
TitlePoster for a Royal Society conversazione
Date22 April 1871
DescriptionList of exhibits at the Royal Society's conversazione at Burlington House, arranged by room. Headed 'Burlington House. April 22nd 1871. Inscribed in red pencil verso; '1871 April'. Items and exhibitors were as follows:

Front corridor.

Sectional floating model of a ship, showing the way in which stability is affected by altering the position of the centre of gravity. Exhibited (under permission of the Admiralty) by Mr. W. B. Robinson, Master Shipwright, Royal Dockyard, Portsmouth.

Linnaean Library.

Drawings by Albert [Albrecht] Durer and [Wenceslaus] Hollar, from the Royal Collection, exhibited by permission of H.M. The Queen.
Double battery automatic spectroscope, giving a dispersive power of 19 prisms. Diffraction spectrum, showing the D lines widely separated. (The diffraction plates prepared by Mr. Lewis M. Rutherfurd). Projection of rings in crystals produced by polarized light. Lent by Mr. J. [John] Browning.
Projection of rings in crystals produced by polarized light. Lent by Mr. W. [William] Spottiswoode, Treas. R.S. Curious effect of electrical discharge through two parallel tubes having the same vacuum. Hydrogen vacuum tube, with large and small bore. New adaption to the microscope for showing the axis of crystals by polarized light. Exhibited by Mr. [William] Ladd.
Patent air-pump ventilator. Invented and exhibited by Mr. Robert Boyle.
Gordon's patent electrical self-recording anemometer. Exhibited by Mr. A. Apps.
Models illustrative of the Archimedean screw, with developable threads. Improved and exhibited by Mr. Wilfred Airy, C.E.
Specimens from deep-sea dredgings in the Porcupine Expedition of 1870. Exhibited by Dr. [William Benjamin] Carpenter and Mr. J. G. [John Gwyn] Jeffreys.
Series of Wenlock crinoids, from Dudley; and specimens of fossil crustaceans. Exhibited by Mr. J. R. [James Reynolds] Gregory.
Lithographs of foraminifera from the Abrolhos Bank. Exhibited by Mr. W. K. [William Kitchen] Parker and Prof. [Thomas] Rupert Jones.
Photographs of clouds and sea-pieces; and life-size portraits. Exhibited by Col. Stuart Wortley.

Linnaean Meeting Room.

Instruments used in the postal telegraph-service. Exhibited by Mr. R. S. Cully, Engineer-in-Chief to the Department.

Pyrometer, by electrical resistance. Electrical resistance measurer. Exhibited by Mr. C. W. [Charles William] Siemens.
Thomson's and Varley's sliding resistance coil, circular form. Exhibited by Messrs. Elliott Brothers.
Microscopes. Exhibited by Messrs. Powell and Lealand.
Photographs of the solar spectrum, and of the Moon. Presented by Mr. Lewis M. Rutherfurd of New York.
Views taken in Ladakh. Exhibited by Capt. [Alfred Frederick Pollock] Harcourt. Lent by the Royal Geographical Society.

Entrance Saloon.

Bust, in plaster, of Dr. [William] Sharpey Sec. R.S., by W. [William Hamo] Thornycroft. Exhibited by the Sculptor.
Wood carvings. Exhibited by G. A. [George Alfred] Rogers.
Differential micro-barograph. By this instrument variations of atmospheric pressure to 1/1000th of an inch are recorded. Exhibited by Mr. Wildman Whitehouse.
Model of the Glatton iron-built armour-plated breastwork monitor, for coast defence. Lent by the Admiralty.
Specimen of the Holyhead and Dublin telegraph-cable, and of a multiple torpedo-cable. Exhibited by the India-Rubber, Gutta-Percha and Telegraph Works Company.
Patent lattice cloth. A new and improved material for surgical and medical purposes, especially adapted for water dressing: in many cases preferable to lint. Exhibited by Maw, Son and Thompson.

Specimens of foreign and English gunpowder s. Old service cannon powder, L.G. Service cannon powder, R.L.G. Pellet powder, for heavy guns. Pebble powder, for heavy guns. Prismatic powders, Russian, Prussian, French and Dutch. Belgian powder, for heavy guns. French powder, for naval guns (poudre marine). Spanish large-grain powder, and spherical powder. American powder, for Rodman guns. Danish cannon powder. Exhibited by Mr. F. A. [Frederick Augustus] Abel.
Model of a land-service Moncrieff carriage, for a 9-inch 12 ½ ton rifled gun. Model illustrating the action of a sea-service hydropneumatics gun-carriage. Exhibited by Captain [Alexander] Moncrieff.
Carbon photographs of artillery. The 35-ton gun. The new 9-pounder Woolwich field-gun. The Gatling grape-shooter. The Vavasseur gun. The Scott gun-carriage; and instantaneous photograph, showing the upheaval of water by explosion of a torpedo; and photographs of the Martello Tower and other recent gun-cotton explosions. Lent by F. A. [Frederick Augustus] Abel and Lieut. [William de Wiveleslie] Abney, R.E..
Abney's level and clinometer, for use in military sketching, road surveying, and in exploring-expeditions. This instrument, by which angles of elevation and depression and the slopes of hills can be determined at a dostance, was successfully employed during the Abyssinian Expedition. Exhibited by Lieut. [William de Wiveleslie] Abney, R.E. manufactured by Elliott Brothers.
Holmes's patent inextinguishable self-igniting storm and danger signal-lights. Exhibited by Mr. N. J. [Nathaniel John] Holmes.
Large photographs of landscapes in Japan. Exhibited by Captain Maddison.

Council Room.

Drawings by [James] Sant, [William Powell] Frith, [Thomas] Faed, [Alfred] Elmore, [Daniel] Macnee and other eminent artists, as reproduced, with the artist's own work, by the new autographic process. Exhibited by Messrs. Maclure, Macdonald and Macgregor, Lithographers to the Queen, 37 Walbrook.
Collection of Buddhist sculpture, from Sankrissa, Buddgaya, Sarnath, and Syud Bhitari. Exhibiited by Mr. C. [Charles] Horne.
Plan of a Roman house, with urns and coins, recently unearthed near Croydon. Exhibited by Mr. J. [John] Addy, C.E.
Photographs of Georgian churches and buildings in Tourtoum, a district of the old Armenian province of Taik. Exhibited by Mr. T. K. Lynch. Lent by the Royal Geographical Society.
Machine for sculpture, illustrated by specimens. Exhibited by Mr. Arthur Warner.
Arithmometer: a machine for working any problem in ordinary arithmetic. Exhibited by Mr. W. A. Gilbee.
PhysicalDescriptionOn paper
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