
TitlePoster for a Royal Society conversazione
Date23 April 1870
DescriptionList of exhibits at the Royal Society's conversazione at Burlington House, arranged by room. Headed 'Burlington House. April 23rd 1870. Inscribed in red pencil verso; '1870 April'. Items and exhibitors were as follows:

Linnaean Library.

Drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, Michael Angelo, and Raphael; and MS. from Abyssinia, from the Royal Collection, exhibited by permission of H.M. The Queen.
Coloured drawings of marine animals from the surface of the China Sea, the India Ocean, and Atlantic Ocean, By Lieutenant [Francis?] Palmer, R.N.
Engraved portraits of historical personages, Exhibited by Mr. J. [James] Anderson Rose.
A new form of secondary battery, by John Parnell Esq. Table polariscope showing sections of titanite and galmey. Dichrooscope with crystals of pennin. Motion of microscopic particles, Exhibited by Mr. W. Ladd.
Auxiliary air-pump for improved exhaustion on the Torricellian principle. Devised and exhibited by Mr, Jerry Barrett.
Automatic spectroscope in which the whole of the prisms are self-adjusting, for the minimum angle of deviation of the particular rays of light under observation. Lent by Mr. J. P. Gassiot. Becquerel's apparatus for obtaining the spectrum of a liquid by means of an induction spark. Mr. J. [Joseph] Norman Lockyer's experiment. the chromosphere of the Sun imitated by means of a common candle. Exhibited by Mr. J. [John] Browning.
Patent binocular microscopes. Invented and exhibited by Mr. S. [Samuel] Holmes.
Working model of Inglefield's hydrostatic steering apparatus now fitting to the Turkish corvette Fethi Bulend; and improvement on that fitted to H.M.S. Achilles (Messrs. Kiltoe and Brotherhood, Engineers). Exhibited by Rear-Admiral [Edward Augustus] Inglefield, C.B.
Model of Brunton's switch-lock and interlocking signal apparatus for railways. Exhibited by Mr. J. [John] Brunton C.E.
Specimen of an axolotl transformed into a salamandroid amphibian, together with an unchanged specimen. Exhibited by Mr. W. {William Berhardt] Tegetmeier.
Specimens of Devonian fossil flora from Gaspe and New Brunswick. Exhibited by Principal [John William] Dawson of McGill College, Montreal.
Reproductions of medieval Spanish wall-tiling. Manufactured and exhibited by F. [Frederick] Garrard, Millwall.

Linnaean Meeting Room.

Total-eclipse photographs: taken in 1868 at Guntoor [Guntur], India, by Major [James Francis] Tennant, R.E., and in 1869 at Burlington, Vermont, U.S., under the direction of Prof. Morton. Exhibited by Mr. Warren De La Rue. Shown with the electric light by Mr. [William] Ladd.
Remarkable phenomena of electromagnetism, as exhibited in an exhausted hydrogen-tube in which the dimensions of the luminous band are determined be the size of the negative pole, the luminous band being apparently independent of the positive pole. Exhibited by Mr. C. F. [Cromwell Fleetwood] Varley.

Electrical resistance pyrometer, Exhibited by Mr. C. W. [Charles William] Siemens.
Eckhold's omnimeter, improved construction. Exhibited by Messrs. Elliott Brothers.
Diagram to exemplify the magnifying power of the microscope; with other microscopic objects. Exhibited by Mr. James Smith.
New self-illuminating ophthalmoscope suggested by Dr. Lionel S. Beale. Exhibited in use upon the yes of Man and living animals, by Mr. Hawksley.
New clinical thermometer. Exhibited by Mr. Hawksley.
Photographs: landscapes along the Colorado River. Exhibited by Mr. W. A. [William] Bell.

Entrance Saloon.

Specimen of a monthly wind chart (November) for part of the district of the equatorial 'doldrums' North Atlantic, showing the direction and force of the wind for each degree square, with mean results. Specimen of a monthly current chart on a similar plan for the same district, constructed by the Marine Branch of the Meteorological Office. A selection of log-books received from steamers and sailing vessels trading to different parts of the World. Exhibited by the Meteorological Committee.
Acoustic signal-apparatus for railways, ships, forts, &c. Exhibited by Sir Charles Wheatstone.
Carbon photographs of Michael Angelo's frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Exhibited by Mr. G. W. [George William] Reid, of the British Museum.
Landscapes on the Upper Yangtsekiang. By Lieutenant Palmer, R.N.

Statuette of H.M. The Queen. Exhibited by the Sculptor, Mr. J. E. [Joseph Edgar] Boehm.
Illustrations of the animal life of the deep sea, including echinodermata, sponges and foraminifera. Exhibited by Dr. [William Benjamin] Carpenter.
Microscopes and 1/16 object-glass, made on the immersion principle. Exhibited by Messrs. Powell and Lealand.
Coloured portraits of natives of West and Central Africa. By the late Valentine Robins, one of Dr. [William Balfour] Baikie's party on the Niger. Exhibited by Mr. H. W. [Henry Walter] Bates, Asst. Sec. R.G.S.

Council Room.

Photographs: sea and sky-pieces, with moonlight effects, and portraits. Exhibited by Col. Stuart Wortly.
Portrait photographs. Exhibited by Dr. Wallich.
Coloured illustrations of the textile manufactures of India. Lent by Dr. Forbes Watson, from the India Museum, India Office.
Photographs: views in the Highlands of Perthshire - part of the 'Lady of the Lake Series', and part of a 'London Series'. Exhibited by Mr. Vernon Heath.
Methods by which the blind read and write in different countries. Exhibited (on behalf of the British and Foreign Blind Association) by Dr. [Thomas Rhodes] Armitage.
Photographs of Arequipa, Peru, taken soon after the earthquake of 1868; and drawing of the coast of Africa (same date). Relics found in ancient graves exposed by the same earthquake. Collected by Lieutenant M. J. Harrison, R.N.
Drawings of statues and cyclopean walls, Easter Island. Weapons and implements. Exhibited by Mr. J. [James] Park Harrison.
Sir Charles Wheatstone's fast-speed telegraph, as used by the Post Office. Exhibited by Sir Charles Wheatstone.
Hourly self-recording aneroid barometer. Exhibited by Mr. Martin of the London Stereoscopic and Photographic Company.
New application of a method for measuring standard quantities of liquids. Exhibited by J. J. Griffiths and Sons.

Portraits of Fellows of the Royal Society: photographs enlarged and painted in water-colour; and untouched photographs. Exhibited by Messrs. Wilson and Beadell.
Maps showing the geographical distribution of disease in England. Constructed and exhibited by Mr. Alfred Haviland.
The 'Nautilus' life-preserver swimming belt. Exhibited by Count [Callistus Augustus] G. de Liancourt.
New breech-loading rifle, for rapid firing, with simple construction. Exhibited by the Inventor, Hugo Schmidt.
Models of Roger's life-saving apparatus. Exhibited by the Inventor [John B. Rogers].

Stereoscopic zootrope. Exhibited by Sir Charles Wheatstone.
PhysicalDescriptionOn paper
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