beckley of Kew Observatory. Made and exhibited by Mr. J. [James Joseph] Hicks. Pocket instruments for explorers and travellers, viz. sextants, artificial horizons, compasses, &c.; with description. Exhibited by Staff-Commander George R.N. Views among mountains and glaciers of New Zealand. Lent by the Royal Geographical Society. Coloured drawings: landscapes in St. Helena. Drawn and exhibited by Mr. J. C. [John Charles] Melliss. Specimens of rocks and minerals of the Peninsula of Sinai, and collection of antiquities from the excavations at Jerusalem. Exhibited by the Rev. F. W. [Frederick Whitmore] Holland. |